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Sarsour Claims Jesus was Palestinian; ‘Are You That Stupid?’ says Netanyahu’s Son

“Jesus was Palestinian of Nazareth,” Linda Sarsour tweeted over the weekend, sparking a backlash.

“Jesus was Palestinian of Nazareth,” Linda Sarsour tweeted over the weekend, sparking a backlash.

Edited by: JV Staff

American political activist Linda Sarsour is claiming that “Jesus was Palestinian of Nazareth and is described in the Quran as being brown copper skinned with wooly hair.”

She tweeted the assertion over the weekend, doubling down afterward amid criticism over her claim that Jesus was from a place that did not exist in his days.

“Jesus was born in Bethlehem… Bethlehem is in Palestine,” she wrote. “It’s currently militarily occupied by Israel and home to a predominately beautiful Palestinian Christian community. Yes, the birthplace of Jesus is under military occupation.”

“Are you that stupid?” Yair Netanyahu, son of the Israeli prime minister, retorted to Sarsour’s comment.

Israel-based journalists led the way in taking Sarsour to task: “Actually, Jesus lived during the Second Temple period, prior to the Romans renaming Judea as Palestina. The chronology doesn’t work out at all,” tweeted Sam Sokol, a former correspondent for The Jerusalem Post.

“If Jesus – who was Jewish – was a Palestinian and lived in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, then you’re saying Jews are indigenous to what is today called Palestine and Jews have a right to live in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Israel. Glad you cleared this up,” wrote Michele Chabin, who contributes to USA Today and the Jewish Week.

“Not only was Jesus a Jew but until the 1960s, whenever the term Palestinian was mentioned, it referred to the Jews!” wrote Avi Abelow on Israel Unwired.

“The Palestine Post of the early 20th century was Jewish. The Palestine soccer team was Jewish! The Palestine electric company was Jewish etc.,” he writes.

Morton Klein, head of the Zionist Organization of America, took the opportunity to point out the persecution faced by Christians under Palestinian Authority rule: “Bethlehem was 80% Christian, but when Israel gave it to Palestinians, Christians were harassed, jailed, threatened, lost their jobs and left town. Now it’s only 10% Christian. I met with Bethlehem Christians & they cried about their life.”

According to a May 2019 paper from the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, “The ongoing international neglect of the plight of the Christians under PA rule could lead to the disappearance of Christianity in the place where it emerged.”

In April, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and The New York Times were also criticized for promoting the idea that “Jesus was Palestinian, and not a Jew living in Roman-occupied Judea,” CBN Newsreported.

Omar reportedly faced backlash after she retweeted a comment from Omar Suleiman, an American Muslim scholar and civil rights activist who had written: “I was once asked by a relative who is a Palestinian Christian why the Christian right in America largely supports their oppression. Don’t they know we’re Christian too? Do they even consider us human? Don’t they know Jesus was a Palestinian?”

Just hours before that tweet, The New York Times published an opinion piece that claimed, “Jesus, born in Bethlehem, was most likely a Palestinian man with dark skin,” noted CBN. (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com



Saeb Erekat: Bibi is Left-Wing in Comparison with David Freidman

“In comparison with David Friedman, the US’ Ambassador in Israel, [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is far left-wing. The US administration is pulling Israel to the right and we will not be able to renew the negotiations,” Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian Authority (PA) negotiator with Israel, told TPS in an interview. Photo by Esty Dziubov/TPS on 7 July, 2019

“In comparison with David Friedman, the US’ Ambassador in Israel, [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is far left-wing. The US administration is pulling Israel to the right and we will not be able to renew the negotiations,” Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian Authority (PA) negotiator with Israel, told TPS in an interview.

By: Baruch Yedid

The US recently sponsored the Peace to Prosperity economic workshop held in Manama, Bahrain, a step towards the unveiling of the Trump administration’s comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, while the PA is facing a looming economic failure.

Erekat sharply criticized the Trump administration and charged that “the political situation in Israel has completely changed and today David Friedman dictates the most right-wing stances in Israel. Compared with him, Netanyahu is left-wing.”

The ties between Ramallah and Washington have been frozen since President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem, and Erekat clarified that “the PA will not be able to maintain contact with the US administration as long as Friedman retains his position,” and the same goes for Jason Greenblatt, the US’ Special Representative for International Negotiations, and Jared Kushner, Trump’s close aide. All three are Jews.

“How can we talk with anyone who thinks God gave Jerusalem to the Jews?” he asked cynically.

Erekat further assailed Trumps’ Deal of the Century, his yet-unveiled plan for peace in the Middle East, and said that the US misunderstands the conflict as a dispute over real-estate, or an issue relating to religious feelings or interpretation of archeological findings.

“As long as Friedman and Greenblatt retain extreme views, how can Netanyahu talk with us about a diplomatic solution to the refugee issue?” he questioned rhetorically.

As far as the PA’s diplomatic strategy, Erekat says that he has advised PA head Mahmoud Abbas to continue and “pursue a two-state solution while surviving the current US administration and talking with any Israeli element,” even though he conceded that he is not sure if the PA will be able to survive the coming months and the prolonged elections period in Israel. The lack of a government in Israel does not make a diplomatic breakthrough possible, he believes.

While a diplomatic solution does not seem viable at this time, the security coordination with Israel continues, as the PA “is part of a group of countries that have signed a treaty to fight terrorism, and therefore the coordination continues,” he clarified.

Like other officials in the PA, Erekat differentiates between seemingly hostile US diplomatic elements and US security elements, whom he says show understandings and support. He also confirmed that various elements have come to the conclusion that the PA is on the verge of collapsing and are therefore seeking ways to help it.

TPS has reported that US security officials met last week with PA security officials for two days in Rawabi, near Ramallah, at the end of which PA Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtayyeh was invited to meet the group. Responding to TPS’ question, Erekat confirmed that the meeting took place.

