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John Walker Lindh Released from Prison After 17 Years; Fought Alongside Taliban in Afghanistan  


John Walker Lindh, the former jihadi dubbed the “American Taliban,” was released from prison Thursday after completing 17 years of a 20-year sentence for supporting the Afghan insurgent group.

By: Masood Farivar

The first American detainee in the U.S. war on terror, Lindh, now 38, was captured in late 2001 while fighting alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan. He was later taken back to the U.S., where he pleaded guilty to two terrorism related charges.

The Californian is among at least 427 individuals who have been charged with jihadi terrorism or related crimes since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to the think tank New America. Nearly a hundred have been freed, with up to 90 more approaching the end of their prison terms in the next five years, said Jesse Morton, a convicted ex-jihadi who runs Parallel Networks, a group that works with former extremists.

That has rekindled a debate over how to reintegrate former American jihadis into society. Unlike other Western nations, the U.S. has no rehabilitation programs for former jihadists, leaving them largely to their own devices.

Lindh’s case has drawn attention in part because of concern he continues to harbor radical Islamist views. At his sentencing in 2002, Lindh denounced terrorism and said the attacks of Sept. 11 were against the teachings of Islam. But U.S. counterterrorism officials have assessed in recent years that his views haven’t changed. A 2017 National Counterterrorism Center document obtained by Foreign Policy magazine stated that as of May 2016, Lindh “continued to advocate for global jihad and to write and translate violent extremist texts.”

Lindh will remain on supervised release for the next three years, barred by a federal judge from communicating with known extremists, viewing extremist online content, possessing internet capable devices, traveling internationally without prior approval.

Morton said his organization reached out to Lindh to offer reintegration services but hasn’t received a response.

A convert to Islam, Morton co-founded Revolution Muslim, a group that propagandized and recruited on behalf of al-Qaida online and on the streets of New York from 2006-2011. He spent nearly four years in prison after pleading guilty to inciting attacks against the creators of “South Park” and agreeing to cooperate with the FBI. (VOA)


Massive Wildfires Sweep Israel Day After Palestinians Launch 10 Arson Balloons


Wildfires raged in Israel on Thursday amid a major heatwave, with police ordering the evacuation of several communities in the country’s center and south.

Edited by: JV Staff

Firefighters battled brushfires along the Gaza boundary, as well as near the country’s main international airport and outside Jerusalem on Thursday, according to an AP report. A major Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway was also closed to traffic because of the fire.

A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed “incendiary balloons launched by Hamas” for fires near the Gaza Strip in southern Israel.

AP reported that Gaza terrorists floated at least 10 incendiary balloons into Israel on Wednesday, and in response, Israeli authorities reduced Gaza’s fishing zone from 15 nautical miles to 10.

An Israeli police official told Hebrew media that a fire had almost completely destroyed the village of Mevo Modi’im — a community founded by the late classic Jewish singer and songwriter Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, of blessed memory.

Israel and the region are gripped by a major heatwave, with temperatures around the country reaching 100 F (38 C) and higher.

Netanyahu instructed the Foreign Ministry and Public Security Ministry to seek firefighting aircraft from abroad to help battle the blazes, a spokesman for the premier’s office said.

Residents of the nearby town of Gimzo evacuated Torah scrolls from the community synagogue as the flames approached.

Police said emergency services were still working to bring the fires under control and had no immediate indication of their cause. On Wednesday evening, Israelis marked the joyful Jewish holiday of Lag Ba’Omer with bonfires. Lag B’Omer commemorates the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, which explores the mystical teachings of the Torah.

For 12 years, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his son hid out in a cave to escape the Roman decree to kill him. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was highly critical of the Roman rule in the land of Israel and as a result the Roman authorities targeted him for persecution. While in the cave in the northern Galilee, G-d caused an open miracle to occur when a stream of water and a carob tree suddenly appeared, which provided for the physical sustenance of the Rashbi and his son as they dedicated their days and nights to learning Torah and praying.

A massive forest fire in 2010 burned for four days on northern Israel’s Mount Carmel, claiming 44 lives and destroying around 12,000 acres, much of it woodland. (AP)

India’s Modi Wins Elections in a Landslide; Pro-BDS Parties Eliminated

Pro-Israel Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won the elections in a landslide, while anti-Israel elements have essentially been wiped off the political map. Photo by Avi Ohayon/GPO on 23 May, 2019

Pro-Israel Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won the elections in a landslide, while anti-Israel elements have essentially been wiped off the political map.

By: Aryeh Savir

According to the latest polls, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won well over 300 seats, taking the majority in the parliament.

The opposition, led by the Congress Party and Rahul Gandhi, is ahead in fewer than 100.

Some 8,000 candidates and some 670 political parties ran in the six-week-long voting process that involved 600 million people.

