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Chetrits Purchase Defaulted Bank Note for Gravesend Property

The deal was brokered by Aaron Jungreis, CEO of Rosewood Realty Group. Photo Credit: Twitter

By Ellen Cans

Isaac and Eli Chetrit are the new lenders on a Brooklyn retail property. They have purchased an $18 million defaulted bank note from Signature Bank for 1100 Kings Highways in the Gravesend neighborhood.

As reported by Crain’s NY, the investors plan to use the property as a development site. The property is now a single-story commercial building, and the site offers roughly 20,000 square feet of space, as per city records. It is not known if the Chetrits are planning to foreclose on the building; however that would be the standard acquisition method for developers who purchase discounted loans on properties. The deal was brokered by Aaron Jungreis, CEO of Rosewood Realty Group. Isaac and Eli Chetrit were not reachable for comment by Crain’s, and Jungreis, Signature Bank and AB Capstone declined to comment on the deal.

In May 2018, AB Capstone had purchased the property in partnership with a Jamaica-based limited liability company, along with 2067 Coney Island Avenue from New York REIT for $30.5 million, as per property records. The two buildings in the deal, in which AB Capstone bought a 70 percent stake and the LLC took a 30 percent share, obtained a $21.5 million mortgage from Signature Bank.

Over the last year, Isaac and Eli Chetrit have also been mentioned elsewhere in real estate news. Together with Ray Yadidi of the Sioni Group, the Chetrirs went into contract in February 2020 to sell their building at 15 W. 47th St. in the Diamond District to the ELO Organization for $115 million. Over the summer Developer Jack Elo had tried to back out, reconsidering the purchase amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Eventually, the parties had made the deal, with the ELO Organization buying the 18-story building for a discounted price of $110 million in December. The Chetrits and Yadidi, who had originally purchased the building in 2012 for $62.5 million, had listed their Diamond District properties at 15 W. 47th St. and 22 W. 48th St. for sale back in 2017, hoping to get close to $200 million for them.

Isaac and Eli Chetrit’s firm has also been busy with a development site in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, which they purchased over the summer for $15.5 million. They are working on plans to develop a 200,000-square-foot mixed-use apartment building at the site located at 2870 Ocean Avenue. Mr. Isaac Chetrit is cousin with the prominent New York developer Joseph Chetrit, who owns extensive investments across the city, but who is not connected with these transactions.

New Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered for First Time in 60 Years

The moment Israeli archaeologists found the scroll. (IAA)

Also discovered were rare coins, a 6,000 year-old mummified skeleton of a child and a large complete basket dating back 10,500 years, likely the oldest in the world.

By: WIN Staff

For the first time in approximately 60 years, archaeological excavations have uncovered fragments of a biblical scroll. The scroll, which is written in Greek, includes portions of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, including the books of Zechariah and Nahum

6,000-year-old skeleton (IAA/Clara Amit)

The verses, from Zechariah 8:16–17, were discovered in a cave where Jewish refugees hid almost 1900 years ago. They read:

“These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to one another, render true and perfect justice in your gates. And do not contrive evil against one another, and do not love perjury, because all those are things that I hate—declares the Lord.”

Also identified, on another fragment, are verses from Nahum 1:5–6:

“The mountains quake because of Him, And the hills melt. The earth heaves before Him, The world and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before His wrath? Who can resist His fury? His anger pours out like fire, and rocks are shattered because of Him.”

The verses, written on dozens of parchment fragments were discovered in a complex and challenging national-archaeological operation undertaken by the Israel Antiquities Authority on the cliffs of the Judean Desert, since 2017, in order to prevent antiquities looting.

The historic discovery comes 60 years after the last discovery of biblical scrolls in archaeological excavations.

In addition to the scroll fragments, the operation uncovered additional extraordinary finds from various periods: a cache of rare coins from the days of Bar-Kokhba, a 6,000 year-old skeleton of a child – likely female, wrapped in a cloth and mummified, and a large complete basket dating back 10,500 years, likely the oldest in the world.

Conservation of the basket at the IAA labs Jerusalem. (IAA/Yaniv Berman)

The cave where they were found, roughly 80 meters below the cliff top, is flanked by gorges and can only be reached by rappelling precariously down the sheer cliff.

Additional finds left behind by the Jewish rebels who fled to the caves at the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt include arrow- and spear-heads, woven fabric, sandals and even lice combs.

Ever since the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered over 70 years ago, the desert caves have been targeted by antiquities looters. The climatic conditions inside the caves have enabled the exceptional preservation of scrolls and ancient documents, which are cultural heritage assets of immense importance. As such, they are sought after by cave looters, who risk life and limb in their search, as well as damaging the caves and destroying historical evidence.

“The aim of this national initiative is to rescue these rare and important heritage assets from the robbers’ clutches,” says Israel Antiquities Authority’s director Israel Hasson, who launched the national operation.

“The newly discovered scroll fragments are a wakeup call to the state. Resources must be allocated for the completion of this historically important operation. We must ensure that we recover all the data that has not yet been discovered in the caves, before the robbers do. Some things are beyond value,” Hasson adds.

Another astounding discovery was that of the 6,000-year-old partially mummified skeleton of a child, found in what has been dubbed the Cave of Horror. The child, 6-12 years old, is wrapped in cloth. Skin, tendons and even hair were partially preserved.

According to prehistorian Ronit Lupu of the Israel Antiquities Authority, “On moving two flat stones, we discovered a shallow pit intentionally dug beneath them, containing a skeleton of a child placed in a fetal position. It was covered with a cloth around its head and chest, like a small blanket, with its feet protruding from it. It was obvious that whoever buried the child had wrapped him up and pushed the edges of the cloth beneath him, just as a parent covers his child in a blanket.”