“The American cut in its support to hospitals, UNRWA, and the PA, in general, has created a vacuum,” the senior official noted, warning that the void will be filled by extreme elements “and it will explode in Freidman’s face.” (TPS)

US Women’s Soccer Team Defeats Netherlands 2-0 in World Cup Final; Secures 4th Title


The heavily favored United States team has defeated Netherlands 2-0 in the women’s World Cup soccer final in Lyon, France, securing its fourth title and winning back-to-back tournaments for the first time.

By: Ken Bredemeier

The Americans defeated four other European teams — Sweden, Spain, France and England  on their way to the final, and dominated Sunday in defeating the reigning European champion Dutch.

From Washington, President Trump said on Twitter, “Congratulations to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team on winning the World Cup! Great and exciting play. America is proud of you all!”

Earlier in the month-long tournament, however, Trump had traded taunts with one of the stars of the U.S. team, Megan Rapinoe, after she said that in protest of Trump’s presidency there was no way she would visit the White House even if he invited them for a post-tournament celebration.

Trump said, “Megan should WIN before she TALKS,” and invited the whole team whether it won or lost the title.

On Sunday, Rapinoe, who sat out the semi-final win over England with a slight hamstring strain, scored the opening goal for the U.S. side on a penalty kick in the 61st minute. Rose Lavelle added a goal in the 69th minute to seal the victory.

Football analysts say the United States women’s national team went into the match as favorites because of their greater depth and experience than the Dutch.

The U.S. also won the world title in 1991, 1999 and 2015, along with Olympic gold medals in 1996, 2004, 2008 and 2012. Germany is the only other country to win multiple women’s World Cups, in 2003 and 2007.

Former U.S. soccer star Julie Foudy explained before the match what was at stake for the Americans.

“They’ve done all the hard stuff. Weathering the storm that was the Spanish game. Beating the hosts in Paris. Knocking out a very good English team. But they … must bring it home to secure their legacy, especially against a team that doesn’t have the same depth of talent and which is playing on less rest.”

Even as its success in the tournament earns it unprecedented acclaim at home, the U.S. women’s team is suing the country’s soccer federation for equal pay with members of country’s much less successful men’s national team. The pay disparity is pronounced, with female soccer players’ base salary roughly $30,000 less a year than their male counterparts. The players agreed to submit to arbitration following the end of the tournament.

The soccer federation awarded the men’s team a $5.4 million bonus after it lost in the round of 16 at the 2014 World Cup, while handing the women’s team $1.7 million when it won in 2015. (VOA)


California Assesses Damage After Second Major Earthquake


Emergency workers in Ridgecrest, Calif., were assessing damage after a second major earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck the desert community northeast of Los Angeles on Friday night.

By: Mike O’Sullivan

It followed a magnitude 6.4 quake near the city on Thursday. No deaths or major injuries have been reported from either major temblor, but Friday’s 7.1 magnitude quake, which was felt throughout Southern California and in neighboring Nevada, caused additional damage and left residents shaken.

Again, food flew off the shelves of supermarkets, and thousands of dollars’ worth of stock was destroyed in a liquor store.

“This earthquake was longer, but also concluded with a very, very strong jolt that felt like it was going to knock the whole place down,” said Victor Abdullatif, the owner’s son.

Seismologists said the quake Friday was 10 times more powerful than Thursday’s earthquake.

“The [Friday] quake did last for some time,” said Mark Ghilarducci, director the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. “It was felt widely throughout most of Southern California and even as far north here as Sacramento.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom requested Saturday from President Donald Trump and the Federal Emergency Management Agency a Presidential Emergency Declaration for Direct Federal Assistance “to further support the communities impacted by the earthquakes.”

The larger size of the quake meant the temblors that came before it, including the 6.4, are now classified as pre-shocks. Aftershocks continue to rattle the region.

Emergency workers have dealt with fires, and water and gas leaks.

“Obviously, 34 hours in between earthquakes, we’re concerned about future aftershocks and where they’re going to be,” said Kern County Fire Chief David Witt. Hundreds of smaller quakes have jolted the region since Thursday.

Play continued at a Dodgers baseball game in Los Angeles, as fans decided what to do.

“Whether to run or stay in place and hope for the best,” recalled Dodgers fan Chris Banakas. “We stayed in place and it went over. “We were cool.” (VOA)

US Synagogues, Summer Camps Prep for Active Shooter Scenarios


With terrorism and lone gunman attacks on the rise, synagogues and Jewish summer camps are preparing for the worst.

By: Tsivya Fox-Dobuler

Following reports of rising anti-Semitic incidents in the United States and the murderous attacks on The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the Chabad of Poway in San Diego, more communities are readying for the possibility of an “active shooter” scenario.

Experts say that preparation and training are important, not only in a practical sense but also to help alleviate fears.

“As synagogues appear to be often time targets, there should be a plan for guarding, identifying threats – escaping, defending, and coordinating with police authorities,” Avi Dobuler, a combat shooting instructor in Israel, told World Israel News.

“Regretfully, the world is little by little feeling the fruits of Arab terror where lawlessness and attacks on innocents abound,” he said.

Active shooter training often includes the mantra, “run, hide, fight.” Participants are advised to choose one of these three options and commit to it. A person should run for safety, hide in a secure place, or fight the gunman.

Rabbi Moshe Bleich, director of two Chabad college campus centers, told JNS that all Chabad centers are taking precautions against attacks. For example, he said that Chabad emissaries in Massachusetts have undergone a Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event (CRASE) course.

“People are more comfortable and at ease in what they feel is a safe space,” Rabbi Mendy Krinsky, head of the Chabad center in Needham, Massachusetts, is quoted as saying by JNS. “When an attack does occur, it’s a time to re-evaluate and continue to enhance security measures.”