This is the first time in 50 years that an Indian leader wins a second term.

Relations between Israel and India have warmed up considerably in recent years, especially since Modi took office.

Modi is responsible for the tectonic shift in the country’s foreign policy, a fundamental departure from India’s traditional support of the Arabs to an alliance with Israel.

Prime Ministers Netanyahu and Modi met at the UN in September 2014, the first such meeting in over a decade. Netanyahu last visited India in January 2018, reciprocating Modi’s visit to the Jewish State in July 2017.

In the meantime, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) was almost eliminated in the elections.

AIKS, the largest national organization representing farmers in India, announced in October 2017 that it endorsed the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement) and boycotts against Israel until it “complies with international law, in order to stand for the rights of the Palestinian people and to resist the corporate takeover of the Indian agriculture sector by Israeli companies.”

AIKS is a communist organization that is spread across 21 states in India and is over 16 million members.

Similarly, the Communist-Marxist party in the Indian state of Bengal, which ruled for over four decades and was a supporter of anti-Israel elements, has also suffered its worst defeat in 50 years.

Lev Eran, an expert on Israel-Indian relations, explained that elections results are really good news for Israel, and that while the relations between the two countries are close, they can grow even closer.

India has shifted from voting against Israel at the United Nations to abstaining in such resolutions. It can still move to support Israel.

Furthermore, India condemned the US’ relocation of its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a year ago. Modi can shift his support for such a move. (TPS)

The Jewish Voice Joins the Sephardic Community in Brooklyn in Mourning the Passing of Our Beloved Julie Dweck, a’h


It is with great sorrow that the Jewish Voice announces the passing of our highly esteemed community member, dear friend and Aishet Chayil, Julie Dweck, a’h.

Julie Dweck was the beloved wife of Haim Dweck, a’h and the adored mother of Sam (Sonny) Dweck, Frieda (Cookie) Dweck, Marvin Dweck and Robert Dweck.

Her loss leaves an aching void in the hearts of her children and their families as well as profound sadness in the hearts of all who had the distinct pleasure of knowing Julie.

She was an indomitable spirit, a woman of genuine kindness and compassion and a paradigm of true Emunah in Hashem.

Julie was also the sister of Rae Dweck, a’h, Sam Betesh, a’h, Bob Betesh, a’h, Violet Sutton, a’h, Joe Betesh, a’h and Linda Falack.

May Julie’s precious neshoma have an aliya in Gan Eden and may she always be a melitzes yashara for her family and the entire community.

May Hashem console her family amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may her memory always be for a special blessing.

COJO of Staten Island Congratulates Capt Bruce Ceparano on his Appointment as Commanding Officer of Pct. 121

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, president COJO-SI congratulating Captain Bruce Ceparano, the newly appointed Commanding Officer of Pct. 121

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, president of COJO-SI declared that, “Pct. 121 is fortunate to have Captain Ceparano, a veteran officer as its new Commanding Officer” and that, “Captain Ceparano is joining a great team headed by Chief Kenneth Corey, the Staten Island Borough Commander. We at COJO-SI look forward in working and in collaborating with Captain Ceparano on quality of life issues in further enhancing Staten Island as a great place to live, work and raise a family.”





A Unifier Prevails in Special Election: Farah Louis Emerges Victorious in Bklyn’s 45th City Council District Race

Councilwoman-Elect Farah Louis

In a special election that was held on May 14th, Farah Louis, a fresh, new face on the Brooklyn political scene was resoundingly elected to the NYC council, representing the 45th council district in the heart of Kings County.  Ms. Louis has now assumed the seat on the city council that was vacated by Jumaane Williams when he was elected as the city’s new Public Advocate several months ago.

Ms. Louis ran on a platform predicated on the values of respect for racial, cultural and religious diversity, as well as the preservation of individual rights, freedoms and community unity. She was represented on the ballot on the United 45 ticket.

“This very special community, this amazing city council district, is comprised of a vast array of minorities and nationalities. We are exceptionally proud to say that living among us are our brothers and sisters from Jamaica, Trinidad, Haiti and all over the Caribbean. We wholeheartedly embrace the richness and beauty that all cultures bring to our community; Jewish, Christian and Muslim. We are also incredibly proud of those of the Muslim and Jewish faith in which we share our lives on a daily basis. They are our esteemed friends and neighbors and we have gained so much from their remarkable faith and their drive to enhance and improve the lives of every constituent in the district, “ said Ms. Louis at her victory address.

Unity in Action Team Visits Israel in July of 2018

Addressing her supporters at her victory party subsequent to her election to the city council, Ms. Louis added that her decision to “throw her hat in the ring” and seek elected office was due to the inspiration she received on a recent trip to Israel. “It was while I was immersed in prayer at Jerusalem’s Western Wall did I decide to continue to dedicate my life to public service and try to help as many people as I can,“ she added.

