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Israeli Scientists Duplicate Patient’s Brain Structure, Advance Medicine

Israeli scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have recently been successful in duplicating a blood-brain barrier outside the patient’s body using stem cells and microfluidic chips, producing a functioning copy of a patient’s brain structure and thus advancing personalized medicine. Photo Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS on 10 June, 2019

Israeli scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have recently been successful in duplicating a blood-brain barrier outside the patient’s body using stem cells and microfluidic chips, producing a functioning copy of a patient’s brain structure and thus advancing personalized medicine.

Scientists do not currently have the ability to produce a living copy of the brain outside the body. However, scientists duplicated a critical brain structure, the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which functions as it would in the individual who donated the cells to make it.

Their achievement provides a new way to make discoveries about brain disorders and, potentially, predict which drugs will work best for an individual patient.

The blood-brain barrier acts as a gatekeeper by blocking toxins and other foreign substances in the bloodstream from entering brain tissue and damaging it. It also can prevent potentially therapeutic drugs from reaching the brain. Neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Epileptic Disorders, Alzheimer disease and Huntington disease, which collectively affect millions of people, have been linked to defective blood-brain barriers.

For their study, a team co-chaired by Dr. Gad Vatine, of BGU’s Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell (RMSC) Research Center and the Department of Physiology and Cell Biology and by Clive N Svendsen, Ph.D of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, genetically manipulated blood cells collected from individual’s into stem cells, known as induced pluripotent stem cells, which can produce any type of cell in our bodies.

They used these special cells to make neurons, blood-vessel cells and support cells that together make up the blood-brain barrier. The team then placed the various types of cells inside microfluidic chips, which mimicked the body’s environment and allowed the cells to interact with each other and with blood.

The living cells soon formed a functioning unit of a blood-brain barrier that acted much as it does in the body, including blocking entry of certain drugs.

Significantly, when this blood-brain barrier was derived from cells of patients with Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome, a rare congenital neurological disorder, or from Huntington disease patients, the barrier malfunctioned in the same way that it does in patients with these diseases.

“By combining patient-specific stem cells and organ-on-chip technology, we generated a personalized model of the human blood-brain-barrier. BBB-on-Chips generated from several individuals demonstrated inter-individual variability in BBB functions. Thus, this approach allows the prediction of the best-suited brain drug in a personalized manner,” said Dr. Vatine.

Although scientists have created blood-brain barriers outside the body before, the investigators said they believe this is the first time such a structure has been created from induced pluripotent stem cells that were derived from a patient, matched the patient’s DNA, and displayed a characteristic defect of the patient’s disease.

The study’s findings create dramatic new possibilities for precision medicine, Vatine added.

“This is of particular importance for neurological diseases like epilepsy or schizophrenia, in which several FDA-approved drugs are available, but current treatment selections are largely based on trial and error. We’re aiming to understand each individual case, in order to meet the unique needs of each individual patient,” he said.

The project was supported by the Israel Science Foundation, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the Sherman Family Foundation.


8-Year-Old Israeli Chess Prodigy Takes 2nd in European Championship

Or Shatil, Israeli Chess prodigy (Courtesy)

An eight-year-old Israeli chess prodigy won second place in a chess championship held in Romania.

Israel has produced another chess prodigy.

Eight-year-old Or Shatil took second place in the European School Chess Championships, held last week in Mamia, Romania.

Shatil triumphed over the undefeated Ismayilova Khanim, who is from Azerbaijan.

Shatil started at a disadvantage, as she was playing the black pieces. White pieces have a slight advantage, as the first move in a round is made with a white piece.

Shatil’s win is made more significant as Israeli players have faced severe discrimination by countries hostile to the Jewish State. Numerous stories of anti-Semitism have been publicized against Israelis participating in various competitions worldwide.

For example, 15-year-old Iranian chess champion Alireza Firouzja refused to compete with Israeli Or Bronstein at the Grenke Chess Open, held in Germany this past April.

Iranian chess player Aryan Gholami forfeited his chance to win $10,000 when he balked at playing with Israeli Ariel Erenberg at the Rilton Cup, held in Sweden in January.

In July 2018, seven-year-old Israeli chess champ Liel Levitan was denied the chance to compete in the World Chess Championship in Tunisia, due to her nationality.

Recognizing that this type of discrimination is becoming more common place, Israeli chess player Lior Aizenberg founded the World Alternative Championship. Competitors from all over the world, including Arab countries, are invited to compete in Israel, where there is no discrimination against any people or nationality.

             (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com

Leaked Documents Expose More Corruption in PA; Public Enraged

Official Palestinian Authority (PA) documents exposing corruption among the PA’s leadership have leaked to social media in recent days, enraging the street in the PA, while those implicated claim it’s an American plot to besmirch them ahead of the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop in Bahrain. Photo by TPS on 11 June, 2019

Official Palestinian Authority (PA) documents exposing corruption among the PA’s leadership have leaked to social media in recent days, enraging the street in the PA, while those implicated claim it’s an American plot to besmirch them ahead of the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop in Bahrain.

Mahmoud Al-Habash, Supreme Shari’ah Judge in the PA and PA head Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs who is in the center of one the corruption cases, tweeted over the weekend that the US has employed “a strategy of defaming and assassination against all those who oppose the [US’] Deal of the Century, as part of its insane attempts to force its cursed ideas.”

Rabhi Halum, who has served as a PA ambassador in recent years, has exposed the involvement of several PA embassies across the globe in corruption cases. Halum, who has seen an 80-page document on the issue, has published on social media a long list of allegations involving the PA’s diplomatic corps, which he has dubbed a “den of corruption.”

Faiz Swatey, a journalist and rights activist, has been publishing reports on PA corruption on social media, for which he was arrested over the weekend. He said his life was threatened.

A group of lawyers and activists are demanding that the PA release Swatey.

One of the cases he exposed involves Hussain Sheikh, the PA’s Minister for Civil Affairs, who has sold PA businessmen travel permits to Israel at the total sum of $50,000. Sheikh dismissed the allegations as nonsense and the incriminating documents as a fabrication and pledged to find the forgers.

A senior source in Ramallah told TPS that Habash is behind the various recent exposures of other PA officials as a way of turning the limelight away from himself to other officials.

PA businessmen confirmed that Sheikh has several people working to collect the bribes for the work permits.

TPS has recently reported that Al-Habash is in the center of a corruption case, which is already sending shock waves through the PA. Habash is suspected of having established shell companies through which funds were laundered and then transferred from Dubai to Malaysia, where Hamas has broadened its activities in recent months.

Similarly, TPS reported that Yasser Abbas, son of PA head Abbas, is also involved in money laundering, illicit finances and corrupt deals.

Now Halum is claiming that the PA’s embassies have become a center for corruption and nepotism. For instance, Abed al Karim Hatib was appointed counsel in Turkey only because of his ties with Habash, and despite the fact that he has no diplomatic experience, Halum charged.

Halum also alleged that another Fatah official received public funds at the sum of a half a million dollars from a Jordanian bank, signed over by Abbas.

He further expressed fear that the embassies were becoming targets for espionage by elements that oppose the PA.

W.S., who holds a position within the PA, agreed that nepotism in the PA’s Foreign Service has worsened.

For instance, Kapach Uda serves as a PA envoy is Spain with a salary of $8,000 a year, his wife Hala receives similar pay for serving with the mission in Sweden, his brother Muhamad serves on the Latin America desk for $6,000 a month, and Kapach’s daughter Nur serves as a diplomat in Europe for 5,000 a month. Amar Ajmi, Nur’s husband serves as a minister aid for $7,000 a month.

Another official within the PA reported that Habash’s daughter was recently appointed to the consul in Turkey thanks to her father’s ties.

Other instances of corruption and favoritism have also been exposed.

Swatey explained that he decided to expose the materials he has because of the local press’ fear to do so and because Nasser Lahem, a senior reporter, has refrained from doing so because of his ties with Abbas.

Swatey has based his allegations on PA documents, reports from various research institutes and dozens of meetings with officials.

He underscored the disappearance of millions of dollars from the PA coffers, the arrest of officials critical of the regime, and payments and kickbacks through exaggerated wages and jobs.

He also exposed corruption in government companies, misuse of funds donated by countries for infrastructure and education, the sale of academic degrees, and bribes paid through plane tickets, the purchase of houses and vehicles.

