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NYU Tel Aviv Students & Admin Criticize Department Over Boycott


Multiple Jewish students attending New York University’s study abroad program in Tel Aviv, Israel were disheartened that it was boycotted by a department at the school. Hundreds of the school’s faculty members as well as members of NYU’s general administration joined in expressing their disapproval.

On May 2nd, the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis (SCA) at NYU announced that it passed a resolution of non-cooperation with the school’s study abroad program in Tel Aviv. The SCA accused the Tel Aviv program of operating “in the shadow of racial, religious, and political profiling.” The SCA’s statement said that it passed the resolution “by a majority vote,” in response to Israel’s “longstanding practice of barring entry to persons of Palestinian descent, and its recent amendments to the Law of Entry prohibit entry to members of groups that are critical of government policies.” The SCA resolution’s five identified authors are known to be supporters of the BDS campaign.

As reported by The Algemeiner, while Israel’s entry law does bar access to foreigners who are identified as key proponents of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign, NYU’s spokesman confirmed that “no NYU student has been prevented from going to Israel.” NYU’s administration also pushed back against the SCA decision by stating that no SCA faculty were even involved with the Tel Aviv program, implicating that there was no “practical effect to the vote.”

The timing of the SCA’s announcement was also offensive. The measure was passed on Yom HaShoah, Israel’s national Holocaust remembrance day. “How am I as a Jewish student supposed to feel when an academic boycott of the Jewish state is declared … on the day in which we are meant to reflect on the tragedy and crimes committed against our people by the Nazis,” said Javier Cohen, a sophomore who attended NYU-Tel Aviv this past fall semester. “Anti-Zionist groups on campus love to criticize the ease with which pro-Israel students ‘pull the antisemitism card,’ but the obsession that we see on campus in targeting the one and only Jewish state while defending just about any other can’t be explained otherwise,” he added.

“Jews, non-Jews, pro-Palestinian students — we were all able to go to Tel Aviv for a semester,” said Ilan Bassali, a senior at the University, who attended NYU-Tel Aviv in spring 2017. He said his program included roughly 20-30 students who held extended discussion where “we both opened each others eyes to the other side, which is very valuable and doesn’t happen enough.” That a department at “the university I go to, pay tuition to, and spent four years of my life at is doing something like this” and is pursuing non-cooperation with the Tel Aviv program is “offensive and sad,” he said.

“The rising anti-Israel sentiment on campus has made Jewish students the targets of discrimination, and even harassment, regardless of their political affiliations,” said another undergraduate student, who wished to be identified only by her first name, Shai. “This is a problem that the administration needs to tackle with more than just an ‘institutional statement.’”

NYU spokesperson John Beckman responded, pointing out that the general administration does not agree with the position of the SCA. He said the administration “has unwaveringly supported NYU Tel Aviv and publicly criticized its opponents.” “The University will not allow the SCA vote to have any impact on NYU Tel Aviv, to prevent any students from studying there, or to disadvantage any student who chooses to study there,” Beckman asserted. “NYU has a firm, established track record of opposing BDS, of opposing ostracism based on support of Israel, of rejecting calls to close NYU Tel Aviv, and of supporting its Jewish community; it’s unfortunate that there are those who choose to ignore that,” he added.

Rarely Used LIRR Train to Hamptons Cut to Four Days a Week

For four years the LIRR, managed by the MTA, together with local and state officials planned the ambitious South Fork Commuter Connection. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

For four years the LIRR, managed by the MTA, together with local and state officials planned the ambitious South Fork Commuter Connection. Beginning in March, a single train car heads to and from eight towns in the Hamptons, staffed with up to three employees. State-financed shuttle buses await at each stop at the posh Hampton towns, as part of the endeavor geared towards attracting commuters out of their cars, thereby easing traffic on the congested East End.

As reported by the NY Post, residents are saying the trains are a striking example of waste, with only several riders per train, at $4.25 per ride. “It’s not working,” said Jay Fitzpatrick, an architect and longtime resident of Southampton. “Nobody’s taking it.” Last Thursday, he said he counted a total of six passengers get off an early-morning train in Southampton. Four of them then boarded one of two shuttle buses.

The Hampton Hopper buses are provided by the state Department of Transportation to the towns at a cost of $1 million a year. The routes are designed to transport passengers to local hospitals and schools. Thomas Neely, the transportation and traffic director for Southampton Town, confirmed that “very few people are taking the shuttle buses”. He said local Hamptons officials have already reduced the buses at each station down from four to two.

As though to ratify the low usage of the trains, the LIRR has decided to cut the five-day-a-week shuttle-train service, to four days, eliminating service on Fridays. The LIRR said it will make better use of the train, adding the trains to Penn Station to accommodate summer crowds arriving from the city. The few commuters who rely on the South Fork Connection will be forced back onto the congested roads on Fridays. Ironically, the Hamptons train, if needed at all, would be most necessary on Fridays, when merchants, and employees usually commute in time to serve the weekend crowds during the summer.

“This just wasn’t thought through well enough,” said Lin Restivo, a Hampton Bays resident who in March began commuting with the train, but will now go back to driving on the jammed County Road 39.

