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Former President Trump Convicted on 34 Felony Charges

The first of Donald Trump’s four criminal trials will begin April 15, a Manhattan judge ruled Monday.

(TJV) A New York jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony charges related to falsifying business records connected to a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels by his then-personal lawyer before the 2016 election.

Trump is now the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

His sentencing is set for July 11 at 10 a.m. ET, just five days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Trump is expected to be confirmed as the GOP’s presidential nominee.

Trump faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison for each count.

During the reading of the verdict, Trump remained stoic, while his son Eric appeared visibly angry as each “guilty” verdict was read.

The jury, composed of 12 members, deliberated for less than 10 hours over two days before reaching their decision. They sent a note to Judge Juan Merchan indicating they had a verdict, surprising many who anticipated a dismissal for the day.

Trump, appearing resigned, sat with his arms crossed in the courtroom when the verdict was announced. The jury, after taking time to fill out the verdict form, was brought back into the courtroom about half an hour later.

Trump, aged 77, faced 34 felony counts for falsifying business records in relation to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels made by his then-lawyer Michael Cohen before the 2016 election.

Judge Merchan thanked the jurors for their service, acknowledging the personal sacrifices they made during the trial.

The verdict came after the jury heard readbacks of testimony from Michael Cohen and former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, along with legal instructions provided by Judge Merchan the previous day.

This marks the first time a former U.S. president has been charged with a crime.

The case revolved around reimbursements made by Trump and the Trump Organization to Cohen for the payment to Daniels, intended to prevent her from disclosing an alleged affair with Trump in 2006. Cohen testified that Trump directed him to make the payment to avoid damaging his presidential campaign.

More on Trump’s Legal Challenges

  • Truth Social Struggles: New data shows challenges in growing the U.S. user base of Trump’s media app.
  • Conservative Populism: An overview of the leaders shaping the new conservative economic populism of the Trump era.
  • Crypto Campaign: Trump’s campaign has started accepting cryptocurrency donations, aiming to build a “crypto army.”
  • Campaign Fundraising: Trump’s campaign reports higher fundraising totals than Biden’s in April, though Democrats maintain a cash advantage.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, faces three other pending criminal cases:

  1. Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election: Two cases, one in federal court in Washington, D.C., and another in Georgia state court in Atlanta, involve Trump’s actions to overturn his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden.
  2. Classified Documents: In Florida, Trump is charged with crimes related to his retention of classified government documents after leaving the White House in January 2021 and attempts to prevent their recovery by federal officials.

Civil Judgments Against Trump

Trump also faces significant civil judgments:

  • Business Fraud: A Manhattan Supreme Court ruling orders Trump to pay over $450 million in damages for business fraud related to the Trump Organization’s real estate valuations.
  • Defamation Cases: Federal juries awarded nearly $90 million in damages to writer E. Jean Carroll, who accused Trump of rape in the mid-1990s. Trump is appealing these verdicts.

Israeli Legislation Targets UNRWA Amid Accusations of Terrorist Links

A Palestinian woman is seen outside the UNRWA's Gaza Headquarters in Gaza City in 2015 | Photo: AP / Khalil Hamra

Israeli Legislation Targets UNRWA Amid Accusations of Terrorist Links

Edited by: Fern Sidman

On Wednesday, the Israeli Knesset passed a preliminary reading of a bill with profound implications for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Proposed by Yulia Malinovsky of the Israel Beytenu party, the bill designates UNRWA as a terrorist organization and aims to abolish the immunities and privileges enjoyed by its employees, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post.  The bill passed its preliminary reading with a 42-6 majority.

The “Bill to Abolish the Immunity and Privileges of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)” seeks to integrate UNRWA under the purview of Israel’s Anti-Terrorism Law. Indicated in the JPost report was that this integration would nullify the organization’s diplomatic immunities, severing Israel’s ties with UNRWA and leading to the closure of its assets within Israeli territory. Foreign Minister Israel Katz will be responsible for enacting the decree that officially revokes UNRWA’s diplomatic immunity.

The roots of the current legislation trace back to 1947, when the United Nations Privileges and Immunities Ordinance was established. This ordinance granted the UN and its officials various legal protections, including immunity from legal action, tax exemptions, and import/export privileges, as was explained in the JPost report. These immunities were designed to facilitate the UN’s humanitarian and diplomatic activities worldwide. However, the new bill, if passed in its final reading, will dismantle these protections for UNRWA within Israel.

The legislative push against UNRWA comes amidst mounting allegations of the agency’s involvement with Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by Israel and other countries. Israeli authorities have presented substantial evidence implicating UNRWA in activities that compromise its humanitarian mission. The JPost reported that among the accusations are the discovery of Hamas tunnels beneath UNRWA schools and the collaboration of UNRWA employees with Hamas operatives, particularly highlighted by the events of October 7.

One of the most damning pieces of evidence was uncovered on February 10, when a 700-meter-long, 18-meter-deep tunnel leading to an underground shelter used by Hamas’s military intelligence was found beneath UNRWA’s central headquarters in Gaza, the report in the JPost noted. According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), this tunnel was supplied with electricity from UNRWA facilities, indicating a direct link between the agency’s infrastructure and Hamas’s military operations. This discovery highlighted the agency’s complicity and raised serious concerns about the misuse of UNRWA facilities for terrorist activities.

In a subsequent raid on UNRWA headquarters, the IDF found large quantities of weapons, including rifles, ammunition, grenades, and explosives. The JPost reported that this raid was prompted by intelligence suggesting that the facilities were being used by Hamas terrorists. Documents and other intelligence discovered during the raid further confirmed that UNRWA offices had been utilized by Hamas operatives.

According to estimates published by the Wall Street Journal on January 29, 2024, approximately 10% of UNRWA’s 12,000 employees are believed to have connections to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. This estimate underscores the deep infiltration of these militant groups within the organization. The Wall Street Journal reported that six UNRWA workers were directly involved in a wave of Palestinian militant attacks that resulted in the deaths of 1,200 people, marking the deadliest assault on Jews since the Holocaust, the JPost report said. Among these employees, two were involved in kidnapping Israelis, while others participated in or coordinated logistics for the assault, including the procurement of weapons.

In response to these grave allegations, a UN inquiry was launched in April to investigate the specific allegations against 12 UNRWA employees implicated in the October 7 massacre. Revealed in the JPost report was that the inquiry led to the identification and termination of contracts for 10 of these employees, while two were confirmed dead, as reported on the UN’s official website. This swift action highlights the severity of the charges and the international community’s concern over the integrity of UNRWA’s operations.

Concurrently, the UN opened additional investigations in March and April into seven more UNRWA employees. The report in the JPost indicated that these inquiries aim to determine the extent of involvement, if any, of UNRWA personnel in terrorist activities and to assess the overall integrity of the agency’s operations.

One of the most significant areas of concern regarding UNRWA is its education system. The JPost reported that according to its official website, UNRWA is responsible for the education of 291,100 students in Gaza and employs 9,443 staff members in its schools. Education constitutes 58 percent of the organization’s budget, reflecting its critical role in the agency’s mission.

However, a joint report presented to the US Congress in March by UN Watch and The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) has raised serious allegations about the content and conduct within UNRWA schools. The report provides “compelling evidence of UNRWA’s gross and systematic violations of neutrality and other UN rules in their hiring of teachers and in their use of curricula,” as was noted in the JPost report. Specifically, it documents instances of incitement to hatred, anti-Semitism, and terrorism within UNRWA educational materials and teaching practices.