The general picture he depicted was one of a thoroughly corrupt and dysfunctional government, in which even the anti-corruption elements were corrupt.

The anti-corruption authority confiscated NIS 6.5 million in funds tied with corruption in 2017, but its expenditures passed NIS 10 million. The pension paid out to the authority’s former head, Rafiq al-Natsheh, stands at $12,000 a month, against the PA’s own regulations.

Finally, the PA holds a fleet of 4,000 cars, way over its ability to maintain. Many of the cars were given to officials as a benefit.


‘Trump is a Real Rock Star in Israel,’ says Netanyahu’s Son

“Donald Trump is a real rock star in Israel,” Yair Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister’s son, told BlazeTV, a conservative TV network founded by Glenn Beck, a former Fox News host. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Yair Netanyahu said Trump “will be remembered in Jewish history forever.”

“Donald Trump is a real rock star in Israel,” Yair Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister’s son, told BlazeTV, a conservative TV network founded by Glenn Beck, a former Fox News host. The PM’s son posted a teaser of the interview to his Twitter account on Monday. The full interview will air today.

In an interview with Jon Miller of BlazeTV, Netanyahu said, “President Trump is the best friend that Israel and the Jewish people ever had in the White House. He will be remembered in Jewish history forever, for moving the Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.”

“The Jewish people still remembers King Cyrus the Great from Persia who recognized Jerusalem 2,500 years ago. We have a long-term memory. The vast majority of Israelis adore America and adore President Trump. He is a real rock star in Israel,” he said.

Miller brought up the issue of the wall that the U.S. is attempting to build on the border with Mexico to stop illegal immigrants.

“I wanted to talk to you about the wall that separates Egypt and Israel because in America we’re dealing with our own issues on the southern border,” Miller said.

“We had a problem at the early 2000s and onward. We have a border with Egypt that is just an open desert,” Netanyahu said. “We started having a big flow of illegal immigrants crossing from Africa, because Egypt has a border with Sudan and from there, the rest of Africa. So they would just walk from Sudan to Egypt then right through the border of Israel then going all the way to Tel Aviv. So they could just walk from a Third World country into a First World country.”

“Israel is only eight million people. So tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, eventually would have led to the destruction of Israel. So in 2011 we built a wall, coast to coast, on the border with Egypt. And since the wall was completed, illegal immigration has completely stopped.”

Netanyahu’s son has become a known figure in Israel through his use of social media, often engaging in sharply worded attacks against critics of his family and Israel.

(World Israel News)

Read More at: worldisraelnews.com 

30 Accounts Owned by BDS-Linked Orgs with Ties to Terrorism Closed

Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan stated that “for years, boycott promoters have disguised themselves as ‘human rights activists’, managing to raise tens of millions of euros from Western countries and citizens who thought they were contributing to causes supporting justice and equality.” Photo by Hillel Maeir/TPS on 11 June, 2019

Israel has been successful in an economic campaign it launched against BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) promoting organizations with ties to terrorism which led to the shut-down of 30 accounts over the past two years, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs revealed Monday.

The campaign, conducted together with pro-Israel organizations, exposed direct ties shared between the BDS-promoting organizations and terrorist groups or operatives. 10 of the accounts were closed in the US and 20 in European countries.

Following the release of an MSA report in February titled “Terrorists in Suits”, which revealed the ties between terror groups such as Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and organizations promoting anti-Israel boycotts, financial entities around the world have closed accounts associated with the organizations, significantly curtailing the influx of funds they receive.

Most recently, three accounts belonging to Samidoun were closed. The organization’s two representatives in Europe, Mustafa Awad and Muhammad Khatib, are both members of a terrorist group.

Awad was recently released from Israeli prison for his involvement in several terrorist organizations, including the PFLP, and for receiving training from the Iranian terrorist group Hezbollah.

Samidoun publicly responded to the closure of its accounts, accusing the Ministry of Strategic Affairs of hunting its organization and members.

The Ministry of Strategic Affairs notes that the closure of the accounts has disrupted Samidoun’s ability to carry out its activities and has significantly harmed their fundraising efforts. The organization admitted that the exposure of their connections to terrorist groups constitutes “one of its most significant threats.”

Other organizations impacted by the Israeli campaign include the BDS National Committee (BNC), the Ramallah-based leader of global boycott movements against Israel which consists of 28 Palestinian boycott groups, Al Haq, and Interpal.

Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan stated that “for years, boycott promoters have disguised themselves as ‘human rights activists’, managing to raise tens of millions of euros from Western countries and citizens who thought they were contributing to causes supporting justice and equality.”

However, Israel exposed that the “supposed ‘human rights’ NGOs are in reality, filled with anti-Semitic operatives with deep ties to terrorist groups fixated on destroying the State of Israel,” he said.

As a result of Israel’s actions, countries and financial institutions are now distancing themselves from these organizations.

“Our efforts have drastically undermined the boycott campaign, leading to it having much less finances to operate, and barred from receiving financial services,” he concluded.


CNN Defiles America Across the Globe

CNN’s Jim Acosta has a contentious relationship with President Trump. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

In last week’s editorial we covered the bias against Israel that CNN espouses in what they consider their news reports. Today the focus will be on the similar pattern of hate the Jeff Zucker controlled network spouts against our own nation. Apparently, any good news for America, is bad news (reporting wise) for CNN. At this time, with President Trump boldly leading the nation, the loathing for any nationalism or love for America is a target for those who man the war rooms at what we refer to as the Communist News Network. And just who are the forces in front of the cameras that flash their propaganda across the continent? To name just a few: Christiane Amanpour, David Axelrod, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Cuomo, Van Jones, Brooke Baldwin and Jim Acosta. A lineup composed of Communists, hard line Progressives and unhappy (with President Trump) furrow browed, radicals hoping to destroy the First Amendment that guarantees them the right to voice their opinions no matter how far off the target of truth that is.

Amanpour, when interviewing former FBI chief, James Comey suggested that federal law enforcement should have “shut down” chants of “lock her up” at Trump rallies. “Do you, in retrospect, wish that the people in charge of law and order had shut down that language, that it was dangerous potentially, that it could’ve created violence, that it’s kind of hate speech? Should that have been allowed? Cuomo, who claims to have a law degree claims that “Hate speech is excluded from the Constitution.” He’s also been quoted thusly: “Our laws do not come from G-d, your honor, and you know that. They come from man..Our rights do not come from G-d. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country.” Brooke Baldwin, during the 2015 Baltimore riots suggested that veterans were responsible for the unrest, saying soldiers who become police officers “are coming back from war, they don’t know the communities and they’re ready to do battle.”

And back during the Democrat Presidential Pre- Primary debate between Hillary and Bernie, it was revealed that the former CNN contributor and then DNC Chair, Donna Brazile had shared a question with the Hillary campaign in advance of a town hall debate staged by that network. A felony election crime.

Under the false pretense of delivering true journalism, CNN has exhibited the worst “Fake News” to its viewers, readers and listeners. In fact, the verb, “Zuckered!” is used to help explain the ongoing collapse of CNN as a legitimate news organization. Another New York verbiage is “Going down the drain!” Sad, that a once great source of daily information has now been degraded to such terms.

The “Anti-White” Campaign at the NY Dept of Education

The three legendary top city high schools, Stuyvesant, (pictured above) Brooklyn Tech and Bronx High School of Science will no longer screen its applicants based on an impartial test of knowledge, but will enroll kids of all shapes and sizes to artificially claim that all students have the same drive, dedication to learning and intelligence. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

If your family is (shamefully) of European ancestry, if you have great goals (like all bigoted white parents) of your kids getting a great education preparing for a super (privileged) future, then the NYC public schools are not for you and your offspring. And who says it? None other than the Big Apple’s Mayor and its School Chancellor, Richard Carranza. The new plans set out by the former Houston school chief will focus on combating a “white supremacy culture,” characterized by such concepts as “individualism,” “objectivity” and “worship of the written word” which he claims now negatively permeate the system It’s hard to imagine any educator or anyone with his head screwed on right, disparaging the written word, but that’s going to be the rule in the classrooms throughout the 5 boroughs from here on in.Bad news!