She said that what she learned while visiting a large number of various religious sites in Israel that played a paramount role in the growth of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism was that each religion has an incredible amount of wisdom and faith to add to this world. Ms. Louis took note of the fact that people can overcome differences in terms of belief systems and can find common ground in which to coalesce and improve the quality of life for all of us.

Ms. Louis had spent 10 days in Israel last summer with the Unity in Action team led by “The Bridge” founder, Mark Meyer Appel. Upon her victory, Mr. Appel said, “Farah is a true leader and I am sure her call for unity and her strong commitment to social and economic justice will make us all very proud to have her represent our district in the city council.”

The electoral results confirmed that Louis received 42 percent of the votes in the 45th city council district. She earned 3861 votes out of a total 9,235 ballots cast with more than 99 percent of scanners counted by Wednesday morning, May 15th.

The 45th city council district includes parts of the Flatbush, East Flatbush, Flatlands, Midwood, Canarsie and Marine Park sections of Brooklyn.

In terms of hands on experience in city government, polls indicated that what impressed voters about Ms. Louis was her firm commitment to making the daily lives of her constituents better in a multitude of ways. Said one voter, who chose to remain anonymous, “While I really admired the slate of candidates who ran for this position, I felt that Ms. Louis really had her finger on the pulse of the people in this community. She had a precise understanding of what they desired to improve the quality of their lives and she offered real and workable platforms in which people could progress both professionally and personally. I think she gained this awareness from her prior experience in city government. I might also add that her knowledge of how government can help the people was simply remarkable.”

Ms. Louis served as the deputy chief of staff for six years for former city councilman Jumaane Williams as did former staffer Monique Chandler-Waterman, who came in second with 2,790 votes, just north of 30 percent.

Mr. Williams sent his congratulations to Louis on her victory on social media.

“Congratula­tions to @FarahNLouis Councilmember of the 45th District,” he wrote on Twitter.

The two front runners soared ahead of the other candidates, with Jovia Radix — daughter of New York Supreme Court judge Sylvia Hinds-Radix — coming in third at a mere nine percent of the vote and 849 ballots cast.

The councilwoman-elect garnered the backing of multiple political heavyweights including NYS Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte (D-Flatbush), who labored assiduously to unite the community in support of Ms. Louis.  Additionally, Ms. Louis had the support of the NYPD union of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein (D-Flatlands), and the late former city councilman Lew Fidler. Ms. Louis also received the full-throated support from Councilman Chaim Deutsch and Councilman Kalman Yeger who campaigned with alacrity for Ms. Louis in the Jewish community, along with the Flatbush Jewish Coalition.

Louis also received the endorsement of powerful Brooklyn Democratic Party boss Frank Seddio, who had previously thrown his support behind the campaign for Public Advocate that Jumaane Williams waged.

Among the many planks in her party platform, Ms. Louis campaigned on stemming the displacement of locals by a new wave of developers.  She has advocated for what she calls “contextual zoning” – a concept that would mandate new buildings be built in accordance and in concert with the neighborhood’s existing character and building sizes.

Ms. Louis has also called for significant reforms in the federally-mandated formula of the Area Median Income for determining so-called “affordable housing”. She has said that such imperative reforms will serve to better reflect the composition of local communities.

Ms. Louis will serve out the remainder of the current term of the office and will soon be poised to revive her campaign in order to place her name on the ballot in the upcoming June primaries. Subsequently, the general election will be held in November for a two-year term ending in 2021.

Louis profusely thanked her team of volunteer supporters and those who cast their votes for her. She said that had it not been for their tireless efforts and the fact that each person threw their heart and soul into this campaign, she would not be celebrating a victory.

“This campaign has shown me the beauty, resiliency & power of this district,” she said on Twitter. “Every person who contributed, volunteered, voted & every person who offered a word of encouragement played an integral part in tonight’s outcome. It is my deepest honor to represent you on the city council.”

NYU Graduation Speaker Smears Trump, Israel

Speaking at the convocation ceremony for NYU's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Steven William Thrasher called President Donald Trump a "fascist," described Israel as an "apartheid" state, endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and praised Occupy Wall Street. Photo Credit: Washington Free Beacon

A graduation speaker at New York University called President Donald Trump a “fascist,” described Israel as an “apartheid” state, endorsed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and praised Occupy Wall Street in a two-minute excerpt from his Monday speech.

By: Mikhael Smits

Speaking at the convocation ceremony for NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Steven William Thrasher praised his fellow doctoral graduates for their fight against the various perceived evils.

“Many of us have been together at Occupy Wall Street, and at Black Lives Matter protests, and against that fascist in the White House,” Thrasher said to cheers.

