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Sixteen said killed in alleged Israeli Syria strike

IAF jets preparing for a mission. (IDF)


At least 16 members of a pro-Iran militia were killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike on a copper plant in northern Syria early on Monday morning, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor.

The Syrian army reported that missiles launched from the southeast around midnight had struck multiple sites in the Aleppo region. The statement said the attack resulted in several civilian casualties and caused significant damage.

One of the sites hit was a copper factory in the town of Hayyan in northern Aleppo province, an area controlled by pro-Iranian militias made up of Syrian and foreign fighters, according to Arab media reports.

A large fire broke out at the plant following the strike and ambulances and fire trucks rushed to the scene, according to a journalist affiliated with the Assad regime.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group aligned with the Syrian opposition, reported at least 16 militia members were killed in the attack, of both Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities.

Several militia members were injured, the war monitor said, some critically, with the death toll expected to rise further.

In addition to the copper smelting plant, a weapons depot belonging to pro-Iranian militias was also hit, according to the war monitor.

The SOHR report also noted that Russian military checkpoints are located near the targeted sites and that the “sudden Israeli targeting caused confusion and caused the regime forces’ air defense system to not operate.”

Last month, at least six Hezbollah members were reportedly killed in an Israeli strike on the terrorist group’s headquarters in Al-Qusayr, southwest of Homs, Syria, near northern Lebanon.

The six people killed were “Iran-backed fighters” of non-Syrian nationality, according to SOHR, which added that others were wounded.

Israel also reportedly attacked another target near Homs on Monday, amid an ongoing effort to prevent Iranian military entrenchment in the country.

Israel rarely admits to attacks on Syrian territory, although in February the IDF said that it had attacked more than 50 targets belonging to Hezbollah and other Iran-backed terrorist groups in Syria since Oct. 7.

The same month, Reuters reported that Iran had removed senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers from Syria following a series of deadly strikes attributed to Israel.


The media ignores Hamas’ holding of hostages and Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel

Photographs of Israelis still held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, at "Hostage Square" in Tel Aviv. March 10, 2024. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)
By Hugh Fitzgerald, Frontpage Magazine
There is much about the war against Israel to which the mainstream media pays scant attention.
That journalistic failure is discussed here: “What mainstream media isn’t reporting during the Israel-Hamas war – opinion,” by Andrea Samuels, Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2024:
In general, from watching MSM [mainstream media], we have the impression that the IDF is killing innocent children, unopposed, and there is no mention of the ongoing rocket attacks on Israel apart from the Iranian attack which was portrayed as a harmless gesture,” explained Paul Martin Gurnett from Britain….
The rocket attacks launched by Hamas into southern Israel, and by Hezbollah into northern Israel, are seldom mentioned on the mainstream media.
But we are shown people in Gaza running for cover, just before the IDF’s airstrikes hit, and then the aftermath of bloody corpses who, we are assured — no evidence need be presented — are almost entirely those of “women and children.”
You can go for days without the Israeli hostages being mentioned even once on the news in North America.
In Europe the lack of coverage is even more pronounced.
They are mentioned when the IDF finds a few more murdered hostages, usually in a tunnel, like the three dead Israelis just found by the IDF on March 23 under the Jabaliya camp.
And when the IDF releases a video taken by Hamas operatives of hostages as they were being captured, and manhandled, a minute or two of that will be shown on the mainstream media. But that’s about it.
When have you read or heard anything about the tens of thousands of Israelis who have had to leave their homes in northern Israel because of Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks? Never? Well, almost never.
Hezbollah has been joined in southern Lebanon by Hamas volunteers, eager to join their Shi’a Muslim rivals in order to fight the Zionists.
But little is reported about those Hamas operatives launching their own attacks from Lebanon into Israel.
The mainstream media keeps telling us about how more than 1.2 million people in Gaza were initially displaced from the north, and that now, about one million have been evacuated from their temporary refuges in Rafah, forced to flee north, to Al-Mawasi and Khan Younis.
Did you hear a word from the mainstream media about this barrage from Lebanon? You did not.
Nor have there been more than a handful of mentions in the mainstream media about the 60,000 Israelis in the north who have been forced to flee their homes, and for seven months have been unable to return.
Another tragedy about which many outside Israel are unaware is the deaths of soldiers on the frontlines both in Gaza, the North, and the West Bank.
Men, some as young as 19, as well as reservists in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s, are making the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe, often leaving behind young children who will grow up without a father….
These young men, and some women, have died in defense of their people and their state.
Many were native sabras; others made aliyah with their families to Israel from all over the world. Some came alone.
Their stories — the ones that have been told in the Israeli media — are amazing. But the mainstream media is not interested in human interest stories from the Israeli side.
That would humanize the IDF fighters, might even make them sympathetic. And that would never do.
More than a thousand Israeli soldiers and civilians have been seriously wounded in the Gaza War, meaning that they will need years of rehabilitation, as well as having to come to terms with living as amputees.
Don’t look to the BBC, or the French Canal Cinq, or Deutsche Welle, or The New York Times, or The Washington Post, for news about the 60,000 Israelis who have had to leave their homes in the north and the 40,000 who have had to do the same in southern Israel because of rocket barrages from Hamas and Hezbollah.
Don’t look there for news about the eight field hospitals the IDF has built in Gaza.
Don’t expect to hear much about Israel’s young soldiers dying in Gaza in defense of their country.
You will not read heartbreaking stories about those killed and their parents mourning; such stories are reserved for Palestinians alone.

Actor Michael Douglas visits Oct 7th sites, says anti-Israel protesters are ‘brainwashed’

Michael Douglas talks to survivor of the Hamas October 7th attack, May 2024 (YouTube screenshot)
By Vered Weiss, World Israel News
During his visit to Israel, Legendary actor Michael Douglas told Israeli President Isaac Herzog that anti-Israel protesters in the US are “brainwashed.”
Of the university students who set up encampments across the US and prevented Jewish students from accessing campus facilities, Douglas said they have undergone “brainwashing… because when you try to talk to many of them, there is no education, there’s no knowledge.”

The son of an Oscar-winning Jewish actor, the late Kirk Douglas, visited the site of the Supernova music festival, kibbutz Be’eri, where he met with families of hostages and survivors.
Douglas said, “We have met with families of the hostages. We spent the day today in the south in the area close to Be’eri and saw the Nova exhibition.”
Regarding Be’eri, Douglas said it was “tough in Be’eri, seeing what happened.”
Be’eri was one of the most aggressively attacked of the Kibbutzim on October 7th, where 100 people were murdered and 30 were taken hostage.
Douglas said, “It’s a very difficult time. The deep shock of this whole experience. We’re just happy to be here in support of Israel and to share with you the fact that America is definitely your ally, as our president has shared with you.”
He added, “I just hope that the latest negotiations will be reached, and the hostages will be back soon.”
During their meeting, Herzog presented Douglas with a yellow hostage pin and a dog tag with the words, “Our heart is held captive in Gaza.”
Douglas is one of many celebrities who have visited the site of the Hamas invasion and massacre.
Recently, comedian Jerry Seinfeld told Bari Weiss that his trip to the devastated kibbutzim was “the most powerful experience of my life.”

Hamas demands ‘permanent ceasefire’ amid US pressure

Man at Stanford University wears Hamas headgear (X screenshot)

By World Israel News Staff

The Hamas terror group is doubling down on its demands following a ceasefire proposal announced by President Joe Biden, clarifying that it will not release hostages and agree to end the fighting unless Israel commits to a permanent end to the hostilities, with an American guarantee.

While Hamas initially released a statement after Biden’s speech that it viewed the American-brokered ceasefire agreement “positively,” the terror organization appears to be abiding by its previous conditions for a deal, which Israel considers to be non-starters.

Among Hamas’ conditions are demands that Israel withdraw all troops and military assets from the coastal enclave, commit to ending all military operations in Gaza, and Israel surrender control of the Rafah crossing.

Hamas will not release all of the hostages until those conditions are met, Lebanese news outlet Al-Akhbar reported a Hamas official as saying.

In order to agree to the first phase of the proposal, which would see the release of female, elderly, and wounded hostages, Israel must commit to a “full, permanent ceasefire.” That Israeli promise must be backed by an American guarantee, Hamas said.

“Any agreement which does not include a permanent ceasefire will not be signed,” the source said.

During phone calls on Sunday with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and war cabinet member Benny Gantz, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly praised Israel for its willingness to move forward with the American ceasefire propsoal.

He “commended Israel’s readiness to conclude a deal and affirmed that the onus is on Hamas to accept,” according to a statement from Blinken’s office.

Despite Blinken’s assertion that Israel had agreed to the proposal, a statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office indicated otherwise.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” he said.


Anti-Israel Protesters Block LGBTQ Pride Parade in Philadelphia


By Paul Roland Bois (Breitbart)

A cadre of anti-Israel protesters blocked an LGBTQ pride parade on the streets of Philadelphia on Sunday, halting the procession.

The protesters were heard chanting a variety of anti-Israel slogans that have been said at protests around the country. They could be heard shouting, “Palestine will live forever! From the sea to the river!” and “No pride in genocide.” Video captured the moment:


According to the New York Post, the blockade happened “at the intersection of 11th Street and Locust Street after the Philly Pride March and Festival kicked off around 10:30 a.m. at Washington Square and headed to the city’s Gayborhood section.”