It’s not illiteracy, poor regent scores or the high rates of teacher and student absenteeism that Carranza will do away with. He will zero in on abolishing “toxic whiteness” in the system. Four top Department of Education (DOE) administrators, all white women, who, according to the New York Post, contend they were demoted or relieved of their duties are ready to sue the city claiming they were targeted and replaced with less qualified people of color. The three legendary top city high schools, Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech and Bronx High School of Science will no longer screen its applicants based on an impartial test of knowledge, but will enroll kids of all shapes and sizes to artificially claim that all students have the same drive, dedication to learning and intelligence. No more of that awful “White or Asian” supremacy in these schools, implied Hizzoner whose own son attended Brooklyn Tech. All kids have the same innate intelligence just as all pro-basketball aspirants have the same athletic skills.

According to David Bloomfield, a Brooklyn College and CUNY professor, “Since Carranza took office, he’s brought in a lot of new people.” This has resulted in chaos in the top levels as people battle for power, with those who are white obviously seeing that there is no future for them in the system and bailing out, leaving a vacuum of competency that will be hard to fill if only racial priorities are used to promote. History tells us that bringing in teachers and supervisors of color to raise the levels of aspirations of like hued students will surely fail, leading to doomed futures for the kids. Anyone old enough to recall the race-based hysteria of the Ocean-Hill-Brownsville school district back in 1968 knows that once the theme that white teachers cannot teach black kids invades the mindset of the bureaucrats who hold the cards, the system is doomed for failure. What competent white teacher would now apply to the BOE for a job? And what white parents would not consider a private or charter school education for their kids knowing the hatred for them radiating out of the office of the mayor and school chancellor? Look to the future when at high school graduations the Math Medal is awarded to the one kid who can recite the nine-times table by heart. It’s coming.

Letters to the Editor


Disgusted with Pelosi’s Antics

Dear Editor:

Pelosi embraces Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus who stand with and refuse to renounce open, unabashed, Jew hater Farrakhan. Pelosi said “Al Sharpton saved America”. Sharpton brought us the completely fabricated, racist Tawana Brawley charges against an innocent white police officer whose life was ruined, a man Brawley falsely accused of rape in 1987.

Pelosi defends Tlaib and Omar who peddle outright lies, slander and bigotry against Israel and Jews and…gets a Profile in Courage Award. “The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said that “desperate attempts to smear” Tlaib and misrepresent her comments were “outrageous.” Tlaib was neither smeared nor misrepresented. It was Pelosi’s defense of her remarks that was outrageous. Worse, this is now part of a pattern by Pelosi of sanitizing and normalizing antisemitism.”

Tlaib rewrites history by attempting to whitewash the so called Palestinian Arabs’ siding with Hitler and waging war on Israel even before it was a nation, exactly the kind of anti-Semitic lies that are spread to delegitimize the state of Israel…”Palestinian leadership during World War II actually worked with Adolf Hitler. Far from giving their lives to provide safe haven for the Jews, as she claimed, the Arabs of Palestine did everything they could to stop them from coming in and slaughtered as many as possible. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, formed a pact with Hitler that if he won the war, the Mufti would ensure that every Jew in the Middle East was exterminated.”

“Although Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world” and prayed that “Allah awaken the people and help them see [Israel’s] evil doings,” Pelosi appointed her to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. And after Omar claimed that Jews use their money to suborn American politicians in the interests of Israel, Pelosi played down the remark. “

John F. Kennedy must be turning in his grave, he who stood for truth telling and courage. This was a man who could identify a real victim from an oppressor, insights that are lost on Pelosi. This award disgraces the Kennedy center and his legacy.

What does this say about the future of Jews in the USA when leaders who support Israel demonizers and hate peddlers get distinguished awards?


Ginette Weiner,
Scottsdale, AZ

Concerned about the Measles Outbreak

Dear Editor:

Concerning the measles crisis that has plagued the Orthodox Jewish community in the New York City area, allow me to say that as a grandparent I am very concerned about my newborn grandson. He is only 4 months old and his older siblings all attend yeshiva and are in constant contact with other children. There is nothing wrong with that. What there is something wrong with is that my grandchildren have been vaccinated and there is a big chance some of the other kids they come in contact with are not. Like other grandparents, I would be devastated to learn that my newest grandchild would be susceptible to this horrible illness.

I would immediately advise all yeshivos, Jewish camps and synagogue day care centers to mandate that all parents present documentation that their children have been vaccinated. It is the least we can do to ensure that our children remain safe and unharmed.


Shirley Wasserstein

Proud of President Trump’s Trip to the UK

Dear Editor:

In regards to your cover story last week, “Trump Treated Like Royalty in UK; Calls London Mayor “Stone, Cold Loser,” allow me to say that I am exceptionally proud of how President Trump conducted himself while in London with Queen Elizabeth II and the entire royal family. His status as a brilliant diplomatic figure has just been considerably elevated and I thought this conduct was beyond superb.

Watching Trump on television, I wondered if the world was cognizant of the real historic significance of this visit. Yes, the visit focused on paying homage to the 10,000 brave American troops who lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day (June 6, 1944) but I definitely think there is much more to it. Trump understands the power of a great trade deal and how it can positively impact the British economy. He also understands the deleterious effects of globalization and the proliferation of socialist democracies. I also think that he understands that the US-UK alliance could be tremendously strengthened after a real plan for Brexit has been crafted.

On another note, I also feel quite badly that British PM Theresa May has announced her official resignation from her post. Due to political wrangling and threats from opponents she tenure was way too abbreviated. The one thing, however, that I still cannot understand is how she can possibly say that the UK is in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. But I guess that issue is for a separate letter.


Marvin Greenspan

Big NY Yankees Fan

Dear Editor,

Start spreading the news! I was happy after reading your article “Yankees Ranked Most Valuable Franchise in MLB on Forbes List,” because, well, I am a big Yankees fan. I guess the Yankees won the MVF award, so to speak.

The Yankees Franchise bought back the YES Sports television Network, which broadcasts Forbes’ “SportsMoney” show, for $3.5 billion from Disney in March. The Yankees team is owned by Yankee Global Enterprises, an LLC controlled by the family of the late George Steinbrenner, a Cleveland-based shipbuilder, who bought the team in 1973 for $8.7 million.

It is no surprise that the world’s most successful sports franchises tops the MLB list for value, and it makes me proud to think of that value that is created right up in the Bronx. I think about how my late grandpa grew up in the shadows of Yankee Stadium and was a huge fan, having seen almost all of the greats walk out onto the field. It gives me some joy and comfort to think about how the franchise is still thriving and not going anywhere anytime soon. Here’s to hoping for more championships and more franchise success.


Winona Muntz

Is the “Left” or “Right” Responsible for Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes in NYC?

“I want to be very, very clear, the violent threat, the threat that is ideological is very much from the right,” Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted, in response to numbers showing a 90% rise in anti-Semitic incidents, while denying that anti-Semitism exists on the Left. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The 90th Precinct squats in a faded tan building on Union Avenue in Brooklyn. There are dirty windows and protruding air conditioners. During Chanukah, a testament to its presence in one of the densest Jewish neighborhoods in the city, the Williamsburg police precinct puts up a large menorah.

The 90th was also the precinct at the center of multiple hate crime attacks on Jews caught on tape.

In Williamsburg and Crown Heights, populations of Orthodox Jews intersect with African-American and Latino populations, and a new wave of hipsters. All three groups live uncomfortably with each other. None of them host the “white supremacist” movement that De Blasio was blaming for the problem. Photo Credit: Crown Heights Info

But the overall winner for the highest number of hate crime complaints was the 71st Precinct with 18 complaints. Of those, 14 were labeled as “anti-Jewish”, another as anti-White, another as anti-gay and two as ambiguous. All but one of the suspects arrested in the attacks in the 71st were black men.

The 71st is located in Crown Heights while the 90th is based out of Williamsburg. Both have some of the largest populations of Chassidic Jews, who dress distinctively and are easily identifiable, in the country.

They’re also at the center of a disturbing rise in hate crimes in New York City.

“I want to be very, very clear, the violent threat, the threat that is ideological is very much from the right,” Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted, in response to numbers showing a 90% rise in anti-Semitic incidents, while denying that anti-Semitism exists on the Left.