Also discovered was a huge intact basket with a lid that was also exceptionally well preserved due to the high temperatures and extreme aridity of the region. The basket dates to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, approximately 10,500 years ago.

The Scrolls fragments before conservation in the IAA Lab (IAA/Shai Halevi)

Israeli archaeologists say it’s the oldest basket in the world that has been found completely intact and its importance is therefore immense. The basket had a capacity of 90–100 liters and was apparently used for storage. The basket provides fascinating new data on the storage of products some 1,000 years before the invention of pottery.

The basket is woven from plant material and its method of weaving is unusual. When it was found it was empty, and only future research of a small amount of soil remaining inside it will help us discover what it was used for and what was placed in it.

Arab Mayor Warns Gang Violence Will Reach Jews: ‘Trickle of Bloodshed Will Become Flood’

Arab-Israeli citizens protest the recent violence in Arab towns, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Feb. 6, 2021 (Flash90/Avshalom Sassoni)

“The trickle [of bloodshed] into the Jewish towns will become a flood,” said Muda Younes, mayor of Arara.

By: Lauren Marcus

On the heels of the 24th murder in Israel of an Arab citizen in 2021, the head of the National Union of Arab Municipalities is warning that the violence will eventually spill over into Jewish communities.

Mudar Younes, who is also the mayor of Arara, told journalists that while the violence is mostly contained within Arab localities for now, “the trickle [of bloodshed] into the Jewish towns will become a flood.”

“We live in real fear in our society, of the criminals, of weapons, of violence, a constant, unrelenting fear, and we cannot cope alone,” he said. “This is a problem for the country as a whole, and it is not staying within the boundaries of the Arab municipalities.”

Speaking during an event sponsored by the Givat Haviva Center for a Shared Society, Younes explained that Arab communities have reached a breaking point. Many Arab cities and towns are controlled by organized crime families or clan-based gangs, who issue death threats to anyone encroaching on their financial territory.

The influence of the gangs has penetrated local governments, with legitimate business people, such as contractors, forced to either pay-to-play or withdraw tenders for municipal projects.

According to Younes, there are some 500,000 illegally obtained weapons in the Arab community, most of which are assault rifles stolen from IDF bases. Because Israel has about 2 million Arab citizens, this means a ratio of about 1 gun for every 4 residents.

He brought up last week’s violent attack on Ashraf Khatib, the director-general of the Arab city of Qalansawe, as an example of how far out of control the violence has spiraled.

In an ambush-style attack, Khatib’s car was sprayed with bullets. The municipal worker was shot several times and is currently in a coma in a Petach Tikva hospital.

“I don’t even know why, what annoyed whoever opened fire,” said Younes. “But that’s the reality. When there’s criticism or anger directed at the local authority, it very quickly comes to violence and weapons.”

Despite making up just 20% of the Jewish State’s population, Arabs account for almost 70% of Israel’s homicide victims.

In a 2019 poll, 60.5% of Arab Israelis said they felt unsafe in their hometowns because of violence.

Last year saw 96 Arab Israelis murdered, the highest number on record.

(World Israel News)

Read more at: www.worldisraelnews.com

IDF General: Next War Will Bring 2,000 Missiles a Day on Israel

Home Front Commander Gen. Uri Gordin gave a dire warning during an address at the B’Sheva Conference in Jerusalem on Monday regarding the threat awaiting Israel in the next war. (Flash90/Yonatan Sindel)

The IDF’s Home Front commander says Israel’s citizenry will be the target in a future war.

By: David Isaac

Home Front Commander Gen. Uri Gordin gave a dire warning during an address at the B’Sheva Conference in Jerusalem on Monday regarding the threat awaiting Israel in the next war.

“In the next war the State of Israel is expected to absorb about 2,000 missiles and rockets that will be launched at it every day and will challenge all military and civilian systems alike,” Gordin said.

Israel faces missile threats on multiple fronts. In Lebanon, there are an estimated 150,000 missiles controlled by Hezbollah. The terror group is engaged in an ongoing effort to make its arsenal more precise.

Hamas is also working to build up its missile arsenal and routinely launches rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip.

In Iran, which has repeatedly threatened to bomb Israel out of existence, a new “missile city” was just announced. It also has started enriching uranium, a key ingredient in nuclear weapons.

Gordin, who assumed his command in 2020, said that the missile option is one Israel’s enemies will turn to because they can’t beat Israel on the battlefield.

“Therefore, they are trying to transfer the battle to the second front, which is our home – physical damage to cities, towns and villages and damage to our spirit through psychological warfare. They must understand that even on the house front they will meet a determined and cohesive iron fist,” Gordin said.

Gordin has addressed the danger from missiles before. In a Maariv interview in Sept. 2020, he said Hezbollah has “created a powerful threat to Israel in the field of rockets and missiles… This is a rocket quantity that no country in Europe has, and these are very significant capabilities that will meet us if war breaks out.”

“There is no doubt that if a war breaks out, the Home Front will be very involved in it, because that is what our enemies have chosen,” Gordin told Maariv.

“This is worrying, so we take a lot of action, some of it in the area of ​​protection. We have many defensive programs, some launched, some less so.”

In another development, TPS reported that in 2020, there was a 58% rise in gun accidents in the IDF, or “accidental discharges” as they are called, reports Channel 20’s Hillel Bitton Rosen, who examined the data and revealed his findings on Monday.

There have been a number of high-profile accidents in recent years, in some cases with soldiers playing games with their weapons, leading to serious injury and death.