The joint report highlights numerous concerning findings about the behavior of UNRWA educators and the content taught in its schools. It documents cases where UNRWA teachers have used social media platforms such as Twitter to glorify Hamas and incite violence against Jews, the JPost report said. Furthermore, the report details how UNRWA school textbooks and educational materials contain content that promotes terrorism, glorifies martyrdom, and denies the existence of Israel.


These findings suggest a systemic issue within the UNRWA education system, where materials and personnel are contributing to an environment of intolerance and Jew hatred. Additionally, the JPost report indicated that the allegations point to a failure to adhere to the principles of neutrality and peace, which are foundational to the UN’s mission.

One particularly troubling example comes from a 9th-grade reading-comprehension exercise in Arabic. The exercise features a story about a Palestinian firebombing attack on a Jewish bus near the city of Ramallah in the Judea and Samaria region of Israel. The JPost reported that the text describes the attack in a celebratory tone, referring to it as a “barbecue party.” Such language not only glorifies violence but also desensitizes students to the brutality of terrorist attacks, presenting them as festive events rather than acts of violence and terror.

Another example from a 9th-grade social studies question perpetuates harmful and false narratives about the causes of health issues in the Gaza Strip and in Judea and Samaria. The question asks, “Why do Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank suffer from numerous deadly diseases such as cancer?” The provided answer claims, “because the Occupation turns vast areas of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank into landfills for its toxic wastes,” as was revealed in the JPost report. This response promotes a baseless conspiracy theory that blames Israel for health crises in Palestinian territories, fostering animosity and mistrust.

UNRWA Commissioner Philippe Lazzarini has consistently defended the organization against these allegations. On June 30, 2021, Lazzarini addressed reports by UN Watch and IMPACT-se, dismissing the accusations of incitement to violence and anti-Semitism as irrational, as was detailed in the JPost report.  He argued that such allegations were politically motivated attacks aimed at undermining UNRWA’s legitimacy and eroding the rights of Palestinian refugees.

Established in 1949, UNRWA has been a critical lifeline for Palestinian refugees across the Middle East, including in the Gaza Strip, where it serves approximately two million people. The agency provides essential services such as education, healthcare, and social support, aiming to improve the living conditions of Palestinian refugees and promote regional stability.

However, Israel’s allegations challenge the integrity of UNRWA’s operations, suggesting that the agency’s resources and infrastructure have been exploited for terrorist purposes, as was revealed in the JPost report. This narrative has fueled the legislative momentum to reclassify UNRWA under anti-terrorism laws, fundamentally altering its operational landscape in the region.

Should the bill pass its final reading, the implications will be far-reaching. UNRWA will lose its operational privileges in Israel, severely restricting its ability to function within Israeli-controlled territories. The agency’s employees will no longer enjoy immunity from legal proceedings, exposing them to potential prosecution under Israeli law, the report in the JPost said. This legislative move could also set a precedent, influencing other countries’ policies towards UNRWA and potentially leading to a broader reevaluation of the agency’s role and operations.

The international community’s response to Israel’s legislative action against UNRWA will be pivotal. Countries and organizations that back UNRWA may express strong opposition, advocating for the protection of its humanitarian mandate. Conversely, Israel’s allies may support the bill, viewing it as a necessary step to curb terrorism.


Steve Cohen’s $8B Casino Complex Plans for Queens Face Major Setback

Billionaire Steven A. Cohen is quite possibly in the process of buying a huge stake in the New York Mets. (Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Steve Cohen’s $8B Casino Complex Plans for Queens Face Major Setback

Edited by:  Fern Sidman

Steve Cohen, the billionaire owner of the New York Mets, is facing a significant obstacle in his ambitious plan to develop an $8 billion casino-entertainment complex near Citi Field. According to the information provided in a report in The New York Post, despite his high-profile partnership with Hard Rock, the project has hit a critical roadblock as State Senator Jessica Ramos, who represents the Flushing-Corona area where the casino is proposed, has announced her opposition to the necessary legislative changes.

Nearly a dozen bidders are competing for three state casino licenses to operate in or around New York City.

Steve Cohen’s vision for the “Metropolitan Park” is an expansive casino-entertainment complex aimed at transforming the area around Citi Field into a premier destination. As was reported by The Post, the proposed $8 billion project, in partnership with Hard Rock, seeks to redesignate lots currently zoned as parkland for entertainment use. This redesignation is essential for the project to proceed, as it would allow Cohen and his partners to apply for the required permits and clear regulatory hurdles.

Senator Ramos has taken a firm stand against the project, citing the needs and desires of her constituents. The report in the Post also indicated that Ramos, who represents the district encompassing the proposed site, stated unequivocally that she will not introduce legislation to change the zoning of the parkland.

“I will not introduce legislation to alienate parkland in Corona for the purposes of a casino,” Ramos said in a statement on Tuesday, according to The Post report. She emphasized that her community is in dire need of green space and recreational facilities for families, not gambling establishments.

Ramos articulated the broader concerns of her constituents, many of whom feel that accepting a casino as a trade-off for economic development is not in their best interest. “We disagree on the premise that we have to accept a casino in our backyard as the trade-off. I resent the conditions and the generations of neglect that have made many of us so desperate that we would be willing to settle,” she added, The Post report noted.

This opposition underscores a fundamental clash between the promise of economic development and the preservation of community resources and quality of life.

“Mr. Cohen and Hard Rock would still make a profit, albeit less,” Ramos acknowledged to The Post. She suggested that finding a compromise would demonstrate Cohen’s genuine commitment to the community. “Mr. Cohen and his team have often declared their love for our community and said they recognize our potential. Finding a path forward would be a good way to show it.”

Without the rezoning legislation, Cohen’s project cannot move forward for consideration by state regulators who are evaluating various casino bids for New York City. The Post report also indicated that although it is theoretically possible for another state senator to introduce the bill, such a move would be politically challenging. Lawmakers are generally reluctant to override the opposition of a colleague on issues directly impacting their district.

Currently, a redesignation bill has been introduced in the state assembly but must also pass through the state senate to proceed. Given Ramos’ firm stance, the path to legislative approval appears fraught with difficulty.

The New York State Gaming Commission is expected to award three casino licenses by the end of 2025. This timeline gives Cohen and other bidders some time to improve their odds, but the competition is fierce, The Post report said. The selection process will consider various factors, including community impact, economic benefits, and support from local and state officials.

Cohen’s casino project has garnered support from other key Queens politicians, including Borough President Donovan Richards and City Councilman Francisco Moya, who also represents the area, The Post report affirmed.

Borough President Donovan Richards argued that no single elected official should have the power to block such a significant investment. “No one elected official should be the sole arbiter of this $8 billion investment, so I strongly urge Governor Hochul and the State Senate to explore other avenues to bring the Metropolitan Park proposal to life and ensure that Queens continues to get the money we deserve,” Richards stated, as was reported by The Post.

Cohen’s team remains steadfast in its commitment to the Metropolitan Park project, emphasizing that gaming is the essential economic driver needed to realize the proposed 23,000 jobs, $8 billion investment, and substantial community benefits. Cohen’s representative reiterated this point to The Post: “Our team remains committed to bringing Metropolitan Park to life, with gaming as the only viable economic engine to make the 23,000 jobs, $8 billion investment, and substantial community benefits possible.”

Karl Rickett, a spokesman for Metropolitan Park/Cohen, expressed confidence in the project’s prospects. “While we respect Senator Ramos’s point of view, the state never intended any one person to have the ability to single-handedly stop or approve a gaming project,” Rickett said in an email to The Post. He highlighted the widespread support for the project from elected officials, unions, and the local community, asserting, “We have over a year and multiple pathways to secure the required approvals.”