“Others wore Palestinian-style Kufiya scarves around their heads, and one protester could be seen holding a white sheet stuffed to look like a deceased child wrapped in a shroud,” the outlet added.

The protest highlights a growing tension between segments of the Democrat Party base who believe that anti-Israel protests should take precedent over other causes like LGBTQ activism.

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State Dept Advises Against Travel to the Maldives Due to Potential Terror Attacks 


State Dept Advises Against Travel to the Maldives Due to Potential Terror Attacks 

Edited by: TJVNews.com

The Maldives, a picturesque archipelago in the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and luxury resorts that attract honeymooners and tourists from around the world. However, beneath this facade of paradise lies a complex socio-political structure governed by Sharia law, which presents a stark contrast to the liberal and indulgent experiences marketed to international visitors.

The Maldives is a Muslim-majority nation where Islamic principles deeply influence the legal and social frameworks. The country’s constitution mandates that all citizens must be Muslim, and Islamic law (Sharia) is the foundation of the legal system. This governance model affects various aspects of daily life, including dress codes, dietary restrictions, and moral conduct.

The consumption of alcohol and pork is strictly prohibited for Maldivian citizens. These items are available only in tourist resorts, highlight a clear dichotomy between local laws and tourist practices.

Modesty in dress is enforced, particularly for women, who are expected to cover their bodies in public. This contrasts sharply with the relaxed dress codes in tourist resorts where swimwear and nudity in private pools are commonplace.

Public displays of affection and cohabitation without marriage are prohibited and can lead to severe penalties. The conservative societal norms stand in contrast to the freedoms enjoyed by tourists, however, same sex couples who visit the resorts in The Maldives are strongly advised not to display any signs of public affection.

The Maldivian government also imposes strict controls on freedom of speech and expression. Criticism of the government or Islam can lead to severe repercussions, including imprisonment.

In June 2023, the U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory for the Maldives, urging tourists to exercise increased caution due to potential terrorist activities. The advisory emphasizes the risk of terrorist attacks, which may occur with little or no warning. Potential targets include tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, and local government facilities. The possibility of attacks on remote islands further complicates the security situation, as it could lengthen the response time of authorities.

The State Department also urged would be tourists to the Maldives to avoid large gatherings as they can be unpredictable and may become targets for attacks Moreover, locations popular with Western tourists may be more likely targets for terrorism.

In addition to the above precautions, the State Department said travelers should adopt practical safety measures to enhance their security. Tourists are advised to be aware of their surroundings as vigilance is key. Flexibility in travel plans can be crucial. Be prepared to adjust itineraries based on evolving security conditions. Tourists are also advised to keep communication lines open by regularly checking in with family or friends in order to ensure that someone knows your travel plans and can reach you in case of an emergency.

The recent decision by the Maldives government to ban Israelis from visiting the Indian Ocean archipelago raises significant ethical and moral concerns. This move comes as a reaction to the escalating conflict in Gaza, with public anger in the predominantly Muslim nation driving the government’s policy change. The ban on Israeli passport holders from entering the Maldives and the establishment of a subcommittee to oversee this process is a step that warrants careful examination.

The Maldives’ decision to prohibit Israeli visitors stems from the current geopolitical tensions surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict. The Maldivian government, led by President Mohamed Muizzu, announced the ban on Sunday and indicated plans to appoint a special envoy to assess Palestinian needs and initiate a fundraising campaign to support Gaza. While this decision might be seen as a gesture of solidarity with the Palestinian cause, it raises profound ethical and moral questions about collective punishment and discrimination.

Banning individuals based on their nationality constitutes a form of collective punishment, which is widely regarded as unjust and unethical.

The ban discriminates against individuals solely on the basis of their nationality, violating basic human rights principles that advocate for equal treatment and non-discrimination. Every person, regardless of their country’s political actions, should have the right to travel and engage in cultural exchanges.

Nearly 11,000 Israelis visited the Maldives last year, contributing to the tourism sector, which is a significant part of the Maldivian economy. Tourism fosters cultural exchange and mutual understanding, which are essential for global peace and cooperation. By banning Israeli tourists, the Maldives risks not only economic repercussions but also the loss of opportunities for cultural diplomacy.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has already advised Israelis to avoid travel to the Maldives, reflecting the immediate diplomatic and personal impacts of the ban.

The Maldives’ decision to ban Israelis from entering the country is ethically and morally problematic. It enforces collective punishment, promotes discrimination, and hinders efforts toward peace and mutual understanding.

While the Maldives offers luxurious experiences, the underlying governance by Sharia law and recent political decisions pose significant risks and ethical concerns for Western travelers. The stringent legal environment, potential security threats, and discriminatory policies such as the ban on Israelis highlight the need for serious reconsideration when planning a visit.

Travelers seeking a safe, inclusive, and ethically sound vacation destination may find it prudent to look beyond the Maldives. By choosing destinations that uphold principles of human rights, religious freedom, and non-discrimination, tourists can contribute to a more just and harmonious global community while ensuring their safety and well-being.

Bill Ackman’s Bold Move: Pershing Square’s Public Listing Plans & the Road Ahead

Billionaire investor Bill Ackman is the founder and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management and an alumnus of Harvard University. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

Bill Ackman’s Bold Move: Pershing Square’s Public Listing Plans & the Road Ahead

Edited by: TJVNews.com

Bill Ackman, the renowned hedge-fund manager, is making headlines with his ambitious plans to take his investment firm, Pershing Square, public. This move represents a significant shift in the landscape of hedge funds, leveraging Ackman’s social media fame and robust market strategies, as was reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Bill Ackman plans to list Pershing Square on the public market as early as 2025 or 2026. This strategy follows a successful funding round that values the firm at approximately $10.5 billion. According to the information provided in the WSJ report, Ackman’s decision to go public is considered bold, given the historical reluctance of hedge funds to enter the public domain, especially after the financial crisis of 2008-09, which left many investors wary of the volatility and unpredictability associated with hedge fund revenues.

As a precursor to the public listing, Ackman is selling a stake in Pershing Square to investors. This funding round, expected to close in the coming days, is anticipated to significantly bolster the firm’s valuation. As per the WSj report, Pershing Square currently manages around $16.3 billion in net assets as of April’s end, which is relatively modest compared to other asset managers with similar valuations.

Pershing Square is known for its concentrated portfolio of undervalued large-company stocks, including high-profile investments in Chipotle Mexican Grill and Universal Music Group. The information in the WSJ report indicated that the firm’s valuation is further justified by its plans to attract billions more in “sticky assets” — investments that are likely to remain stable over time, reducing the risk of asset flight which is a common issue for hedge funds.

Historically, hedge funds have faced challenges in the public markets due to their unpredictable fee structures and performance. Assets under management can fluctuate dramatically, influenced by investor sentiment and market conditions. Noted in the WSJ report was that the recent market environment has also been cautious towards new issues, though there have been signs of recovery with a series of successful IPOs in the current year suggesting a potential market turnaround.

Once known for its aggressive activist campaigns and high-stakes short selling, Pershing Square is now refashioning itself into an asset manager characterized by durable capital and reduced volatility, the report in the WSJ explained. This strategic pivot is marked by a shift towards closed-end funds, a potential initial public offering (IPO), and new investment vehicles aimed at individual investors.

A key aspect of Pershing Square’s transformation has been its focus on securing durable capital. Nearly all of the firm’s capital is now invested in Pershing Square Holdings, a closed-end fund whose shares trade on European stock exchanges, the WSJ reported. This structure provides a stable capital base, mitigating the risks associated with investor redemptions that can plague traditional hedge funds. The closed-end fund format also aligns with long-term investment strategies, allowing Pershing Square to hold positions without the pressure of short-term market fluctuations.

Pershing Square’s earlier reputation was built on bruising proxy battles and activist short selling. These tactics, while sometimes highly profitable, also led to significant controversy and volatility. In recent years, Ackman has steered the firm away from these confrontational strategies. Instead, Pershing Square has focused on investing in undervalued large companies with strong growth potential, such as Chipotle Mexican Grill and Universal Music Group, as was pointed out in the WSJ report.  This shift reflects a broader trend within the firm towards stability and long-term value creation.

Ackman’s ambitions for Pershing Square include taking the firm public, a move expected to be executed by late 2025 or early 2026. As a precursor to the public listing, Pershing Square is in the process of closing a funding round that values the firm at approximately $10.5 billion. The WSJ report indicated that this pre-IPO round has raised about $1 billion, half of which will be invested in Pershing Square USA upon its launch, while the remainder will support future funds.

Pershing Square has been pioneering new types of investment vehicles to broaden its reach and appeal to individual investors. Last year, the firm received regulatory approval for a new investment vehicle designed to acquire stakes in private companies and take them public, the WSJ report observed. This innovative approach is aimed at creating significant value through strategic investments and public offerings.

Additionally, Ackman’s firm has filed a prospectus for a new closed-end fund targeted at U.S. retail investors, named Pershing Square USA. This fund is expected to generate substantial interest due to Ackman’s high-profile public persona and active engagement on social media platforms such as X (formerly known as Twitter). His strong media presence and broad retail following are anticipated to drive investor enthusiasm and support the fund’s launch.