When the applause quieted, Thrasher took aim at Israel, which hosts the largest pro-gay “Pride Parade” in the Middle East.

“I am so proud, so proud, of NYU’s chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace,” he said, “for supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against the apartheid state government in Israel.”

The BDS movement targets Israeli organizations and companies doing business in Israel in an effort to weaken Israel economically and politically, forcing the Israeli government to change its policies. Israel is not an apartheid state.

In 2018, Northwestern University named Thrasher its inaugural Daniel H. Renberg Chair.

According to an announcement from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, Thrasher will “will focus on social justice in reporting, with an emphasis on issues relevant to the LGBTQ community.”

A campus newspaper story following the announcement stated Thrasher hopes to “establish programs and classes that examine media coverage of sexual and gender minorities.”

The Washington Free Beacon contacted Northwestern’s Medill School for its views on Thrasher’s comments and the BDS movement. It declined to comment.

During the Monday convocation ceremony, Thrasher placed his political causes at the center of the university’s mission.

“This is what we are called to do,” he said. “This is our NYU legacy, that we are connected in radical love.”

NYU awarded the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) a Presidential Service Award earlier this year. SJP members around the country have engaged in physical violence, apologized for anti-semitic activity, and praised terrorists. Its funding comes heavily from organizations like American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which has ties to Palestinian terror.

Thrasher previously received his bachelor’s degree in dramatic writing and film/TV production from NYU. In the interim, he worked as a journalist and at NBC’s Saturday Night Live. (Washington Free Beacon)

Three More Parents Plead Guilty in College Admissions Scandal

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

CNN reported on Wednesday that three more parents pleaded guilty in federal court to what authorities have labeled the largest collegiate admissions scam that has ever taken place.

Edited by: JV Staff

Gregory Abbott, founder and chairman of a food and beverage packaging company, his wife, Marcia Abbott, and Peter Jan Sartorio, the founder of a frozen burrito company, all went before a federal judge to formally enter their pleas to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, according to the CNN report.

Prosecutors said evidence included recorded phone calls and emails that show all three communicating directly with the mastermind of the scheme, William Rick Singer, in order to obtain guaranteed admittance for their progeny into the prestigious college of their choice, as was reported by CNN.  

As part of their plea agreements, prosecutors are recommending the Abbotts serve 12 months and a day in prison, while Sartorio would serve between zero and six months.

Prosecutors said the Abbotts paid Singer a total of $125,000 in purported donations to his foundation to inflate their daughter’s scores on both the ACT and SAT exams. Mark Riddell, who has also pled guilty for his role in the scam, corrected her test scores for the ACT in March and then for the SAT subject tests in October, according to the CNN report.  

In court in Boston on Wednesday, the Abbotts said they understood the scores would be corrected but did not know the details of how it would happen. “I didn’t know the system. I didn’t know how things were implemented,” Marcia Abbott said.

In April, the Jewish Voice reported that actress Lori Loughlin and her husband were among the 16 parents who face charges for conspiracy in the infamous college admissions scandal. The couple was indicted on charges of mail fraud and money laundering. If convicted, the pair will face up to 40 years in prison.

As reported by Fox News, the indication of potential prison time is finally sinking in for Loughlin, and panic is setting in. The Queens-born 54-year-old star from “Full House”, “Fuller House” and “When Calls the Heart” was downplaying the consequences of the whole ordeal, but now is terrified of the possibility of spending time behind bars.

“She has been in complete denial and thought maybe she could skate by,” a source told E! News. “She refused to accept any jail time and thought the DA was bluffing. She was adamant she wouldn’t do any jail time.” Critics, including the sketch artist at the court, have said that Loughlin appeared “arrogant” during the court hearing. “Lori is finally realizing just how serious this is,” the source continued. “She is seeing the light that she will do jail time and is freaking out.”

Loughlin and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, were arrested in March for allegedly bribing their daughters’ ways into the University of Southern California (USC) for $500,000 each. The posh couple allegedly mad payments to the ‘charity’ of scam mastermind, William “Rick” Singer, to get their daughters Isabella and Olivia Jade recruited to the USC crew team, even though neither of the girls is a rower. Isabella and Olivia’s statuses at USC are on hold while the school’s investigations into the individual cases is ongoing. Olivia has become a YouTube and Instagram celebrity, but has lost several of her main endorsements in the aftermath of the scandal.


Secret PA Intel Doc Exposes Ties Btwn Son of Mahmud Abbas & Terror-Financing & Money-Laundering Network


A top-secret Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence document obtained by TPS exposes an elaborate network of connections between Yasser Abbas, son of PA head Mahmoud Abbas, and other PA senior officials who are involved in terror-financing and money-laundering.