In Williamsburg and Crown Heights, populations of Orthodox Jews intersect with African-American and Latino populations, and a new wave of hipsters. All three groups live uncomfortably with each other. None of them host the “white supremacist” movement that De Blasio was blaming for the problem.

The two non-Orthodox groups in Williamsburg and Crown Heights are strongly identified with the Left.

Mayor Bill de Blasio may be under the impression that because Trump won precincts in Williamsburg, the area is a right-wing hub, but the 6 of 8 districts that he won are made up of Chassidic Jews.

Another hate crime took place recently in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The latest incident occurred when two black teens riding on bikes attacked an Orthodox Jewish man walking on Flushing Ave & Nostrand Ave. Photo Credit: Crown Heights Info

As the media noted after the election, “Nearly every election district that Trump won in Brooklyn was in a Jewish neighborhood.”

They’re about the only Trump supporters in the area. And they’re the victims of the violence.

The highest numbers of hate crimes in 2018 took place in the 71st precinct with 18, the 18th with 16, the 24th with 15, the 66th with 14, the 60th with 12, the 6th with 11, and the 90th with 10.

Jews were the single largest group targeted in the 18th, Midtown Manhattan, with 5 incidents, the 24th, the Upper West Side, with 12 incidents, the 66th, Borough Park, with 14 incidents, the 60th, Coney Island and Brighton Beach, with 10, the 6th, Greenwich Village, with 5, and the 90th with 8.

Many of these neighborhoods are heavily associated with Jews, but even in Greenwich Village, the home of Stonewall and the gay rights movement, there were more anti-Semitic incidents than anti-gay ones.

None of them are ideal platforms for a white supremacist movement.

In Borough Park, Trump won 69% of the vote. A New York Times reporter was unable to find a single Hillary voter. And that’s as close as the area gets to any kind of right-wing movement.

Who’s actually carrying out these attacks?

“Forty of the alleged perpetrators were white, 25 were black, two were Hispanic and two were Asian,” the JTA claimed last year.

The arrests however represent barely a third of the actual incidents. And the NYPD frequently classifies Hispanic suspects as white. The NYPD’s statistics also list multiple arrests of the same person.

The first quarter hate crimes report shows that six 28-year-old males were arrested for anti-Semitic hate crimes at the 94th Precinct in Greenpoint.

That would be statistically unlikely.

The highest number of hate crime complaints was at the 71st Precinct in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with 18 complaints. Of those, 14 were labeled as “anti-Jewish”, another as anti-White, another as anti-gay and two as ambiguous. All but one of the suspects arrested in the attacks in the 71st were black men. Photo Credit: bkreader.com

28-year-old Glenn Murto was arrested and charged with 7 hate crimes for spray painting a whole bunch of Nazi graffiti around the area. Murto, not exactly a genius, confined the vandalism to most of the same places. Two cops were waiting when he next began spraying swastikas.

Age is the only useful metric for identifying a repeat offender. And unless there’s a rash of incidents and arrests, it can be very hard to know whether a suspect of the same age is also the same person.

Back in the 90th, four white men and three black men were arrested in anti-Semitic incidents. The white people in Williamsburg are mostly Orthodox Jews and hipsters with a sprinkling of old area holdovers.

In the 66th, 3 black men, 2 white and Hispanic males, and 2 Asians were arrested.

Asians are not known for engaging in anti-Semitic hate crimes. But Borough Park has large Chinese, Bangladeshi and Uzbekistani populations. It seems likelier that the perpetrators may have spoken Bengali or Uzbek than Fujianese. Muslims would have more of an anti-Semitic motive than Buddhists.

Meanwhile in the first quarter of 2019, the 71st has seen four anti-Semitic hate crime complaints and the arrests of 4 black men.

In the 112th and the 114th, three Asian teens were arrested in anti-Semitic incidents. Both precincts are located in Queens. The borough has the highest percentage of Muslims anywhere in the city.

But that’s speculation.

Compstat statistics leave plenty of room for ambiguity. What is reasonably clear though is that the rash of cases, especially the violent assaults, are not about white supremacy. Neo-Nazis in New York City usually limit themselves to some heavy blogging and social media trolling or light vandalism.

One of the fundamental problems with hate crime statistics is that they fail to distinguish between actual violent incidents, vandalism and more nebulous problems like bias intimidation.

The violent assaults on a number of Orthodox men in Williamsburg and Crown Heights are classed together with swastikas drawn on a playground. But it’s much easier to establish that graffiti has a bias motive, because of the physical evidence, than that a violent assault was a hate crime.

Last fall, a Jewish teen walking home from his Yeshiva in Queens was violently assaulted by a gang of teens shouting, “Kill the Jew” outside Masbia, a soup kitchen run by a Jewish religious organization. Even though the teen was hospitalized, the police claimed that there was insufficient evidence for hate crimes charges. But swastika graffiti in Queens this year was treated as a hate crime.

The paradox of hate crime charges is that they’re often useless for dealing with serious problems, like physical violence and arson, but come in handy when dealing with nuisance offenses like graffiti.

New York City’s presentation of statistics blur the line, but it’s clear that Mayor Bill de Blasio is wrong.

“I want to be very, very clear, the violent threat, the threat that is ideological is very much from the right,” he insisted at a press conference.

New York City does not have very much of a Right. That doesn’t mean the violence comes from the Left.

The Left is just very good at covering it up.

In response to the rash of anti-Semitic attacks, Martha Ackelsberg and Arielle Korman, two members of Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish group, wrote an editorial, claiming that, “policing cannot solve our problems” denounced “zero tolerance policies” and “armed guards”, while urging “education” and “restrorative justice, counselling and peer support.”

JFREJ’s site features a petition that doubles down on the left-wing group’s call for the decriminalization of anti-Semitic attacks on Jews by urging “transformative justice processes that focus on challenging and transforming the perspectives of people who do harm in our neighborhoods”.

Despite its false claims otherwise, JFREJ is well aware that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism in New York City aren’t white nationalists or Trump supporters.

JFREJ knows that better than anyone after the black foster son of one of its members set 7 fires inside synagogues and Jewish schools in Brooklyn, while scrawling, “Jew Better Be Ready” and “Kill All Jews”.

The Left isn’t behind the anti-Semitic violence in New York City. But it’s covering for those who are.

            (Front Page Mag)

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Iranian-Palestinian Plan to Thwart Trump’s Peace Plan

The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip are now offering themselves as a weapon in the hands of Iran to foil President Trump's peace plan. "No one should blame us for thanking Iran... Iran has provided us with rockets and money and helped us develop missiles that hit Tel Aviv," said Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. Pictured: Sinwar in a 2018 television interview. (Image source: MEMRI video screenshot)

As the US administration prepares to roll out its long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the “Deal of the Century,” Iran appears to be increasing its efforts to help its allies in the region try to thwart the plan.

Recently, Iran seems to have stepped up its political and military support for radical Palestinian groups that are staunchly opposed to any peace agreement with Israel. These groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, do not recognize Israel’s right to exist and are publicly committed to its destruction and replacement by an Iranian-backed Islamic state.

Iran, of course, has long shared the same ambition of destroying Israel and has never hesitated to make its position known to the world. In several statements during the past few decades, Iranian leaders have been frank about their wish that Israel be “a one-bomb country.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has several times referred to Israel as a “cancer” and threatened to “annihilate” the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa. He has also taken to Twitter to denounce Israel as a “barbaric, wolf-like and infanticidal regime.” Israel, he added, “Has no cure but to be annihilated.”

Earlier this year, the chief of Iran’s Air Force, Gen. Aziz Nassirzadeh, was quoted as saying that his forces are “impatient and ready to fight against the Zionist regime to wipe it off the Earth.”

Such threats by Iranian leaders and officials are not uncommon or new. In fact, they accurately reflect Iran’s long-standing policy of incitement against Israel and recurring threats to “annihilate the Zionist regime.”

To achieve their goal, the leaders of Iran have been providing financial and military support to their proxies in the Middle East, specifically Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah — three groups committed to Israel’s obliteration.

Now, the Iranians are focusing their efforts on foiling US President Donald J. Trump’s peace plan. The Iranians also appear to be angry with some Arab countries for allegedly colluding with the Trump administration to facilitate the implementation of the “Deal of the Century.”

