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COJO Applauds Boro President Vito Fossella & Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli for Standing up For Israel & for Opposing Anti-Semitism

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COJO Applauds Boro President Vito Fossella & Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli for Standing up For Israel & for Opposing Anti-Semitism

Edited by: TJVNews.com

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists flooded the streets of St. George on Tuesday to demand a ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war that organizers repeatedly referred to as “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide.”

The rally, organized by pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime, was held outside Borough Hall. The beef given by the attendees is their growing frustration with Staten Island’s elected officials over their outspoken support of Israel.

Roughly halfway through the rally, Borough Hall was lit up blue in support of the November 14th “March for Israel “in Washington D.C., as local elected officials continued to show their unwavering support. The blue lighting was met as a deep disappointment by the attendees and sent them the message that their ant-Semitic talk and falsehoods are not acceptable in Staten Island. The Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island (COJO) sponsored the lights and thanked Borough President Vito Fossella and Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli for spear heading the idea. COJO would also like to thank Staten Island Resident and sponsor, Ronnie Spiegel, for lighting up Borough Hall in blue.

Scott Maurer, CEO and Executive Vice-President of COJO remarked that, “[t]he lighting of Borough Hall in Blue is not just a symbolic tribute. This is a righteous stand in support of the State of Israel, and her people, as they fight against the Hamas terrorist organization in order to wipe out its evil from this world and bring home 230 + kidnapped men, women, Holocaust survivors, elderly, children, and American citizens.

Maurer continued, “on October 7, 2023, Hamas launched thousands of rockets at the State of Israel-hitting hospitals, schools, and homes-and murdered 1,200+individuals. During this massacre, Hamas members raped, tortured, and defiled innocents. These acts of brutality were so severe that Israel is still struggling to identify remains over a month later. Hamas proudly live recorded their atrocities and paraded their victims to crowds of cheering Palestinians in Gaza, Hamas has gone as far as sending videos of tortured Israelis to the victims’ loved ones with the victims’ own cell phones.

Since this Day of Darkness, the streets of New York have been seen brazen support for Hamas, with the tearing down of posters begging for the return of kidnapped victims, and the cheering for the elimination of Israel and Jews around the world. Pro-Palestinian protests have been laced with anti-American sentiments and calls to action, neither of which should go unchecked in our democracy. Especially in New York, these actions are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Finally, Maurer stated “The war with Hamas, which Israel did not want but must finish, for the sake of the world, is a war of good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, freedom vs. terror. Israel must wipe out the darkness and lead all of us back to the light!”

“If any community knows the full effects of terrorism, it is Staten Island, given the tragedy of 9/11. We should have zero tolerance for terrorist organizations and their willingness to slaughter innocent people, including children. That is what happened in Israel over a month ago. We stand with the people who wish to live their lives in peace, free from the shadow of fear,” said Borough President Vito Fossella.

“If there are some who are angered by seeing these blue lights, tough luck,” said Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli. “I was angered seeing the murder of innocent civilians on live TV. I am angered by seeing New Yorkers tearing down the hostage posters that clearly give them shame. I am angered by seeing those who hate Israel and Jews, making it clear that they also hate America and all Americans who disagree with them.”

Mendy Mirocznik, President, COJO remarked, “The lighting of Borough Hall in blue lights in support of Israel is truly important at this serious time as Israel and democracy are fighting the evil Hamas which is a threat to Israel, America, and democracy.”

Mirocznik emphasized, “that, the lighting of Borough Hall in Blue lights symbolizes that Borough President Vito Fossella, Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli, our elected officials, and the good  people of Staten Island are behind Israel which stands for shared American values of democracy, freedom, and liberty. We pray that there will be a quick victory to the war on Hamas and that true peace and tranquility will be finally accomplished and achieved for Israel, America, and the world.”

Mirocznik further imparted, “I cannot underscore enough the need to make certain that the media and our journalists are true to their responsibility to the public to report the news accurately and honestly and not to distort the facts for fiction or to report in a biased manner which distorts the reality that Israel finds itself in. Hamas and its mission are evil. They seek to annihilate Israel and are shamefully endangering the Palestinians through their worship of terror, death, destruction, murder, and mayhem.

Their evil agenda has caused misery to the world and to Israel, America’s most trusted ally in the region. COJO once again calls upon the media to be responsible journalists and to honestly report the facts. It takes courage to lead and COJO applauds Borough President Fossella and Council Minority Leader Borelli for taking a stand on good against evil and thanks them for suggesting lighting up Borough Hall in blue lights. We at COJO pray for true peace and tranquility and we know that the obliteration of the evil of Hamas is a huge step in the direction of peace and tranquility for the Israel, America the middle east and the world. “


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