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Is Trump Correct When He Says American Jews Don’t Care About Israel? 

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Edited by: TJVNews.com

About a week ago, a real shockwave was felt by the body politic when former President Donald Trump decided the time had come to let it all out and express his long held resentment towards former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In an interview with Israeli journalist Barak Ravid for his book, “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East,” Trump said that he has not spoken with Netanyahu since the 2020 election. “F**k him!” Trump blurted out.

For two leaders that the world thought had no daylight between them, Trump’s bellicose remarks came as a surprise to some.

So, what precisely roiled Trump? He said that he was angered at the fact that Netanyahu sent a congratulatory video to Biden when he was announced as the winner of the 2020 election. Trump has contended and continually insists that the election was rigged and thusly, stolen from him. Clearly, he wanted Netanyahu to back him up on that position and was bitterly disappointed when he didn’t.

Trump said: “The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. … Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake.”

He added: “For Bibi Netanyahu, before the ink was even dry, to do a message, and not only a message, to do a tape to Joe Biden talking about their great, great friendship — they didn’t have a friendship, because if they did, the Obama administration] wouldn’t have done the Iran deal. And guess what, now they’re going to do it again.”

To show his support for Netanyahu and Israel throughout his administration, Trump cited his decisions to withdraw from the Iran nuclear, his decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to keep troops in the region and recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel proper.

Trump took note of the fact that he announced the Golan Heights move “right before the election” in April 2019, when Netanyahu had been trailing in the polls. “He would have lost the election if it wasn’t for me.”

Trump felt that Netanyahu was sorely lacking in the reciprocity department and did nothing to lift Trump in the polls leading up to the 2020 election. Perhaps Trump thought that Netanyahu could influence US Jews and other Israel supporters to pull the lever for him, but alas, Trump was flummoxed to discover that Netanyahu lacked that kind of power and influence. The fact is that US Jews have, for the most part, thrown their support behind the Democratic party and their presidential candidate.

The second part of the Trump/Netanyahu saga emerged over the weekend when a new segment of the interview with Ravid entered the public arena.

Trump told Ravid that that “the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel.”

“The evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country,” said Trump. He added that: “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress, and today I think it’s the exact opposite.”

In the same interview, Trump said that when he grew up in New York City, his father Fred, a residential real estate developer, “was very close to many Jewish people, because it was Brooklyn real estate, Brooklyn and Queens.” Trump added that: “Many Jewish friends, a great love of Israel, which has dissipated over the years for people in the United States.”

“I must be honest, it’s a very dangerous thing that’s happening,” Trump added. “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress, and today I think it’s the exact opposite.”

“And I think former President Barack Obama and Biden did that,” he added. “And yet in the election, they still get a lot of votes from the Jewish people. Which tells you that the Jewish people, and I’ve said this for a long time, the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel.”

The mainstream media, of course, has piled on Trump, attacking him as vicious anti-Semite. He is characterized as a man with a seething hatred towards Jews. And this narrative, however skewed it may be is buttressed by the alphabet soup of Jewish organizations, from the ADL to the UJA.

Doing the cable talk show circuit is ADL national director and CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. Not hesitating to call Trump someone who spews forth anti-Semitic canards and historically inaccurate stereotypes about Jews not displaying loyalty and so forth, we need to remember that Greenblatt and other liberal-leftist Jews whether they be in the media, in politics or in an organizational capacity are really on the defensive because of one, single frightening truth.

And that truth is that Trump is 100 percent correct in his assessment of Jewish political predilections, their disinterest in Israel and their perpetual habit of biting the hand that feeds them.

Yes, folks, we are sorry to say this, lest it offend an overwhelmingly large swath of Jews out there in the liberal blogosphere, but the truth is Trump did more for Jews and Israel during his term as president than any other president in modern US history.

Every pro-Israel organization out there should have been throwing roses at Trump, they should have been lauding him and most importantly, they should have been using their financial wherewithal and their last ounce of strength to get the majority of Jews to vote for him in 2020.

Yes, folks the sad fact is that the biggest and most vocal supporters of Israel are Christian evangelicals.


Without their support of Trump, (and with Pence and Pompeo at his side), who knows if the US Embassy would ever have been moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus cementing the fact that the US acknowledges that Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital of Israel. Who knows if the US  would have walked away from the dangerous Iran nuke deal? Who knows if any president would have ever declared the Golan Heights as part of Israel proper?

Who knows if any other president who have granted clemency to Shalom Rubashkin? Who knows if any other president would have appointed a special official to monitor the rising tide of anti-Semitism in this country? Who knows if any other president would have enacted laws to protect pro-Israel students from Jew haters on college campuses that purport to be anti-Zionists? Who knows if any other president would have been able to accomplish such a historic deal as the Abraham Accords?

Many good questions to ponder over. Are the Jews their own worst enemy? History records that there is veracity to this argument and Trump knows it.

If liberal-left Jews are no longer interested in supporting the future of Israel as the one and only Jewish state, and if Jews really don’t care about Jewish causes or even being Jewish, then by all means, go out there and vote for a Bernie Sanders’ prototype, time and time again.

If Jews have entered into a marriage with liberalism and are completely devoted to promulgating its inherent values which have absolutely nothing to do with Jewish values, then let them betray Israel, let them dump on Trump, let them vote for those who seek their permanent eradication. But don’t under any circumstances let them lie through their teeth and say that Trump is wrong, that Trump is a reprehensible Jew hater.

Trump is right and he should have commanded the loyalty of Netanyahu and American Jews. Sadly for both the former prime minister and for American Jews, it will be they who will be swallowed

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