Ackman’s use of social media has become a powerful tool in his strategic arsenal. He plans to write about new investments on X once the retail fund is approved, leveraging his substantial following to generate interest and transparency around his investment decisions, as was reported by the WSJ. Currently, he is barred from marketing his Europe-listed fund to U.S. investors, but this restriction does not apply to the new Pershing Square USA fund.

Pershing Square is also in the midst of a strategic transformation aimed at aligning itself with major asset managers such as Brookfield Asset Management and Blue Owl Capital, rather than traditional hedge funds. Pershing Square has also encouraged potential investors to compare its valuation and business model to those of Brookfield Asset Management and Blue Owl Capital, two of the largest players in the asset management industry.

With a market value of approximately $15 billion (and over $60 billion when including non-traded shares) and managing more than $925 billion in assets, Brookfield exemplifies the scale and breadth Pershing Square aspires to achieve, according to the information contained in the WSJ report. With a market value of about $28 billion and over $174 billion in assets under management, Blue Owl represents another benchmark for Pershing Square’s ambitions.

To potential investors, Pershing Square has outlined a clear path to managing considerably more assets and earning higher fees. This growth is expected to be driven by the launch of Pershing Square USA and other forthcoming funds. These new initiatives are anticipated to attract significant investor interest, leveraging Bill Ackman’s high-profile public persona and the firm’s track record.

One of the challenges Pershing Square faces in winning over new assets is the replicability of its portfolio. As of April, the firm had 10 disclosed positions. Investors attempting to replicate Pershing Square’s portfolio might miss out on gains accrued as the firm builds its positions and deploys complex hedging strategies that are not publicly disclosed, the WSJ report explained. This complexity and the unique approach taken by Pershing Square add a layer of exclusivity and potential value that investors might not be able to replicate independently.

Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management has experienced a dynamic journey since its inception in 2004. Originally launched as an activist hedge fund, Pershing Square quickly made a name for itself with high-profile wins, notable setbacks, and a recent resurgence that has positioned it as a top performer in the investment world, as was noted in the WSJ report.

Pershing Square’s early years were marked by significant successes that cemented its reputation in the hedge fund industry. Ackman’s firm scored notable victories with investments in Wendy’s and General Growth Properties.

Ackman’s activist strategy led to substantial restructuring within the fast-food chain known as Wendy’s, unlocking shareholder value and driving significant returns for Pershing Square. The report in the WSJ also observed that the investment in the mall developer General Growth Properties was another masterstroke. Ackman’s intervention helped the company navigate through bankruptcy, ultimately leading to a profitable turnaround.

Between 2015 and 2017, Pershing Square faced a challenging period marked by high-profile losses. These setbacks were primarily due to big bets on Valeant Pharmaceuticals and a short position against Herbalife.

Ackman’s substantial investment in Valeant Pharmaceuticals turned sour as the company faced regulatory scrutiny, accounting issues, and a collapsing stock price, the WSJ report added. This episode resulted in significant losses for Pershing Square.

Ackman’s highly publicized short against the nutritional supplement company Herbalife also backfired. Despite his claims of it being a pyramid scheme, the stock price soared, leading to further losses.

Since overcoming these setbacks, Pershing Square has enjoyed a period of remarkable success, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ackman’s firm made over $5 billion in gains from hedging trades tied to the economic fallout of the pandemic, the WSJ report said. These strategic hedges showcased Ackman’s ability to navigate market volatility effectively.

As of the end of 2023, Pershing Square Holdings, the firm’s closed-end fund listed in Europe, reported a five-year average annualized return of 31.2%. This performance was about double that of the S&P 500, including dividends. Additionally, the fund gained 5.4% this year through April, after fees.

Nearly all of Pershing Square’s capital is now tied up in Pershing Square Holdings, a structure that provides stability and reduces the risk of investor redemptions.

Indicated in the WSJ report was that the firm received regulatory approval for a new type of investment vehicle designed to acquire stakes in private companies and take them public. This innovation aims to attract a broader investor base.

Ackman, the largest shareholder of Pershing Square, stands to significantly increase his net worth, estimated by Forbes at $4.3 billion, with the successful IPO of his management company. Beyond personal financial gain, the IPO could play a crucial role in retaining talent within the firm and aiding in succession planning. These factors are vital for the long-term stability and growth of the firm, ensuring that it remains competitive and attractive to top-tier investment professionals.

By positioning itself alongside asset management giants like Brookfield and Blue Owl, Pershing Square aims to highlight its potential for stable, long-term growth and substantial fee generation. This strategy is designed to attract a different class of investors who are interested in the durability and scalability of asset management firms rather than the high-risk, high-reward profile typically associated with hedge funds.

Pershing Square’s strategic pivot towards becoming a durable asset manager like Brookfield Asset Management and Blue Owl Capital represents a significant evolution in its business model. This shift aims to leverage its robust portfolio strategy, Ackman’s public influence, and innovative new funds to justify its valuation and attract substantial new investments. As Pershing Square moves towards its potential IPO, its ability to execute this strategy will be closely watched by the investment community, potentially setting a new standard for hedge funds transitioning into the asset management space.

Bklyn Political Firebrand Heshy Tischler in Hot Water Over Alleged Bribe


Bklyn Political Firebrand Heshy Tischler in Hot Water Over Alleged Bribe

Edited by: TJVNews.com

Harold “Heshy” Tischler, a notorious political firebrand and candidate for City Council in Brooklyn, has found himself in a controversial situation after being caught on video offering what appears to be a bribe to an FDNY inspector, according to a recently published article in The New York Post. The incident, which took place on April 17, has sparked an investigation by the city’s Department of Investigation (DOI) and brought additional scrutiny to Tischler’s unorthodox methods and political tactics.

The controversy erupted at 960 East Third Street in the Midwood section of Brooklyn where FDNY Fire Safety Inspector Mateo Galloza arrived to investigate complaints about the alleged misuse of a propane tank. The property, owned by the Goldberger family, is at the center of a heated property-line dispute with their neighbors, the Onefater family, over claims of illegal construction, according to the information provided in The Post report. Tischler, who runs a business on Foster Avenue that assists construction contractors in obtaining city permits and avoiding fines, is actively supporting the Onefaters in this dispute.

During the inspection, Tischler was filmed by Hershey Goldberger, whose family owns the disputed property, offering Inspector Galloza “the best corned beef and pastrami sandwiches on the planet,” from Essen New York Deli on Coney Island Avenue. The Post reported that the exchange, though light-hearted, is potentially problematic. Galloza, who started his $52,070-a-year job in October, responded positively to the offer, joking, “If you’re paying, I’m there, whatever. So it don’t matter to me.” Tischler added, “I’ll even throw in a soda,” to which Galloza shouted, “That’s it!” Tischler further sweetened the deal by promising pickles, cucumbers, and Coke. This nearly three-minute video was subsequently handed over to the DOI by Goldberger, who requested an investigation into whether Tischler’s offer constituted a bribe.

The DOI, upon receiving the video, requested additional information from Goldberger to further assess the situation. The email chain reviewed by The Post indicates that the investigation is ongoing and aims to determine if Tischler’s culinary offer was an attempt to influence the inspector’s actions.

Tischler, a well-known figure in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community, where he acts as an “expediter” for city permits and fines, has denied any wrongdoing. He maintains that his offer was a harmless gesture of goodwill and not an attempt to bribe the inspector. Indicated in the Post report was that Tischler asserted that he is assisting the Onefaters pro bono and expressed his hope that the dispute between Goldberger’s stepfather, Abe Friedman, and the Onefaters is resolved amicably.

This incident is not the first time Tischler has found himself in the spotlight for contentious reasons. Known for his fiery rhetoric and confrontational style, Tischler has built a reputation as a vocal advocate for his community, often employing unconventional methods to achieve his goals, as was explained in The Post report. His political career has been marked by similar incidents, where his actions have drawn both support and criticism from various quarters.

The offer of food to a public official, especially in the context of an ongoing investigation, raises significant ethical and legal questions. Bribery, defined as offering something of value to influence a public official’s actions, is a serious offense, the Post report suggested. Whether Tischler’s actions meet the legal criteria for bribery will depend on the investigation’s findings and the interpretation of his intent.

The incident has sparked a variety of reactions within the community. Supporters of Tischler argue that the offer was an innocent attempt at hospitality, reflecting cultural norms rather than an illicit bribe. Critics, however, see it as another example of Tischler’s disregard for proper conduct and the rule of law.

According to city regulations, offering a meal can be considered “something of value,” which qualifies as a potential bribe. If the Department of Investigation (DOI) determines wrongdoing, the case could be referred to local prosecutors and the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board, as was reported by The Post. The penalties could include fines up to $25,000, and Galloza could face suspension or termination from his position.

The DOI has acknowledged awareness of the incident but has declined further comment while the investigation is ongoing, the Post reported. Similarly, an FDNY spokesperson confirmed that the incident is under investigation but did not provide additional details.

Tischler’s involvement with the Onefater family, in this case, highlights his role in navigating complex local issues. The report in The Post indicated that Ken Fisher, the lawyer representing the Onefaters, has distanced his clients from Tischler’s actions, stating that they had nothing to do with the meal offer.

The ethical implications of this incident extend beyond the legal definitions of bribery. Public officials and inspectors are expected to perform their duties impartially and without influence. Even seemingly minor offers of hospitality can undermine public trust and raise questions about the integrity of inspections and enforcement actions.