By: Baruch Yedid

The severe allegations leveled against Abbas and the other officials in the document include the financing of terrorism, money laundering, illegal money transfers and bribery.

Businessmen from several Arab countries conspired with PA officials, including from the PA’s foreign ministry, to launder funds for terror groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah and armed militias in Syria.

The network is also involved in tax evasion and money smuggling in the US.

The two primary figures at the center of the network are the brothers Assem and Issam Khourani, US and British citizens respectively.

Issam Khourani is a Lebanese businessman with British citizenship. He was also provided with a diplomatic passport by PA head Abbas, obtained through his son Yasser. He is involved in money laundering on behalf of the Hezbollah terror group and armed militias in Syria.

Assem Khourani, nicknamed Da Vinci, is an American citizen. He is involved in money laundering and illicit oil trade with Sudan. He was also provided with a diplomatic passport by Abbas and uses it to advance the network and breach US laws with the freedom the document affords him.

Yasser Abbas utilized his status to advance their network’s operations in several countries.

Sources told TPS that the two brothers obtained a PA diplomatic passport, despite the fact that they are not residents of the PA and in contradiction to the 1994 Oslo Accords with Israel.

The two brothers have a partner named Qassem Amar, and together they lead an oil empire, the Caratube International Oil Company (CIOC).

The brothers have also been implicated in incidents of murder, abduction, blackmail, drugs offenses, and the Interpol has petitioned the Lebanese and Swiss governments to obtained information about their assets.

The two also operated with Abbas junior in Ukraine, Montenegro, Sudan and in Kazakhstan, where they had set up their center of operations and established connections with the country’s ruling family and with the head of its intelligence agency. Issam married Gulshat Aliyeva, the sister of Rakhat Aliyev, the head of the Kazakh KGB, who in turn married Dariga Nazarbayeva, the eldest daughter of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Riad Maleki, the PA’s foreign minister, helped Yasser Abbas and Issam Khourani and utilized the PA’s embassies around the world for this purpose, the report says.

Mazzen Shmaye, the PA’s former ambassador to Kazakhstan, also helped Issam, who centered his operations on the oil trade in the country. Mazzen maintained ties with the Hamas terror organization through his brother, Dr. Maher Shmaye, a senior Hamas official. Mazzen utilized his position at the embassy to transfer funds from Issam’s companies to Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Supreme Shari’ah Judge in the PA and Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari’ah Justice, was the one who connected Issam Khourani to PA head Abbas.

Fatah Satri, the PA’s former ambassador in Sudan, was instrumental in aiding the Khourani brothers to circumvent US law.

TPS has learned that Shmaye made frequent visits to Lebanon and the expenses, some as high as $150,000, were paid for by Issam Khourani.

Issam has also been involved in the murder of Russian TV star and a journalist for NTK television in Kazakhstan Anastaysia Novikova, who fell from the window of an apartment in Beirut in 2004. Khourani and his brother-in-law, Rakhat Aliyev, were charged with being complicit in abducting, imprisoning, raping and murdering Novikova.

Issam has also been tied to money laundering in Austria, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland.

The Lebanese police confirmed as far back as 2007 that Issam was suspected of involvement in terrorism in the country.

Arab media has also reported that Issam maintained business ties with the PA’s ambassador to the US, to advance his business in Sudan. The report did not provide the ambassador’s name.

The PA report also shows that senior PA Foreign Service officials helped Issam evade paying taxes in the US and trade oil with Sudan, despite the US sanctions on the country.

Issam maintained illicit trade ties with Sudan with the help of PA officials and used his PA diplomatic passport for this purpose. Assem made the actual deals with the Sudanese, with the involvement of Yasser Abbas.

The Arab media reported that Da Vinci worked to obtain citizenship from an Arab country so that he could win oil trade agreements with Sudan for Caratube. Some reports said that Yasser Abbas was involved in the process, with the help of the PA embassy in Sudan.

The Interpol has issued a warrant for Da Vinci and has asked the US and the UK to freeze the brothers’ assets.

The US’ Senate House Committee on Foreign Affairs in 2012 discussed the network.

An Israeli source has confirmed that Yasser Abbas’ ties with Hezbollah have been known by the IDF since 2014.

S.F., a former senior PA official, told TPS that “corruption is killing the PA, even before Abbas leaves office,” and that the PA can expect growing inner violence, carried out by armed militias, as part of an inheritance and power battle, in the near future.

Another senior PA official, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that the PA’s resources are very limited, even before Israel cut the tax transfers to the PA over its practice of paying terrorists.