Neely expressed sympathy for the commuters of the South Fork Connection , but said there is little that can be done, as the LIRR lacks the infrastructure to run both the shuttle service and add summer trains at Penn Station. A Spokeswoman for the LIRR said, “We’re open to amending the schedules depending on customer demand, whenever and wherever we have the cars and track capacity to do so.”

“We Love Hitler” Barbs Hurled at Boro Park Jews as Hate Crimes Soar in Bklyn

In the forefront of spotlighting the dramatic escalation of anti-Semitic attacks in New York City is former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind. As a son of Holocaust survivors and a former member of the Jewish Defense League, Mr. Hikind understands the urgency in spotlighting the horrifying rise in anti-Semitism and the need for defense training. Photo Credit: YouTube

Another weekend goes by, another anti-Semitic incident to report.

Over the weekend, a car filled with hooligans hurled anti-Semitic insults at two Jewish teenagers who were walking through Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood. As reported by the NY Post, the 13-year-old and 16-year-old boys, dressed in traditional Orthodox Jewish clothing, were walking by 51st Street and 12th Avenue sometime between 1 and 1:30 a.m. on Saturday. According to the police, the boys heard people from a car shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” and, “Do you know Hitler? We love him, he did a good job!” The car then drove away. The boys informed the police, saying they saw four people in the car. The police have yet to confirm the number of people in the car. The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is looking into the incident.

The news no longer invokes shock. A little over a week ago, an Orthodox Jewish man was punched in the head by a stranger on the streets of the same Williamsburg neighborhood, near Rodney Street and Marcy Avenue. Three days prior to that attack, there was a different occurrence in Williamsburg, in which a group of men punched a 42-year-old wearing religious attire in the face while screaming anti-Semitic profanity.

In the beginning of May, the NY police department reported an 82 percent increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the Big Apple this year. There were 82 incidents reported to police from January 2019 till the end of April, versus 45 incidents during the same time frame last year. Overall index crime in NYC is lower by 6.7 percent this year compared to last year. Anti-Semitic incidents now account for over half of the overall hate crimes reported this year. “When you drill down on the anti-Semitic hate crimes we are seeing approximately 80 percent are drawing of swastikas in some way, shape or fashion throughout New York City,” said NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea.

The data “should serve as an important reminder to all of us that we must continue to be vigilant in the face of hate,” said Evan Bernstein, the NY/NJ Regional Director for the Anti-Defamation League. “No one should ever have to live in fear that they will be attacked, harassed or targeted because of their faith. New York is no place for hate.”

“While the scourge of anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate across the country and around the world, we must face the reality that here at home in New York City we have a serious problem of anti-Semitic attacks on identifiably Jewish members of our community,” said Rabbi David Niederman, President of the UJO of Williamsburg. “People merely walking on the streets here feel like sitting ducks, worrying that they must look over their shoulder in fear of being hurt because of their faith.”

NYS Atty General to Probe Reckless Loans to Immigrant Taxi Drivers

The New York State Attorney General has apparently begun an inquiry into the lending practices – spanning than 10 years – involving immigrant taxi drivers. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The New York State Attorney General has apparently begun an inquiry into the lending practices – spanning than 10 years – involving immigrant taxi drivers.

Beyond that, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has himself put into motion his own investigation into the brokers behind those loans.

Both moves, reported the New York Times, “marked the government’s first steps toward addressing a crisis that has engulfed the city’s yellow cab industry. They came a day after The New York Times published a two-part investigation revealing that a handful of taxi industry leaders artificially inflated the price of a medallion — the coveted permit that allows a driver to own and operate a cab — and made hundreds of millions of dollars by issuing reckless loans to low-income buyers.”

The investigation also found, the Times continued, that “regulators at every level of government ignored warning signs, and the city fed the frenzy by selling medallions and promoting them in ads as being “better than the stock market.”

“Today I ordered a joint investigation by the Taxi and Limousine Commission, Department of Finance and Department of Consumer Affairs into predatory practices by brokers in the taxi industry,” said de Blasio on Monday. “The 45-day review will identify and penalize brokers who have taken advantage of buyers and misled City authorities. The review will set down strict new rules that prevent broker practices that hurt drivers. It’s unacceptable to prey on hardworking New Yorkers trying to support their families and we’ll do all that we can to put an end to it.”

The investigations are “the government’s first steps toward addressing a crisis that has engulfed the city’s yellow cab industry,” noted governing.com. “They came a day after The New York Times published a two-part investigation revealing that a handful of taxi industry leaders artificially inflated the price of a medallion — the coveted permit that allows a driver to own and operate a cab — and made hundreds of millions of dollars by issuing reckless loans to low-income buyers.”

The investigation also found that regulators at every level of government ignored warning signs, and the city fed the frenzy by selling medallions and promoting them in ads as being “better than the stock market,” Governing magazine also reported. “The price of a medallion rose to more than $1 million before crashing in late 2014, which left borrowers with debt they had little hope of repaying. More than 950 medallion owners have filed for bankruptcy, and thousands more are struggling to stay afloat.”