Noting the importance of preparing individuals for their worse nightmare, Bob Kinder, CEO of Talon Solutions, a security consulting firm, old JNS, “Surveillance systems and hardening a synagogue or a JCC or another Jewish institution is absolutely critical just to keep out would-be assailants. But unless you have somebody who can rapidly react to that adversary, you’ll find it’s just too late.”

The Anti-Defamation League’s Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents found that in 2018, 1,879 attacks were committed against Jews and Jewish institutions in America.

U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism Elan Carr recently said that synagogues and Jewish institutions should consider having armed guards.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Carr said, “We live in a time of danger. Any synagogue, every JCC should have guards. God willing, may they never be needed, but they should be there.”

Synagogues and Jewish institutions are not alone with their concerns. JNS reported that Jewish summer camps and parents of campers express heightened concerns of an attack as well.

“Parents should be asking their children’s camp how they are addressing safety and security,” said security expert Michael Masters, national director and CEO of the Secure Community Network and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

“What are the policies and procedures they have put in place? What physical security do they have at the camp? How are they training their staff? The counselors? The campers?”

After hearing security concerns from many camp directors, Democratic Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, who represents the heavily Jewish neighborhoods of Midwood and Borough Park in Brooklyn, has spearheaded legislation to allow sleep-away camps in New York to apply for a share of the $25 million from the “Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant Program,” available to nonpublic schools, day-care centers and cultural museums for security.

“There is a pattern of hate – a pattern of anti-Semitism nationwide right now unfortunately – so why not be proactive?” Eichenstein told JNS.  “Are we really waiting for something to happen?” (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com


US Women’s Soccer Team Takes on the Netherlands in the World Cup Final


The U.S. women’s soccer team will meet the Netherlands in the Women’s World Cup final Sunday.

Edited by: JV Staff

The U.S. are looking for their fourth World Cup title, while it’s the first time the Netherlands will be in the final match, according to a Fox News report.  The U.S. are also in their third straight World Cup final. The Americans defeated Japan in 2015, avenging defeat from the same team in 2011.

The Americans appear to be the overwhelming favorites to win the final.

Fox News reported that the U.S. has the tournament’s joint top scorer  who has six goals is Alex Morgan. Megan Rapinoe of the US team has scored five goals in the tournament and is expected to play in the match despite suffering a hamstring injury in the match against France, according to the Fox News report. Also playing quite well in a clutch performance against the UK team was Alyssa Naeher. She will be looking to carry that momentum into the final.

The team also has some controversy swirling around them over Morgan’s goal celebrations. The star striker appeared to pretend to sip tea after scoring a go-ahead goal against England. She responded to the criticism Friday, saying it amounts to a double standard, according to a Fox News report.

The Dutch may not be the favorites in the match, but their defensive showing against Sweden showed the U.S. better not take this team too lightly.

Fox News reported that Jackie Groenen scored the Netherlands’ game-winning goal against Sweden in extra time to lift the team to their first World Cup final.

The Netherlands won Group E, defeating Cameroon, New Zealand and Canada on their way to the knockout stage.

In the knockout stage, the Netherlands defeated the 2015 World Cup final runner-up Japan by one goal, and shutout Italy, 2-0, before beating Sweden.

Coverage of the Women’s World Cup final begins at 10 a.m. ET on local FOX stations. The match begins at 11 a.m. ET on local FOX stations. You can stream the match as well on FOX Sports Go. (Fox News)

Mike Teunissen Wins Stage 1 of 2019 Tour de France; Geraint Thomas Crashes In Final Stretch

Wikimedia Commons

Mike Teunissen of the Netherlands edged the former world champion Peter Sagan and Caleb Ewan to win the Tour’s first stage in Brussels. His victory was marred by the defending champion Geraint Thomas’s crash in the final stretch, according to an AP report.

Edited by: JV Staff

The AP reported that Thomas’s Ineos team said he fell in the final meters but “feels fine.” Another top contender, Jakob Fuglsang, also hit the ground about 20 kilometers, or about 12 miles, from the finish in a separate crash.

Teunissen, 26, became the first Dutch rider to wear the yellow jersey since Erik Breukink 30 years ago.

Thomas quickly got back on his bike after hitting a barrier while his teammate Egan Bernal was held up by the crash. They did not lose time as per race regulations because the accident occurred within the final three kilometers, as was reported by the AP.

In the absence of the four-time winner Chris Froome, Thomas and Bernal have been promoted to co-leaders of the Ineos team.

Fuglsang, who is rated among the favorites this year, was hurt in the crash that took place a few moments earlier. The Critérium du Dauphiné winner, he remounted his bike with blood on his face and right knee, and scratches on his jersey, as was reported by the AP. 

The race started from the Belgian capital to honor the 50th anniversary of Eddy Merckx’s first of five Tour victories. The 194.5-kilometer (120.8-mile) trek took the peloton through the Flanders and Wallonia regions and back to Brussels, which will also host Sunday’s team time trial.

The second spill played havoc within the sprinters’ teams riding at the front and split the peloton in two. It took out of contention Teunissen’s Jumbo-Visma teammate Dylan Groenewegen, the team’s best sprinter. (AP)

Billionaire Financier Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors

Photo Credit: Palm Beach Sheriff's Office

Controversial billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was  arrested Saturday night in New York City for allegedly sex trafficking underage girls in New York and Florida,  according to published reports. Two officials have reported that he was taken into federal custody.

By: JV Staff

Epstein, 66, has been embroiled in allegations of sexual abuse against minors for a number of years. A decade ago, the hedge fund manager received a lenient plea deal after being accused of paying girls for sexual massages in Florida, is expected to appear in a New York court on Monday, according to a Fox News report.

At one time, Epstein’s friends included President Bill Clinton, Great Britain’s Prince Andrew, and President Donald Trump.