Tischler’s recent confrontation with a Post reporter has once again placed him under public scrutiny. Thr The report in the Post said that this incident comes as Tischler prepares to run as a Republican candidate in the upcoming election to replace term-limited Councilman Kalman Yeger in the 44th District, representing Borough Park, Midwood, and other parts of southwest Brooklyn.

The latest controversy unfolded on Thursday when Tischler, 60, was approached by a reporter from the New York Post about a video that had surfaced. Noted in The Post report was that in a heated exchange, Tischler pulled out his smartphone, recording the confrontation while repeatedly questioning the reporter’s intelligence and insinuating about their sexuality. The Post reported that the nearly eight-minute rant was filled with derogatory comments, culminating in Tischler threatening to broadcast the footage on his conservative radio show, which he hosts on Facebook and YouTube. Surrounded by retired police officers working security for the Onefaters, Tischler’s outburst was both aggressive and unprovoked.

In a stark contrast to his fiery demeanor during the incident, a more contrite Tischler called the reporter the following day to apologize for his remarks. He emphasized that his actions were not meant to bribe Galloza, a local official, but were part of his longstanding tradition of buying food for city workers, including police officers, to show appreciation for their service, as was indicated in The Post report.  Tischler expressed his willingness to welcome any investigation by the Department of Investigation (DOI) into his actions, maintaining his innocence in the face of the accusations.

Tischler’s apology, however, is unlikely to erase his checkered past from public memory. In October 2020, Tischler pleaded guilty to inciting a riot during a protest in Borough Park over COVID-19 mandates. The Post said that he urged his supporters to attack a reporter from the Jewish Insider, leading to widespread condemnation and legal repercussions. This incident is one of many in Tischler’s history of confrontations and legal troubles.

In 2013, Tischler was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison for his involvement in a fraud scheme. He had promised jobs to immigrants at bogus companies, exploiting vulnerable individuals and further tarnishing his reputation, according to the Post report. These past transgressions have continually cast a shadow over Tischler’s political ambitions and public image.

The reaction to Tischler’s recent outburst has been swift and varied. Goldberger, a local community leader, expressed disappointment over Tischler’s behavior, highlighting the negative impact such actions have on public trust and political discourse. The Fire Department, where Galloza is employed, has yet to respond to inquiries regarding the incident, leaving many questions unanswered.

As Tischler gears up for his campaign to represent the 44th District, these controversies could play a significant role in shaping public opinion and voter sentiment. While his supporters may view him as a champion of their values, his detractors are likely to see his actions as emblematic of a troubling pattern of behavior unfit for public office.



WeWork Set to Emerge from Bankruptcy, Anant Yardi Takes Majority Stake

(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

WeWork Set to Emerge from Bankruptcy, Anant Yardi Takes Majority Stake

Edited by: TJVNews.com

WeWork, once the poster child of the shared office space revolution, has faced a tumultuous journey from its peak valuation of $47 billion to a dramatic fall to $750 million by April 2024. In a critical move that could mark a turning point for the beleaguered company, Anant Yardi, an Indian-American software mogul, has taken a majority stake in WeWork, as was reported by Business Today. This development signals a new era of stability and experience for WeWork as it attempts to rebuild its reputation and navigate the evolving landscape of the flexible workspace industry.

Anant Yardi is no stranger to the real estate and technology sectors. As the founder and CEO of Yardi Systems, he has established himself as a visionary leader with an impressive track record. Yardi Systems, founded in 1984, has grown into a multi-billion dollar enterprise providing software solutions for the real estate industry, according to the information provided on the Business Today web site. Yardi’s deep understanding of the market and his proven leadership skills are expected to play a pivotal role in steering WeWork towards profitability and sustainable growth.

Anant Yardi’s journey from India to the United States is a testament to his determination and intellect. Born in India, Yardi topped the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) in 1963, securing a spot at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, where he earned a BTech degree and was awarded the Director’s gold medal, as per the Business Today report. He later pursued a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, further honing his technical skills and knowledge.

Before founding Yardi Systems, Anant Yardi spent 14 years at Burroughs Corporation (now Unisys), where he developed his expertise in programming and systems development. Business Today also reported that Yardi’s tenure at Burroughs equipped him with the skills necessary to lead and innovate in the tech industry.

Over the past two years, Anant Yardi has invested more than $200 million in WeWork, playing a crucial role in the company’s restructuring efforts. His appointment as the majority stakeholder signals a strategic shift for WeWork, which has been struggling to regain its footing after its dramatic fall from grace, according to the Business Today report. Yardi’s involvement is seen as a move towards stability and experience, qualities that are essential for WeWork’s recovery and future success.

The road to recovery for WeWork is fraught with challenges. The company’s rapid expansion and subsequent valuation collapse have left it with a tarnished reputation and financial instability. However, the flexible workspace industry continues to evolve, with an increasing demand for adaptable office solutions in a post-pandemic world. Yardi’s deep understanding of the real estate market and his expertise in technology can provide WeWork with the strategic direction needed to capitalize on these opportunities.

In 1984, Anant Yardi developed “Basic Property Management” for the Apple II computer, laying the foundation for what would become Yardi Systems. As the founder, President, and CEO, Yardi has led the company with unwavering dedication for over 35 years. Business Today reported that under his leadership, Yardi Systems has grown into a powerhouse in the real estate technology sector, generating nearly $3 billion annually and making Yardi a billionaire.

Yardi’s innovative approach to property management software has revolutionized the industry, earning him numerous accolades. In 2004, he received the ‘Digie’ award from Realcomm for his visionary work in automation systems and was inducted into the Multi-Housing News ‘Hall of Fame’, as was reported by Business Today. These honors reflect Yardi’s profound impact on the real estate technology landscape and his enduring legacy as a pioneer in the field.

WeWork’s journey has been fraught with challenges, from its meteoric rise to a $47 billion valuation to its dramatic fall to $750 million by April 2024. However, a recent ruling by a US bankruptcy court has approved a comprehensive restructuring plan for WeWork, signaling a new beginning for the company, as was explained by Business Today. This plan includes a significant reduction in debt and the cancellation of existing equity shares, with Yardi Systems emerging as the controlling stakeholder.

SoftBank, a major investor in WeWork, will retain a minority stake, while Yardi Systems, under the leadership of Anant Yardi, will take the reins. Yardi’s investment of over $200 million in WeWork over the past two years underscores his commitment to the company’s turnaround and future success.

The path ahead for WeWork remains challenging as the demand for office space continues to evolve in the post-pandemic era. However, Yardi’s deep understanding of the real estate market and his proven track record of building Yardi Systems into a market leader provide a strong foundation for WeWork’s recovery.

David Tolley, Chief Executive Officer of WeWork, expressed optimism about the company’s future, highlighting the successful completion of Chapter 11 proceedings. “Due to the tireless efforts of our team, and the unwavering loyalty of so many of our members, we have completed our Chapter 11 proceedings with success well beyond our initial expectations,” Tolley stated, according to the Business Today report. “In one of the largest and most complex restructurings, we have achieved extraordinary outcomes. Over the last year, we have also seen strong demand across the WeWork system and increased our member net promoter scores. Each of these achievements represents an exceptional testament to our people, our brand, and our industry-leading service offerings.”

Yardi’s leadership brings a renewed sense of stability and strategic direction to WeWork. His vision for the company involves leveraging his extensive experience in real estate technology to optimize operations, enhance service offerings, and rebuild trust with stakeholders. Yardi’s approach focuses on innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, key elements that will drive WeWork’s path to profitability and sustainable growth.

As the demand for flexible office spaces continues to rise, Yardi’s expertise will be crucial in positioning WeWork to capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities. His leadership will guide the company through the complexities of the modern workspace industry, ensuring that WeWork remains a relevant and competitive player in the market.

“We have worked closely with the largest landlords around the world and one thing is clear: they believe in the future of the flexible office and they believe in the future of WeWork,” added Peter Greenspan, Global Head of Real Estate at WeWork, according to the Business Today report.  “As global office demand continues to move toward flexible approaches, only WeWork has the technology, community and data to support landlords in creating truly outstanding offerings for modern organisations. We’re grateful to each and every landlord who came to the table to collaborate with us over the past nine months, and we look forward to building on our existing partnerships far into the future.”


A scientist, a leftist and a former Mexico City mayor. Who is Claudia Sheinbaum?


(AP) — Claudia Sheinbaum, who will be Mexico’s first woman leader in the nation’s more than 200 years of independence, captured the presidency by promising continuity.

The 61-year-old former Mexico City mayor and lifelong leftist ran a disciplined campaign capitalizing on her predecessor’s popularity before emerging victorious in Sunday’s vote, according to an official quick count. But with her victory now in hand, Mexicans will look to see how Sheinbaum, a very different personality from mentor and current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will assert herself.

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While she hewed close to López Obrador politically and shares many of his ideas about the government’s role in addressing inequality, she is viewed as less combative and more data driven.

Sheinbaum’s background is in science. She has a Ph.D. in energy engineering. Her brother is a physicist. In a 2023 interview with The Associated Press, Sheinbaum said, “I believe in science.”

Observers say that grounding showed itself in Sheinbaum’s actions as mayor during the COVID-19 pandemic, when her city of some 9 million people took a different approach from what López Obrador espoused at the national level.