“These resources have become private property and are exploited by a group of corrupt leaders,” he said, noting that as a result “the PA is fading away and now the future of tens of thousands of Arabs is in danger.” (TPS)


Attacker Forcibly Invades Home in Bklyn’s Sephardic Jewish Community; Housekeeper Assaulted


In the midst of widespread attacks on Jewish targets throughout New York City, earlier today, (Wednesday, May 22), a home in the Sephardic Jewish community in the Gravesend section of Brooklyn was invaded by a dangerous burglar who at the time of this writing has still not been apprehended by local law enforcement authorities.

Edited by: JV Staff  

According to a report on the Yeshiva World News web site, the home invasion took place at approximately 1:30 pm. The suspect is a black male, around 6 ft tall. He was wearing orange sneakers, dark clothing and was carrying a black knapsack.  

Sources told the Yeshiva World News that the man forced his way into a home located on East 1st Street between Avenue S and T.

No weapons were displayed, although it is unknown if the man was in fact armed.

At home at the time of the invasion was the woman of the house as well as a housekeeper who is in the employ of the homeowner.

According to the report on the YWN site, the woman managed to run out of the home after the perpetrator forced his way in, however the housekeeper, whose name has not been released to the media was assaulted by the suspect. The suspect did take various items from the home, but those items have yet to be identified. The attacker was chased on foot by the housekeeper and according to sources close to the investigation, the perpetrator dropped the items he stole, before escaping the scene on foot. Thus far, the condition of the housekeeper has not been released.

According to Shomrim member, Bob Moskowitz, video footage was given to the police, however Mr. Moskowitz said that he was not sure whether the image of the suspect was on the video.     

In addition to the Flatbush Shomrim who were summoned to the scene of the invasion, the NYPD were called and they have been canvassing for the suspect. The police are also working on securing security camera footage from nearby homes.

If you have any information about this crime, please call 911, and please call the 24 hour Flatbush Shomrim emergency hotline at 718-338-9797.




Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Rabbi of the Chabad of Poway, whose synagogue was attacked by a terrorist gunman on the last day of Passover, will be the featured speaker at the annual Yom Yerushalayim celebration dinner of American Friends of Ateret Cohanim / Jerusalem Chai. The dinner is the main fundraising event of the American Friends, whose support is critical to the work of Ateret Cohanim in the so called Muslim and Christian Quarters of east Jerusalem.  For nearly four decades, Ateret Cohanim has painstakingly brought Jewish life back (inch by inch) to the areas that became “Jundenrein” after the fall of the Old Yishuv in the 1948 War of Independence. The dinner will be held at 6:00 PM at the Marriot Marquis in midtown Manhattan on Thursday night, May 30th.

The projects and programs of American Friends of Ateret Cohanim / Jerusalem Chai, support the educational, social, recreational, and security needs of the over 1000 Jews living in these areas. These projects include day care and after school programs for children, roof top playgrounds, armed security for escort to and from school, renovations of apartments legally purchased that were neglected by squatters who lived there for many years, security cameras and other equipment strategically placed to aid the police and army, education for Israelis and tourists to understand the importance of this area to the history of the Jewish people, and the renovations of historical sites like the Churva  Synagogue, the Ohel Yitzchok Synagogue, the Yemenite Village Synagogue as well as the Mark Twain Center in the old “Mediterranean Hotel” today known as Beit Wittenberg.

The choice to bring Rabbi Goldstein to the dinner was made clear to the Executive Council of American Friends by the Rabbi’s steadfast message to bring light and hope in the face of sorrow and tragedy. After his near brush with death facing the terrorist gunman who killed congregant Lori Gilbert Kaye HY’D, Rabbi Goldstein has traveled across the United States, spoken at the White House and has carried the message of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who exhorted his disciples to bring “light” to the world. Ateret Cohanim has done the same. In the face of hatred and terror by our enemies in east Jerusalem, we continue to grow and thrive, despite the physical threat of violence and psychological danger that face our families every day. Our community in the Yemenite Village in the area called Silwan by the rest of the word, recently welcomed the 23rd family and 122nd child.

In celebration of Yom Yerushalayim, guests will be entertained by world famous singer Mendy Wald and be introduced to Pete Hegseth, Fox News personality who recently aired a TV special “Battle in the Holy City”, a look at the struggle for Jerusalem.

The Guests of Honor, Aviva and Paul Gross, are the daughter and son in law of one of the founders of American Friends, Joe Mermelstein z”l. “Papa Joe” as he was called by all who knew and loved him, was one of the great activists of the Jewish people during the last 50 years.  Mr. Mermelstein championed not only the cause of the Jews of the Old City, he was instrumental in raising the consciousness of the world to the plight of Soviet Jewry and is credited for making the case to bring then Prisoner of Conscience Anatoly (now Natan) Sharansky from the Gulag of Siberia to his rightful home in Jerusalem. Joe helped support the Israel Day Concert, projects in Sderot and Hebron, and was an early supporter of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Most major Jewish organizations of today have Joe Mermelstein z”l to thank. American Friends of Ateret Cohanim, together with his children Aviva and Paul, will dedicate a scenic overlook in the “Old City” in Joe’s memory at the gala Yom Yerushalayim dinner.