Testimony Reveals Nxivm Leader’s Bizarre Sex Games with Alleged Top Slaves

From bizarre sex games to women in cages, all the dirt on Nxivm leader Keith Raniere is finally coming out. Photo Credit: ABC News

From bizarre sex games to women in cages, all the dirt on Nxivm leader Keith Raniere is finally coming out.

A one-time disciple of the cult leader testified in court yesterday that Raniere was planning to construct an underground dungeon equipped with cages.

Lauren Salzman shocked those present in the courtroom of, among other things, whipping female “slave masters’’; paddling them with a rubber-spiked sex toy; and ordering a bunch of supplies that included BDSM sex-torture handcuffs and nipple clamps.

Salzman also chronicled Raniere’s sexual conquests, which she said included seven of the eight members of his all-female inner circle, one of whom was “Smallville” actress Allison Mack and Mack’s now-wife, Nicki Clyne. There were also threesomes and naked photos.

“We would take the naked picture, and everyone would take the number of whips commensurate with our failures,’’ Salzman explained. Raniere “would call in” in case people weren’t being beaten sufficiently brutally.

Salzman went on to say she could remember a “psychotic break” suffered by another women back in 2002. “The woman became violent and was “pilled,” which meant someone forced a Valium down her throat, Salzman said. A second Valium was allegedly given to the woman in scrambled eggs,” buzzfeednews.com reported. “Salzman said she wanted to use the pilling admission as part of her “collateral” — compromising information about members that was allegedly kept as a form of control — for joining the sex cult within NXIVM, called DOS, but it was rejected and she was asked to submit nude photos of herself instead.”

Salzman “is among the four NXIVM members—including Mack, and her mother—who were arrested in 2018 with Raniere. After pleading guilty to racketeering charges in March, she is the first co-defendant to testify against Raniere, who is standing the trial alone,” thedailybeast.com noted. “He was my most important person. I respected him. I looked up to him,” she said. “He was my master.”

But was it really as bad as that? Not according to Raniere’s lawyer Marc Agnifilo. He has said that one-time cult members “had “fun” living upstate with the man accused of demanding sex from his underlings Opens a New Window,” radaronline.com said. “You can’t really understand a man until you crawl around his skin and walk around in it,” Agnifilo said, quoting hero lawyer Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird. The audience gasped at the bizarre reference.”

During his testimony, Sean Welch, an executive with sex toy manufacturer XR, L.L.C., showed the court documents he said indicated “that Daniela Padilla, a member of NXIVM, ordered $900 of BDSM-inspired sex toys off his website ExtremeRestraints.com, including a remote-controlled electrified collar (dubbed a “puppy trainer”), a studded rubber paddle, a hanging, rubber-strapped cage and ankle shackles,” according to Rolling Stone. “The May 26th, 2017 order was delivered to Padilla’s Albany-area home.”

After Botched Jobs, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon Believed to Have Fled City


“They bled, he fled” is how the New York Post began its story about Dr. Amnon Eric Sadeh, a Manhattan plastic surgeon some are saying has left the United States while – as the newspaper put it – “leaving a trail of patients upset about botched tummy tucks and liposuctions and unable to get their medical records.”

Sadeh’s license to practice medicine was reportedly revoked early in May for allegedly failing to supply requested patient medical records and no-showing a hearing.

Authorities have been looking for Sadeh since 2016. Last August, according to state Health Department documents, his mother reportedly told officials her son was in Israel.

“Ana Kardashian said she never got records for her daughter’s 2015 nose job despite complaining to the state. She said her daughter landed in the hospital after Sadeh overprescribed pain medication after surgery,” the Post reported. “The New York Department of Health — that’s the most upsetting,” the mom said. “I would assume they would do something more efficiently, but they made us wait for a very long time and then … they said the guy cannot be located.”

The doctor’s web site, http://sadehsurgery.com/, describes Sadeh as a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic plastic surgery of the face, breasts and body. “His primary focus and areas of expertise are breast enlargement and reduction surgery, body contouring procedures, nasal surgery and facial rejuvenation including face/neck lifts combined with eyelid surgery.”

Sadeh graduated with a BS Magna Cum Laude from Tufts University School of Engineering, and received his M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine with honors in surgery and psychiatry, the site relates. He did a year of neurosurgical training before completing his general surgical training at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. He then completed his plastic surgery residency at the State University of New York with additional fellowship training in reconstructive surgery at the prestigious University of Pittsburgh.

“In private practice since 1996, Dr. Sadeh’s primary office is in Manhattan and he maintains attending privileges at several New York Hospitals,” the description continues. “He is involved in training the new generation of plastic surgeons at Lenox Hill Hospital and the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. Dr. Sadeh has lectured and presented on topics ranging from reconstructive breast surgery and innovative new techniques for breast reduction surgery to endoscopic craniofacial surgery for facial rejuvenation. He has been featured in numerous publications including Cosmopolitan, Allure, Gotham, Hamptons, New York Post, New York Observer, OK Magazine and US Weekly and continues to be a sought after expert on various topics in plastic surgery.”