In one incident that made headlines in March 2018, a soldier in an elite unit pointed a loaded gun at his friend and accidentally killed him in a game. The soldier, who was part of the Duvdevan unit, told investigators, “We practiced drawing a gun in a room on-base, as is common in the unit. He’s my best friend and I didn’t know it was loaded.”


Knesset Member about to Become First Billionaire in Israel’s Parliament

Former Jerusalem Mayor and current Likud MK Nir Barkat is set to become the Knesset’s first ever billionaire. (Flash90)

The IPO is set to earn Barkat billions of dollars.

By: Lauren Marcus

Former Jerusalem Mayor and current Likud MK Nir Barkat is set to become the Knesset’s first ever billionaire, as a company in which he is a major investor gears up for a giant initial public offering (IPO).

Barkat and his brother, Eli, are the brains behind the BRM Investment Fund. Together, they own 10% of FinTech company eToro, which is publicly valued at $10 billion and is preparing for a NASDAQ debut in the coming weeks.

According to Calcalist, the IPO will earn Barkat, who also owns shares in eToro as an independent investor, and his fund billions of dollars.

But this wouldn’t be the first time that Barkat cashes in from a high-tech company exit. He was a founder and major investor in Check Point Technologies, a cyber security software company which is valued at $14 billion.

His fund also counts transportation app Moovit in its portfolio. Intel recently acquired Moovit for $1 billion.

A former venture capitalist, Barkat’s current net worth is estimated at several hundred million dollars. He is the only member of Knesset who does not accept a salary from the state, and does not request reimbursements for expenses incurred while serving in the government.

Barkat has previously expressed his intention to become prime minister one day. Citing the fact that he is a marathon runner, he said he had the patience to wait out Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political career.

“The day after he leaves, I will know how to run and win in the Likud and get the public’s trust to be prime minister,” he told Channel 12 in a June 2020 interview.

During a June 2018 visit, Britain’s Prince William extended an invitation to meet with Barkat at the British Ambassador’s residence in Ramat Gan, which the then-Jerusalem mayor turned down.

Reportedly, the British government feared that a meeting between the monarch and the Jerusalem mayor in the Jewish State’s capital city would lead to international backlash.

Rather than agree to meet Prince William in the Tel Aviv suburb, Barkat refused to meet him at all. Barkat’s aides told Hebrew media that he skipped the Ramat Gan meeting “out of respect for Jerusalem.”

            (World Israel News)

Read more at: www.worldisraelnews.com

Tel Aviv Hospital Closes Last Corona Ward

Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv announced Monday that it has closed its last active ward treating Coronavirus (COVID-19) patients, following the current decline of the pandemic in Israel. Photo by Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS on 4 October, 2020

By: Aryeh Savir

Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv announced Monday that it has closed its last active ward treating Coronavirus (COVID-19) patients, following the current decline of the pandemic in Israel.

The last 18 Corona patients hospitalized in Ichilov, the main hospital complex serving Tel Aviv and its metropolitan area, were moved to a designated compound.

In another ease of the COVID-19 related restrictions in Israel, the Cabinet approved on Sunday night field trips for youth movements in open areas and overnight field trips for grades 11 and 12 and post-secondary boarding schools in which at least 90% of pupils have been vaccinated.

The Cabinet also approved opening Israel’s skies to flights from any destination.

The operator of the airport will be restricted in the allocation of slots for arriving flights in accordance with the daily quota of 3,000 entries in total, the social distancing rules and the carrying out of tests at the airport.

The improvement in Israel’s situation vis-à-vis the Coronavirus is attributed to its success to rapidly vaccinate its population.

When asked about returning to a completely normal routine, Israel’s Corona czar Prof. Nachman Ash told Ynet News that “the closest thing to that will happen when we can achieve herd immunity, at least seven million vaccinated. That means children will also need to be vaccinated. I hope that will happen in the summer. We are waiting for the results of Pfizer’s research on the subject.”

The Ministry of Health updated Monday that it documented 1,339 new COVID-19 cases over the past day.

Of the 56,929 tests done over the past day, 2.4% returned positive.

627 of the patients hospitalized with Corona are in serious condition, 212 of them are on life support. The numbers here have been steadily dropping.

Over 5,165,000 Israelis have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, some 55.55% of the population, and over 4.2 million Israelis – about 45% – have received the second dose.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu estimated this week that by the end of April the entire adult population in Israel will be vaccinated.

However, Israel marked a grim milestone on Monday when it counted 6,025 who Israelis have died of the virus.

In a somewhat related development, an interfaith event was held at the Kotel, Western Wall, this weekend, led by Christian and Baha’i clerics and representatives of the Jewish community from Spain and Israel.

As part of the event, the representatives offered prayers to end the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, to heal the inhabitants of the world, and to restore order to life.

The event was held at the initiative of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism’s representation in Spain.

The initiative began in Spain, where believers of the various religions conveyed written prayers to their representatives in Israel to be placed in the Western Wall.


Kosovo Opens Israeli Embassy in Jerusalem

Kadri Veseli, leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), speaks during a press conference in Pristina, Kosovo. Photo Credit: (AP Photo/Zenel Zhinipotoku)

By: Zenel Zhinipotoku & Llazar Semini

Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry said on Sunday it has formally opened its embassy to Israel in the disputed city of Jerusalem.

A statement said the move was made after the establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel on Feb. 1 and a Kosovo-Serbia summit held at the White House in September.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora announces that the Kosovo Embassy in the State of Israel, with headquarters in Jerusalem, officially has been opened,” said the statement.

Palestinians claim east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war and later annexed, as the capital of a future state.

Most of the international community doesn’t recognize the Israeli annexation of east Jerusalem and says the competing claims to the city should be resolved through negotiations. Most international embassies are in Tel Aviv.