On May 29, Khamenei told a group of university professors, academic elites and researchers that some Arabs were committing an act of treason by collaborating with the Trump administration. Although he did not mention the countries by name, it is clear that he was referring to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

Referring to the “Deal of the Century,” Khamenei said: “Of course, it will never be accepted and it will never be realized. The US and its cohorts will certainly face failure on this matter.”

The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip are now offering themselves as a weapon in the hands of Iran to foil Trump’s plan.

“No one should blame us for thanking Iran,” said Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

“It is our duty to thank anyone who supports the goals of our people. Without Iran’s support, we would not have such military capabilities. We will continue to develop our weapons to face the occupation. Iran has provided us with rockets and money and helped us develop missiles that hit Tel Aviv. Those who support the resistance and Jerusalem are our friends, while those who want to sell Jerusalem are our enemies.”

Last year, Iran announced its decision to “endorse” all the families of Palestinians killed and injured in the weekly protests along the Gaza-Israel border. The protests, called the Great March of Return, were launched in March 2018. The endorsement means that Iran will provide financial aid to the families.

Walid Awad, a senior official with the Palestinian People’s Party, formerly the Palestinian Communist Party, praised the Iranian financial aid to the families. “We salute Iran for standing with the Palestinians and Arabs,” he said. “The option of resistance is needed to foil the Deal of the Century.”

Sources in the Gaza Strip revealed this week that Iran is also planning to provide financial aid to Palestinian employees who stopped receiving salaries from the Palestinian Authority (PA). In the past few months, the Palestinian Authority has cut the salaries of hundreds of employees in the Gaza Strip, including physicians and schoolteachers. The punitive measure comes in the context of the Palestinian Authority leadership’s efforts to undermine its rivals in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Iran’s increased financial and military support for radical Palestinian groups is hardly the result of love for the Palestinians: rather, it is out of a desire to advance its own goals in the region. These include not only foiling Trump’s peace plan, but also seeing Israel destroyed. That is why it is supporting Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two Gaza-based groups that are committed to the annihilation of the “Zionist entity.” Iran is also supporting radical Palestinian groups because it seeks to undermine the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his regime in the West Bank, whom they consider traitors for their perceived moderate policies towards Israel.

Iran’s support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad also needs to be seen in the context of Tehran’s effort to undermine Arab states that have close relations with the Trump administration. Iran and its Palestinian allies are worried about the apparent rapprochement between Israel and some Arab countries.

Nasser Abu Sharif, the Islamic Jihad representative in Iran, said this week that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have become enemies of the Palestinians. Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” he added, “aims to pave the way for normalization” between the Arabs and Israel.

The Trump administration is planning to unveil the economic portion of the “Deal of the Century” during a “workshop” in Bahrain in late June or “when the timing is right.” The Palestinians have called on all Arabs to boycott the US-led “workshop” on the pretext that it is part of a scheme to “eliminate the Palestinian cause.”

This view is shared by the leaders of Iran, who are now calling on the Arabs to boycott the “workshop” and the Trump administration. “Regrettably, a number of Persian Gulf states are cooperating [with the US] because they are hoping that America will protect them in return for their betrayal of the Muslims,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif.

By boycotting the US-led conference in Bahrain, Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority in the West Bank have placed themselves in the same league as Iran — a country that despises them, deems them traitors and bankrolls their rivals, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, in the Gaza Strip.

Even so, Abbas and Palestinian Authority officials match Iran’s incendiary rhetoric of violence at the US administration and its “Deal of the Century” by denouncing it as a conspiracy against Arabs and Muslims.

The Palestinian Authority’s actions and words serve to support Iran’s self-appointed task of meddling in Palestinian affairs and strengthening radical Arabs and Muslims in the region. Iran’s leaders have every reason to be satisfied with Abbas, whose every remark indirectly bolsters the Ayatollahs in their campaign to undermine any Arab and Muslim who wants to work with the US or make peace with Israel.

            (Gatestone Institute)

Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

Terrorism Forgotten: Why America Lacks Interest in the Ongoing Jihad Threat


If, one year after 9/11, an individual originally from India drove a van full of propane tanks into the front gate of a California Air Force base, burning himself to death in the process, it would have been deemed an act of terrorism. In fact, it would have received extensive media coverage and quickly reverted society back to being concerned about another attack. Additional consequences would have included an enraged society, a collective call by citizens to find a motive, and an easing of political correctness.

If, one year after 9/11, a Muslim male was stopped in Los Angeles with two homemade bombs in his car while heading to a crowded mall with the intent of carrying out an attack, the plot would have gained national attention. And if deeper searches revealed that the suspect had a previous conviction for making terroristic threats, inquiries would have begun for the missing links. If, finally, it was determined that this same man had another, more recent conviction overseas for attacking someone with acid and disfiguring him for life, Congress may have stood up and taken notice.

Finally, if one year after 9/11, a Bangladeshi man meticulously plotted to carry out a jihadist attack in Times Square, more than just New Yorkers would be alarmed. If he lauded Osama bin Laden and characterized the attacks of 9/11 as a success, American citizens across the country would take notice.

Although the dates have been changed, these stories are true. In fact, each happened within the last two years inside America’s borders with little to no national media coverage. Motives have still not been “determined,” which begs the question whether authorities are keeping information close to the chest or whether there’s a lack relevant training to help them understand the ideology and motivations of this enemy.

What happened? Why is there such a lack of interest in, or denial of, jihadist attacks and plots in America today? Does it have to do with the drowning out of information by the daily news cycle? Or maybe these are just lower priority stories given the tectonic events happening around the country each day. Law enforcement has been tremendously effective in thwarting attacks over the years. Perhaps those successes generated a sense of perpetual protection.

In reality, there are three other options that might explain this lackluster interest in such attacks and plots.

First, people have little awareness about, or have become numb to jihadist terrorism. Despite thousands of attacks globally each year, Americans receive little exposure to the daily attacks in India, Somalia, and other countries. Events taking place in far-off and austere locations around the world rarely make their way into American media. Beyond this fact, jihadism has all but become a way of life given its frequency, especially in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Outside the shock and awe of ISIS beheadings and Boko Haram school kidnappings, Americans have become numb to the weekly IED and car bomb attacks.

Second, American citizens are afraid to acknowledge and publicly connect anything evil that may have a potential link to religion as its root. Scratching the surface in the above attacks or plots would most likely connect these incidents to Islamism. In fact, one just needs to read the criminal complaint from the last week’s Times Square plot to learn that the suspect listened to sermons by American-born al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in his run up to planning the attack. He said he would be “happy” “seeing the flag of Islam on the Twin Towers or the Empire State Building.”

While those are his exact words, calling attention to them is likely to trigger immediate accusations of Islamophobia. This is an all-too-common reaction from certain Muslim advocacy groups subsequent to jihadist attacks or uncovered plots within America. Others will claim the suspect is mentally ill, lacks knowledge of Islam, and the other go-to excuse – he was manipulated and radicalized by the Internet.

Finally, a third possible reason for the lack of interest in or denial that jihad is present in the United States may have to do with our lack of understanding about the ideology that fuels many plots. Cyber-attacks are a simple concept – someone hacked a company’s computer and stole data. A slick businessman swindled a slew of elderly citizens out of their retirement savings: evil, but straightforward. Even school shootings are pieced together after the event, the suspect was bullied and committed to bringing vengeance to those that wronged him.

But the jihadist ideology continues to be a mystery. A young man, often college educated and raised in a stable family, decides to martyr himself in the cause of a religion. In fact, he’s so dedicated to his effort he is ready to kill scores of other people he has never met as part of his martyrdom. Why? He begins spending every waking moment of his day watching videos of jihadists killing coalition troops in Iraq, reading manuscripts like the “Management of Savagery,” written by an al-Qaida scholar, and communicating with like-minded believers in Yemen through encrypted communications. Maybe he’s an engineer by trade and has a well-paying job and a hopeful future. We can’t make heads or tails of it.

In the end, we’re left with two things. Jihad continues to be a threat in the United States, and there is a lack of interest and focus on the consequences of its presence. Jihadists revel in the lack of scrutiny. They will continue to plan, conduct surveillance, and build their network unless a citizen calls the authorities with a hunch about something seeming suspicious. Yet, will that call happen? It did not in San Bernardino, and 14 people were gunned down.