Hundreds at TS Rally Slam Anti-Semitism of Rep Omar; Charge Her with Pro-Hate Agenda


A rally and press conference followed by a billboard launch took place on Monday afternoon at Times Square in New York City demanding the removal of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, citing anti-Semitism and an anti-Israel, pro-Islamist agenda.

According to a report on the United With Israel web site, many Americans have been shocked by comments she has made over the years that attacked Israel, included anti-Semitic tropes and questioned her loyalty to the United States of America.

In demanding her removal, the rally organizers cite her “gross anti-Semitism” and “cavalier dismissal” of the victims of 9/11, as well as her “blaming the criminal socialist debacle and collapse of Venezuela on America,” her “specious accusations against dedicated US officials, and her disdain for America, which saved her from Islamist terror in Somalia.”

Indeed, in February, Ilhan called to completely defund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, tweeting: “#Not1Dollar for DHS.”

Also that month, in an attack on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), she tweeted, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” a reference to the $100 bill featuring Benjamin Franklin.

In an interview in January with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, the Somali-American congresswoman, an active supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, defended a 2012 tweet in which she said that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

Omar blamed Israel for the round of airstrikes in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad shot some 700 rockets into the Jewish state earlier this month, killing four and wounding dozens, with Israel hitting over 350 Gazan targets in return.

Several hundred people gathered for the rally and billboard launch in Times Square, as one speaker after another cited the existential danger in the vitriolic Jew hating and Israel bashing rhetoric that is routinely spewed for by Rep Omar.

One of the speakers was Guardian Angels founder, Curtis Sliwa, who said that “if Jews do not learn from their past, they are doomed to repeat it” as he made an oblique reference to the years of anti-Semitism that preceded the Holocaust.

One of the organizers of the rally was the indefatigable Helen Freedman, the longtime chairwoman of Americans for a Safe Israel. AFSI brought powerful protest signs and urged demonstrators to spread the word about the danger of Omar to their family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors as a campaign is built to spotlight Jew hatred across the country.

To Flee High Rents, Bklyn Residents Escape to the Rockaways

Brooklyn residents are increasingly escaping – to the Rockaways and its inviting beaches. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Brooklyn residents are increasingly escaping – to the Rockaways and its inviting beaches.

“For decades, the Rockaways has been hyped to the hilt for its distinct summer scene, which has consistently appealed to throngs of sun-loving day trippers craving a bit of beachside revelry along the area’s 5½-mile boardwalk,” the New York Post recently reported. “Now the southwest Queens ’hood is seeing a surge in folks who call the Rockaways home year-round, thanks in part to a dedicated ferry, a robust surfing scene and a renaissance in food and the arts.”

It was what the Post referred to as “easy access to the sandy playgrounds and the bliss of surfing at daybreak ahead of a grueling workday in downtown Manhattan” that has people contemplating relocation. “Yet it was the palpable sense of another Rockaways resurgence not felt since before 2012’s Superstorm Sandy that sparked something more profound” in the case of at least one of the people interviewed.

Nor could the timing have been any better. Mayor Bill de Blasio and a phalanx of other elected officials held a press event at Beach 94th Street just last week to officially recognize the completion of the sand restoration operation carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“For New Yorkers, summer means Rockaway Beach. That’s why I could not be happier to announce we will have the entire beach open in time for the Memorial Day weekend,” de Blasio said. “I want to thank all the stakeholders who came together to make the hopes of so many New Yorkers a reality. We could not have done it without your partnership.”

“Getting tons of sand onto Rockaway Beach in time for summer, and avoid a repeat disaster of prime time beach closures, required every level of government to dig in deep,” Senator Charles Schumer said. “And using the sand from the East Rockaway dredge was a win-win plan because it keeps open a vital channel and all of Rockaway Beach.”

One of the things that transplanted Brooklynites are finding in the Rockaways is the arts. For example, the Rockaway Film Fest offer some artistic benefits. As its website the describes, “Rockaway is the biggest cinema desert in all of New York City with 150,000 people and no movie theater. Like the Rockaway Peninsula itself, this program of movies represents a broad spectrum of personality and culture. There are old films and new films, never seen before films and classics. Many filmmakers will be in attendance to present and discuss their work (some of whom are Rockaway residents!). More than anything else, this Festival is about bringing Cinema to the film lovers of Rockaway Beach.”

Among the films set to be shown is The Princess Bride (June 8); Spirited Away (July 13); and The Dark Crystal (August 10).

Aby Rosen Eyeing French Eatery in NYC for Luxury Skyscraper

Aby Rosen is working with respected restaurant group Invest Hospitality, LLC, and will launch Le Jardinier, which is being describe as a “vegetable-driven” eatery. Photo Credit: OpenTable.com

Real estate tycoon Aby Rosen likes pairing fancy buildings and restaurants – and he’s doing it once again.

Rosen is working with respected restaurant group Invest Hospitality, LLC, and will launch Le Jardinier, which is being describe as a “vegetable-driven” eatery. Running it at the new and decidedly swanky building located at 100 E. 53rd. Street will be superstar chef Alain Verzeroli.