While the federal government was downplaying the importance of coronavirus testing, Mexico City expanded its testing regimen. Sheinbaum set limits on businesses’ hours and capacity when the virus was rapidly spreading, even though López Obrador wanted to avoid any measures that would hurt the economy. And she publicly wore protective masks and urged social distancing while the president was still lunging into crowds.

Mexico’s persistently high levels of violence will be one of her most immediate challenges after she takes office Oct. 1. On the campaign trail she said little more than that she would expand the quasi-military National Guard created by López Obrador and continue his strategy of targeting social ills that make so many young Mexicans easy targets for cartel recruitment.

“Let it be clear, it doesn’t mean an iron fist, wars or authoritarianism,” Sheinbaum said of her approach to tackling criminal gangs, during her final campaign event. “We will promote a strategy of addressing the causes and continue moving toward zero impunity.”

Sheinbaum has praised López Obrador profusely and said little that the president hasn’t said himself. She blamed neoliberal economic policies for condemning millions to poverty, promised a strong welfare state and praised Mexico’s large state-owned oil company, Pemex, while also promising to emphasize clean energy.

“For me, being from the left has to do with that, with guaranteeing the minimum rights to all residents,” Sheinbaum told the AP last year.

In contrast to López Obrador, who seemed to relish his highly public battles with other branches of the government and also the news media, Sheinbaum is expected by many observers to be less combative or at least more selective in picking her fights.

“It appears she’s going to go in a different direction,” said Ivonne Acuña Murillo, a political scientist at Iberoamerican University. “I don’t know how much.”

Sheinbaum will also be the first person from a Jewish background to lead the overwhelmingly Catholic country.

Honoring Those Who Inspire Others to “Fight Back” Against Anti-Israel Hate


Honoring Those Who Inspire Others to “Fight Back” Against Anti-Israel Hate

Edited by: Fern Sidman

In the aftermath of the devastating October 7th massacre, a surge of anti-Israel sentiment and egregious anti-Semitism has swept across the United States. As misinformation and hate speech proliferate, a group of courageous individuals and organizations has risen to combat these dangerous trends. These intrepid defenders of justice have taken a stand against anti-Israel propaganda, Hamas propaganda, and the growing manifestations of anti-Semitism, displaying remarkable bravery and determination.

These advocates face significant risks and challenges, yet they persist in their mission to protect the integrity of Israel and ensure the safety and dignity of Jewish communities. Through public advocacy, educational initiatives, legal action, and community support, they are pushing back against the tide of vociferous Jew hatred. Their efforts are not only about defending Israel but also about upholding the principles of truth, justice, and human rights in the face of growing adversity.

At the forefront of this fight are Jewish and pro-Israel organizations that have long championed the cause of Israel and the Jewish people. They are joined by a diverse array of supporters, including non-Jewish allies, academics, journalists, and political leaders, all united by a shared commitment to combating anti-Semitism and promoting peace. These defenders employ a range of strategies, from lobbying and public campaigns to grassroots organizing and digital advocacy, to counteract the pervasive anti-Israel narratives and restore balance to the public discourse.

As they confront the rising wave of Jew hatred, these individuals and organizations demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their cause. They face harassment, threats, and intense public scrutiny, yet they continue to speak out, educate, and advocate. Their resilience and dedication serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the power of solidarity and the importance of standing up for what is right.

Alan Dershowitz, a prominent American lawyer and legal scholar, has long been a vocal advocate for a variety of high-profile causes and figures. Long before the October 7th massacre, Dershowitz’s career has been defined by his staunch support of Israel, leveraging his legal acumen and public platform to defend the nation amidst a global surge in criticism and anti-Israel sentiment. Simultaneously, Dershowitz has played a crucial role in defending the legal rights of former President Donald Trump, who has faced numerous civil and criminal charges in recent years.

Dershowitz has utilized various media platforms to articulate Israel’s right to defend itself, counter misinformation, and challenge the all too common biased narratives against the Jewish state.

Dershowitz has been a regular presence on major news networks, where he provides legal and moral justifications for Israel’s actions. He argues that Israel’s military responses are proportionate and necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. His commentary often emphasizes the historical context of Israel’s struggle for survival amidst ongoing threats from hostile neighbors and terrorist organizations.

In addition to his media appearances, Dershowitz has contributed op-eds and scholarly articles defending Israel’s right to self-defense under international law. He draws upon his extensive knowledge of legal precedents and international treaties to bolster his arguments. Dershowitz’s writings often dissect the legal frameworks surrounding the use of force, civilian casualties, and the ethical considerations of wartime conduct, consistently advocating for Israel’s position.

Attorney and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz AP

Dershowitz has also been active in combating the significant escalation in anti-Semitism following the October 7th massacre. He frequently highlights instances where criticism of Israel crosses the line into anti-Semitic rhetoric, urging for a clear distinction between legitimate critique and hate speech. His advocacy extends to supporting Jewish communities worldwide and calling for stronger actions against anti-Semitic incidents.

Parallel to his advocacy for Israel, Alan Dershowitz has been a prominent defender of former President Donald Trump, particularly in the face of numerous legal challenges. Dershowitz’s defense of Trump is rooted in his commitment to civil liberties and due process, principles he believes are at risk in the highly politicized legal battles surrounding the former president.

Dershowitz played a significant role in Trump’s defense during his impeachment trials. In the first trial, he argued before the Senate that Trump’s actions did not meet the constitutional threshold for impeachment. His defense was grounded in a strict interpretation of constitutional law, emphasizing that impeachable offenses must involve criminal-like conduct, which he argued was absent in Trump’s case.


Beyond the impeachment trials, Dershowitz has defended Trump against a myriad of criminal and civil charges. He has criticized prosecutorial overreach and politically motivated investigations. Dershowitz’s legal arguments often focus on the broader implications for civil liberties, warning that the pursuit of Trump could set dangerous precedents for the erosion of legal protections and the weaponization of the justice system against political adversaries.

Since the tragic events of October 7th, Bill Ackman, a prominent hedge fund manager and philanthropist, has emerged as a leading voice in defending Israel and confronting the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses. His efforts have been particularly visible at his alma mater, Harvard University, where he has taken a strong stand against clearly hostile and unjust actions towards Israel. Ackman’s advocacy extends beyond rhetoric; it includes significant financial and professional implications for those he views as supporting anti-Israel activities.

Billionaire hedge fund manager, Bill Ackman, who is an alumnus of Harvard University writes: “In recent weeks, I have learned a lot about DEI practices at Harvard and have come to the conclusion that the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, which was formed in 2019 under Dean Gay’s oversight and vision the year after she became Dean of FAS, is none of those things.” (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

The surge in anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses has been a significant concern for Ackman. He has focused much of his attention on Harvard University, where he has been particularly vocal in his opposition to anti-Israel activities. Ackman’s approach has involved both public condemnation and tangible actions to deter such sentiment.

Ackman’s frustration with Harvard’s handling of anti-Israel sentiment has led him to take a dramatic step: he has decided to withdraw his financial support from the university. This decision is rooted in his belief that Harvard has not done enough to combat anti-Israel rhetoric and actions on its campus. By pulling his financial contributions, Ackman aims to send a clear message that he will not support an institution that he feels is failing to address this issue adequately.

Ackman’s stance extends beyond financial measures. He has publicly stated that he and other corporate leaders will not hire individuals involved in anti-Israel demonstrations. This policy is part of a broader effort to hold students accountable for their actions and to discourage participation in activities that unjustly target Israel. Ackman has specifically called for the names of students who signed anti-Israel letters to be released, to ensure they face professional consequences for their involvement.

His call for accountability has led to a coalition of business leaders who are similarly committed to not hiring individuals they perceive as promoting anti-Israel sentiment. This collective stance adds significant weight to Ackman’s efforts, demonstrating a unified front against reprehensible actions towards Israel.

Miriam Adelson, an influential philanthropist and staunch advocate for Israel, has made substantial contributions to pro-Israel and Jewish organizations in both the United States and Israel. Her philanthropic endeavors reflect her deep commitment to Jewish heritage, education, and the security of the Israeli state. Recently, her significant pledge of $100 million to the Trump campaign has also highlighted her influential role in American political circles.

Her advocacy extends across various platforms, including political, cultural, and educational arenas, ensuring that Israel’s interests are represented and protected.

Understanding the importance of education and cultural preservation, Adelson has funded numerous initiatives aimed at promoting Jewish education and cultural heritage. She has supported programs that enhance understanding of Israeli history, culture, and geopolitical challenges, fostering a deeper connection between global Jewish communities and Israel.

One of the most significant programs supported by Adelson is Birthright Israel, which provides young Jewish adults with the opportunity to visit Israel and connect with their heritage. Her contributions have enabled thousands of young Jews to experience Israel firsthand, fostering a lifelong connection to the Jewish state.

Adelson has been a major supporter of the FIDF, an organization dedicated to the well-being of Israeli soldiers and their families. Her donations have funded educational and recreational programs for soldiers, helping to improve their quality of life and strengthen the bond between Israel and Jewish communities worldwide.

In addition to her support for various organizations, Adelson founded the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies in Jerusalem. The institute focuses on researching and addressing Israel’s strategic challenges, providing valuable insights and policy recommendations to enhance Israel’s security and diplomatic efforts.