For his part, Steve Cohen has invested heavily in lobbying and building support for his casino bid. The Post report revealed that his efforts include a notable $116 million donation from his foundation to CUNY’s LaGuardia Community College, a move seen as part of a broader strategy to win community favor.

With the casino project facing significant hurdles, Cohen might need to consider alternative plans. Senator Ramos’ proposal for a convention center and hotel, coupled with increased green space, offers a viable alternative that could still provide economic benefits while addressing community needs.

The Post also reported that a Democratic colleague criticized Ramos, saying, “Much like her fake run for mayor that everyone knows isn’t happening, her yearlong, pre-determined ‘decision’ on the local casino was nothing more than a self-absorbed play for attention.”

Ramos’ position echoes the actions of Queens State Senator Michael Gianaris, who in 2019 unilaterally blocked Amazon from opening a $3 billion East Coast headquarters in Long Island City. Ramos has expressed confidence that her stance will be respected by her legislative peers. When asked by The Post if she could be thwarted, Ramos replied, “I would be very surprised. I think that would be a disservice to our legislative body if members’ wishes were not respected. I’m in a position to defend the will of my constituents, and I would be shocked actually, I would be very surprised, if the state senate would allow for someone else to introduce such legislation.”

Cohen’s aggressive approach has not gone unnoticed by rival bidders for the state’s casino licenses. A source from a competing bid remarked to The Post, “His entire approach has been to outspend and intimidate with his wallet. And that kinda sucks. I’m glad the system is working.” This sentiment underscores the competitive and contentious nature of the casino licensing process.

Interestingly, Cohen’s difficulties in Albany could have broader implications. Another bidder, Bally’s, which acquired the lease for the former Trump golf course at Ferry Point in The Bronx, also needs legislation to convert parkland for casino use, the Post report revealed.  Cohen’s challenges may signal potential hurdles for other projects requiring similar legislative changes.



Yom Yerushalayim Sameach?

Credit: AP

Yom Yerushalayim Sameach?

By: Rabbi Leo Dee

On April 5,2023, IDF troops stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, to stop armed terrorists bombarding the Kotel below. Two days later, my wife Lucy and two daughters, Maia and Rina, were murdered by Palestinian terrorists on their way to a Pesach vacation. The war named the “Al Aqsa Storm” by Hamas had begun. Six months later, it exploded into the cruellest terror attack in modern Jewish history.

The Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site and Islam’s third holiest site. Technically, the Al Aqsa Mosque is not within the boundaries of our historic Temples, only the Dome of the Rock, which is historically only a monument and not a mosque. Due to the current political situation, Jerusalem has sadly become a place of conflict between Jews and Muslims.

Yom Yerushalayim is a holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem following the victory in the 1967 “Six Day War”. We wish each other “Yom Yerushalayim Sameach”, but is it so “Sameach” (happy)?

The Mishnah (Keilim 1:6) mentions ten levels of holiness within the Land of Israel in ascending order: the walled cities, the city of Jerusalem, Mount Moriah, the area within the surrounding rampart, the Women’s Courtyard, the Courtyard of the Israelites, the Priestly Courtyard, the area between the Altar and the Entrance Hall to the Sanctuary, the building of the Sanctuary, and the Holy of Holies. The attentive reader will notice that eight of these levels are within the Temple compound, currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock and under Jordanian jurisdiction. Despite the fact that we now have sovereignty over 99% or more of Jerusalem by area, since the level of holiness does not rise linearly as we zoom into the Holy of Holies, but rather exponentially, we have less than 1% sovereignty of Jerusalem by holiness.

Yom Yerushalayim is, therefore, not such a happy day.

The last king of a united Israel (i.e. before it split into separate regions) was King Solomon, who reigned for forty years – the most peaceful years in Middle Eastern history – at the beginning of the First Temple period. When Israel was disunited, or occupied by other nations, there was no such peace in our region. When the Christians occupied Jerusalem in the 11th and 12th centuries there were Crusades. Since the Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount in 1187, there have been countless wars and, today, Jihad abounds.

Rashi (on Gemara Rosh Hashanah 18a) writes that there will be peace when the Temple is rebuilt, and this is the clear position of all of our prophets (see for example Zecharia chapter 8).

Three times a day, Jews recite the Amidah prayer. Its latter half spells out the destiny of our nation: returning to Israel, building a judiciary, fighting our enemies, constructing our religious institutions, uniting Jerusalem, and ushering in the Messianic era. It then continues with a prayer “Hear our voices” and follows with the petition to rebuild the Temple. There’s clearly an odd-one-out. What is the destiny in “hearing our voices”?

Perhaps that is the message. Only if we hearken to OUR own voices, expressing our desire to rebuild the Temple, can we get to that stage. Perhaps the blockage is us.

Our brave soldiers are fighting in Gaza and in Northern Israel, but perhaps the secret to Shalom in the world is a 20-acre plot of land lying right in the middle of our capital city. What if our Rabbis, the Prophets and God knew something that we do not? What if the freeing of the Dome of the Rock from its 850-year occupation is the key to peace for us and our region? What if we can partition the Temple Mount fairly between the Al Aqsa Mosque (the Muslim holy space) and the Dome of the Rock (our Temple location)? What if we just need to heed our own prayers and rebuild the Temple to bring peace?

Until such time as we are able to listen to our own pleas to bring back the holiest part of Jerusalem to its Torah-stated purpose, and thereby bring peace to the world, let me wish you a muted “Yom 1% Yerushalayim Sameach”

Real Estate Exec Charles Cohen Faces Legal Battle with Fortress Investment Group Over Massive Debt


Edited by: TJVNews.com

Charles Cohen, a prominent real estate executive and owner of Cohen Brothers Realty, is embroiled in a high-stakes legal battle with Fortress Investment Group. The dispute centers around a $544 million lawsuit filed by Fortress, alleging that Cohen defaulted on debt tied to seven properties, including the Design Center of the Americas (DCOTA) in Dania Beach, Florida, according to an April 27th report on the businessofhome.com web site. This lawsuit comes on the heels of Cohen Brothers’ delinquency on $635 million in loans backed by its New York properties, including the renowned Decoration & Design Building (D&D Building), pushing the company’s total debt to at least $966 million. The report also indicated that Cohen, however, is fighting back with a new affidavit seeking to dismiss the lawsuit, claiming an agreement with Fortress to defer payments and extend the loan term.

According to Crain’s New York Business, Cohen claims that an agreement was reached with Fortress Investment Group in December, which included deferring payments and extending the loan term through the third quarter of 2025, the businessofhome.com reported. As part of this alleged agreement, Cohen agreed to put up 49 percent of his interest in the D&D Building and the Manhattan office building at 3 Park Avenue as collateral.

The purported agreement with Fortress Investment Group is crucial to Cohen’s defense. Cohen asserts that the terms of this agreement should nullify the basis of Fortress’s lawsuit. The report on the businessofhome.com said that the agreement, as described by Cohen, involves:

Deferred Payments: Fortress agreed to defer the loan payments, providing Cohen Brothers Realty with temporary financial relief.

Extended Loan Term: The loan term was extended to the third quarter of 2025, allowing more time for Cohen Brothers to stabilize its finances and meet its obligations.

Collateral Commitment: Cohen pledged 49 percent of his interest in the D&D Building and 3 Park Avenue as collateral, demonstrating a commitment to secure the loan extension and deferral agreement.