The plan originally called for the renowned French chef and restaurateur Joël Robuchon to take it on, but with his death last year the baton has been handed to Verzeroli, his protégé for more than two decades.

Le Jardinier is scheduled to debut later this week, to be followed by Shun, another restaurant in the same building, in June.

Rosen is a German-born American real estate tycoon living in New York City. He is the co-founder of RFR Holding, which owns a portfolio of 71 properties in United States cities including New York, Miami, and Las Vegas; and Tel Aviv, Israel.

“Restaurants are an important part of our buildings,” Rosen told Side Dish. “People come and go. Restaurants are a constant. People keep coming back. They have soul and they are a great way to showcase art and design.”

The 62-seat ground-floor Le Jardinier “has the feel of an indoor garden, with green-marble walls and floors and a vegetable-driven menu to match,” the Wall Street Journal Magazine recently noted. “Upstairs, in a more intimate space influenced by the American art deco movement, Verzeroli will offer French food with Japanese accents. “Everything here will calm the senses,” Verzeroli says. As for the second-floor restaurant’s name, Shun, “imagine the season of the peach,” the chef says. “There are only a few days when the peach is at its actual peak. Shun is the definition of that moment.”

But fame and buzz can prove fleeting. Three years ago, Rosen made headlines by giving the world-class Four Seasons the heave-ho from the Seagram Building. In its place, Rosen installed Major Food Group’s The Pool and The Grill.

“It’s another angle for marketing,” Rosen told the New York Post. “People can stay home and order in. Tenants always have priority. But the building needs to be good — a good restaurant can’t help a bad building.”

The Financial Times recently asked in print why Rosen chose to buy the Chrysler building. It answered, “In his quest to make Chrysler pay off, Mr. Rosen may have his work cut out. The sprawling ceiling mural in the pink marble lobby still has the power to make tourists tilt their gazes skyward in awe. But on the arcade floor below, many of the storefronts are shuttered. On a recent afternoon, in one of the few that was open — a dry cleaners — an old woman was leaning over a sewing machine under pale fluorescent light.”

New Bitcoin Book Looks at the Partying Ways of Charlie Shrem & His Path to Prison

A new book, Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption” (Flatiron Books), includes the story of twin brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss and their adventures in the land of crypto-currency. Photo Credit: Pinterest

A new book, Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption” (Flatiron Books), includes the story of twin brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss and their adventures in the land of crypto-currency.

Ben Mezrich, the New York Times bestselling author of The Accidental Billionaires and Bringing Down the House, writes about the fascination and frustration that has accompanied the Bitcoin phenomenon.

One of the people the twins met was Charlie Shrem, the founder of BitInstant, one of the first firms to buy Bitcoin for clients. “In his Midtown office, with weed paraphernalia on every shelf, he kept three bongs on his desk — and was toking from one as he met the millionaires,” reports the New York Post.

“Welcome to the ‘Bakery,’ gentlemen,” said Shrem, according to the book. “If these walls could talk — well, they’d sound pretty f–ked up. There’s been a lot of secondhand smoke in this room.” The twins eventually became Bitcoins first billionaires back in 2017, after investing $800,000.

Just over a month ago, the brothers settled their lawsuit against Shrem, whom they had previously said owed them $26 million worth of the cryptocurrency.

“In an April 5 court filing, Judge Jed Rakoff of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York dismissed the case, explaining that the parties had informed the court they had reached a settlement,” according to coindesk.com. “However, both parties have the right to reopen the cause and proceed to trial within 30 days, or by May 5, “if the settlement is not fully effectuated,” the judge wrote. The terms of the settlement are confidential, Brian Klein, Shrem’s lawyer, told CoinDesk.”

Interestingly, entrepreneur, investor, and Bitcoin advocate Shrem recently announced that he will host Untold Stories, a new podcast from BlockWorks Group, a digital assets events and media company.

Shrem was one of the industry’s earliest advocates, having originally invested in Bitcoin as a college student in 2011, according to a press release. “He believes new users, investors, and builders must understand the history and intent of blockchain and cryptocurrency for the sector to properly progress.”

“Every day, more people enter the crypto space. It’s imperative that these new builders and investors understand how the crypto movement truly came to be and what we’re trying to accomplish,” said Shrem. He will also serve as an executive producer on the project, and work with BlockWorks Group to develop themes, choose featured guests, and manage production.”

In each episode, the release continues, Shrem “will speak with digital asset movers and shakers to uncover the stories of the movement that have never been heard before. These unique “untold stories” provided the inspiration for the show’s name.”

“Charlie is uniquely positioned to explore the early days of cryptocurrency with the very people who built it, said BlockWorks Group’s Co-Founder, Jason Yanowitz. “Untold Stories recognizes the trials and tribulations that went into building the movement that has grown into a multi-billion dollar sector.”

Design Flaws on Samsung’s 2K Foldable Phone Finally Fixed


Samsung has announced that it has repaired what some had been calling design flaws on its foldable phone, which sells for $2,000.

Some said the phones, which are of relatively recent vintage, were already breaking. The change: extending a protective layer covering the screen so it can be placed behind the display area, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.