Amidst this rising tide of hostility towards Israel and Jews around the world,  Phyllis Chesler, a renowned feminist, psychologist, and author, has emerged as a formidable advocate encouraging Jewish students and others to stand firm against these dangerous trends. Chesler’s tireless efforts to confront anti-Israel hatred and combat the growing wave of anti-Semitism in America have made her a vital voice in these challenging times.

Phyllis Chesler has long been a prominent figure in the fight against anti-Semitism and the demonization of Israel. Her work spans decades, and she has consistently addressed the intersection of feminism, human rights, and Jewish identity. Since 9/11, Chesler has intensified her focus on the resurgence of anti-Semitism cloaked in political correctness and the rise of anti-Israel sentiments among Western intellectuals and activists.

Chesler’s recent writings highlight the disturbing alignment of some progressive movements with anti-Israel propaganda. In her articles, she critiques the scapegoating discourse that blames Israel for the internal abuses of Palestinian leadership, a tactic used to deflect criticism from those who perpetrate these abuses. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and rejecting this form of ideological manipulation.

In her piece for the Tablet online publication, Chesler calls out the hypocrisy of some left-wing feminists who align with deeply misogynist Palestinian leaders while ostracizing Jewish feminists who support Israel. She challenges the notion that one must forsake their Zionist beliefs to be a legitimate feminist, advocating instead for a more inclusive and honest discourse that acknowledges the complexities of the Middle East conflict.

Moreover, Chesler’s call for Jewish students and their supporters to stand firm has inspired a new generation of activists who are unafraid to challenge the status quo. Her message of resilience and integrity resonates deeply in an environment where speaking out can often lead to social and academic ostracism.

In the face of adversity and threats of violence, the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) demonstrated unparalleled courage and commitment by organizing the 2024 Israel Day Parade in New York City. Despite the tumultuous atmosphere created by pro-Hamas activists staging demonstrations since the October 7th massacre, these organizations ensured that the parade not only took place but did so with grandeur and purpose, reinforcing the values of unity, resilience, and cultural pride within the Jewish community.

The Israel Day Parade, a beloved annual event in New York City, serves as a vibrant celebration of Israel’s heritage, culture, and the enduring bond between the Jewish state and the diaspora. Organized by the UJA-Federation of New York and the JCRC, the parade has always been more than just a display of cultural pride; it is a testament to the strength and solidarity of the Jewish community in the face of challenges.

In the months leading up to the 2024 parade, New York City witnessed numerous demonstrations by pro-Hamas activists, many of which were marked by hostility and aggression. The threat of violence loomed large, creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. However, the UJA-Federation and the JCRC remained steadfast in their commitment to hold the parade, refusing to let intimidation tactics undermine their resolve.

Understanding the gravity of the threats, the UJA-Federation and JCRC worked closely with local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of all participants and spectators. Comprehensive security measures were implemented, including increased police presence, advanced surveillance systems, and strict entry protocols. These efforts not only safeguarded the event but also reassured the community that their safety was a top priority.

Despite the heightened security concerns, the 2024 Israel Day Parade was a resounding success, showcasing the resilience and unity of the Jewish community. Thousands of participants, including schools, families, community leaders, and supporters from various backgrounds, gathered to march in solidarity with Israel.

Anti-Semitism has taken deep root in many American universities, manifesting through various forms of prejudice and hostility, particularly aimed at demonizing Israel. This insidious trend has been ongoing for over two decades, fueled by ideologues who infuse their fervor into academic and social discourse. In a recent article in Tablet, Natan Sharansky, a prominent Jewish human rights activist, argues that the collapse of this entrenched anti-Semitism will only occur when enough Jewish students and faculty stop being afraid and cease unwittingly aiding it by hiding and self-censoring.

Amidst the current furor over America’s campuses, a significant development went largely unnoticed: a letter signed by 500 Jewish students and faculty at Columbia University. This letter boldly articulated their position and asserted their voice against the prevailing anti-Semitic sentiments. Sharansky views this as a potential turning point in the struggle for the future of American Jewry. By publicly standing against anti-Semitism, these individuals have set a powerful example for others to follow.

The significance of the Columbia letter lies in its demonstration of unity and courage. When Jewish students and faculty come together to confront anti-Semitism, they not only defend their own rights and truths but also challenge the broader culture of intolerance. This collective action can inspire similar movements across other campuses, encouraging Jewish communities to speak out and assert their presence.

Sharansky emphasized that it is critical for students at other campuses to join the effort initiated by Columbia’s Jewish community. By doing so, they stand a chance to effect meaningful change. Standing up for their own truths means more than just personal defense; it represents a broader fight for justice, equality, and the dismantling of entrenched anti-Semitism.

In an era marked by rising anti-Israel sentiments and increasing incidents of anti-Semitism, the efforts of individuals who stand against such hatred are crucial. Columbia University Professor Shai Davidai has emerged as a notable figure in this struggle, courageously confronting anti-Israel hatred and anti-Semitism on campus. His actions not only promote a safer environment for Jewish students but also contribute to the broader fight for justice and equality.

Professor Davidai has been vocal in his opposition to the anti-Israel rhetoric that has become pervasive on many college campuses. His commitment to countering misinformation and bias about Israel is rooted in his deep understanding of both psychological dynamics and the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Recognizing that systemic change is necessary to effectively combat anti-Semitism, Professor Davidai has advocated for stronger institutional policies at Columbia University. He has called for the administration to take more decisive actions against hate speech and discrimination, urging the implementation of comprehensive anti-bias training and the establishment of clear protocols for addressing incidents of anti-Semitism.

Professor Davidai’s courage in standing up against hatred and bigotry serves as an inspiration to students and faculty alike. His actions demonstrate the importance of speaking out against injustice and the power of individual commitment in effecting positive change. By leading by example, Davidai encourages others to join the fight against anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hatred, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond the confines of Columbia University.

Since the horrific Hamas attacks on October 7th, Jewish and pro-Israel organizations have been tirelessly working to defend Israel against a surge of global criticism and to counteract the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the United States. These organizations play a crucial role in advocating for Israel’s right to self-defense, providing accurate information, and supporting Jewish communities under threat. This article delves into the key organizations at the forefront of these efforts, highlighting their strategies, actions, and impact.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one of the most influential pro-Israel lobbying groups in the United States. In the aftermath of the October 7th attacks, AIPAC has intensified its efforts to influence U.S. foreign policy in favor of Israel. The organization has been active in mobilizing its vast network of supporters to advocate for robust U.S. support for Israel, including military aid and diplomatic backing at the United Nations.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been at the forefront of combatting anti-Semitism and defending Israel. Since the October 7th attacks, the ADL has redoubled its efforts to fight against the surge in anti-Semitic incidents and to support Israel in the international arena.

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) represents over 300 Jewish communities across North America and has been a critical player in supporting Israel and Jewish communities. In response to the October 7th attacks, the JFNA has launched various initiatives to support Israel and combat anti-Semitism.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to combatting anti-Semitism, hate, and terrorism. Since October 7th, the Center has been actively involved in addressing the rise in anti-Semitic incidents and advocating for Israel.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is one of the oldest pro-Israel organizations in the United States, advocating for Israel’s rights and fighting anti-Semitism. In the wake of the October 7th attacks, the ZOA has been vocal in defending Israel and condemning anti-Semitic actions.

The ZOA engages with political leaders to advocate for policies that support Israel and combat anti-Semitism. The organization runs public campaigns to educate Americans about Israel’s security needs and the threats posed by anti-Semitism. The ZOA takes legal action against institutions and individuals promoting anti-Semitism, ensuring accountability and justice.

Jewish and pro-Israel organizations as well as highly unique individuals have been pivotal in defending Israel from global criticism and combatting the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the United States since the October 7th Hamas attacks. Through a combination of advocacy, education, and legal action, these organizations work tirelessly to support Israel’s right to self-defense and to protect Jewish communities worldwide. Their efforts call attention to the importance of solidarity and vigilance in the face of ongoing threats and challenges that Israel and the Jewish nation are battling each day.

The Perils of Anti-Israel Protests: Unwittingly Empowering Terrorism & the End of the West

The incident at Washington Square Park is part of a larger context of pro-Palestinian protests in the city, intensifying since the deadly terror attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7 in which 1200 Israelis and others were brutally massacred. Credit: AP


In recent months, anti-Israel protests on Western university campuses have gained significant attention. However, the implications of these protests extend far beyond academic discourse and political activism. Recent statements from terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have highlighted a concerning alignment between these protests and radical ideologies.

On May 23, al Qaeda’s central leadership issued a statement expressing gratitude and support for Western university students participating in anti-Israel protests. The statement praised these students for their rejection of what it termed the “ongoing genocide in proud Gaza.” This endorsement should raise alarms about the broader consequences of campus protests that may unwittingly align with terrorist agendas.

Al Qaeda’s statement, translated by Hoover Institution’s Cole Bunzel, underscores the “legal and divine obligation” of Muslim youth to undertake jihad by killing Zionists. This rhetoric is disturbingly similar to the language used by some campus protest leaders, such as Columbia University’s Khymani James, who infamously stated, “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and “be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.”