Cohen alleges that Fortress’s abrupt withdrawal from the agreement and subsequent demands were made in bad faith. According to the information provided on the businessofhome.com web site, he has argued that the lender’s actions were designed to manufacture a default, enabling Fortress to sue him personally, given that he had guaranteed the loan. Cohen described Fortress’s behavior as a strategic move to create a default scenario, thus justifying the lawsuit.

In his affidavit, Cohen asserts that Fortress’s actions provide sufficient grounds for dismissing the lawsuit and denying the firm’s motion for summary judgment. He argued that the last-minute change in terms and the demand for immediate payment were clear indications of bad faith. The report added that by allegedly orchestrating a default, Fortress aimed to leverage Cohen’s personal guarantee of the loan, putting his financial interests at significant risk.

Cohen further accuses Fortress of attempting to inflict additional harm on his business. According to the information contained in the businessofhome.com report, he claims that Fortress filed unredacted copies of the loan agreement with its lawsuit, disclosing sensitive information about tenants in Cohen Brothers buildings.

Cohen contends that the disclosure of this confidential information will likely cause more than $1 billion in damages to his company’s real estate portfolio. Indicated in the report was that he views Fortress’s actions as a deliberate attempt to undermine his business by creating opportunities for competitors to lure away tenants, thereby destabilizing his property holdings.

The legal battle between Cohen and Fortress highlights several critical issues within the real estate industry, particularly concerning the dynamics between large-scale borrowers and lenders. If Cohen’s allegations of bad faith and business sabotage hold, it could set a precedent for how similar disputes are handled in the future. The case underscores the importance of clear, enforceable agreements and the potential consequences of breaching such agreements.

Moreover, the situation raises questions about the ethical responsibilities of investment firms when handling sensitive information. The alleged disclosure of tenant details by Fortress could have far-reaching implications for how confidential information is managed and protected in legal disputes.


Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Meta’ Faces Shareholder Revolt Over Child Safety Concerns

A car passes Facebook's new Meta logo on a sign at the company headquarters on Oct. 28, 2021, in Menlo Park, Calif. Facebook parent Meta is laying off 13% of its employees as it contends with faltering revenue and broader tech industry woes. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar, File)

Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Meta’ Faces Shareholder Revolt Over Child Safety Concerns

Edited by: TJVNews.com

Meta, the tech giant helmed by Mark Zuckerberg, braced for a significant shareholder revolt at its annual meeting on Wednesday. The central issue is a push for greater transparency regarding Meta’s efforts to protect children online, a matter that has garnered increasing scrutiny amid rising legal and regulatory challenges.

A group led by Lisette Cooper, vice chair of Fiduciary Trust International (a subsidiary of Franklin Templeton), is spearheading the charge. According to a report in The New York Post, Cooper, who is also the parent of a child sex abuse survivor, is backing a non-binding resolution that urges Meta’s board to publish an annual report detailing the company’s performance in safeguarding children on its platforms. The report added that the proposed report would require quantitative metrics to assess whether Meta has improved its performance globally in terms of child safety and actual harm reduction to young users.

“If they want to reassure advertisers, parents, legislators, shareholders on whether they’re making a difference on dealing with this problem of harm to children, they need to have transparency,” Cooper stated in an interview with The Post. “They need better metrics.”

“Children are going to be the users of the future. If they have a bad experience on the platform, they are not going to keep coming back. This makes a huge difference to us as investors,” Cooper added.

This push for transparency comes at a tumultuous time for Meta, which faces legal challenges both in the United States and abroad. The Post report indicated that internationally, Meta is under scrutiny by the European Commission, which is investigating potential violations of the Digital Service Act (DSA). The Post report indicated that this new law mandates that large tech firms such as Meta actively police content on their platforms. European regulators are concerned that Facebook and Instagram may contribute to behavioral addictions in children and the so-called “rabbit-hole effects,” where children remain engaged with harmful content for extended periods. If found in violation, Meta could face fines amounting to 6% of its annual revenue.

Meta’s board of directors has expressed opposition to the proposed resolution. In an April proxy statement, the board argued that the “requested report is unnecessary and would not provide additional benefit to our shareholders,” as per The Post report. This stance has drawn further criticism from child safety advocates and shareholders who argue that the lack of transparency undermines trust and accountability.

Cooper and her allies cite a growing body of litigation against Meta related to child safety issues. In October of last year, Meta was sued by dozens of states alleging that the company had “ignored the sweeping damage these platforms have caused to the mental and physical health” of young users, the report in The Post said. The lawsuits highlight issues such as poor sleep, disruption to schoolwork, anxiety, and depression, all allegedly exacerbated by Meta’s platforms.

One notable lawsuit, filed by New Mexico’s attorney general, alleges that Meta has exposed underage users to potential sex predators. This lawsuit is part of a broader wave of litigation that criticizes Meta’s handling of child safety.

In addition to these legal challenges, Meta is actively lobbying against two bills in New York designed to protect children online, as was revealed in The Post report. These bills aim to impose stricter regulations on tech companies to safeguard young users, a move that Meta is reportedly trying to weaken or kill through extensive lobbying efforts.

Two of the largest proxy advisory firms, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis & Co., have recommended that shareholders vote in favor of the resolution. Glass Lewis stated that the requested report would provide shareholders with valuable information, helping them understand Meta’s efforts to minimize harmful content, according to the information provided in The Post report. ISS echoed this sentiment, noting that shareholders would benefit from additional information on how the company is managing risks related to child safety.

Despite the support from proxy advisory firms and a significant portion of the shareholder base, the resolution faces an uphill battle. The Post report indicated that Mark Zuckerberg controls 61% of Meta’s voting power through his ownership of super voting Class B shares. This concentration of voting power effectively allows Zuckerberg to block any resolution he opposes.

However, Proxy Impact, which filed the resolution on Cooper’s behalf, highlighted in a filing that a similar proposal at last year’s annual meeting received nearly 54% support from shares not controlled by Meta management, The Post report said. This indicates a strong level of concern among independent shareholders about the company’s handling of child safety issues.

Michael Passoff, CEO of Proxy Impact, emphasized to The Post that the fundamental business principle that “what gets measured gets managed.” This mantra underscores the need for Meta to collect and disclose data on its child safety initiatives.  Speaking to The Post, Passoff criticized Meta for not providing accessible information on their efforts, stating, “This is like a basic first step for any business plan – get the data. What gets measured gets managed, and they’re not doing that. Or if they are, they just aren’t making it available to anyone.”

In response to growing concerns, Meta’s proxy filing outlines several steps the company has taken to enhance online child safety. These measures include the development of over 30 tools designed to support teens and families across Meta’s suite of apps. Additionally, Meta maintains policies that prohibit harmful content aimed at exploiting children.

“We want people, especially young people, to foster their online relationships in a safe, positive, and supportive environment, and we work closely with a broad range of stakeholders to inform our approach to safety,” the company stated, as was reported by The Post.

Lipstadt: Social media giants aren’t tackling antisemitism

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Deborah Lipstadt, U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, at the Anti-Defamation League's "Never Is Now" conference, held in New York on March 6-7, 2024. Credit: ADL.

Lipstadt, the State Department’s special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, met earlier in the day with top technology companies to discuss steps to combat online antisemitism. Among the options discussed were the creation of special teams to focus on the issue and training programs to teach employees how to identify Jew-hatred.

In attendance at the meeting were representatives from Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, TikTok and X.

“There’s good reasons to beat up on them [tech giants] in terms of antisemitism online,” Lipstadt told Bloomberg News.