The relatively easy change, together with shrinking the hinge on the folding phone, should mean the end of glitches responsible for Galaxy Fold’s planned introduction in April, the Korean news agency noted.

“The phone, which made waves when it was unveiled in February, features a tablet-size, 7.3-inch display that bends, allowing it to fold to the size of a regular smartphone with a 4.6-inch screen,” the New York Post reported. “Techies who peeled off the plastic layer reported blacked-out or flickering screens.

Other reviewers said the phones were breaking at their hinges, which will now be made smaller to minimize gaps, Yonhap reported.”

When Samsung’s Galaxy Fold hit the market, “it didn’t just announce another phone — it kicked off a revolution in the way we interact with mobile devices,” cnet.com reported. “But the Fold soon suffered screen breakages and other glitches, and the revolution stalled.

It’s been nearly four weeks since we’ve heard any details from Samsung about the Fold. An AT&T email to customers suggested that the phone would come next month. Samsung mobile CEO D.J. Koh said it “will not be too late.” And a Samsung spokeswoman told CNET only that the company plans to announce the release date “in the coming weeks.” Consumers, industry players and reviewers alike are waiting with bated breath.”

According to Yonhap, Samsung handled some other problems – for example, dust and dirt caught under the phone’s hinge — by making subtle changes in the design, such as making that part smaller.

“The Galaxy Fold was originally set to launch on April 26, but was delayed after the reviews. Yonhap sees the phone getting a U.S. release quite soon,” reported USA Today. “This isn’t Samsung’s first experience with a yanked phone. In 2017, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had a battery that exploded into flames, and was pulled from the market, and never returned.”

“The South Korean tech giant had postponed the handset’s launch for an unspecified period of time while it investigated several hardware-related flaws pointed out by reviewers,” said firstpost.com. “It said initial findings showed the issues could be associated with impact on exposed areas of the hinges.”

Tesla’s Stocks Drop After Wall Street Deems Musk’s “Sci-Fi” Projects a Distraction

Wall Street is losing its affection for Elon Musk. Musk’s company, Tesla, saw its stock drop to its level point in nearly 30 months. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Wall Street is losing its affection for Elon Musk.

Musk’s company, Tesla, saw its stock drop to its level point in nearly 30 months. Part of the reason was an analyst’s conclusion that the entrepreneur’s “sci-fi projects” were proving to be a distraction, and had placed the firm in what he termed a “code red situation.”

Dan Ives of Wedbush Securities’ slashed his price target for Tesla shares from $275 all the way down to $230. He also advised some cost cutting, citing drooping demand in the United States. Noted Ives, “With a code red situation at Tesla, Musk & Co. are expanding into insurance, robotaxis, and other sci-fi projects/endeavors when the company instead should be laser focused on shoring up core demand for Model 3.”

In a memo sent to his employees last week, Musk charged that cost cutting will be the order of the day for at least the foreseeable future. “Going forward, all expenses of any kind anywhere in the world, including parts, salary, travel expenses, rent, literally every payment that leaves our bank account must (be) reviewed.”

“With a code red situation at Tesla, Musk & Co. are expanding into insurance, robotaxis, and other sci-fi projects/endeavors when the company instead should be laser focused on shoring up core demand for Model 3 and simplifying its business model and expense structure in our opinion with headwinds abound,” Ives wrote in a letter to investors.

The so-called “Sci-fi” projects to which Ives alluded include the rocket company SpaceX and the Boring Co., which digs tunnels for below-ground transit systems.

“Tesla is facing a quagmire as the company is in the midst of building out its next flagship factory in Shanghai with Giga 3, in the early stages of tooling/blueprinting its next Model Y for production slated for 2020, and ramping production of its mid-range and base Model 3 in the US, all while facing a growing cash crunch and high expense structure issue,” Ives also wrote.

Tesla’s shares have fallen about 38% this year, the Wall Street Journal reported. “T. Rowe Price Associates Inc.—for years one of Tesla’s biggest investors—sold roughly 81% of its holdings over the first three months of 2019, leaving the firm owning the smallest amount of Tesla stock since 2013. In April, Tesla reported one of the worst quarterly losses in its history as revenue declined 37% from the prior quarter to $4.54 billion. Vehicle deliveries in the period fell 31% from the fourth quarter.”


Netanyahu Warns Partners: Time Running Out to Form Right-Wing Gov’t


“I regret that the parties are still in the treetops,” Netanyahu told a weekly meeting of his old Cabinet as the formation of a new one remains elusive.

With a deadline looming to form a new government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging his potential future partners to get off the “treetops” in order to prevent losing an opportunity to form a right-wing government and potentially even forcing yet another Knesset election.

On the heels of the April 9th parliamentary ballot, Netanyahu has until May 28 to build a new majority in the 120-seat Knesset, though he might begrudgingly suffice temporarily with 60 members to get the government running and lure in others later.

Still operating with the ministers of his previous government, the prime minister said at the weekly Cabinet meeting: “I regret that the parties are still in the treetops. I hope that a way will be found soon to bring them down to the ground of reality so that together we can form a strong and stable government for the State of Israel that will continue to lead the country to new heights.”