The dinner will also pay tribute to Rabbi Meir and Briendy Melnicke (Rabbinical Alliance of America) who will receive the Rabbinic Leadership award for his work on behalf of the Jewish people both in the United States and Israel. Albert and Louiza Allaham, purveyor of Reserve Cut and Mr. Willy Pilku will receive the coveted “Bonei” Yerushalayim award. Mr. Pilku of Core Scaffold Systems has said his goal is to be the one to build the scaffolding for the future Temple in Jerusalem.

Danny & Tzippy Finkelman (Sparks Next Productions) have been responsible for much of the creative video shown at previous dinners and will receive the Oheiv Tzion Award. Mr. Finkelman has won awards for his work at the Sundance Film Festival and was a producer of the drama “Menashe” that received universal acclaim for its portrayal of Chasidic life in Brooklyn.

American Friends is also proud to pay tribute to three outstanding young people, Michael Celler, Inna Vernikov and Estee Wald for their commitment and enthusiasm on behalf of Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

“All of us are looking forward to celebrating Yom Yerushalayim, because for no other city do we dance and sing,” said Shani Hikind, Executive Vice President of American Friends. “This is everyone’s opportunity to stand by the side of our incredible families living in the heart of Jerusalem.”

Reservations to the dinner can be made online at www.jerusalemchai.org/dinner or by calling 212-216-9270.

WJC condemns World Health Organization resolution blaming Israel for health crisis in Palestinian territories


The World Jewish Congress on Wednesday condemned the World Health Organization’s approval of a blatantly one-sided annual resolution accusing Israel of perpetuating a health crisis in the Palestinian territories. The resolution was passed, with 96 countries voting in favor, 11 against, and 21 abstaining. Among those that voted against the resolution aside from Israel, were the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, and Hungary.

“The World Health Organization has, yet again, demonstrated the pervasive double standards within the United Nations which single out Israel for condemnation while absolving the Palestinian authorities of any wrongdoing or responsibility in the territories under their control,” said World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder.

“As in the UN General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on the Status of Women, and other bodies, the World Health Organization has debated only one country-specific resolution at this session, despite scores of conflicted regions where the deterioration of health continues to pose an alarming and pressing threat,” Lauder said.

“This resolution, which in its very essence is deeply flawed, does not once mention Hamas or its responsibility for the health crisis in the Gaza Strip and barely mentions the role that the Palestinian Authority plays in caring for its residents, placing the blame disproportionately on Israel. It also turns a blind eye to the corruption that abounds within the Palestinian leadership, and the misuse of funds that could and should be devoted to health care and are instead used to reward terrorists for murdering and maiming Israelis,” he said.

“We thank the United States, the United Kingdom, and the other countries who stood their moral ground in opposing this charade and urge other countries to think deeply and carefully about the message they are sending in supporting this clearly biased resolution. The WHO is an important organization that is much needed by the international community for the benefit of health around the world. However, its standing and efficacy is undermined by those who would rather point the world’s finger at Israel than risk having it pointed at themselves. It’s time for the international community to wake up and realize that the body tasked with our global protection has become theater of the absurd,” Lauder said.

Protesters in Times Square Were Loud and Clear: Ilhan Must Go!



Hundreds of supporters for the fight against antisemitism congregated in Times Square to call for Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s removal from the Foreign Affairs committee for her repeated use of antisemitic tropes and her recent support for Hamas while they were firing rockets on Israeli civilians.

What’s become clear is that Omar, and along with her, Rashida “the Holocaust gives me a comfortable feeling” Tlaib, are mainstays in the Democratic party, and no amount of hand washing will wipe away their stain and “taint” of antisemitism. Leaders Pelosi and Schumer, all of the Democratic presidential hopefuls, and certainly, above all others, the host of Jewish congressmen and women who have remained silent or outwardly supported and reinforced these two scathing antisemites, are collectively responsible for what they produce.

I can tell you this: we will not be silent; nor will we stop fighting for Ilhan’s removal from the committee and the casting out from the Democratic party of unabashed antisemites who masquerade as anti-Zionists, neatly cloaking themselves as liberal humanitarians. We see right through them, and we’re moving full force ahead.

ADL Welcomes Arrest of NJ Man Who Allegedly Threatened Terrorist Attack on Pro-Israel Event


ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) today praised law enforcement for the arrest of Jonathan Xie, a resident of Basking Ridge, Somerset County, NJ, for threatening to ‘shoot everybody’ at a pro-Israel march. Xie was allegedly inspired by the Palestinian terror organization, Hamas. While many terror organizations, including ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, single out Jews and Zionists as targets, this is the first arrest of a U.S. citizen allegedly motivated by Hamas-ties in almost ten years.