America is being lured into a false sense of security by the media, given the lack of coverage and what some could characterize as a minimization campaign. Jihad is real, and radicalization is happening every day in America, we just need to read our history.

(Investigative Project on Terrorism)

Brig Barker is a retired FBI counterterrorism agent and former Army officer. He is now the CEO of Red Rock Global Security Group.

Memorial for Concentration Camp and Ghetto Resistance Fighters Unveiled in Moscow

The monument is an abstract composition of black and white marble, which depicts hands pulling open a door’s shutters. Five glass flasks with candles are installed at the monument. (Credit for all photos: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center)

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, attended the recent unveiling ceremony for a new memorial dedicated to the heroes of the resistance movement in concentration camps and ghettos during World War II.The memorial is housed in the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. Museum Trustee Board Chairman Viktor Vekselberg, Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities Alexander Boroda and took part in the event together with Aron Bielski, the youngest of the four Bielski brothers.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, attended the recent unveiling ceremony for a new memorial dedicated to the heroes of the resistance movement in concentration camps and ghettos during World War II.

Both President Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu participated in the laying of the monument’s foundation stone on the International Holocaust Day a year ago.

“We are gathered here today in order to unveil the memorial dedicated to the resistance fighters in concentration camps and ghettos. I am delighted to be here with you on this special day. Memorials are a great thing – we certainly need them. But the most important thing is to keep the memory of this past alive in our hearts. Only that can save us from re-living the tragedies we are remembering here today. What happened to the Jewish people is, no doubt, one of the greatest tragedies and, at the same time, one of the most extraordinary chapters in the history not only of the Jews, but of humankind, as a whole,” President Putin announced at the unveiling ceremony. He added that owing to the fortitude and the true grit displayed by the prisoners, as well as their desire to resist at all costs, “the death machine which the Nazis thought to be perfectly tuned and totally invulnerable” was shattered.

The tender for the architectural composition was timed for the 75th anniversary of the uprising in the Sobibor Nazi death camp. A total of 98 applications from architects, sculptors, and artists from across Russia were submitted in the bid to design the commissioned memorial. The victory in the contest went to an architect from Saratov, Oleg Fandeyev. The monument is an abstract composition of black and white marble, which depicts hands pulling open a door’s shutters. Five glass flasks with candles are installed at the monument. The composition also integrates an interactive screen with a map and information on the uprisings in concentration camps and ghettoes.

Museum Trustee Board Chairman Viktor Vekselberg, Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities Alexander Boroda and Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the event together with Aron Bielski, the youngest of the four Bielski brothers.

Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Viktor Vekselberg, told the reporters that the unveiling of the memorial became an important milestone for him personally, as well.

“The unveiling of the new memorial is both symbolic and watershed. For me personally, it is a very special milestone, since all my relatives from the father’s side – I’m not really sure what would be the right word to use here – “lived” in a ghetto in a small town, where I was born and went to school. Later, the Nazi invaders razed this ghetto to the ground. There were more than 10 thousand people who were bussed out into the woods, executed there, and buried together in mass graves,” Vekselberg intimated, adding that 16 members of his own family died there. “Only my father managed to survive, because he had fled earlier to join the militia and later fought in the ranks,” he said. Vekselberg added that this chapter in his family’s history is impossible to forget saying, “there is no way one could ever wipe out this memory.”

“A people that forgets its own past has no future. That is why the memorial we are unveiling today in the museum is an important symbol of the enduring painful wound and the awesome memory, a reminder to all of us living today that we must do all we can to never let something like this happen to us again. Today, we see terrifying examples of monuments being torn down and history being fudged and rewritten. Despite all that, we will continue to build, remember, cherish, and honor,” Vekselberg said in his remarks.

The project was sponsored by Chairman of the Renova Group Board of Directors and Chairman of the Museum’s Trustee Board Viktor Vekselberg. The monument’s construction cost over 18 million rubles ($276,000).

New Book Unmasks Ramallah & Gaza Based Academic & Cultural Boycotts of Israel

The cover of the new book “The PACBI Deception: Unmasked” by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Credit: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

It reveals the intentions behind political warfare against Israel, which have nothing to do with human rights, illustrated by the movement’s links to terror groups

In the wake of Iceland’s pro-Palestinian gesture at Eurovision and related discussion promoted by the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), Dan Diker and Adam Shay of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs have published an English book titled The PACBI Deception: Unmasked.

Gazans who support boycotting Israel during clashes along the Israel-Gaza border in May 2018. Credit: BDS National Committee via Facebook.

The book reveals PACBI’s intentions of political warfare against Israel, illustrated by the movement’s links to terror groups, and calls out the movement for “masquerading as human rights.”

According to Diker, project director for the Program to Counter Political Warfare and BDS at the JCPA, PACBI is an “anti-Semitic organization that sits with five designated terror organizations together on the BDS national committee in Ramallah.” PACBI, he explained, “exploits international figures, groups and activists to achieve its own Palestinian anti-Semitic and terror linked goals of destroying Israel.”

While masquerading as a grassroots coalition of European and American pro-Palestinian organizations that rally for justice, equality and human rights, Diker told JNS, “in fact, PACBI is not pro-Palestinian at all.” He said “their goal is not to establish two states but to replace Israel through non-military means, pursuing the same goals as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and accusing Israel of being an apartheid entity that should not exist.”

According to Diker, the campaign is “a mere expression of a 50-year old political warfare strategy of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.”

Today, PACBI is largely orchestrated from Ramallah, and sits on committees together with Hamas and other Islamic movements, which are also constituent members of the BDS National Committee.

Even the Palestinian “March of Return,” the weekly mass protest campaign along the Israel-Gaza border in which “Hamas operatives are sent to the fence to kidnap and kill Israelis,” noted Diker, “is a PACBI strategy by steering committee member and well-known Hamas supporter Haidar Eid.”

Those who care about human rights and academic freedom should not be fooled, warned Diker. “These boycotts violate the most sanctified principle of academia—namely, the free and civil exchange of ideas,” he said. “And that is a privilege that Palestinian students enjoy in Israel.”

Moreover, cautioned Diker, radicalizing student populations towards cultural boycotts, “thereby violating the very principle that they themselves enjoy on their universities,” was a strategy employed by Nazis against Jews before it engaged in the Final Solution against the Jews.

“This incitement is the worst form of hatred, racism and collective anti-Semitism against the Jewish people,” affirmed Diker. “And we are seeing this same strategy being used by NGOs against Israel in the name of human rights.”

‘The European state of mind’

While PACBI may be more successful among campus populations, where students do not yet understand that these boycotts are to “eradicate the Jewish collective,” said Diker. In the case of Eurovision, PACBI was unsuccessful, as the Icelandic BDS-supporting team failed in their efforts of preventing and then disrupting the song contest in Tel Aviv.

Following Iceland’s pro-Palestinian display of Palestinian flags at Eurovision, PACBI rejected their protest on Twitter, calling it a “fig-leaf gesture of solidarity from international artists crossing our peaceful picket line.”

Diker viewed Iceland’s display as “revealing PACBI’s weakness in its international efforts to try to prevent and sabotage Eurovision” and applauded the European Broadcast Union for taking steps to “deter political acts” by warning participants of disqualification if they do not follow Eurovision’s rules, thereby “underscoring its serious commitment to not politicize Eurovision.”

Following Iceland’s poor form, the European Broadcast Union does have the ability, as stated in its rulebook, to fine the Icelandic Broadcasting Authority and ban them from Eurovision. However, co-author Adam Shay posed expressed his skepticism that any further actions will be taken.

He told JNS, “the question relies on the current European state of mind,” which would determine “if they want to kick up a fight on our behalf.”

“When I ask myself this question, I come up with a negative answer,” said Shay. “Taking any action may raise more of a kickback against the European Broadcast Union than they will want to deal with.”

According to Diker, the ultimate deterrent against people boycotting Israel will occur when those “interested in human rights and creating a Palestinian sovereign entity recognize what we have exposed and magnified.”

Unfortunately, and especially in academia, he maintained, “we are not quite there.” While the administrations on American campuses often oppose academic and cultural boycotts, students, he said, are “being used as tools in the narrow political agenda of the PLO and Hamas-affiliates in Ramallah and Gaza.”

Nevertheless, Diker is optimistic that after learning more about the topic—perhaps through JCPA’s new book—“people of good will in North America and on European campuses will reject PACBI, and understand and condemn this deception.”