Not to be outdone by Sunni extremists, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in a letter of May 25th, expressed support for U.S. university students protesting against Israel, framing their activism as part of the “Resistance Front.”  Khamenei’s letter lauds U.S. students for their focus on the plight of Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip, despite many being unfamiliar with its geography. This superficial engagement with complex geopolitical issues can be exploited by terrorist leaders to bolster their agendas. By equating student protests with Hezbollah’s missile arsenal, Khamenei highlights the strategic value he places on these demonstrations as a tool in the broader conflict.

When a figure like Khamenei, known for his regime’s brutal suppression of student protests in Iran, endorses activism on U.S. campuses, it should prompt serious reflection. His praise for the “support and solidarity” of American professors, combined with his critique of “global Zionist elite” media narratives, serves to legitimize terrorist views and foster division.

Khamenei’s concluding advice to U.S. students to become familiar with the Quran, juxtaposed with his criticism of symbols like the Pride flag, reveals a broader ideological agenda. This attempt to co-opt student activism for anti-Western and anti-Israel propaganda must be recognized and resisted.

These endorsements from terrorist figures reveal a troubling dimension of campus activism. When student protests echo the sentiments of groups such as al Qaeda and the Iranian regime, they risk becoming unwitting pawns in a broader geopolitical conflict. The alignment between campus protests and terrorist ideologies not only legitimizes these groups but also emboldens their supporters.

The implications are far-reaching. By aligning with narratives that terrorists support, students may inadvertently provide propaganda victories to these groups. This can lead to increased recruitment, radicalization, and violence.

It is also essential to recognize the power of words and actions in shaping public discourse and influencing global events.  Educators and university administrations bear a significant responsibility in this context. They must ensure that academic freedom and activism do not become conduits for terrorist ideologies. Encouraging critical thinking and informed debate is essential to prevent students from becoming unwitting pawns in geopolitical conflicts.

Universities should promote comprehensive education on Middle Eastern politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, enabling students to engage with these issues from an informed and nuanced perspective. By doing so, they can help students avoid simplistic and potentially harmful narratives.

Students, too, must exercise caution and critical thinking in their activism. It is vital to differentiate between legitimate critique and rhetoric that mirrors terrorist ideologies. By doing so, students can ensure that their efforts contribute positively to the discourse and do not inadvertently empower those who seek to sow division and violence.

The alignment between campus protests and terrorist rhetoric highlights the dangers of superficial activism. Slogans and demonstrations without a deep understanding of the issues can inadvertently support agendas that undermine democratic values and human rights. By fostering a culture of informed activism, universities can protect the integrity of student movements and ensure they contribute positively to the discourse on global issues.


Upfront at The Israeli Day Parade

crowds line 5th avenue
Report and Photos By Lieba Neis 
Held since 1964 the Israeli parade organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York took place on June 2nd 2024 from 11:30-3:30 PM along 56-74th Street and Fifth Avenue.  Pre October 7th this parade was called “Celebrate Israel Parade” and contained bands floats and music-post October 7th the toned-down version’s theme was “Israel Day on Fifth.”  My first time marching I was not sure what to expect especially with the tightened security which included, barricades, metal detectors, K-9 units bike patrols, snipers and a heavy police presence. The expectation was for myriad loud protests and perhaps some aggression leading a fair amount of attendees to skip the festivities.
Grand Marshall Harley Lippman in blue blazer
Rami Gold hero from Be’eri

Despite one crazy masked man carrying a sign calling to “kill the hostages now” the parade largely went off without a hitch. As far as I could tell most of the crowd including the schools were orthodox as Ramaz, Moriah, JCRC, HAFTR along with 200 other participating synagogues and schools came out in droves.  In fact there seemed to be many more marchers than spectators perhaps due to the closed off streets, the hot weather, and the fear of pro-Palestinian marchers.  I had the privilege of accompanying Grand Marshal Harley Lippman on the route-and it was an experience I will never forget.  Harley is a diehard lover and advocate of Israel.

Moriah School
After founding Genesis10, a professional technology consulting firm in 1999 his firm has grown organically with more than 2,000 employees and 20 sales and recruiting offices.  Harley could be enjoying cocktails in his Miami Beach mansion, or hanging out in his Park Avenue pad-but that is not Harley.  In typical Lippman fashion he not only headed the parade which included him flying over some of more than 70 hostage family members represented-but he went over to each individual crowd introducing those whose children had been kidnapped or killed and asking the crowd to advocate for Israel against the “New Nazis”-Hamas.
Mark Wilf, Harley Lippman
  The hostage families were clad in black T-shirts as they carried posters of their loved ones and joined the crowds in chants of “Bring Them Home Now.”  There were hosts of politicians including Chuck Schumer who began the parade as a heckler screamed “Go Home,” Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, Ambassador Gilad Erdan and others; however, this afternoon was all about the victims of October 7th-and yes as in any Jewish crowd their views were far from monolithic.

Roi Assaraf survivor of Nova festival who was shot at ten times
Rafael Cohen, Yaakov Hagoel
  Standing next to Rabbi Zvika Mor from Kiryat Arba, whose son Eitan is being held by Hamas, was eye opening as he called for the crowd to not only bring back his son but to “win the war.”  Zvika shot to fame when he told a Channel 14 interviewer “I love my son, but my country comes first” remarking that “he was ready to make sacrifices.”  On the other end of the spectrum is Eli Shtivi whose son Idan was kidnapped from Nova and who has repeatedly called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to end the war so the hostages can return-even staging a hunger strike to call attention to their plight.
Eli Shtivi whose son Idan is a hostage
Zvika Mor whose son Eitan is hostage telling the crowd we must fight and win the war
The lugubrious faces of Itay Chen’s parents, Hagit and Ruby, whose son was killed by Hamas was hard to bear; as was Dani Miran who is still waiting to hear the fate of his son Omri who was abducted from Kibbutz Natal Oz and has two young girls anxiously anticipating his arrival.  The crowd listened to their stories with tears in their eyes as this year’s parade was almost too much to bear.  Mayor Adams, an ardent advocate of Israel, stood near Israeli singer Eden Golan who recently represented her country at Eurovision despite death threats and fear of violence as Adams declared “destroy Hamas, bring home the hostages.”
Itay Chen’s parents-Hagit and Ruby Chen
Due to the ongoing grim circumstances there was little music, no bands or celebratory chanting at this year’s parade- and I am afraid that was a huge mistake as the afternoon lost its celebratory feeling.  Despite the circumstances of the war the necessity of manifesting our joy at the miracle of the 1948 statehood remains and so the thousands marching lost their sense of purpose and excitement.  This year’s parade also seemed more business oriented as it really was about getting the hostage families to the right politicians in order to make things happen.
Dani Miran holding picture of his hostage son Omri

As the steamy day concluded and more than a couple of parade goers were taken out in stretchers I bumped into hero Rami Gold from Kibbutz Beer a 70 year old war veteran who witnessed October 7th firsthand and who grabbed an M16 rifle from one of his dead friends and fought hundreds of terrorists for 12 hours-until he came down to his last bullet and two reserve soldiers came to save him-and this is what makes Israel so great-even when it appears they are down and out they come back ten times stronger-Am Yisrael Chai!

An Examination of the Threat Posed to Israel by Hezbollah’s Anti-Tank Missiles & Rockets

The Kornet anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), developed by Russia in the 1990s, is renowned for its precision and destructive power. Hezbollah has adapted the Kornet for various uses beyond its original anti-tank role. Photo Credit: YouTube.com

An Examination of the Threat Posed to Israel by Hezbollah’s Anti-Tank Missiles & Rockets

Edited by:  Fern Sidman

In the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the involvement of Hezbollah has introduced a significant and multifaceted threat, particularly through the use of advanced anti-tank missiles. Among these, the Kornet anti-tank missile stands out for its effectiveness and precision.  It is noteworthy to explore the capabilities and implications of Hezbollah’s anti-tank missile arsenal, examining how it impacts both military operations and civilian infrastructures in Israel.

The Burkan rocket is a heavy-duty, short-range missile developed with significant assistance from Iran and Syria. This weapon has been part of Hezbollah’s arsenal since the Syrian Civil War and has been used effectively against both military and civilian targets in Israel. Credit: defencesecurityasia.com

Hezbollah’s primary anti-tank weapon is the Kornet missile, including its upgraded versions. The Kornet anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), developed by Russia in the 1990s, is renowned for its precision and destructive power. It uses a laser-guided system to ensure accuracy and can penetrate even the most robust armor. The missile features a tandem-warhead system that includes a primary charge to breach armor and a secondary charge to deliver a devastating explosion inside the target. Its effective range extends from 100 meters to 8 kilometers, making it versatile for various combat scenarios.

Specifications and Mechanism

Warhead: The Kornet carries a 4.6 kg explosive charge capable of penetrating up to 1,200 mm of armor. The warhead can be either a hollow charge or a thermobaric variant, which disperses a flammable cloud and metal particles to maximize damage.

Guidance System: The missile uses a laser beam riding system, allowing for precise targeting with minimal deviation. This system enables the missile to adjust its trajectory mid-flight to maintain accuracy.

Deployment: The Kornet can be launched from a portable tripod or mounted on vehicles, enhancing its operational flexibility.

Impact: The Kornet’s dual-stage explosive mechanism makes it particularly effective against armored vehicles and tanks. However, it also poses a significant threat to stationary military installations and civilian targets.