Kosovo becomes the first European country and Muslim-majority one to establish its embassy in Jerusalem, following the U.S. and Guatemala.

Kosovo’s decision was taken when outgoing Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti met with Serb President Aleksandar Vucic at the White House in September with then-President Donald Trump.

“Setting of the plaques and the state flag at the Kosovo Embassy in Israel reflects the Government of Kosovo’s commitment to comply with the pledge for establishing the diplomatic mission to Jerusalem,” it said.

The new embassy is situated in downtown Jerusalem in the western part of the city. There was no opening ceremony, and Kosovo said it didn’t send a delegation to inaugurate the embassy because of coronavirus restrictions.

With Sunday’s announcement, Kosovo becomes the third country with an embassy in the holy city. The U.S., under President Donald Trump, was the first country to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, followed by Guatemala.

Several other countries have either opened or pledged to open lower-level diplomatic offices in the city, including a mission opened last week by the Czech Republic.

Albin Kurti, Kosovo’s prime minister-designate, has found himself in a difficult diplomatic position before taking up his post after pressure from Turkey, a close ally of the new Western Balkan country to change its mind about the Jerusalem location.

Kurti has said that “the place where the embassy will be located is to be considered following checking of the documentation of the outgoing government.”

Kosovo’s acting foreign minister, Besnik Tahiri, said that opening the embassy in Jerusalem isn’t connected to the change of Cabinet, adding that “it is clear for all the parties that the recognition of the state of Israel and the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem is one of the most important events during the recent years,” according to a statement.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Kosovo that the move could damage future relations with his country.

Palestinians claim east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed, as the capital of a future state. Most of the international community doesn’t recognize the Israeli annexation of east Jerusalem and says the competing claims to the city should be resolved through negotiations.


Largest Pro-Israel Group in US Launches Ads Against Biden Pentagon Pick

A prominent pro-Israel group is launching a targeted ad campaign calling on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W. Va.) to oppose Pentagon nominee Colin Kahl, citing Kahl’s “antagonism” toward Israel and “disturbing” positions on Iran. Photo Credit: Wikipedia.com

Christians United for Israel calls on Joe Manchin to Oppose Colin Kahl

By: Alana Goodman

A prominent pro-Israel group is launching a targeted ad campaign calling on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W. Va.) to oppose Pentagon nominee Colin Kahl, citing Kahl’s “antagonism” toward Israel and “disturbing” positions on Iran.

The series of ads will run in six West Virginia newspapers early next week, ahead of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s vote on Kahl’s nomination for undersecretary of defense for policy, which is expected to take place on Tuesday. Manchin has said he is still undecided and is likely to hold the swing vote on the committee.

The ads feature a statement by Pastor Doug Joseph, Christians United for Israel’s state director for West Virginia, describing Kahl as an “antagonistic anti-Israel voice” and asking constituents to call Manchin’s office and voice their opposition.

The ad campaign comes as a number of Republicans have come out strongly against Kahl, due to his positions on Israel and Iran, as well as his inflammatory Twitter comments. Kahl has referred to the GOP as the “party of ethnic cleansing” and a “clown show,” and approvingly linked to an anti-Israel blog that claimed the “Israel lobby” was trying to start a war between the United States and Iran.

“Kahl’s nomination may well hinge on one vote. And that vote will very likely be our state’s own Sen. Joe Manchin,” wrote Joseph. “Given his West Virginia values and common-sense approach to the Middle East, I am hopeful he’ll make the right decision and decline to support such a misguided nomination.”

“The stakes are high. I have every confidence that Sen. Manchin is disturbed by Kahl’s record on Israel because, like the majority of West Virginians, the senator has Israel in his heart,” he added.

Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel advocacy group in the country and has over 77,000 members in West Virginia, according to a spokesman.

“Kahl’s hostility toward Israel is beyond unconventional. It’s outlandish,” says Joseph in the ad. “While serving in the Obama administration, he led an effort to strip recognition of Israel’s true capital of Jerusalem from the Democratic party’s platform.”

“Kahl’s disqualifying positions are not limited to his antagonism toward Israel. He has held numerous positions concerning Iran that call his judgment into question,” the ad continues. “Among the most disturbing was his opposition to America’s designation of Iran’s ruthless Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.”

Sen. Manchin did not respond to a request for comment.

The ads will run in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, the Herald Dispatch, the Register Herald, the Bluefield Daily Telegraph, the Times West Virginian (Fairmont) and the Parkersburg News & Sentinel, according to CUFI.

“Colin Kahl is unfit to serve,” said CUFI founder and chairman Pastor John Hagee in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon. “His fringe pro-Iran, anti-Israel views would imperil the national security interests of the United States. The people of West Virginia are communicating with Sen. Manchin’s office and we believe it is incumbent upon the Senator to hear what his constituents are saying and oppose this nomination.”


Are Trump & Biden Unwitting Allies in Forging Israeli-Arab Alliance?

A man wears a mask bearing the national flags of America, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Aug. 31, 2020. (AP/Nir Elias)

Lebanese reporter explains the reasons Arab countries are now dealing with Israel, calling the Jewish state “the Arab world’s new soft power.”

By: Paul Shindman

“Even though the Saudis have not yet signed a treaty, they are firmly on board the anti-Iran wagon,” Vohra noted, adding that officially, the Saudi government denies it conducts any business with Israel, “but behind closed doors, cooperation between the Israelis and several Gulf nations is thriving.”

Now, with President Joe Biden working to rejoin the nuclear deal, the result Vohra says, is also to strengthen Israel-Arab state ties – “a once-unthinkable alliance” – for the same reason that Obama’s policies did. Those ties express themselves through “soft” channels, including strategic, technological, and business cooperation.