Netanyahu’s Likud party finished tied with the Blue and White faction in the election with 35 seats each. President Reuven Rivlin, in his ceremonial capacity, gave the incumbent prime minister the nod over Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to form the next government because parties representing a majority of the Knesset told the president that they prefer the Likud.

Common wisdom and the historic track record indicate that parties are likely to fall in line before time runs out next week. If, however, that scenario does not play out, Rivlin would give MK Gantz a crack, and if he fails, Israelis could find themselves going back to the polls.

Netanyahu finds himself in a position to form a new government despite criminal indictments which are pending against him in three cases.

Channel 12 news reported comments made by the prime minister that he intended to advance legislation that would grant him legal immunity as long as he remains premier.

“After I complete my term, I will address my legal affairs. Israel’s citizens knew what my situation was and elected me,” he reportedly said.

“If I were thinking of my personal good, I would conduct my trial as prime minister, not as a private citizen, but I realize that it would not be for the good of the state,” Netanyahu added, according to Channel 12.

The process of forming a governing majority includes reaching an agreement on policy guidelines with each of the coalition partners.

Likud sources say that in order to prevent additional confrontations with potential partners who object to the immunity legislation, the prime minister’s ambition to pass the bill might not be included specifically in the policy guidelines. Criticism of such a law has also come from some members of Netanyahu’s own party.

Other demands reportedly being made in the coalition negotiations include the call by the Union of Right-Wing Parties (URP) to remove military authority from the day-to-day life of Israelis in Judea and Samaria. The objective of such a move would be to transfer authority to Israeli civilian bodies instead and thereby carry out a de facto imposition of Israeli law on the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria.

Also in the government formation talks, religious-secular tensions still exist between Haredi Orthodox factions and the Yisrael Beytenu party which objects to what it views as religious coercion.

The prime minister is faced, as well, with the task of placating Knesset members from the Likud and the coalition partners by appointing them to prestigious ministerial and parliamentary positions.

            (World Israel News)

Read More at: worldisraelnews.com

Israel Receives High Praise for Hosting of Eurovision

Duncan Laurence of the Netherlands, winner of the 2019 Eurovision contest, speaks during a press conference in Tel Aviv. (Flash90)

Israeli organizers are praised for their running of the event, which went smoothly despite boycott calls and other controversies.

After months of planning and a week filled with music, partying, and at times controversy, the annual Eurovision Song Contest has come to a close in Tel Aviv. The Netherlands was declared the winner by professional panels and a popular vote submitted through phone apps by viewers around the world.

The Dutch victory means the Netherlands earns the right to host next year’s event. Israel won last year’s contest but finished near the bottom in Saturday night’s grand final.

Israeli organizers received high grades from foreign visitors for their running of the event, including both the technical details of conducting the singing competition itself as well as outside arrangements which included activities that took place in the Eurovision Village.

Because of Israel’s ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, this year’s event was marked by various anti-Israel calls to boycott the competition. The Jewish State earned the hosting honor by virtue of winning last year.

Local organizers breathed a sigh of relief that the boycott calls did not disrupt the smooth flow of the week-long activities, which included a semifinal round on Tuesday and Thursday and the grand final on Saturday.

The only blatant political detour centered around Iceland’s representative, a punk rock band called Hatari. Their song and overall demeanor were provocative and hostile.

On Saturday night, as their final result was announced, members of the Icelandic group held up Palestinian banners.

On the other hand, other foreign competitors spoke of Israel’s beautiful sights and how they enjoyed their visit.

After Israel’s victory last year, some Israeli officials and politicians called for hosting the 2019 contest in Jerusalem. However, both the lack of international recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over its capital and the more conservative nature of the holy city convinced government officials to back off and acquiesce to hosting the song contest in Tel Aviv instead.

Even with the extravaganza taking place in cosmopolitan Tel Aviv, internal Israeli controversy erupted over violation of religious observance of the Jewish Sabbath, which included friction over the issuing of Sabbath work permits for Eurovision preparations and rehearsals.

To protest the Sabbath desecration, haredi political parties temporarily suspended talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s representatives on forming a new government majority in the Israeli parliament in the aftermath of the April 9 general election.

In addition, a band on behalf of the Shalva non-profit organization, which supports and empowers individuals with disabilities and their families was forced in February to pull out of the Israeli competition for determining the country’s representative at Eurovision because of the issue of Sabbath observance.

All members of the band have disabilities, from blindness to Down syndrome and Williams’ syndrome. The band was advancing toward a victorious crowning as Israeli champion but backed out as preparations required breaking the rules of the Sabbath, even though the competition itself was not taking place on the day of rest. The band includes members who observe Sabbath in an Orthodox manner, as does the founder of the organization.

Shalva made a special appearance in Thursday night’s event and received rave reviews not only from Israelis but also in Europe. Some went as far as to say that Israel would have won again had the Shalva Band represented the country.