Hezbollah has integrated the Kornet into its arsenal with significant effect. These missiles have been supplied by Iran, which acquired them from Russia, and have been used extensively against Israeli targets. Hezbollah’s proficiency with the Kornet was first demonstrated during the 2006 Lebanon War, where the missile successfully penetrated Israeli Merkava tanks and caused substantial casualties.

Hezbollah has adapted the Kornet for various uses beyond its original anti-tank role, employing it against fortified positions and low-flying aircraft. The missile’s ability to cause severe damage to both military and civilian targets makes it a potent tool in asymmetric warfare.

Hezbollah’s strategy has evolved to target not only military assets but also critical civilian infrastructure. This shift is evident in the deployment of other missile systems, such as the Burkan rocket. The Burkan, while not a precision-guided munition (PGM), carries a substantial explosive payload capable of causing significant damage over a wide radius.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have developed the Trophy active protection system, also known as Windbreaker, to counteract the threat posed by anti-tank missiles like the Kornet. The Trophy system is highly effective at neutralizing incoming missiles, protecting armored vehicles from such threats. However, this technology is limited to military applications and does not extend to civilian infrastructure, which remains vulnerable.

Hezbollah’s possession of the Kornet missile, along with other advanced weaponry, highlights the escalating threat to regional stability. The group’s ability to target critical infrastructure, such as power grids and communication networks, raises the specter of widespread disruption and psychological terror.

The Burkan Rocket: Capabilities and Specifications

The Burkan rocket is a heavy-duty, short-range missile developed with significant assistance from Iran and Syria. This weapon has been part of Hezbollah’s arsenal since the Syrian Civil War and has been used effectively against both military and civilian targets in Israel.


Warhead: The Burkan can carry an explosive payload ranging from 100 to 500 kilograms, capable of causing extensive destruction within a 150-meter radius. Some reports suggest that the warhead can be customized with various types of explosives, enhancing its versatility and impact.

Range: The rocket has an effective range of up to 10 kilometers, making it suitable for targeting both near-border installations and deeper strategic targets within Israel.

Launch Mechanism: The Burkan is typically launched from small trucks or ground-based platforms, allowing for mobility and flexibility in its deployment.

Hezbollah has utilized the Burkan rocket in several notable attacks against Israeli military bases and civilian areas. One significant instance occurred on November 4, 2023, when Burkan rockets were fired at a military base in northern Israel, causing significant damage although no casualties were reported due to prior evacuation of the site. This highlights the rocket’s psychological impact as well as its physical destructive power.

The Burkan rocket’s origins trace back to the Syrian Civil War, where it was employed by Assad’s forces and allied Iranian Shiite militias in urban combat scenarios, causing massive destruction. Hezbollah has since adopted and refined this weapon for use against Israel, integrating it into their broader strategy of asymmetrical warfare.

The introduction of the Burkan rocket into Hezbollah’s arsenal poses several strategic challenges for Israel. Its ability to deliver heavy explosives over relatively short distances makes it a formidable threat to both military targets and critical civilian infrastructure such as power grids and communication networks.

The Israel Defense Forces have developed several countermeasures to mitigate the threat posed by the Burkan rocket. These include:

Iron Dome: While effective against many types of rocket attacks, the short range and low altitude of the Burkan present unique challenges for this system.

Laser Interception: There are ongoing efforts to deploy laser-based defense systems that can “cook” critical parts of the rocket in flight, causing it to fail before reaching its target.

Offensive Operations: Targeting the launch platforms and supply chains of Hezbollah to prevent the deployment of these rockets.

The deployment of these missiles by Hezbollah has far-reaching implications. Strategically, the ability to target a wide array of installations complicates defensive measures and strains resources. Psychologically, the threat of missile attacks creates an environment of fear and uncertainty, affecting both military personnel and civilians.

The IDF and Israeli government officials are acutely aware of the risks posed by Hezbollah’s missile arsenal. Measures are continually being developed and refined to protect critical infrastructure and civilian populations. Enhanced early warning systems, fortified structures, and comprehensive emergency response plans are part of the broader strategy to mitigate these threats.

Hezbollah’s use of advanced anti-tank missiles such as the Kornet, along with the deployment of rockets such as the Burkan, presents a significant challenge in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The precision and destructive power of these weapons highlight the need for robust defensive measures and strategic planning. The courage and resilience of those defending against these threats are crucial in maintaining security and stability amidst ongoing hostilities.




Netanyahu aide says Israel may accept a ‘not good’ ceasefire deal to free hostages

Protesters hold pictures of the hostages kidnapped during the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion, outside the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, Friday, Jan. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Patrick Post)
By Vered Weiss, World Israel News
An aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Britain’s Sunday Times that Israel may accept the hostage release and permanent ceasefire deal pushed by the Biden administration, although he acknowledged it was “not a good deal.”
Ophir Falk, Netanyahu’s chief foreign policy advisor, said Biden’s proposal was “a deal we agreed to—it’s not a good deal, but we dearly want the hostages released, all of them.”
Falk added, “There are a lot of details to be worked out,” including “the release of the hostages and the destruction of Hamas as a genocidal terrorist organization.”
Biden urged Israel to accept a three-part hostage release and ceasefire deal similar to a version they had previously approved.
The first phase of the ceasefire would require the release of the women, elderly, wounded, and ill hostages, as well as the bodies of deceased hostages.
This is a departure from an earlier agreement that emphasized the release of living hostages in the first phase and of bodies in later stages.
In an earlier agreement, Israel demanded that 33 female, elderly, and wounded be released in the first phase, and Hamas responded by saying they didn’t have 33 surviving hostages that fit that category and offered to release the bodies of captives along with living hostages.
The first phase would allow the return to Palestinians in the north, a condition Israel had earlier balked at for fear that it would allow Hamas to regroup.
The second phase of the deal would see the release of the remaining hostages, including male soldiers, and a withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza.
Biden said of the second phase, “As long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, a temporary ceasefire would become, in the words of the Israeli proposal, a cessation of hostilities permanently.”
The third phase would usher in “a major reconstruction plan for Gaza” and the release of the remainder of the bodies of Israeli hostages.
Hamas has expressed that it is open to negotiation.
“Biden’s speech included positive ideas, but we want this to materialize within the framework of a comprehensive agreement that meets our demands,” senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told Al Jazeera on Saturday.
However, in past iterations of the hostage deal, Hamas has made promising statements only to reject proposals and place the blame on Israel for the failure in negotiations.
The main sticking point between Israel and Hamas is that Israel has agreed to a temporary ceasefire before the release of hostages, and Hamas has insisted that no hostages will be released unless Israel agrees to a permanent ceasefire from the outset.
Falk reiterated Netanyahu’s position that “there will not be a permanent ceasefire until all our objectives are met.”

Cancer Patients Often Do Better With Less Intensive Treatment, New Research Finds

FILE - In this May 25, 2017 file photo, chemotherapy drugs are administered to a patient at a hospital in Chapel Hill, N.C. Scaling back treatment in some cancers — ovarian, esophageal and Hodgkin lymphoma — can make life easier for patients without compromising outcomes, doctors reported at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting in early June 2024. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome, File)
(AP) – Scaling back treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without compromising outcomes, doctors reported at the world’s largest cancer conference.
It’s part of a long-term trend toward studying whether doing less — less surgery, less chemotherapy or less radiation — can help patients live longer and feel better. The latest studies involved ovarian and esophageal cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma.
Thirty years ago, cancer research was about doing more, not less. In one sobering example, women with advanced breast cancer were pushed to the brink of death with massive doses of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. The approach didn’t work any better than chemotherapy and patients suffered.
Now, in a quest to optimize cancer care, researchers are asking: “Do we need all that treatment that we have used in the past?”
It’s a question, “that should be asked over and over again,” said Dr. Tatjana Kolevska, medical director for the Kaiser Permanente National Cancer Excellence Program, who was not involved in the new research.
Often, doing less works because of improved drugs.
“The good news is that cancer treatment is not only becoming more effective, it’s becoming easier to tolerate and associated with less short-term and long-term complications,” said Dr. William G. Nelson of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who was also not involved in the new research.
Studies demonstrating the trend were discussed over the weekend at an American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago. Here are the highlights:
French researchers found that it’s safe to avoid removing lymph nodes that appear healthy during surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. The study compared the results for 379 patients — half had their lymph nodes removed and half did not. After nine years, there was no difference in how long the patients lived and those with less-extreme surgery had fewer complications, such as the need for blood transfusions. The research was funded by the National Institute of Cancer in France.
This German study looked at 438 people with a type of cancer of the esophagus that can be treated with surgery. Half received a common treatment plan that included chemotherapy and surgery on the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Half got another approach that includes radiation too. Both techniques are considered standard. Which one patients get can depend on where they get treatment.
After three years, 57% of those who got chemo and surgery were alive, compared to 51% of those who got chemo, surgery and radiation. The German Research Foundation funded the study.
A comparison of two chemotherapy regimens for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma found the less intensive treatment was more effective for the blood cancer and caused fewer side effects.
After four years, the less harsh chemo kept the disease in check in 94% of people, compared to 91% of those who had the more intense treatment. The trial included 1,482 people in nine countries — Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia and New Zealand — and was funded by Takeda Oncology, the maker of one of the drugs used in the gentler chemo that was studied.