“This arrest serves as a clear reminder that foreign terror organizations’ violent and hateful ideologies truly have no borders,” said Evan R. Bernstein, ADL NY/NJ Regional Director. “Hamas’ hatred of Israel seems to have motivated this individual to target pro-Israel supporters in the United States. This is once again indicative of the need for Jewish communal security, and we applaud law enforcement for this critical arrest. We must remain vigilant against extremism and hate from across the ideological spectrum.”

ADL remains in close contact with law enforcement, and its Center on Extremism monitors Islamist extremist organizations and their offshoots, including Hamas.


The Rieders Foundation Files Formal Complaint with NY State Against Rockefeller Brothers Foundation BDS Ties


The Rieders Foundation is filing a formal complaint with the New York state division of Human Rights on Monday May 20, 2019 against the Rockefeller Brother’s Foundation (RBF) for its extensive and well-documented donations to groups with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias.  Attached to the complaint is a 19 page report outlining the various individuals and organizations that the RBF supplies with grants.  Stephen Heintz, president of the RBF, responded to these claims in an article that was published in Tablet magazine.  Heintz reiterated that donations regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were “aimed at ending the 50-year long occupation in order to bring justice, dignity, and security to all Israelis and Palestinians.”

Heintz failed to acknowledge that many of the recipients of RBF grants strongly support a 1 state solution, as well as the boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS) movement.  BDS is widely recognized as the least productive path to a peaceful solution, eliminating the possibility for two states to coexist side by side.  Legislation in the United States has made BDS irrelevant in 27 states and the number is increasing steadily.  BDS is a symbolic replacement for traditional anti-Semitism, as was recognized 5/17/2019 by the German Bundestag.

At the Rieders Foundation, we are also clarifying the tax-exempt status that the RBF operates under.  With donations as large as $3 million to organizations such as JStreet for its “Iran Campaign”, the RBF should not remain eligible for its 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status.  Other recipients of RBF grants include, Ifnotnow, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the US campaign for Palestinian rights.  Organizations such as Defense for Children International (which received $25,000 from the RBF in 2017)  employed board members and workers with direct ties to the Popular front for the liberation of Palestine (PFLP), “a terrorist organization designated as such by the US, EU, Canada, and Israel.”

DeBlasio For Prez? NO WAY !!!

The frightening part is that DeBlasio really thinks he is capable of dealing with the rest of the world when to us, his captives within the city boundaries, he's no more than a bumbling idiot. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The prospects for a resurgence of the struggling chapeau industry should be getting a shot in the arm with as many as 24 Democrat candidates tossing their hats in the ring for the presidential nomination. And that’s just the latest count. But the latest contestant for this monumental but thankless job is none other than one of our own, the inept mayor of the Big Apple……Bill De Blasio. Don’t get us wrong. We and about 60% of other New Yorkers would like someone to take him off our hands and out of Gracie Mansion, but just the thought of him occupying the White House and corrupting the entire nation, is downright scary. The frightening part is that he really thinks he is capable of dealing with the rest of the world when to us, his captives within the city boundaries, he’s no more than a bumbling idiot.

We’ve struggled for years under his and his wife, Chirlane’s rule and we just found out more bad news. That the program she started 4 years ago, the ThriveNYC scheme funded by 900 million $ of taxpayer money to improve our town’s mental health, has disappeared. Since its inception, the organizers of that questionable boondoggle have largely failed to keep records and appear to have accomplished nothing. And Chirlane was selected by her loving spouse to run this monumental undertaking although her, call it what you will, claim to fame is as a black/lesbian/activist poet, political speech writer and wife to Hizzoner.

So, under her “leadership” nearly one billion bucks are gone like the cleanliness and efficiency of our subway system, like the destruction of our acclaimed three elite high schools that have sent off tens of thousands of kids to better the world community and of course, the stupidity of running Amazon out of town by AOC. All of the above and more given to you by the De Blasio family team of incompetents who might perhaps even might be labeled criminals by an honest prosecutor if one can be found to dig into this mess of their administration.

Some might complain that his campaigning around the country will deprive us of his “leadership.” Hank Sheinkopf, a veteran Democrat consultant might have hit the nail on the head with his comment on the matter: “New York city residents have never felt that he’s been involved in the grind that makes NYC government work. So it doesn’t matter. The bureaucracy is running this place. He’s not running it.” So… do we ever miss the likes of Mayors Guiliani and Bloomberg!!!! Our thought bears repeating. As incompetent as De Blasio is as our own Mayor and as much as we’d like to see him go, the thought of him as president is our nightmare. Don’t let it happen!!