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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Op-Ed:  Joe Biden –  HE STOLE OUR CHEESE  

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Op-Ed:  Joe Biden –  HE STOLE OUR CHEESE  

By: Marion DS Dreyfus

Back in 1998, a parable in the form of a self-reveal book called WHO MOVED OUR CHEESE? by beloved author Spencer Johnson caught the public’s attention, achieving best-sellerdom for months on end, even spawning a spoof titled WHO STOLE OUR CHEESE?

The aim of the Cheese book was according to its promo ad, to help the public adjust to a life constant: Change.

We bring this up because the parable was written in easy to understand fable terms, the better to communicate to the largest public reachable. It achieved its goal, and people for a time knew that to succeed. One must figure out how to overcome obstacles, do what we today call “work-arounds,’ in ensuring we keep that cheese on the table when we feel that hunger pang.

But we are being led currently by a uniquely befuddled troupe of inexperienced but entitled government herders, the which this country, in  over 240 years, has never before witnessed.

Our 46th president, a man with nearly five decades of government office behind him, has little practical hands-on experience from which to draw on.

What he does have in excess, alas, is the residuum of Saul Alinsky’s acolytes, who worship at the “RULES FOR RADICALS” little book followed by prior failures in recent bygone eras, the most recent being a hybrid radical president with his mixed-cultural heritage, Barack Hussein Obama, a man gifted with but two talents: For those who would listen without discernment, he spoke well, until one carefully parsed his words. His second talent was dancing fast enough so that he extracted a second term from the sodden mess of his first, wherein nothing good for the nation was achieved by a overwhelmingly unworkable, unholy expensive ‘healthcare’ structure that upends the heretofore excellent healthcare offered millions for scores of years.

But that was then. Now, President Joseph Robinette Biden, he whom some intuit he is severely mentally compromised and physically not much better than that went of late to grovel for oil, since President Biden’s first day in office reaffirmed his campaign promise to hobble and  try to kill the thriving  fuel industry in this great country. Only yesterday, it seemed, under the substantive and effective tenureship of President Donald J Trump, this country achieved the dram scenario of energy independence. For the first time in history.

That is now a closed chapter, and we are hurting for so many things, chief amongst them, oil for our population. We are also short foodstuffs, baby formula, mustard, border sanity and , sad to say, optimism for the future.

Barring impeachment of this chief executive, or early termination of his catastrophic regnum horribilis via resignation, we have two years more of this abysmal tenure to go. Pres. Obama famously and presciently quipped, “Never underestimate the power of Biden to F—things up.”

That assessment, among all the writing supposedly done by the 44th president, is undeniable, after some 20 months of fail after fail, in foreign affairs, domestic programs, healthcare issues, social and personal terms, under this physically and mentally challenged elder who is being wrangled by people unseen behind a nontransparent curtain of unknowns.

Now-solo artist Wynonna Judd, recently inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame (along with her late mother, Naomi Judd, opined that “We have choices, “displaying a characteristic note of optimism typical of endearing country music.

We disagree.

With two years-plus left in his term, Mr Biden has offered us no choices. We have  to hold tight under the bizarre, not to say Draconian, dictates of the current super-radical Communist Agendae.

We can fulminate nationally over exorbitant gas prices, a direct through-line from Biden’s hate-energy policy, reiterated by him even in his lessened mental state boosted by brain-sharpening drugs and a wife, Jill, not much better at public appearances than her impoverished faculty husband.

Like the Russians, who have two major news disseminators, Pravda and Izvestia, both meaning truth, but both now synonymous with government samizdat, lies, convenient spin and outright lies, the public is now onto this placeholder president and his improvident meretricious handlers.

These men and women pretend we have ‘choice,’ as they bruit endlessly as they scamper ruthlessly (pun intended) and illegally in front of the domiciles of our Supreme Court justices, hysterical in their need to retain the unimpeded right to dispose of fetuses even 9 months old in the womb, verging on birth.

We non crazies have no choice. In schools, the all-powerful, all radical Teachers Union decrees befuddling dicta that have less to do with science or veracity than they do with justifying new sexual mores and crippling adoptions of what just yesterday were jailable offenses.

We have no choice in terms of the grovel Governance of this president, who refuses to access the vast oil and gas reserves of this blessed country in favor of genuflection to national foes like Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

We all know in our bones that one executive order could provide jobs again for 12,000 pipeline workers and downstream employees needed for refining and distributing our gas and oil, our riches, our cleanly derived natural resource. One executive order, reversed.

But the mule in the milquetoast radical White House will not see reason.

Despite his embarrassing failure of any deliverables from his bruited visit to Israel, where he insulted our best Mid-Eastern ally, even to the pro-tem prime minister, a noted Leftist.

And despite his utter empty hands after ultimate groveling to Mohammed bin Salman, reignant in oil-rich Saudi Arabia, which coolly refused to pony up a barrel more of the precious black viscous cargo we need to function and lower the Olympian heights of the per-gallon cost under this man.

This visit to the Middle East was called by the Wall Street Journal, no GOP ally, “worse than an embarrassment” and more than a “missed opportunity.” It demonstrated to the world that neither the Saudis nor any other state in the region is willing to sacrifice a minim of r this pathetic, frayed leader.

It has not been forgotten, frankly, that a mere two years ago, this man stumped for the present executive position by calling for an end to the industry as a whole to be replace by the fantasy stop-gaps of solar and wind, dreams that will not materialize for 40 to 50 years, if even then.

What sane leader depending for his pita and hummus on oil wants to help put the period to his own national income, promised by this reckless and feckless Joseph of not-many-colors than abyss-dark?

OPEC isn’t producing a kopek’s-worth of oil for this meister of Kabul capitulation and loss. Not a barrel.

Empty-handed Biden. No-surprise Joe.

A barrelful of failure in any language.


Mr.Joe Biden did. All by his inadequate, stumbling, malapropic shuffling self.


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