            (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com 

IDF Debunks Lie About ‘Gazan Child Who Died Alone’

The IDF has responded to a new allegation being circulated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other elements about a Gazan girl who died at home after receiving treatment in Israel and who suffered beforehand as a result of Israel cruelty. Photo by Yaron Blustein/TPS on 20 May, 2019

The IDF has responded to a new allegation being circulated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other elements about a Gazan girl who died at home after receiving treatment in Israel and who suffered beforehand as a result of Israel cruelty.

The Arabs are claiming that Aisha Lulu, five years old from Bureij refugee camp in Gaza, died at home shortly after returning from receiving treatment in Jerusalem.

The PA claimed Sunday that none of Lulu’s family members were allowed by Israel to enter the country to be at her side while in the hospital as applications by her family members to accompany her to Jerusalem for her complicated brain surgery were denied by the IDF.

This tragic story reflects the “oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people,” stated PA Minister of Health Mai Alkaila.

“How can a little child travel alone through Israeli checkpoints without being escorted by her mother, father or brother to provide her with affection and psychological support during treatment?” Alkaila said in a press statement.

While the PA claimed that Lulu was alone as a result of Israel’s refusal to admit her parents into the country, the IDF said it was Lulu’s parents who refused to leave Gaza and accompany her to the hospital in Jerusalem.

The IDF’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), which is entrusted with facilitating Arabs’ medical treatment in Israel, stated Sunday night that “in contrast to various publications, Israel approved the entry of Aisha Lulu for medical treatment in a hospital in east Jerusalem after her parents signed a declaration stating that they did not want to leave the Gaza Strip with her.”

“In addition, we emphasize that, contrary to publications, Aisha Lulu died in the Gaza Strip after returning home two weeks ago after an operation that unfortunately did not succeed at Al-Makassed Hospital. It should be emphasized that as a policy, the Gaza District Coordination Office (DCO) requires parental guidance for medical treatment of minors, based on the understanding that a child needs his parents during these moments. In this case too, in accordance with the DCO procedure, Aisha’s parents were required to sign a statement stating that they did not want to accompany their daughter during the treatments – for their own reasons – and asked that another person on their behalf accompany her,” COGAT clarified.

Israel regularly offers its medical services, know-how and expertise to Arab care providers and patients, in many cases free of charge, and facilitates care for Arab patients who seek it elsewhere.


Church in PA Vandalized; Christian Population Drops to All-Time Low

Another Christian institution in the Palestinian Authority (PA) was targeted by vandals, while the number of Christians living in the PA has dropped to an all-time low. (Photo Credit: Wikipedia)

Another Christian institution in the Palestinian Authority (PA) was targeted by vandals, while the number of Christians living in the PA has dropped to an all-time low.

The Anglican Church in the PA village of Abםud, near Ramallah, was broken into on Thursday and valuable property, including religious artifacts, was stolen.

A resident of Aboud, identified only as I.M., told TPS that the atmosphere in the village is charged and that there appear to be elements who are pushing the generate strife between Christians and Muslims. He estimates that this incident is a religion-based hate crime. He added that that jewelry, computers and other electronic equipment were stolen from the church.

This is the third incident in the past month in which Christians living in the PA were targeted.

The St. Charbel Monastery in Bethlehem was broken into last week, the sixth time to be targeted in recent years. The convent, part of the Lebanese Maronite Church, has been repeatedly targeted, and Father Yacoub Eid, the monastery head, has asked the PA to protect the Christian holy sites.

Attacks on Christians in the PA have recently expanded, and are driven by religion.

Last month, Christian residents of the town of Jifnah in the PA were attacked by Fatah activists and were forced to pay the Muslim Jizyah ransom tax after a local woman complained to the police about the son of a senior Fatah official.

The violent incident, which included shooting, occurred in an almost exclusively Christian area, situated north of Jerusalem and near Ramallah, the de facto PA capital.

In a notice published on Facebook, the Christian residents of Jifnah complained about the loss of security and of their property, especially after they were forced to pay the Jizyah, as demanded by Islam.

They demanded that the newly-appointed Prime Minister Mohammad Ishtayeh intervene and ensure their safety, and decry the “racist and sectarian” behavior by a “senior official.”

A member of one of the families told TPS that the Fatah members ordered them to pay the Jizyah “so that they could enjoy the PA’s protection” and that the event was caused by religious and sectarian hatred.

The Jizyah is an annual per capita tax levied by Islamic law on non-Muslim subjects residing in Muslim lands. The tax is a fee for protection provided by the Muslim ruler to non-Muslims, for the permission to practice a non-Muslim religion with some communal autonomy in a Muslim state, and as proof of the non-Muslims’ submission to the Muslim state and its laws.

Jizyah has also been understood by some as a ritual humiliation of the non-Muslims in a Muslim state for not converting to Islam.

The Muslim-Christian Council in Jerusalem recently published a survey that shows that the Christian population in the PA consists of only one percent of the general population. Tens of thousands of Christians have left the PA for other parts of the world following religious persecution they have encountered at home, including the confiscation of Christian land and the assault on young Christian women.

Once a sizable community, the survey’s numbers show that today the community numbers only 45,000 in the PA, with 4,000 living in Jerusalem and only 1,000 living in Gaza.

            (Tazpit Press Service)