An article in the Hollywood Reporter indicated that the latest charges against the money manager allege that employees and friends procured dozens of underage girls, as young as 14, for Epstein, who understood they were under 18. The charges claim that Epstein, between the years of 2002 and 2005 paid the girls in cash for “massages” but later sexually assaulted or abused them in his New York apartment and his Palm Beach residence. According to law enforcement, some victims of the scheme became recruiters in turn for Epstein. 

The AP has reported that Epstein’s arrest comes amid renewed scrutiny of a once-secret plea deal that he entered into. 

In 2008, Epstein pleaded guilty in Florida to state charges of soliciting and procuring a person younger than 18 for prostitution. He avoided federal criminal charges in 2007 and 2008 after agreeing to a plea deal in which he pleaded guilty to states charges of soliciting prostitution and served 13 months in a Florida county and registered as a sex offender.

He could have faced life in prison.

The much-criticized deal allowed him to leave jail custody six days a week to work from his office.

In March of this year, it was reported by the Miami Herald that The public would finally be able to see the unsealed court documents from the case brought against  Epstein after a New York federal court of appeals started moving to unseal some documents related to the case. The case, which was controversially settled, has come back into the spotlight after it became apparent that there was prosecutorial misconduct. Unsealed documents could help the public finally understand Epstein’s crimes and what the prosecutors potentially helped him hide.

 “We’re grateful that the court ruled the summary judgment papers are open and they are moving to expedite having them unsealed,’’ Sanford Bohrer, the attorney representing the Miami Herald said. The Herald said it has the support of 32 other media companies, including the New York Times and Washington Post. There are only a few specific reasons for a case to be fully or partially sealed. On rare occasions, something will be improperly sealed, and it can be challenged in court.

The Miami Herald kept reporting on the story and digging deeper, even discovering that former Miami U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, who now heads the Labor Department of the whole country, was a part of the strange plea deal that happened without the knowledge of the victims. Some form of justice could finally be coming now that a federal judge declared that those involved with the plea deal broke the law by not letting the victims know about the circumstances.

The prosecutors did not follow the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, which is the main charge against them. The act is the reason why what they did, not informing the victims of their full options and what was really going on, was a law-breaking action.

The Folly of Reentering the Iran Nuclear Deal


On Monday, the regime in Iran announced that it’s intentionally violating the 2015 nuclear deal. Since then, no Democratic presidential candidates have reversed their pledges to reenter the accord if elected. In other words, several Democratic candidates would prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons by returning to a nuclear agreement that Iran is no longer following. If that strategy sounds illogical, that’s because it is. But that isn’t the worst of it. Recall that, under the deal, the most important restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program begin to disappear at the end of the next presidential term and the beginning of the following one. So, assuming for a moment that a Democrat is elected president in 2020, the tool by which that president would constrain Tehran’s nuclear ambitions—the deal—would effectively expire as they are set to start a second term, or as their predecessor is set to take office, in either case putting the United States in an impotent position to stop an Iranian capability to develop nuclear weapons. And yet, too many Democrats are hell-bent on preserving a nuclear deal that is on its deathbed. At this point, arguments for reviving the narrow nuclear deal in roughly its original form are dangerous and delusional.

The nuclear deal, which President Trump withdrew from last year, allowed Iran to store 300 kilograms of uranium. Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said Monday that his country exceeded that limit. The International Atomic Energy Agency has since confirmed this violation. The deal also allowed Tehran to enrich its stored uranium to a low concentration of 3.67 percent, a cap the regime also plans to breach in the coming days. “Our next step will be enriching uranium beyond the 3.67 percent allowed under the deal,” Zarif said.

Despite what the media have reported this week, Iran’s latest actions are hardly its first in violation of the nuclear accord. Indeed, Tehran has repeatedly exceeded the limits of heavy water, which is used in nuclear reactors to help produce plutonium, permitted under the deal. The regime has also operated more advanced nuclear centrifuges than are permitted by the accord, while refusing to grant international inspections of nuclear research and military facilities. Furthermore, German intelligence agencies have flagged Iran’s continued illicit attempts to buy nuclear and missile technology. As I explained in January, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told Iranian media that the regime

circumvented a section of the deal that explicitly requires Tehran to remove the reactor core at its Arak nuclear facility in central Iran, and then to fill its tubes with cement so the facility cannot be used to pursue a plutonium path to a bomb. Iran’s nuclear chief explained that Tehran secretly acquired and stored replacement tubes, noting that only Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, knew about the decision. … [Salehi] added that images showing the reactor core filled with cement were “photoshopped.”

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani warned Wednesday that the regime “will restore the Arak reactor to its previous condition.”

We know about Iran’s most significant violation of the deal thanks to the Israelis, who last year captured about 100,000 secret files from Iran concerning its nuclear program. The files revealed, among other insights, that the regime had plans to build at least five nuclear bombs. That the Iranians were hiding such information strongly suggests that they were planning to use it later and still seek nuclear weapons today. Why would a bank robber who promised to quit still have blueprints of banks stashed away in his basement? Recall one of the deal’s first sentences: “Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop, or acquire any nuclear weapons.” It seems that Iran was lying from the start, violating the most basic and overarching term of the agreement.

News of Iran’s latest illicit activities came a few days after the first Democratic presidential debates, during which several candidates promised to reenter the nuclear deal if elected.

At the first debate on Wednesday, moderators asked the 10 candidates present whether they would rejoin the deal. Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.) was the only one not to raise his hand, although he said he wants to return to a similar agreement. “It was a mistake to pull out of that deal,” he said. Trump “took us out of the deal that gave us transparency into their nuclear program and push back a nuclear breakout 10—20 years. We need to renegotiate and get back into a deal.”

The other two candidates allowed to comment on the issue, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii), expressed similar sentiments.

Every Democrat running for president has said or heavily implied that they would reenter the nuclear deal, either before entering the race or during the campaign. Some, such as Colorado governor John Hickenlooper, have added a caveat that they would seek tougher conditions. But the leading candidates have all indicated that they would return to the original agreement.