European Union Awards 742M Euro to 1,062 Israeli Scientific Research Projects

left to right: EU Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Giaufret; Nili Shalev, ISERD Director General; Aharon Aharon, CEO, Israel Innovation Authority. Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir (GPO)

 Special Recognition Award given to 423 Israeli Companies and Researchers that Won the Horizon 2020 grant in 2018

The EU Delegation to Israel, together with the Israel-Europe Research and Innovation Directorate (ISERD) and the Israel Innovation Authority, celebrated scientific cooperation under the Horizon 2020 program with an awards ceremony on June 4th at the Peres Center for Research and Innovation in Jaffa. Awards were presented to 423 Israeli companies and researchers that won Horizon 2020 grants in 2018. Grants totaling over 742 Million Euro have been awarded to 1,062 Israeli projects since the beginning of the program through the end of 2018.

The Horizon 2020 program is the largest research and innovation program in the world, amounting to approximately 80 Billion Euro over seven years.

International cooperation in research and innovation is a strategic priority for the EU. It allows for tackling global societal challenges more effectively, creates business opportunities, and makes scientific diplomacy a driving force for the external policy of Europe.

Israel has been a partner in the EU’s research and innovation framework programs since 1996 and was the first non-European country to join it. Over the years, the EU-Israel partnership has strengthened Israeli academic and industrial excellence, led to investments in research infrastructure, and enabled long-term, innovative research

The program has enabled Israeli companies, researchers, and innovators to gain access to European partners, to integrate into an extensive infrastructure of European research, and participate in flagship projects in the fields of quantum technologies, graphene and brain research. The European Research Council (ERC), which is part of Horizon 2020, supports ground-breaking research at the frontiers of human endeavor. Israeli researchers have been extremely successful in the ERC program and Israeli universities and research institutes can be found among the top 10 organizations, worldwide, hosting ERC grantees.

EU Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Giaufret said: “Every year, we celebrate EU-Israeli collaboration in research and innovation and honor the Israeli winners in the EU’s research and innovation program, Horizon 2020. We hosted a ‘plastic-free’ ceremony and event to show support for a critical area where the EU has taken on global leadership. Policies promoting sustainability of the planet for future generations need to be supported with technologies, research, and innovative solutions, where EU-Israel cooperation can play a key role.”

Dr. Ami Appelbaum, Chief Scientist at the Israel Ministry of Economy and Industry, Chairman of the Israel Innovation Authority, and Chairman of ISERD’s Steering Committee noted that: “The prestigious European Framework Program enables industry and academia in Israel to compete in the world of excellence and innovation. The average success rate for eligible applicants is only about 14%, so winning a grant in the program is a sign of quality and excellence for both researchers and companies. The European Framework Program allows for individual proposals and combined proposals with European partners, opening the door for research and business cooperation with European entities beyond the significant funding they already receive.”

Nili Shalev, Director General of ISERD, added: “The European Framework Program provides companies and researchers with numerous advantages besides the generous funding grants. It elevates the quality of research, enables recruitment of high-quality workers, provides investment in advanced equipment, and facilitates work at international standards. The grant enables companies to cut the time it takes to go to market and enables interaction with many potential customers. The program places participants at the forefront of global research on issues of environmental and social importance. The program offers a wide range of opportunities and benefits, and we are calling on all interested parties to contact the ISERD director, who serves as a gateway to the program.”


Projects and research that received funding in 2018 include:

Israeli company Vectorious received funding via the European SME Instrument Phase II program in early 2018 to conduct clinical trials and continue developing its V-LAP product – a miniature wireless heart implant that monitors heart function, accurately measures left atrial pressure (LAP), and sends all data directly to the HMO or the hospital where the patient is receiving treatment. For the first time, physicians can make informed decisions and provide their patients with better treatment based on real-time clinical data.

Optima Design Automation from Nazareth was granted approximately 2.5 Million Euro to continue development and scale-up of its innovative product: a software platform for chip manufacturers designed to ensure functional safety of chips used in autonomous cars.

A joint project of the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)–Volcani Center and the company Fluence for a decision support-based approach for sustainable water reuse applications in agricultural production (DSWAP) that aims to find holistic solutions for wastewater irrigation that ensures environmental safety and health with minimal energy investment. This project included research groups from Israel, Germany, Cyprus, Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal.

Triox Nano from Jerusalem won a 2 Million Euro grant to continue development of its new drug delivery platform SMARTIOX, which combines material and DNA techniques to provide breast cancer treatment for women by injecting the active ingredient used in chemotherapy directly into the tumor area alone. This platform could be applied to other disease treatments as well in the future.

The PlaMOS project, led by Mellanox and IBM’s Haifa Lab, is developing a powerful integrative platform that allows an eight-fold increase in the speed of optical transmitters and receivers used in datacenters. PlaMOS relies on small-scale wafer integration of novel ferroelectric-based plasmonic-photonic modulators, silicon germanium photodetectors, and BiCMOS electronics combined in a super-fast, micrometer-scale optical engine capable of transmitting and receiving data at the world’s fastest speed of 200 Gbit/s per optical channel.

Yiddish Book Center Preserves 1.5M Publications from Around the World

Acclaimed Yiddish writer, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Photo Credit: NYPL

For nearly four decades, the Yiddish Book Center has uniquely positioned itself at the crossroads between cultural center, library, and museum—pioneering a diverse range of groundbreaking initiatives that broaden understanding of and accessibility to Yiddish and modern Jewish literature and culture. Through the rescue, preservation, digitization, and redistribution of over 1.5 million Yiddish books from around the world, the Center celebrates and regenerates the literature and culture.

The Center’s translation initiative and educational, public, and artistic programming broaden, challenge, and inform the traditional understanding of the literature the Center has rescued, from stories by acclaimed authors such as Sholem Aleichem, Chaim Grade, and Isaac Bashevis Singer to lesser known writers such as Blume Lempel, Rachmil Bryks, and Yenta Mash; from rare and unexpected finds—including original book illustrations by Marc Chagall and Diego Rivera—to Yiddish detective novels and artbooks; to works that shape our understanding of contemporary social issues in new and surprising ways.

“The over 1.5 million books we’ve recovered represent the Jewish people’s first sustained literary and cultural encounter with the modern world. They provide a window into the past thousand years of Jewish history, a precursor to modern Jewish writing in English, Hebrew and other languages, and a springboard for new creativity,” explains Aaron Lansky, founder and president of the Yiddish Book Center.” Through a range of bibliographic, educational, and cultural programs, we’re working to share these treasures with the wider world.”

“As we approach our 40th anniversary we’re seeing the impact of the Center’s work realized in so many exciting ways,” says Susan Bronson, the Yiddish Book Center’s executive director. “From our humble beginnings rescuing Yiddish books, our programs now include a translation initiative to train a new generation of Yiddish translators, educational and public programs with offerings for all ages, an ambitious international oral history project capturing hundreds of hours of first-hand stories, our own publishing venture, and more. Our work is broadening awareness of Yiddish and modern Jewish culture for new generations.”

The mission of the Yiddish Book Center to recover, celebrate, and regenerate Yiddish and modern Jewish literature and culture across generations and around the globe is shaping the contemporary landscape in new and interesting ways. At a time when renewed interest in Yiddish culture is opening the literature and language up to new audiences through theatrical productions such as the Yiddish Fiddler on the Roof and the Tony Award-winning play Indecent—based on a work by Yiddish writer Sholem Asch—, the Center’s work is central to fostering new and deeper levels of engagement and understanding through innovative initiatives and programs.

The Yiddish Book Center was awarded the National Medal for Museums and Libraries, the nation’s highest medal conferred on a museum or library for its pioneering work digitizing the literature and making it fully accessible.

The Yiddish Book Center’s initiatives are wide-ranging and continue to increase the breadth, scope, and reach of the non-profit as it looks towards the next 40 years. The Center’s weekly podcast, The Shmooze, offers new ways of engaging with Jewish thought-leaders; Yiddish literature, language, culture, and news; and the publication of Pakn Treger—the Center’s English language magazine—, which features articles, profiles, and news related to Yiddish culture and spotlights key figures who helped shape Yiddish and Jewish cultural production.