“Just last month, Israel called for the formation of a defense alliance with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain, with Iran in its sights. It signed various deals with the UAE, the second-largest economy in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia, in tourism, health, agriculture, and the water sector. According to an initial estimate, bilateral trade between Israel and the UAE is expected to increase from $300,000 to $500 million a year.”

After years of cold peace with its neighbor to the west, Israel is also enhancing ties with Egypt. A senior Egyptian minister visited Israel recently, she notes, and it was agreed to run a natural gas pipeline to Egypt from Israel’s offshore Leviathan field.

It’s not just Israel driving the change. It’s also coming as well from the Arab business sector.

“Israel is enhancing strategic cooperation by creating lobbies with a vested interest in the relationship through feel-good business ties,” Vohra noted. “Business constituencies increase the stake in peace and reduce the chances of a conflict. Israel understands that and hopes that instead of being seen as a ‘war nation,’ as has been the case, it can prove its worth as an ally — and not just against Iran.”

Vohra writes that an additional reason for cooperation is the Arab world’s “general fatigue” in dealing with the Palestinians, noting that there is resistance to being “held hostage to the Palestinian issue” while Arab countries see relations with Israel as essential to diversifying their economies.

With Biden combining his drive to restore relations with Iran together with renewed animosity towards Saudi Arabia over its human rights record and the war in Yemen, the Arabs are finding still more common cause with Israel.

“Tense relations between Washington and Riyadh are leading to a new quartet — Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain. We might see them get closer whilst Biden runs the White House,” Yoel Guzansky, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv told Foreign Policy.

“Despite the challenges, Israel’s relationship with the Saudi and Emirati bloc seems to be on the up and up. And as they present a united front against Iran, Biden’s attempt to rejoin the nuclear deal will only become harder,” Vohra concluded.

(World Israel News)

Read more at: www.worldisraelnews.com

Israel Develops World’s First Laser and GPS Guided Mortar Munition

Israel unveiled on Sunday the “Iron Sting,” a networked precision fire system, a mortar munition that employs laser and GPS to engage targets accurately and prevent collateral damage. Photo by Hillel Maeir/TPS on 26 October, 2017


Israel unveiled on Sunday the “Iron Sting,” a networked precision fire system, a mortar munition that employs laser and GPS to engage targets accurately and prevent collateral damage.

The Iron Sting is designed to engage targets precisely, in both open terrains and urban environments, while reducing the possibility of collateral damage and preventing injury to non-combatants.

Its operational use will revolutionize ground warfare and equip battalions with organic, accurate and effective firepower.

The 120 mm mortar has recently undergone final trials in a testing site in southern Israel. The completion of testing enables the start of serial production ahead of the system’s supply to the IDF.

The series of tests was carried out using two networked “Cardom” mortar systems developed by Elbit, one mounted on an M113 APC and a “Cardom Spear” mounted on a Hummer.

Head of Research and Development in Directorate of Defense R&D in the Israel Ministry of Defense, Brig. Gen. Yaniv Rotem stated that “10 years of research and development have led us to this moment when we can provide the IDF’s ground forces with advanced capabilities made for the modern battlefield.”

“This laser and GPS- guided mortar munition provides troops with a precise firing capability that has only been implemented in missiles and air munition thus far. This is a very complex program and a groundbreaking system on the international level,” he noted.

Head of the Weapons Department in the IDF’s Ground Forces, Col. Arik Avivi said that the precise guided mortar munition is “groundbreaking for IDF battalions, equipping them with accurate and organic firepower. This capability has so far been reserved for large and complex missiles. Thanks to this impressive technological development, it will now be implemented in mortar munitions on a wide scale.”

General Manager of Elbit Systems Land Division, Yehuda Vered explained that “the introduction of this laser and GPS guided munition transforms the mortar system from a statistical firepower into a precision fire system, thus delivering a significant change in fire capabilities at the tactical level.”

“We believe that we have been able to develop an efficient solution that enables to increase precision and reduce collateral damage,” he added.

Defense Minister, Benny Gantz said that the technology “changes the battlefield and provides our forces with more accurate and effective means. It fulfills the IDF’s needs, adapting combat capabilities to contend with enemies hidden within civilian, urban environments, while meeting the legal and moral standards set by the State of Israel.”


Israeli and US Navies Conduct Joint Patrol in Mediterranean

The Israeli and US Navies conducted a joint security patrol in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday, another shared show of force in the region. Photo by US Navy on 15 March, 2021


The Israeli and US Navies conducted a joint security patrol in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday, another shared show of force in the region.

The Sixth Fleet’s Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey (CG-61) joined forces with two Israeli Sa’ar 4.5 frigates.

During the patrol, which served as another opportunity for cooperation between the IDF’s naval arm and the US Navy, mutual staff exchanges took place between the vessels for the purpose of learning and a cross-deck meeting of commanding officers.

The joint patrol is “another example of our strategic cooperation and reflects our shared efforts to maintain security and stability in the region,” the IDF stated.

“The joint patrols enhanced interoperability between the maritime nations through communication and command and control scenarios between the two nations, the US Navy stated.

“This is such a great opportunity because we always learn from each other and the crew and I are excited to be here!” said US Navy Capt. Joe Baggett, USS Monterey commanding officer. “We share a common purpose – increase the security and stability in the region to achieve prosperity through enduring partnerships.”

“The Israeli Navy, alongside our American counterparts, undertook a successful patrol to ensure the safety and security of Israel’s maritime borders. The Israeli Navy will continue to operate across all theaters to secure the safety of our citizens and the integrity of our sovereignty,” said IDF Navy Commander Baruch Haviv.