A few of the candidates have alluded to the fact that, under the deal, the key restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program expire over the next 12 years. Beginning in 2026, Tehran is free to enrich uranium using advanced centrifuges, which make the enrichment process much more efficient, and to install and operate more of its older models. In 2031, restrictions on the amount and level of enriched uranium that Iran can stockpile disappear—restrictions that Iran is already violating. These are the two key dates, after which Iran will be able to build as large of a nuclear program as it wants. And the best part: If the United States were in the deal, Iran could also enjoy relief from sanctions.

But there are several key expiration dates before then. In 2025, for example, the “snapback” provision, under which sanctions by the United Nations would be reimposed should Iran violate the deal, will end. New sanctions would require the U.N. Security Council to pass another resolution, which China or Russia would surely veto. Moreover, in 2023, Iran will have an easier time acquiring components and technology for its ballistic-missile program, the key for Tehran delivering nuclear bombs, with the lifting of a U.N. ban on assisting Iran’s missile program.

Taken together, these dates show that, regardless of who is inaugurated in January 2021, the president will find the nuclear deal unsustainable over the next four years, as key clauses of the deal expire. And if the president during this time foolishly returns to the nuclear deal, imagine the situation they would hand to their successor, who, at that point, would only be able to stop or delay an Iranian nuclear bomb with military strikes. Of course at that point Iran would be better able to defend itself, with the U.N. ban on Iranian arms imports and exports set to expire in 2020 under the deal. Reentering the nuclear accord simply boxes in future presidents, giving them fewer options.

With Iran breaching the deal today and key provisions set to expire in a few years, it simply does not make sense for the United States to return to a dying agreement. Some Democrats at the debate said they wanted to renegotiate their way back into the accord. Well, like it or not, the best way to make that happen, to return to some kind of an agreement, is to follow the Trump administration’s policy: to exert maximum pressure on the regime to force it back into negotiations, with the United States having greater leverage. Other options will lead down a predictably dangerous road of appeasing the Iranians to prevent a full-scale war that won’t erupt if America shows strength and resolve—the opposite of what most Democratic candidates are proposing. So, looking at the big picture, the Democratic candidates can get an agreement. They just have to follow Trump’s road to get there. Don’t hold your breath. (Washington Free Beacon)


By: Aaron Kliegman


Trump Presents ‘Show of a Lifetime’ to Celebrate Independence Day

President Donald J. Trump, joined by the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford and Acting Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper, watches an aircraft flyover during his remarks at the Salute to America event Thursday, July 4, 2019, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks). Photo by The White House / Flicker.

President Donald Trump played host Thursday evening in Washington for what he calls “The Show of a Lifetime” to celebrate U.S. Independence Day. 

By: Ken Schwartz

While U.S. presidents have traditionally sat back to watch Americans celebrate independence in their own way, Trump himself directly took charge of the celebration. He introduced military jet flyovers, patriotic band music and a display of tanks, and made a long speech at the Lincoln Memorial highlighting 243 years of American history, despite steamy weather and the threat of storms.

He called the history of the United States “the epic tale of a great nation of people who have risked everything for what they know is right and what they know is true.”

There were fears Trump would turn the nation’s birthday party into a political event by talking about what he feels are his accomplishments as president.

But he made no mention of politics, next year’s election or the two dozen Democratic candidates looking to stop him from a second term. Instead, Trump avoided talking about what divides Americans and spoke of what unifies them.

“As we gather this evening in the joy of freedom, we remember that we all share a truly extraordinary heritage. Together, we are one of the greatest stories ever told,” the president said. “Americans love our freedom and no one will ever take it away from us … our nation is stronger today than it ever was before.”

Trump paid special tribute to each branch of the U.S. military and appealed to young Americans to consider making the military a career.

But many who live in Washington were angry that the Pentagon and security officials commandeered areas of the National Mall where the public usually gathers for celebrations. 

Others were upset the White House handed out tickets for seats to Trump’s speech only to Republicans loyal to the president. 

Anti-Trump protesters were highly visible along the mall all day, including the now familiar blimp depicting Trump as an angry baby in a diaper. Vendors sold mini-Trump baby balloons on wooden sticks for demonstrators to wave. 

Protesters included military veterans who say they resent someone who never served in the military exploiting their service for his own satisfaction. Trump supporters in red “Make America Great Again” hats confronted some of the protesters, but their debates were civil and free of insults and name-calling.

The cost of Thursday’s celebration, including all the preparation, could run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

But Trump tweeted the cost “will be very little compared to what it is worth. “

The Fourth of July festivities commemorate America’s declaration of independence from Britain in 1776.

Those not in Washington on Thursday celebrated Independence Day around the county with parades, picnics and fireworks. (VOA News)


DNA Shows Ancient Philistines Migrated Across Mediterranean, Not Indigenous to Israel

DNA testing of ancient genomes suggests that the ancestors of the Philistines migrated across the Mediterranean and reached Ashkelon by the early Iron Age. Photo by (Melissa Aja/Courtesy Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon) on 21 July, 2014

DNA testing of ancient genomes suggests that the ancestors of the Philistines migrated across the Mediterranean and reached Ashkelon by the early Iron Age, a comprehensive study on the subject published Wednesday shows.

By: Aryeh Savir

An international team from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the Leon Levy Expedition Ashkelon announced in Science Advances the findings of a study to determine the provenance of the Philistines, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies on ancient bone samples unearthed during a three-decade excavation in Ashkelon. Analyzing genome-wide data retrieved for the first time from people who lived in Ashkelon during the Bronze and Iron Age, around 3,600-2,800 years ago, the team found that a substantial proportion of their ancestry was derived from a European population.

These genetic results are a critical step toward understanding the long-disputed origins of the Philistines, the research underscored.