“But too many people have done that and nothing has changed, and we were hoping that we could look for best practices,” she added.

Australia rejects unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News
On Thursday, Australia’s Parliament rejected by a margin of 80-5 a Greens Party proposal to recognize a “state of Palestine.”
Liberal MP Julian Lesser called the motion “contrary to the traditions of Australian foreign policy.”
Adam Bandt, leader of The Greens Party, said recognizing a Palestinian State would be a “concrete step towards peace.”
He added, “It’s not just a symbolic move; it’s a critical step towards peace and towards ending the slaughter we’re seeing with the invasion of Gaza at the moment.”
However, opponents of the proposal argued that a Palestinian state that isn’t committed to renouncing terror will promote peace in the region.
Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister Tim Watts said, “simplistic wedge motions in the house do nothing to advance the cause of peace.”
He continued, “A Palestinian state cannot be a threat to Israel’s security. We want to see a reformed Palestinian governing authority committed to peace, renouncing violence.”
Opponents cited Denmark whose government also voted against unilateral recognition of a Palestinian State.
“We cannot recognize an independent Palestinian state for the sole reason that the preconditions are not really there,” Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said in April.
Norway’s foreign minister met with Palestinian Authority prime minister Mohammad Mustafa on Sunday in Brussels, and he handed over diplomatic papers affirming his country’s recognition of a Palestinian state.
Spain on Tuesday officially recognized a “State of Palestine” within the 1967 lines, with eastern Jerusalem as its capital and including the Gaza Strip.
According to a survey conducted by the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs (JCFA), 64% of Israelis said they were opposed to the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of an agreement to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia.
A third of Israelis who thought before October 7th that a Palestinian State could be viable under certain conditions now oppose it entirely.
Among Israelis aged 60 and above, support for a demilitarized Palestinian state fell from 44% to 32%. Among those with academic degrees, the number fell from 29% to 20%, and among Israelis with higher incomes, support for a Palestinian State dropped from 33% to 20%.
Among Israeli adults under 30, 70% oppose a Palestinian state. Traditional, religious, and ultra-Orthodox are against Palestinian statehood at a rate of 74%, 88%, and 91%, respectively, and 54% of secular Israelis are against it.

5 Americans Remain Hostages in Gaza. Does Biden Have a Plan to Bring Them Home?

Families of Israeli captives in Gaza speak to reporters outside the Tel Aviv Museum of Art after returning from talks in Qatar, Jan. 7, 2024. Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90.

Virginia Allen(Daily Signal)

About 120 hostages, five of them Americans, are believed still held by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip adjoining Israel since Oct. 7.

One American, Edan Alexander, turned 20 in captivity on Dec. 29. Before he was taken hostage by Hamas, his mother Yael Alexander told her son that she loved him and to be safe.

“And that’s it, we hang up. I didn’t know I’m not going to hear from him again,” the captive’s mother said in an interview with the American Jewish Committee published in March.

Alexander was born in Tel Aviv but grew up in New Jersey. He chose to return to Israel to serve in the Israel Defense Forces after high school, a decision his mother says she remains proud of him for making.

Alexander was stationed on the Israel-Gaza border Oct. 7. Around 7 a.m. that morning, he spoke to his mother on the phone. He told her it was “like a war” there but assured her he was safe. That was the last time they spoke.

Alexander and four other Americans—Sagui Dekel-Chen, Omer Neutra, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and Keith Siegel—are believed to be alive after being held hostage for over 230 days.

Edan Alexander

Sagui Dekel-Chen

Omer Neutra

Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Keith Siegel

Jan. 14 marked the 100th day of captivity for the hostages who remained in Gaza after over 100 were released through negotiations last fall.

President Joe Biden pledged that day to “never forget the grief and the suffering I have heard in my meetings with the families of the American hostages.”

“No one should have to endure even one day of what they have gone through, much less 100,” Biden said.  “On this terrible day, I again reaffirm my pledge to all the hostages and their families—we are with you. We will never stop working to bring Americans home.”

During his State of the Union address nearly two months later, Biden told a joint session of Congress: “Here in the chamber tonight are American families whose loved ones are still being held by Hamas. I pledge to all the families that we will not rest until we bring their loved ones home.”

Over two months later, those five Americans remain hostages in Gaza.

Biden has called on leaders in Egypt and Qatar to pressure Hamas to release the hostages in a cease-fire agreement with Israel, but negotiations have broken down repeatedly in recent months.

The Daily Signal asked the White House whether the Biden administration would consider using U.S. troops to rescue American hostages in Gaza but did not receive a response.

The bodies of three other Americans—Itay Chen, Judy Weinstein, and Gad Haggai—also are believed to be in Gaza.

On this week’s edition of the “Problematic Women” podcast, we discuss Biden’s handling of the hostage crisis.

Also on today’s show, Texas is trying to outlaw porn use by minors but is facing opposition from—you guessed it—the porn websites. We discuss.

And what are the biggest health trends that might be worth trying? We share our favorites.

And as always, we’ll crown our Problematic Woman of the Week.

Listen to the podcast below:

Israel Takes Gaza-Egypt Border, Destroys Tunnels in Rafah


Joel B. Pollak(Breitbart)

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) secured control of the entire length of the Gaza-Egypt border on Wednesday, known as the Philadelphi Corridor, and discovered some 20 tunnels nearby, as it continued military operations in Rafah.

The IDF also discovered a massive, 1.5-kilometer tunnel complex filled with weapons and other facilities for housing Hamas military operations.

IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told reporters (translation via IDF):

Our troops have located dozens of launchers along the corridor, loaded and ready to fire rockets, and launch pits from which Hamas fired rockets and mortars into Israeli territory. Hamas exploited the Philadelphi Corridor, using it to build this infrastructure just dozens of meters from the border with Egypt so that we would not strike them. This infrastructure was located between 10 and 40 meters from the border, specifically so that Israel would not strike near the fence with Egypt. I remind you that in recent weeks, Hamas has fired about seventy rockets and mortars from the Rafah area.

‏So far, our troops have located about 20 tunnels in the Philadelphi Corridor area. We are investigating these tunnels and neutralizing them. In parallel, the troops continue to conduct operations. These operations are carried out based on intelligence information regarding specific locations in the area.

‏ In recent weeks, our troops uncovered an extensive underground terrorist infrastructure in eastern Rafah, which was 1.5 kilometers long. The entrance shaft to the infrastructure was located about 100 meters from the Rafah crossing. The route branched into several sub-routes and was used by Hamas terrorists for movement, transferring weapons and initiating terrorist attacks. Inside the route, we found large quantities of weapons, including anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, explosives and grenades. The 401st Brigade Combat Team operated in the route and destroyed it.

The IDF is operating in Rafah against the last remaining Hamas battalions. It attacked in the city despite warnings from the Biden administration, which shifted to claiming that Israel was not, in fact, conducting a “major” operation.

On Wednesday, White House national security spokesman John Kirby said that Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor was consistent with the more limited military operation in Rafah that the U.S. was willing to tolerate.