The U.S. and Israeli navies collaborate on a number of military exercises throughout the Mediterranean, including the recent Noble Dina, Noble Melinda, and Juniper Cobra exercise serials.

“Regional security and stability are directly linked to enhanced cooperation, understanding and collaboration with our partners,” said Baggett. “Through operations and training such as this, US and IDF enhance existing cooperative relationships and take great strides in safeguarding the region’s vital link to the global economy.”

This joint show of force took place just a week after Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jets escorted two American B-52 bombers through Israeli airspace.

“This flight is part of the joint strategic cooperation with US forces, which is pivotal in maintaining the security of Israeli and Middle Eastern skies,” the IDF stated.

In an unrelated development, it was reported by TPS that IDF forces were successful in thwarting a firebomb terror attack on the community of Beit El on Monday night.

The IDF stated its forces identified three terrorists who threw Molotov cocktails at the houses of the Beit El.

IDF troops who were in an ambush in the area carried out an arrest procedure, which included firing at the terrorists. Two of the terrorists were hit. There have recently been several firebomb attacks on Israeli homes in the area.


Settling Political Account, Abbas Stops Funding for Yasser Arafat Foundation

Payments to the Yasser Arafat Fund were suspended at the behest of Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas, apparently another settling of political scores. Photo by Majdi Fathi/TPS on 11 February, 2020

By: Baruch Yedid

Payments to the Yasser Arafat Fund were suspended at the behest of Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas, apparently another settling of political scores.

In a letter received from the Palestinian National Fund, PA Finance Minister Shukri Bishara instructed Ramzi Khuri, the director-general of the Palestinian National Fund, to stop transferring money to the Yasser Arafat Fund.

Khuri replied to Bishara in a paper in which he announced that the order had been accepted by the National Fund and that all transfers of funds had been stopped.

The PNF is responsible for managing financial aid coming from a variety of sources, including funds from Arab states, contributions from wealthy Palestinians, and a “liberation tax” levied on Palestinians working in Arab countries.

TPS learned from sources in the Palestinian National Fund that so far the Arafat Foundation has enjoyed a total of $ 100,000 a month and the funds have been used for activities to preserve Yasser Arafat’s legacy.

“Abbas’ decision is intended to politically eliminate Nasser Qudwa, the foundation’s chairman and nephew of Arafat,” said a source in the National Fund. Qudwa was ousted from the Fatah Central Committee last week, in a move that caused a stir in Fatah and the Palestinian Authority, due to his intention to establish an electoral list separate from that headed by Abbas.

The Arafat Foundation is an independent, non-profit institution, established by a presidential decree in 2007 with the aim of preserving the “Arafat heritage” and perpetuating his memory. The fund conducts philanthropic activities and supports social enterprises, but a source in the National Fund said that the Foundation also funds political activities abroad, for the PLO and the PA.

The chairman of the fund is Nasser Qudwa, a member of the Arafat family, and alongside him in various positions are also the Palestinian capital tycoon, Munib al-Masri, Intisar al-Wazir, the wife of a senior Fatah figure killed in Tunis, and former PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah.

Meanwhile, Qudwa is completing the establishment of the National Democratic Forum, which includes members of the public, and those who are considered supporters of another ousted Fatah member, Muhammad Dahlan.

Abbas’ entourage is very worried about the formation of a coalition in which Qudwa and Dahlan will cooperate, as well as Marwan Barghouti, and a group of figures brought together by Salam Fayyad, the former prime minister of the PA.


NYC’s New Schools Chancellor Spells Trouble

Meisha Ross Porter, a veteran education department official, will be the first Black woman to lead New York City schools. Courtesy of the New York City Department of Education

Meisha Ross Porter is the newly appointed, by Mayor DeBlasio, Chancellor of the New York City Public School System (DOE). She will oversee the educations of over 1.1 million current students and manage a budget of over 34 billion dollars. So, what exactly are her leadership, business or success experiences to qualify her for such mammoth responsibilities? In our eyes, zilch, none. Her black-racial and political clout together with the current sprint to achieve “equity” at the expense of “quality” are the reasons why she will soon be raking in nearly $400,000 yearly in her newly acquired position.

Her work experience in the classroom, to actually face kids, to teach them, to learn about their needs as students, to work and share with teachers, was minimal to say the least. She spent merely 1 1/2 years in the classroom before being promoted to supervisor. And this without a permanent teaching license, leading many fellow educators to question her ability to do justice to the kids for whose futures she’ll be responsible. We’d love for Ms. Porter to show proof of passing exams for teacher or supervisor in the system or for the classroom write-ups, by her supervisors, indicating her teaching abilities while in front of kids. According to the New York Post, quoting a skeptical Brooklyn principal, “How is she qualified to be a chancellor? Under the current guidelines, she couldn’t even become a principal, given her lack of experience. She was a super fast track.”

Porter’s 2019 birthday/job promotion extravaganza at a flashy Bronx nite-spot also raises questions about her financial wisdom. The lavish $45,000, 400 guest, $111 per person shell-out affair raised the eyebrows of many who questioned her sense of propriety as a community leader in a low income community. She’s a queen in her own eyes. But more troubling are her goals to work along racial lines, to focus on racism as the obstacle to learning. Porter once told a Fordham University audience that she is motivated by the drive to “disrupt and dismantle systemic racism.” And she is burdened by two separate lawsuits that accuse her of creating a hostile work environment in her former job, one for an older white, Jewish educator and one for an Afro-Latina superintendent. Rafaela Espinal, said she was fired without explanation after repeatedly refusing to do the “Wakanda Forever” salute, a “black power and black solidarity” gesture. Will students have to perform this rite each morning in class?