This European-derived ancestry was introduced in Ashkelon around the time of the Philistines’ estimated arrival in the twelfth century BCE.

“This genetic distinction is due to European-related gene flow introduced in Ashkelon during either the end of the Bronze Age or the beginning of the Iron Age. This timing is in accord with estimates of the Philistines’ arrival to the coast of the Levant, based on archaeological and textual records,” explained Michal Feldman of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, leading author of the study.

Daniel Master, director of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon and head of the archaeological team, said that the new genetic input from the direction of Southern Europe was found in bone samples taken from infants buried under the floors of their homes, as was the custom at the time.

“These infants were not travelers, they are the result of immigration and family building, thereby indicating that their parents did indeed come to the region from overseas in the 12th century BCE.”

Master noted that all the Ashkelon samples used in the research, taken from the Middle Bronze Age, the early Philistines, and the later Philistines found in the Philistine Cemetery, were excavated by teams of professionals who looked at every aspect of their context.

“Not only do we have radio-carbon dating that demonstrates the antiquity of the samples, but we also have stratigraphic evidence. These samples come from carefully-excavated contexts, connected to artifacts that can be precisely dated,” he explained.

The Philistines are famous for their appearance in the Bible as the arch-enemies of the Israelites. However, the ancient texts tell little about Philistine origins other than a later memory that the Philistines came from “Caphtor,” a Bronze Age name for Crete.

More than a century ago, Egyptologists proposed that a group called the Peleset in texts of the late twelfth century BCE were the same as the Biblical Philistines. The Egyptians claimed that the Peleset traveled from the “the islands,” attacking what is today Cyprus and the Turkish and Syrian coasts, finally attempting to invade Egypt. These hieroglyphic inscriptions were the first indication that the search for the origins of the Philistines should be focused in the late second millennium BCE.

From 1985-2016, the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, a project of the Harvard Semitic Museum and under license from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), took up the search for the origin of the Philistines at Ashkelon, one of the five “Philistine” cities according to the Bible.

The excavations culminated in 2013 with the discovery of the first Philistine cemetery ever to be found.

The team found substantial changes in ways of life during the 12th century BCE which they connected to the arrival of the Philistines. Many scholars attempted to argue that these cultural changes were merely the result of trade or a local imitation of foreign styles and not the result of a substantial movement of people.

The researchers successfully recovered genomic data from the remains of ten individuals who lived in Ashkelon during the Bronze and Iron Age. This data allowed the team to compare the DNA of the Bronze and Iron Age people of Ashkelon to determine how they were related. Each individual produced tens of thousands of data points, allowing for powerful statistical comparisons with other populations. The researchers found that individuals across all time periods derived most of their ancestry from the local Levantine gene pool, but that individuals who lived in early Iron Age Ashkelon had a European-derived ancestral component that was not present in their Bronze Age predecessors.

“This data begins to fill a temporal gap in the genetic map of the southern Levant,” explains Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, senior author of the study.  “At the same time, by the zoomed-in comparative analysis of the Ashkelon genetic time transect, we find that the unique cultural features in the early Iron Age are mirrored by a distinct genetic composition of the early Iron Age people.”

However, by analyzing later Iron Age individuals from Ashkelon, the researchers found that the European-related component could no longer be traced. “Within no more than two centuries, this genetic footprint introduced during the early Iron Age is no longer detectable and seems to be diluted by a local Levantine related gene pool,” states Choongwon Jeong of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, one of the corresponding authors of the study.

This indicates that ancestors of the Philistines migrated across the Mediterranean, reaching Ashkelon by the early Iron Age, but this European-related genetic component was subsequently diluted by the local Levantine gene pool over the succeeding centuries, suggesting intensive admixture between local and foreign populations.

Interestingly, while there was a change in the Philistines’ genetic profile over time, there was continuity in their ethnicity.

“DNA can be a powerful tool to record history and answer historical questions”, notes archaeogeneticist Michal Feldman. “On the other hand, it reminds us that culture or ethnicity do not necessarily equal the genetic make-up of the same groups.”

The Philistines over time have ceased to exist, but their historic footprint was revived by the Roman occupiers who renamed the Land of Israel “Palestine” in the 2nd century in order to humiliate and punish the Jews living there and minimize Jewish identification with the land. Similarly, they renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.


Until 1948, when the State of Israel was established, Arabs in the region rejected the term “Palestinian,” which at the time referred to both Jews and Arabs, preferring instead to call the Holy Land “Southern Syria,” a backwater province of the Ottoman Empire.

While the name Palestine does not appear in the Koran even once, it’s Hebrew equivalent appears in the Jewish Bible no fewer than 250 times.

In recent decades, the Arabs in Israel who have adopted the Palestinian nationality and supporting historians have attempted to generate a history for them.

“Palestinian” archaeological findings have yet to be found, while the Jews’ close bonds with the Land of Israel turn up on almost a weekly basis. (TPS)

Is it Worth Spending $20,000 for July 4th Weekend in the Hamptons?