Must-See Exhibit for All Ages: ‘Auschwitz: Not Long Ago. Not Far Away.’

A visitor of the exhibit looking at mug shots of Auschwitz prisoners on display at “Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away.” Credit: Shiryn Ghermezian.

A new exhibit at New York City’s Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust is filled with chilling artifacts outlining the transformation of Auschwitz from a Polish town known as Oswiecim to the largest documented mass-murder site in human history, where 1 million people were killed

An operation table, test tubes and medical instruments from the Auschwitz concentration camp on display at “Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away.” The most notorious medical “researcher,” Dr. Josef Mengele often experimented on Auschwitz prisoners. Credit: Shiryn Ghermezian.

Nearly 20,000 people have already seen “Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away.,” the most comprehensive exhibition about Auschwitz ever shown in North America. Seventy-four years after the liberation of Auschwitz, this is the first traveling exhibition in the United States dedicated to the camp’s historical significance. The exhibition opened on May 8, the anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, when the Allies celebrated Nazi Germany’s surrender of its armed forces and the end of World War II in Europe.

Visitors are given a glimpse into the exhibit even before stepping foot inside the museum itself. Outside is stationed an original German-made Model 2 freight-train car used for the deportation of Jews to ghettos and extermination camps in occupied Poland. Inside, the exhibit’s 20 galleries are filled with more than 700 original objects and 400 photographs, mainly from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.

Nathan Lewin, 83, holding the original transit visas issued to him and his parents by Chiune Sugihara. Credit: Shiryn Ghermezian.

“Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.” thoroughly details Jewish life and culture in pre-war Europe all the way through the rise of Nazism and the Third Reich, the construction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, deportations, life in the concentration camp, liberation and the ultimate creation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.

The artifacts on display are on loan from more than 20 institutions and private collections around the world. In addition to the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, participating institutions include Yad Vashem in Jerusalem; the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam; the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.; Auschwitz Jewish Center in Oswiecim; the Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen in Oranienburg; and the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide in London.

Nearly 20,000 people have already seen “Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away.,” the most comprehensive exhibition about Auschwitz ever shown in North America. Photo Credit: mjhnyc.org

The exhibit was conceived by the international exhibition firm Musealia and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland, and curated by an international panel of experts in collaboration with historians and curators at the Research Center at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.

Among the items in display are mug shots of concentration-camp prisoners, family pictures found in the labor camp and hundreds of personal items, such as suitcases, shoes and children’s belongings, that deportees brought into Auschwitz.

The artifacts on display are on loan from more than 20 institutions and private collections around the world. Photo Credit: Auschwitz.net

Other artifacts include a prisoner-made chess set and storage box made out of a sardine tin, engraved with “Auschwitz 1943”; a shower head from one of the Auschwitz crematoriums; concrete posts that were part of the fence of the Auschwitz camp; a bunk bed from the prisoner barrack at Auschwitz; a desk and other belongings of the first and the longest-serving Auschwitz commandant, Rudolf Höss; a gas mask used by the SS in Auschwitz; a sales poster for the book Mein Kampf from 1930; a SS helmet owned and used by Nazi official Heinrich Himmler and his annotated copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf; dreidels and bullets found in mass graves; the trumpet that Dutch musician Louis Bannet played in Auschwitz; visas issued by Japanese Vice Consul in Lithuania Chiune Sugihara, often referred to as “Japan’s Oskar Schindler”; prisoner registration forms and identification cards; and a rescued Torah scroll from the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg, which had its interior destroyed during Kristallnacht in 1938 and was then demolished the following year.

Barrack from Auschwitz III-Monowitz Labor Camp 1942-1944.

The exhibition arrived in New York City after a run at Madrid’s Arte Canal Exhibition Centre, where it was extended two times, drew more than 600,000 visitors and turned out last year to be one of the most visited exhibitions in Europe.


What hate can do …

Many visitors were visibly moved, and some teary-eyed, upon leaving the comprehensive exhibit in New York City, which takes about two hours to complete. Jessica Joseph, 66, whose mother survived the Auschwitz concentration camp, called the exhibit “very powerful.”

She told JNS, “To me, the most striking thing is that it’s in New York because I think, mentally, when it’s elsewhere and you see an exhibit like this—whether it’s at Yad Vashem or the [Holocaust] museum in Berlin—it’s there, and you’re here and you’re safe and you’re not exposed. And seeing it in the heart of Manhattan … to me, it’s frightening.”

“It can happen again,” added her husband, Leon Kroll, 79, who started tearing up at the end of the exhibit.

Outside is stationed an original German-made Model 2 freight-train car used for the deportation of Jews to ghettos and extermination camps in occupied Poland. Photo Credit: mjhnyc.org

Joseph continued saying, “There’s a reality to it that when you go somewhere else and you see an exhibit, and then you take a plane and then you come to the safety of America, which is what all these people did, and seeing it here—it caught me off-balance. It’s extremely powerful to see tangible artifacts as opposed to stories.”

When asked if she thinks others need to see the exhibit, Joseph replied “yes” and explained, “It’s important for people who don’t know about it. It’s important for the younger generation. I was just thinking that all our children work; it’s very hard for them to find time to go to museums. And I was thinking, I’m gonna volunteer to babysit for all the children at different times, so that each one of them can go and spend freely time here because they need to see it. And non-Jews need to see it—especially now, at the times that we’re living in. There are many things that resonated politically with what’s going on today that’s terrifying.”

The museum’s president, Jack Kliger, told JNS that when the exhibit was in Madrid, almost 50 percent of the attendees were under the age of 40. He wants to attract the same young crowd at the New York presentation. He added, “I hope that people will learn and realize that it was not so long ago, and really this is what hate can do. Not only what hate did, but what hate can do. We particularly want younger people—many of whom don’t even know what Auschwitz means—to learn the lessons to never forget and teach their children.”

“Frankly, survivors don’t need to learn the lessons,” he said. “It’s everybody [else] who needs to understand and not accept that this cannot happen again. We want younger people, all people to realize that hate, which can manifest itself like this, is something you must constantly be opposed to.”


Chiune Sugihara, Japanese diplomat and rescuer of Jews

In connection with the exhibit, the Museum of Jewish Heritage hosted an event with Nobuki Sugihara, son of the late Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat serving in Lithuania who risked himself and his family to issue transit visas to Jews trying to flee Nazi-occupied Europe. He helped rescue 6,000 Jews.

Nobuki spoke of his father’s heroic acts and met nearly 170 “Sugihara visa” survivors and their descendants, who thanked him for his father’s efforts. Some even brought their original transit visas with Chiune’s handwriting on them, including Nathan Lewin, 83, who was 4 when Chiune issued travel visas for him and his parents to go from Eastern Europe to Kobe, Japan.

Rachel Rappaport’s late father was given a transit visa by Chiune and traveled to Shanghai, where he joined the Mir Yeshiva, which was founded in Lithuania and was the only religious school in the region that had most of its students, as many as 300, survive the Holocaust. The students relocated to Shanghai, taught religious classes and remained there until eventually moving to Jerusalem or Brooklyn, N.Y., where they reopened branches of their school.

Rappaport’s father moved to Israel from Shanghai, had 13 children and now boasts more than 100 grandchildren, all because of Chuine’s travel visa. “Thank you so much really for giving us this life,” she told Nobuki. “Without him, we would not be here today.”

During his talk at the museum with journalist Ann Curry, Nobuki debunked stories told about his father—for example, one regarding Chiune throwing out signed visas from the window of the train he was taking to Germany after being forced to leave his post in Lithuania. Another story that Nobuki said never happened was about his father giving his consular seals to refugees so they could continue making visas on their own after he was forced to leave.

Nobuki encouraged people to educate themselves about the Holocaust and preserve the stories correctly with only facts, not exaggerations. He told the crowd to focus on the truth about what took place in Nazi-occupied Europe.

“Make it known and documented so future generations can learn about what happened during the Holocaust,” he said. “In Japan, Europe, America, Israel—we all have to keep the records of the history [and] written documents, we have to keep them and we have to share. … It’s for the next generation. Fifty years, 100 or 200 years [from now]. It’s our task to keep the history correctly.”


“Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away.” runs through Jan. 3, 2020, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in Lower Manhattan. The exhibition is intended to tour other cities around the world; destinations will be announced by Musealia and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.