Ms. Porter, in her new role, will surely try to dismantle the selection process for admission to the top high schools in the city: Stuyvesant, Bronx High School of Science and Brooklyn Tech. Her quote: “The reality is segregation exists, and I’m not going to shy away from the importance of really looking at inequities around admissions processes.” That surely means that there will be a quota system for entry into these top notch schools which will signal their demise as such. Perhaps there will also be an “equity” solution to our schools’ sports programs with the doing away with the competition requirements that now have only the best, most qualified, talented kids selected to represent their schools in track, football, basketball and whatever on the fields, courts and tracks. We’ll wait and see if Chancellor Porter has her eyes on qualifications in all areas. Don’t hold your breath. Right now, her appointment to lead the already crumbling NYC school system has many parents scrambling, searching for private schools to educate their kids.

Watch Out for The Snake, Erdogan!

Erdogan wants to destroy the good and still growing friendly relationships Israel and Egypt now have with Greece and Cyprus, age-old Christian enemies of Islamist Turkey. Photo Credit: AP

You cannot tame a snake to become a friendly, household pet. That creature never changes, always retaining its determined serpent-like deadliness. That’s a good way of describing Turkey’s current Islamist dictator for life, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Yet, he’s attempting an abrupt about face and reaching out for a better relationship with Israel, Egypt and the other partners of the recent Abraham Accords. Watch out for the slimy guy. He’s a fake-out. Turkey, going back a few years, although 98% Muslim, was then a strong friend of Israel. Its Jewish citizens, going back to the 4th century BCE were one of the first settlers in Byzantium. But Erdogan, an ardent defender of the Palestinian cause and huge critic of Israel, just last September addressing the UN, damned Israel for extending its “dirty hand” over Jerusalem and did not hold back on his punches when he stated, “The order of occupation and oppression in Palestine (by Israel), which is the bleeding wound of humanity, continues to hurt consciences.” And now he wants “reconciliation” with Israel and its new found Arab allies? Fuggedaboudit! He’s lying through his teeth.

The reason for this sudden 90 degree turn? Erdogan wants to destroy the good and still growing friendly relationships Israel and Egypt now have with Greece and Cyprus, age-old Christian enemies of Islamist Turkey. Erdogan and his cohorts also want to torpedo the current negotiations among Israel, Cyprus and Greece for the creation of a mammoth gas pipeline deal that would strengthen those three nations immensely. The Aphrodite Field, located in the Mediterranean Sea between Cyprus and Israel is immense and Turkey would like to somehow slow that creative process down with its fake “love-fest’ with Israel. The former Ottoman Empire, now a shell of its former self, has boxed its way into a corner with the regional democracies if has openly hated and threatened for years. He is not trusted by any of them. They are no dopes.

Turkey is also spreading lies of its new “friendships” in the region to stop the jelling of good will among Israel, Arabia and the UAE. Turkey belatedly understands that its own attacks on the states of the region have forced a unity among them to stand up to Ankara. Its goal was to drive a wedge between Israel and Greece, to isolate them and the other Gulf states to force them to work with Turkey on its own terms. Their plans have backfired. Now Erdogan, who despises the nations of Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia and Israel, now wants to make nice to them to steer them away from their new found process of “strength through unity” and destroy them, one by one. He has, thank goodness, failed. Under President Trump, these nations have found there is more to be gained by friendship with one another and Israel, rather than hostility. We hope and pray that Mr. Erdogan will soon be toppled from his seat as leader of Turkey and a modern Mustafa Ataturk, that republic’s first President, replaces its current dictator and again brings peace and unity to that troubled region. That bad neighborhood may be in for a complete renovation!

Letters to the Editor


Voter Fraud in the State of Georgia

Dear Editor:

The Washington Post just issued a correction as to the contents of the incorrectly reported phone call I had with respect to voter fraud in the Great State of Georgia. While I appreciate the Washington Post’s correction, which immediately makes the Georgia Witch Hunt a non-story, the original story was a Hoax, right from the very beginning. I would further appreciate a strong investigation into Fulton County, Georgia, and the Stacey Abrams political machine which, I believe, would totally change the course of the presidential election in Georgia.

Fulton County has not been properly audited for vote or signature verification. They only looked at areas of the State where there most likely would be few problems, and even there they found large numbers of mistakes. We are seeking to find and reveal the large-scale election fraud which took place in Georgia. Many residents agree, and their anger caused them not to turn out and vote for two Republican Senators in the January election.

The Consent Decree signed between Raffensperger and Stacey Abrams was not approved by the Georgia State Legislature, and therefore should be deemed invalid, and the election result changed. Why the Governor and Raffensperger ever approved this Consent Decree is one of the great questions? We look forward to an answer.

You will notice that establishment media errors, omissions, mistakes, and outright lies always slant one way—against me and against Republicans. Meanwhile, stories that hurt Democrats or undermine their narratives are buried, ignored, or delayed until they can do the least harm—for example, after an election is over. Look no further than the negative coverage of the vaccine that preceded the election and the overdue celebration of the vaccine once the election had concluded. A strong democracy requires a fair and honest press. This latest media travesty underscores that legacy media outlets should be regarded as political entities—not journalistic enterprises. In any event, I thank the Washington Post for the correction.

Donald J Trump, 45th President of the US


The Threat of Iran Grows

Dear Editor:

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps inaugurated a new underground facility designated for missile storage, Iranian state TV reported Monday.

The report quotes IRGC commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami as saying that cruise and ballistic missiles would make Iran’s navy even more powerful. The TV report showed footage of dozens of missiles in an enclosed space resembling an underground corridor. It did not say where the facility was located nor how many missiles were stored there.