Our writer and photographer Lieba Nesis at Carvel in Southampton
The busiest Hamptons weekend is July 4th as thousands of revelers get ready for the vacation of a lifetime.  This year every hotel is sold-out from Westhampton to Montauk except if you are willing to pay $15,000 pre-tax for a one bedroom at Topping Rose House in Bridgehampton-sorry that was taken yesterday.  Houses with numerous bedrooms are commanding up to $10,000 a night.  A more reasonable option is the Capri hotel in Southampton which is going for a relatively cheap $1,300 per night even if it is a tiny cubicle on the highway-oh yeah that is also sold-out.  Is the exorbitant cost warranted when you can fly to the Hilton Venice for two weeks and stay at a five-star Hotel while experiencing the greatest museums and food in the world for $277 a night-a fifth of the price of the cheapest Hamptons hotel. Would you rather spend 3 hours on a Jitney to hang out with people you saw last week in New York?  Furthermore, even the best of the Hamptons “hotels” have no blinds, smell like mold, and are no bigger than a walk-in closet (for the most part).
However, there are a couple of pivotal reasons that make the Hamptons the optimal choice for the holiday weekend regardless of price.  Firstly, Europe is experiencing record-breaking heat and who wants to be stuck waiting on endless lines with the scorching sun blinding you.  Secondly, all the right people will be in the Hamptons and these are folks who live in New York not some fly-by-night foreigners who you will never see again.  Thirdly, the clubs and restaurants will be filled with fun-loving New Yorkers who love America with a party at Topping Rose House in Bridgehampton on July 4th and the band St. Lucia taking over Surf Lodge.  Polo will take place at the Fishel’s estate in Bridgehampton on Saturday afternoon with tickets starting at $200 and later that night the Bay Street’s 28th Annual Gala will be hosted by Isaac Mizrahi with tickets starting at $1,500 for adults and $425 for young professionals.  Moreover, Southampton will be holding their annual parade on July 4thfrom  at 10 AM and Montauk will be launching Grucci fireworks on Umbrella Beach at 9 PM that same day.  The Sag Harbor Yacht Club will also host fireworks at 9:30 PM on July 6th with real estate titan Neil Simon allowing select revelers to enjoy the view from his yacht.  Some other hotter than hot parties include tech giant David Rosenberg’s 4th of July soiree which is rumored to be occurring on July 4th at his mansion with model magnet Richie Akiva hosting-previous years Sofia Vergara, Robert Kraft, and hordes of Victoria’s Secret models attended.  On Saturday, “king of decadence” Ivan Wilzig will hold a barbeque at his Hamptons castle where scantily clad women and men will roam the palatial halls.

There are also some rumored VIP’s who are expected to arrive with their Secret Service agents in tow and that might be to attend the fabled party of Lally Weymouth, the senior associate editor of The Washington Post.  In 2017 Ivanka and Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, and David Koch joined Chuck Schumer, George Soros and Steven Spielberg for one of the most politically diverse evenings the Hamptons has ever seen.  If you are trying to avert the heavy traffic and price is not an issue you can fly Blade helicopters from midtown for the cost of $795 per seat and arrive in East Hampton 40 minutes later.  However, nearly all of the seats are booked for both Thursday and Friday so if you don’t act fast you may be confined to the Jitney.  Unfortunately, the Jitney raised their price from $34 to $38 at peak times with the more luxurious Ambassador costing $60 to reserve a seat.  The Ambassador is certainly worth the extra $20 as it contains roomier seating, better snacks and plentiful rose’-a Hamptons staple.  Once you are in the Hamptons the best way to get around is the reasonably priced uber-as parking will be a nightmare.  The drivers know their way around and are readily available at all different hours.   As for the nightlife if you haven’t reserved a table at Bilboquet or Tutto il Giorno in Sag Harbor or Southampton, you are out of luck as these places are booked to capacity even during non-holiday weekends.  Your best bet might be heading to the overpriced Citarella or Golden Pear and stocking up on fish and salads in case the restaurant waits are too long.  The excitement leading up to this weekend has been unprecedented even for the legendary Hamptons.

Writer & Photographer: Lieba Nesis

Amb. Friedman Hails ‘Historic’ US Independence Day Celebration in Jerusalem


“America has no greater ally than Israel,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said at the 4th of July celebration.

By: WIN Staff

For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “next year in Jerusalem” came true on Tuesday night, when the U.S. Embassy, which moved to Jerusalem in May 2018, held its annual U.S. Independence Day celebration in the Israeli capital for the first time.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman called it a “historic gathering.”

“America’s spiritual beginning, its bedrock foundational principles, its understanding of the God-given rights of every human being – that beginning occurred with, in the words of Isaiah, ‘the word of the Lord from Jerusalem,’” the ambassador told the audience, adding “that’s why it is so incredibly special to celebrate with you this evening the signing of the Declaration of Independence for the first time from the city of Jerusalem.”

Among those in attendance were members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives from both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as Israeli dignitaries.

“Israel has no better and greater ally than the United States,” said Netanyahu in his speech, and “America has no greater ally than Israel,” he added, citing intelligence sharing and operational military cooperation as leading examples.

He said that the U.S. support for Israel is bipartisan and “should remain bipartisan,” an apparent reference to greater tensions which have existed in recent years between various Democrats, including 2020 presidential candidates, and the Jewish State.

The prime minister praised President Trump.

“Thank you, President Trump. Thank you for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, thank you for moving the U.S. Embassy there, thank you for recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, thank you for unequivocally backing Israel’s right of self-defense and help give us the tool to do the job of defending ourselves by ourselves, and thank you for unequivocally backing Israel in the United Nations and in other forums, thank you for withdrawing from the dangerous Iran nuclear deal and restoring sanctions against Iran,” declared Netanyahu to thunderous applause. (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com

‘Keep Guns Away from Man who Wants to Massacre Jews,’ Jewish Group Urges


It would be “irresponsible to allow a person who lionizes Adolf Hitler and seeks to massacre Jews” to possess weapons, said NCYI President Farley Weiss.

By: WIN Staff

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI), a U.S.-based Orthodox Jewish synagogue organization, urged a California court on Tuesday “to prevent a man who threatened to massacre Jews from getting his gun back.”

“According to law enforcement,” says the organization, “California resident Ross Farca posted online about how he has an assault rifle and wants to use it for a mass shooting of Jews and police officers.” It notes that Farca uses the name “Adolf Hitler (((6 million)))” on an online gaming site.

Farca “returned to court [last] week to contest a restraining order that would extend a prohibition on his possession of firearms,” reports The Jewish News of Northern California.