Control of the Phiadelphi Corridor will enable Israel to block smuggling routes that Hamas has used to bring weapons into the Gaza Strip — and which its leaders could otherwise use as a means of escape, perhaps with Israeli hostages.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, “The Zionist Conspiracy (and how to join it),” now available on Audible. He is also the author of the e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Iran behind recent attacks on Israeli embassies in Europe

The entrance to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., May 4, 2019. Credit: Shutterstock/DCStockPhotography
The Israeli intelligence agency opened up a  probe alongside European counterparts after an object believed to be a hand grenade was thrown towards the Israeli embassy in Stockholm on Jan. 31.
Following an investigation, detectives concluded that Sweden’s Foxtrot organized crime network carried out the attack on the compound at Tehran’s behest, the Mossad said on Thursday.
Dozens of Iran-backed terrorist plots against Jewish and Israeli targets in Europe were uncovered in recent months, many of which used local criminal rings, the agency said.
Two weeks ago, Stockholm police opened an investigation after a patrol heard gunshots near the embassy of the Jewish state. The Mossad said on Thursday that Swedish security forces arrested a 14-year-old suspect in connection with the attack, which was said to have been carried out by a crime group called Rumba and also directed by Iran.
Tehran-backed gangs are also thought to have carried out an attack on Israel’s mission in Brussels, in which two airsoft grenades were thrown.
(Airsoft is a team-based shooting game in which participants eliminate opposing players from play by shooting them with spherical plastic projectiles shot from airsoft guns. Airsoft grenades come in various types and functionalities, including gas airsoft grenades, sound airsoft grenades and airsoft smoke grenades.)
“Iran operates many criminal organizations in Sweden and Europe in general, while taking advantage of the relative advantage of each and sometimes the rivalry between them,” the Mossad statement continued.
Foxtrot and Rumba receive funding and direction from Iran, Jerusalem revealed, adding that they are closely monitored by local intelligence agencies.
In April, Israel renewed calls for other nations to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization and impose “painful” sanctions on Tehran after the regime launched hundreds of missiles and suicide drones at the Jewish state in a direct attack.
Last year, the European Parliament voted in favor of a measure calling for Brussels to designate the IRGC as a terrorist group, but the nonbinding measure was stymied by foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who asserted that such a move was not possible until an E.U. court had ruled on the issue.
Responding last month to Borrell’s claim that the legal conditions have not been met, Charlie Weimers, a Swedish member of European Parliament for the Conservatives and Reformists group, called the top diplomat a “liar.”
“Here, I have the [European] Council’s secret legal opinion. Nowhere in this document does it say that it has to be an authority in the E.U.,” he said. “You know that. You knew the truth. You shamelessly lied to protect the IRGC. We won’t miss you, Mr. Borrell, but I’m sure the mullahs will.”
(The European Council is a collegiate body that defines the overall political direction and priorities of the European Union. It is part of the executive of the European Union beside the European Commission. It is composed of the heads of state or of government of the E.U. member states, the president of the European Council and the president of the European Commission. )
Some E.U. countries, including Germany, are pushing to classify the IRGC as a terrorist organization based on a Düsseldorf court ruling holding Tehran responsible for an attack on a synagogue in November 2022.

El Al Reports Highest Profits in Company’s History


(JNS) – El Al Airlines on Wednesday announced a record profit of over $80 million in the first quarter of the year.

The unprecedented number for Israel’s national carrier comes at a time when many international airlines have suspended service to Tel Aviv in the wake of the nearly eight-month-old war against Hamas in Gaza, and amid complaints of price gouging that has sent airfares soaring.

By comparison, the company posted net loss of nearly $35 million in the corresponding quarter last year.

El Al accounted for 62% of the passenger traffic at Ben Gurion Airport in the first quarter of 2024, according to the Israel Airports Authority, compared with 22% in the first quarter of 2023.

Over the Passover holiday, traditionally a high tourism season, El AL was only the carrier to offer trans-Atlantic flights to the United States, after United suspended service anew in the wake of Iran’s April 13 attack on Israel.

Both the Chicago-based United and the Atlanta-based Delta are slated to resume nonstop service to Tel Aviv next month. American Airlines is only expected to renew flights to Israel in the fall.

The Israeli airline forecasts that the second quarter of 2024 will be even stronger.

“In light of the instability in aviation in Israel and the increasing pressures on our flights, we continue to work intensively to increase the supply of seats and strengthen flight schedules, while providing individual responses to specific cases,” said El Al CEO Dina Ben-Tal Ganancia. “We are doing everything in our power to provide an adequate response to the high demands and unusual loads on the company’s service system, at a time when some of our staff are still serving in reserve duty and the company is operating on a war routine.”

Coming to a Neighborhood Near You: Islamic Executions

Man at Stanford University wears Hamas headgear (X screenshot)

Coming to a Neighborhood Near You: Islamic Executions

Edited by: Fern Sidman

In recent years, Western countries have faced a surge in immigration from regions plagued by conflict and extremist ideologies. While the humanitarian imperative to offer refuge is strong, it is crucial to understand the potential consequences of importing individuals whose beliefs and practices starkly contrast with the principles of human rights and equality that underpin Western societies. The following case from Syria in 2015 starkly illustrates the severe risks involved.

In a harrowing video from 2015, a member of Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, publicly executed a woman in the street for allegedly violating Sharia (Islamic Law). The woman, accused of committing adultery, was denied her final request to see her children before being shot to death. The executioner, fulfilling what he perceives as his Islamic duty, makes it clear that the act is carried out in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic Law.

The executioner recited phrases steeped in Islamic tradition: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” and “Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds,” phrases that open many chapters of the Qur’an. He further invokes traditional Islamic prayers, emphasizing that his actions align with his religious convictions. This juxtaposition of religious invocation and brutal punishment calls attention to the ideological rigidity and violence that characterize the teachings of Islam.

The executioner cited Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:33) from the Qur’an to justify the punishment, stating, “The reward of those who fight Allah and His Messenger and strive to cause corruption on earth is to be slain.” This verse, interpreted literally by Islamists, calls for severe penalties for those deemed to oppose Islamic principles. The executioner also framed the punishment as a form of atonement for the woman, suggesting that her death serves to purify her sins in the eyes of God.

This incident exemplifies the brutal enforcement of Sharia law by extremist groups such as Al-Nusra Front. Such groups impose their interpretation of Islamic law through violence and coercion, often targeting women and other vulnerable groups. The execution is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of human rights abuses and gender-based violence prevalent in territories controlled by followers of Islam.

The principles of Sharia law, derived from the Quran and Hadith, pose a direct challenge to the values of freedom, equality, and human rights that are foundational to Western societies. The enforcement of Sharia is not a matter of personal choice but a prescribed duty for believers, as emphasized by the Quran (5:48) and reinforced by historical narrations.

Sharia law is based on the Sunnah—Muhammad’s way of life as recorded in the Hadith. It is an organized body of rules derived from various Quranic verses and historical narrations, which are not optional but prescribed for believers. According to the Quran (33:36), it is not fitting for a believer to choose for themselves or disregard any matter already decided by Allah. This rigid adherence to divine command underscores the non-negotiable nature of Sharia for devout Muslims.


Moreover, a government that limits or opposes God’s Law is considered an enemy of Allah and must be fought. The establishment of Sharia is a fundamental objective of every Islamic terror group and many devout Muslims. Once an Islamic state is established, the Quran (9:29) and Sharia law (o9.8) mandate that Muslims fight Jews and Christians who refuse to convert or accept inferior (Dhimmi) status.

Proponents of Sharia in the West often portray it as a benign set of personal rules focusing on prayer and hygiene, masking the more severe aspects of Islamic law. This selective presentation aims to discredit those with legitimate concerns, branding them as religious bigots intolerant of different beliefs. However, this portrayal fails to address the harsh realities of Sharia, which fundamentally opposes religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and the free exchange of ideas.

Sharia law is inherently violent, bigoted towards non-Muslims, discriminatory, and unflinchingly sexist. It encompasses practices that are antithetical to the core values of Western societies. For instance, large sections of Sharia law deal with the practice of slavery, which stands in stark opposition to the universal principles of human rights and equality upheld in the West. Labeling critics as having a “phobia” does not change the oppressive nature of Sharia law.

The ultimate goal of Jihadis, whether in the Middle East or the West, is to establish an Islamic caliphate governed by Sharia law. This goal is not hidden; rather, it is openly declared by followers of Islam who march through the streets of Western cities. Recent events in Germany, where large groups of Muslims have rallied, clearly demonstrate this intent. These rallies are not isolated incidents but part of a broader movement to implement Sharia in Western societies.

Despite the clear warnings, Western media and governments often dismiss these movements as the actions of a few extremists. This narrative overlooks the fact that many of these individuals are devout Muslims who see the implementation of Sharia as their religious duty. By ignoring their words and actions, Western societies are failing to recognize the real and present threat to their values and way of life.

The enforcement of Sharia law in any society would lead to a dramatic shift in legal and social norms. Sharia law’s prescribed punishments, such as amputation for theft and stoning for adultery, are brutal and incompatible with Western legal principles. Its treatment of women as second-class citizens and its discrimination against non-Muslims would erode the foundations of equality and justice that Western societies are built upon.

The implications of importing such ideologies into Western countries are profound. Sharia law, when enforced, fundamentally contradicts the principles of democracy, human rights, and individual freedom. It imposes a legal system that discriminates against women, non-Muslims, and those who do not adhere to its strict codes. The brutal enforcement methods, such as public executions for perceived moral transgressions, highlight the severity of this legal system.

A Nurse Honored for Compassion Is Fired After Referring to Gaza ‘Genocide’ in Speech


(AP) — A nurse was fired by a New York City hospital after she referred to Israel’s war in Gaza as a “genocide” during a speech accepting an award.


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Labor and delivery nurse Hesen Jabr, who is Palestinian American, was being honored by NYU Langone Health for her compassion in caring for mothers who had lost babies when she drew a link between her work and the suffering of mothers in Gaza.

“It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza,” Jabr said, according to a video of the May 7 speech that she posted on social media. “This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons.”

Jabr wrote on Instagram that she arrived at work on May 22 for her first shift back after receiving the award when she was summoned to a meeting with the hospital’s president and vice president of nursing “to discuss how I ‘put others at risk’ and ‘ruined the ceremony’ and ‘offended people’ because a small part of my speech was a tribute towards the grieving mothers in my country.”


She wrote that after working most of her shift she was “dragged once again to an office” where she was read her termination letter and then escorted out of the building.

A spokesperson for NYU Langone, Steve Ritea, confirmed that Jabr was fired following her speech and said there had been “a previous incident as well.”

“Hesen Jabr was warned in December, following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace,” Mr. Ritea said in a statement. “She instead chose not to heed that at a recent employee recognition event that was widely attended by her colleagues, some of whom were upset after her comments. As a result, Jabr is no longer an NYU Langone employee.”

Ritea did not provide any details of the previous incident.

Jabr defended her speech in an interview with The New York Times and said talking about the war “was so relevant” given the nature of the award she had won.

“It was an award for bereavement; it was for grieving mothers,” she said.

Gaza’s Ministry of Health says that more than 36,000 people have been killed in the territory during the war that started with the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Around 80% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million has been displaced and U.N. officials say parts of the territory are experiencing famine.

Critics say Israel’s military campaign amounts to genocide, and the government of South Africa formally accused the country of genocide in January when it asked the United Nations’ top court to order a halt to Israeli military operations in Gaza.

Israel has denied the genocide charge and told the International Court of Justice it is doing everything it can to protect Gaza’s civilian population.

Jabr is not the first employee at the hospital, which was renamed from NYU Medical Center after a major donation from Republican Party donor and billionaire Kenneth Langone, to be fired over comments about the Mideast conflict.

A prominent researcher who directed the hospital’s cancer center was fired after he posted anti-Hamas political cartoons including caricatures of Arab people. That researcher, biologist Benjamin Neel, has since filed suit against the hospital.

Jabr’s firing also was not her first time in the spotlight. When she was an 11-year-old in Louisiana, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on her behalf after she was forced to accept a Bible from the principal of her public school.

“This is not my first rodeo,” she told the Times.

Nvidia’s Meteoric Rise: AI Chipmaker Nears Apple’s Market Value

FILE - CEO Jensen Huang walks on stage before the keynote address of Nvidia GTC in San Jose, Calif., Monday, March 18, 2024. Nvidia’s stock price has jumped 92% this year as of Wednesday, May 22, increasing the company’s market value by more than $1 trillion. Those numbers are headed higher again Thursday after the company reported better-than-expected quarterly results. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

Nvidia’s Meteoric Rise: AI Chipmaker Nears Apple’s Market Value

Edited by: Fern Sidman

On Tuesday, Nvidia’s shares experienced a significant rally, rising by approximately 6% to reach an all-time high. This surge brought the AI chipmaker’s stock market value tantalizingly close to overtaking Apple’s, positioning Nvidia as a potential new leader among Wall Street’s elite companies, according to a report in The New York Post.  Nvidia’s market capitalization climbed to an impressive $2.8 trillion, just shy of Apple’s $2.9 trillion, which currently holds the position of the second-most valuable company on Wall Street after Microsoft.

During the trading session, Nvidia’s stock soared to an intra-day record high of $1,149.39, marking an 8% increase at its peak. By contrast, Apple’s stock experienced a slight dip, falling by 0.2% in afternoon trading, the Post reported. This juxtaposition of Nvidia’s rapid ascent and Apple’s slight decline highlights the shifting dynamics in the tech sector, where Nvidia’s advancements in AI technology are capturing significant investor interest.

Nvidia’s recent stock performance can be attributed to several key factors. Last week, the company forecasted second-quarter revenue that surpassed Wall Street’s expectations, sparking a wave of investor enthusiasm. Additionally, Nvidia announced a stock split, a move that typically excites investors as it often makes shares more accessible and signals confidence in continued growth. Since this announcement, according to the information provided in The Post report.  Nvidia’s shares have surged nearly 13%, reinforcing the company’s status as the “AI poster child.”

Derren Nathan, head of equity analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown, commented on Nvidia’s impressive growth trajectory, noting that the market has struggled to keep pace with the company’s continuous improvements. “At a mid-thirties forward earnings multiple, this still doesn’t feel like bubble territory,” Nathan told the Post, as he highlighted the relatively stable valuation metrics despite the rapid stock price increase.

According to LSEG data, Nvidia’s shares recently traded at 36 times its forward profit estimates. This is in comparison to 38 times for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and 21 times for Intel, indicating that while Nvidia’s valuation is high, it is not entirely out of line with industry peers. As per the information contained in The Post report, Nvidia’s forward profit estimates reflect the market’s confidence in its ability to maintain and expand its leadership in the AI chip market, where demand for high-performance computing and AI capabilities continues to grow.

The company’s stock has more than doubled so far this year, following a more than threefold increase last year. The report in The Post suggested that this remarkable growth trajectory is a testament to Nvidia’s strategic positioning in the burgeoning AI sector, where its advanced chip technologies are driving significant innovation and application across various industries.

Investment analyst Dan Coatsworth from AJ Bell encapsulated the market sentiment perfectly, telling The Post, “Business is doing incredibly well, there are so many opportunities to keep growing, and the AI theme still has legs. When the song is that catchy, investors want to keep humming it all day long.” This enthusiasm is evident in Nvidia’s stock rally, which continues to capture the imagination of investors who see limitless growth potential in AI technology.