“An emergency order that has kept guns away from Ross Farca since his June 10 arrest expires on July 1. He appeared in court with a private attorney on June 26 to protest the new order, sought by the Concord Police Department, that would continue the prohibition for a further two weeks….That new order was indeed signed by the judge and is in place until July 15, when another hearing is scheduled,” says the newspaper.

“Police reportedly found Nazi paraphernalia when Farca was arrested, as well as camouflage clothing and a sword,” says NCYI, noting that Farca was “released on bail only days after his arrest.”

“It would be incomprehensible and irresponsible to allow a person who lionizes Adolf Hitler and seeks to massacre Jews to be in possession of any sort of weaponry,” said NCYI President Farley Weiss. “After Pittsburgh and Poway, where Jews were murdered in houses of worship solely because of their religious beliefs, we need to be more vigilant than ever,” he added.

“Farca was arrested following a tip to the FBI about his online threats to commit a mass shooting and his boasts that he possessed an assault rifle, according to a court filing,” says The Jewish News of Northern California. He threatened to “exceed the number of Poway victims in an attack,” the Jewish news outlet reports.

“Wanna see a mass shooting with a body count of over 30-subhumans?” Farca wrote, according to the newspaper.

His release just days after his arrest alarmed members of the East Bay Jewish community.

“Jewish Vocational Service, based in downtown San Francisco, circulated a precautionary email with Farca’s mugshot, warning recipients to contact police if they saw him,” said The Jewish News of Northern California, adding that “one East Bay synagogue hired a professional guard for Shabbat services on June 21 and requested an increased police presence, according to a community-wide email.”

“Putting guns back in the hands of an individual such as Ross Farca, who openly and proudly wrote about his desire to kill Jews, would facilitate his evil tendencies and could result in a tragedy of immense proportions,” warned the NCYI president.

“We urge the court to do the right thing and take steps to ensure that Mr. Farca is permanently enjoined from legally possessing guns of any kind,” he added. (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com

Top Defense Officials to Join Trump in ‘Salute to America’ on July 4th

Top military brass and other officials will be in attendance for President Trump's "Salute to America" event, part of the country's July Fourth Independence Day celebration. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Top military brass and other officials will be in attendance for President Trump’s “Salute to America” event, part of the country’s July Fourth Independence Day celebration.

By: Jeff Seldin

The Defense Department on Wednesday confirmed Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford have accepted the president’s invitation for Thursday’s festivities.

Other top-ranking defense officials, including the acting undersecretary of the Army, the secretary of the Navy, the acting secretary of the Air Force, the deputy commander of the Marine Corps Development Command and the commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard will also attend.

In addition, the Defense Department said the White House has provided 5,000 tickets to the event for other military personnel and their families.

The country’s annual July Fourth celebration, which commemorates America’s declaration of independence from Britain in 1776, traditionally attracts hundreds of thousands of people to the National Mall in Washington for a celebration featuring a concert and fireworks.

This year, Trump announced the addition of the “Salute to America” event to highlight U.S. military power.

Late Tuesday, U.S. battle tanks arrived on the National Mall for the celebration that is expected to include U.S. military bands as well as flyovers by the Navy’s Blue Angels aerial exhibition team and by the plane used to transport the president, Air Force One.

Trump also plans to address the crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Traditionally, U.S. presidents have kept a low profile during the Independence Day celebrations and Trump’s critics have expressed concern that he will turn the event into a campaign-style rally as he prepares for his re-election campaign.

There have also been questions about the actual costs of adding the military hardware and troops as part of the celebration.

White House officials have countered that Trump will avoid politics and that the rally will be purely patriotic.

As for the cost, Trump tweeted Wednesday that the “will be very little compared to what it is worth.”

Since Trump took office, critics, including Democratic lawmakers in Congress, have denounced the president for using the U.S. military and military venues as political props.

Rep. Mark Takano, chairman of House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, commented on Twitter:

-Tankers parading down the street

-$2.5 million in National Park funds diverted

-Special VIP access for rich Republican donors

This spectacle is not a celebration of America and our values, it’s a shoddy ego boost for a national embarrassment of a president. https://twitter.com/MikevWUSA/status/1146207474220961794 …

Mike Valerio


NEW — @USArmy says armored vehicles WILL move through WASHINGTON TONIGHT.


Two M1 Bradley Armored Personnel Carriers.

“America’s birthday is supposed to be for all Americans and not a partisan event for particular president or particular party, which is what the president’s actions are attempting to turn it into,” said Donald Sherman, deputy director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonprofit monitoring government ethics and accountability.

VOA reached out to Republican lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee for reaction, but Anita McBride, who served in previous Republican presidential administrations, said concerns are likely overblown.

“There are more important things that need attention than changing a venue and program for the celebrations,” said McBride, now with American University’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies. “I am not opposed to any president changing the location or program for Fourth of July celebrations.” (VOA)

Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan Visits Family of Solomon Takka

ilad Erdan with family of Solomon Takka. Photo Credit Israel Police
ilad Erdan with family of Solomon Takka. Photo Credit Israel Police

Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan came to console the family of the late Solomon Takka.

Minister Erdan: “Your pain is the pain of us all.”.

Minister Erdan arrived at the home of the Takka family together with the regional commander, Brig. Gen. Peretz Amar, and together with Major General Jamal Hachorash, in order to express his sorrow and condolences for the death of the late Solomon. Minister Erdan spoke with Salomon’s parents and said: “I came in the name of the Israeli government and in my name to express condolences … Millions of citizens in the country are sharing your pain, what happened with Solomon is sad and tragic, and I hope that this will be the last case. We are one people and one family. I thank you from the bottom of your heart for your call to the public to stop the protest and express the pain in a way to avoid harm to human life. ”


ilad Erdan with family of Solomon Takka. Photo Credit Israel Police
ilad Erdan with family of Solomon Takka. Photo Credit Israel Police