The AI boom has undeniably positioned Nvidia as a central player in the tech industry. Its chips are pivotal for AI applications, driving advancements in machine learning, data analytics, and various AI-driven technologies, the Post report explained. This demand surge has translated into impressive financial performance, with Nvidia’s data center revenue skyrocketing as tech giants invest heavily in AI infrastructure.

In contrast, Apple, once the darling of Wall Street, has struggled to keep pace with the rapid advancements in AI technology. This year, Apple’s stock has underperformed compared to other Big Tech firms, experiencing a decline of around 2%. The company faces challenges with weak iPhone demand and intense competition in China, impacting its overall market performance, the report in The Post revealed. Furthermore, Apple has been slower to adopt generative AI technologies, which create human-like responses to written prompts. Rivals such as Microsoft and Google have already integrated these capabilities into their products, giving them a competitive edge.

Microsoft’s strategic investments in AI have paid off handsomely. Earlier this year, Microsoft overtook Apple to become the world’s most valuable company, propelled by significant gains from its AI-driven innovations across cloud services, the report in The Post added.  Despite a slight dip of 0.4% in its shares on Tuesday, Microsoft maintains a formidable market value of $3.1 trillion, showcasing its leadership in the tech sector.

The competition for AI dominance is fierce, with companies racing to secure Nvidia’s high-end chips that are essential for advanced AI computations. The Post reported that major technology companies such as Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon.com are fiercely competing for a limited supply of Nvidia’s cutting-edge chips, as they strive to dominate the AI computing landscape.

Nvidia’s ability to meet this demand and deliver innovative solutions has positioned it as a key enabler of AI advancements. This success is not just reflected in its financial metrics but also in the strategic maneuvers of tech giants vying to leverage its technology.

WH Urges UK & France to Not Rebuke Iran Over Expanding Nuke Program at Upcoming IAEA Conference

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tabriz, Feb. 17, 2022. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP)

WH Urges UK & France to Not Rebuke Iran Over Expanding Nuke Program at Upcoming IAEA Conference

Edited by: Fern Sidman
The Biden administration’s recent actions reveal a deeply concerning approach to Iran’s escalating nuclear ambitions, placing global security and the safety of key allies, particularly Israel, at significant risk. Instead of standing firm against Tehran’s theocratic regime, the White House appears to be capitulating, urging Britain and France not to formally rebuke Iran over its expanding nuclear program, as was reported on Tuesday in The New York Post.  This strategy, marked by a lack of decisive action, emboldens a regime that has consistently flouted international norms and threatened regional stability.
Diplomats informed the Wall Street Journal that U.S. officials have been pressuring European allies to vote against censuring Iran at the forthcoming International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) board of governors meeting, according to the information provided in The Post report.  Even more alarming, the U.S. plans to abstain from this critical vote, signaling a retreat from holding Iran accountable. The report on The Post added that this comes at a time when Iran’s nuclear activities pose an unprecedented threat, especially after the recent death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19.
A State Department spokesperson’s statement to The Post has claimed that no decisions have been made about the meeting and the spokesperson has dismissed speculation as premature. This ambiguous stance undermines efforts to present a unified front against Iran’s blatant violations of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
“We are increasing pressure on Iran through sanctions and international isolation as seen most recently in the coordinated G7 measures taken in the wake of Iran’s attack against Israel last month,” the spokesperson added, as per the Post report. “We remain tightly coordinated with our E3 partners France, Germany and the UK.”
While the administration touts its efforts to increase pressure on Iran through sanctions and international isolation, these measures are insufficient without concrete actions at the IAEA. The spokesperson highlighted recent G7 measures in response to Iran’s attack on Israel, but these steps fall short of the robust response required. The administration’s advocacy for European nations to intensify pressure by removing regime banks and designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terror group, although necessary, seems more like an attempt to deflect criticism than a serious strategy.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) has rightly criticized the administration’s stance, labeling it as undermining allied efforts to hold Iran accountable. The Post reported that McCaul’s statement, “It is outrageous that this administration continues to undermine our allies’ efforts to hold Iran accountable,” underscores the frustration with a policy that appears more focused on appeasement rather than on addressing the clear and present dangers posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
This approach mirrors the Obama administration’s flawed policy, which relaxed sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on its nuclear program under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA). As per the information provided in The Post report, this agreement, which the Trump administration subsequently abandoned due to its ineffectiveness, only provided temporary relief while allowing Iran to continue its malign activities under a veneer of compliance. The current administration’s reluctance to take a hard stance suggests a troubling continuity with past policies that have failed to curb Iran’s nuclear aspirations.
Israel, a key U.S. ally and a frontline state facing Iran’s aggression, is directly threatened by Tehran’s nuclear advancements. The Biden administration’s lack of decisive action jeopardizes not only Israel’s security but also regional and global stability.
Despite President Biden declaring the deal “dead” in November 2022, his administration has continued to make concessions that embolden the Iranian regime. Indicated in The Post report was that last month, the administration extended a sanctions waiver that unlocked $10 billion in frozen funds for Iran, allowing Iraq to pay for electricity services. This action reflects a troubling continuity with the Obama-era policies that have repeatedly failed to restrain Iran’s nuclear advancements.
Critics, including Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, have vehemently opposed the Biden administration’s stance. Waltz told The Post, “The Biden/Obama appeasement policy towards Iran has been an abject failure for over a decade, yet they continue to make concession after concession.” He further emphasized the danger of the administration’s actions, stating, “As Iran inches towards a nuke, I can’t think of a more weak and dangerous response than lobbying our closest allies to ignore international efforts to hold the regime accountable.”
Under Secretary of State John Kerry, the Obama administration not only relaxed sanctions but also obstructed efforts to arrest individuals linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. As was previously reported in The Post, whistleblower disclosures revealed last week by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) expose that the administration blocked the FBI from arresting known terrorists who traveled on U.S. soil.
Despite these concessions, Iran has continued to aggressively pursue its nuclear ambitions. A recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, indicated that Tehran is amassing weapons-grade nuclear material at an alarming rate, with 313.2 pounds of uranium enriched up to 60%, according to The Post report. As of February, the IAEA recorded a 45.4-pound increase in Iran’s stockpile, calling attention to the rapid pace of Tehran’s nuclear escalation.
For Israel, Iran’s nuclear program represents an existential threat. The Israeli government has consistently warned about the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran, which would drastically alter the balance of power in the Middle East, the Post report added.
Despite these alarming developments, the Biden administration has failed to take decisive action. U.S. Ambassador to the IAEA, Laura Holgate, acknowledged in March that Iran’s cooperation with the agency remains “unacceptable.” The Post report said that she stressed that the IAEA’s board of governors must be ready to take further action if Iran’s cooperation does not improve dramatically. However, the administration’s rhetoric has not been matched by substantive action, leaving the international community vulnerable to Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Iran has consistently claimed that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes. However, the Post revealed that the IAEA governors’ board issued a resolution in November 2022 expressing “profound concern” over Iran’s failure to cooperate with the UN watchdog, ignoring safeguards, and harboring nuclear material in three undeclared locations. These actions clearly indicate Tehran’s intent to develop nuclear weapons, contrary to its public assertions.
Without a significant change in course, U.S. officials anticipate that international sanctions may resume, potentially leading to a referral of the matter to the UN Security Council, as was affirmed in The Post report.  However, this process faces significant obstacles due to the geopolitical dynamics within the Security Council. Member states such as Russia and China, both of whom have close ties to Iran and wield veto power, are likely to block any meaningful resolution against Tehran.