Since 2011, Iran has boasted maintaining underground facilities across the country as well as along its southern coast near the strategic Strait of Hormuz. Iran claims to have missiles that can travel 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles), placing much of the Middle East, including Israel, within range.

We remain confident in the readiness and preparation of the IDF. It continues to undergo training to assess and guard against any threats to the country’s safety and Sovereignty.


Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) Staff


Hiring Licensed Landscapers

Dear Editor:

With spring weather around the corner, many residents may be looking to hire a landscaper to care for their yard. For your own protection, Oyster Bay Town Clerk Richard LaMarca reminds residents to only hire Town-licensed and insured landscapers.

“The Town has a local law mandating that all persons, companies or corporations doing landscaping for hire in the Town of Oyster Bay be licensed by the Town,” said Town Clerk LaMarca. “Residents can identify a Town-licensed landscaper by the identification decal affixed to the driver’s side door of each vehicle and to the left rear bumper of any trailer used in the course of business. They are also required to carry the license or a photocopy signed by the licensee at all times.”

Town Clerk LaMarca noted that the law provides several other regulations. These include restricting landscapers to working Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays. Also, landscapers are prohibited from blowing debris into a street or any public property without removing or cleaning it up immediately thereafter. In addition, landscapers are required to use a drop cloth or other device designed to collect spillage when refilling oil or gas tanks on equipment.

“The landscaping field has always attracted unlicensed individuals who are often not familiar with Town regulations,” Town Clerk LaMarca said. “Whether you are looking for a landscaper to simply cut the grass and trim the shrubbery or to install the landscape of your dreams, hiring a Town-licensed landscaper is the best form of protection. The Town checks to ensure they are properly licenses, have all insurances and that their vehicles are properly registered. The Town of Oyster Bay license assures that the contractor is accountable and that the Town is there for you should you have a problem.”

Residents who witness an unlicensed landscaper operating or in violation of Town Code can contact the Town’s Department of Public Safety at (516) 677-5350.

Town of Oyster Bay

Biden Can Trigger a Regional War by Reviving the Nuclear Deal

Then-US vice president Joe Biden, right, offers his condolences to Prince Salman bin Abdel-Aziz upon the death of on his brother Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, at Prince Sultan palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 27, 2011 . (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)

By: Majid Rafizadeh

The Biden administration, deep down, unfortunately seems to wish to forge ahead with its agenda to revive the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — also known as the Iran nuclear deal, which, incidentally, Iran never signed — and subsequently to lift sanctions against Tehran.

The Biden administration also seems to be conflicted about reversing the course of the previous administration’s “maximum pressure” policy of economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic. The US had reportedly authorized South Korea to release $7 billion in frozen assets to Iran, until, on March 10, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged South Korea not to release the funds until Iran had agreed to return to full compliance with the JCPOA. Unofficial meetings between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 (China, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, plus Germany) seem to be on the way to resurrect the nuclear deal, in spite of major opposition from many regional powers, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as US Senators Jim Risch, Marco Rubio and Jim Inhofe.

Governments in the Middle East have a valid reason to be concerned about the nuclear deal. They have already witnessed its negative consequences. President Barack Obama had pledged that he was “confident” the deal would “meet the national security needs of the United States and our allies”. Throughout that time, the Obama administration not only initiated and expanded appeasement policies, they made unprecedented concessions in an attempt to dissuade the ruling mullahs from their internal and external aggression. The US met them with generosity and flexibility every step of the way.

Soon after, however, many countries in the region – as well as US citizens — felt betrayed. It became clear that the nuclear deal had entirely overlooked Iran’s funding of its violent proxies, such as Hezbollah, which took over Lebanon, Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the Houthis in Yemen, as well as Iran’s expansion of influence over large swaths of South America. This would have not been the outcome if Israel and other regional powers had been part of the negotiations.

The composition of the current negotiating team, similar to the previous one, completely excludes those on Iran’s doorstep. In an approach reminiscent of the bygone colonial era, it remains a policy set by governments thousands of miles away.

Worse, after the JCPOA agreement was sealed, the regional powers came to witness first-hand the impact of this nuclear deal. As sanctions against Iran were lifted during the Obama administration, it quickly became clear that instead of curbing Iran’s malign behavior at home and abroad, those actions had, in the eyes of the international community, given Iran a newfound global legitimacy. Both that, and the lifting of sanctions, generated billions of dollars in revenue for Iran’s military institution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as for Iran’s militia and terror groups. Tehran used that influx of revenues to expand its influence throughout the region, including in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. Iran’s expansion campaign proved immensely successful.

The Gulf states and Israel saw immediately that the threat Iran poses was never, and will not be, thwarted by this nuclear deal. Instead of preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons, as deceitfully promised, the deal actually permitted Iran in a short time to enrich as much uranium and manufacture as many nuclear bombs as it liked – as well as the ballistic missiles with which to deliver them.

Arab nations have already seen the consequences of the previous attempt at striking a nuclear deal. The Iranian-armed Houthis simply ratcheted up efforts to cause death and destruction in Yemen, and Hezbollah escalated its involvement and control of large swathes of Syrian territory. The region also saw a greater propensity for Houthi rocket launches at civilian targets in Saudi Arabia, the deployment of thousands of Hezbollah foot soldiers in Syria, and the constant bombardment of southern Israel by Iranian-funded Hamas rockets.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out, “We have already seen the nature of agreements with extremist regimes like yours [the Iranian regime]”. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan chimed in to the Agence France-Presse news agency:

“I think we’ve seen as a result of the after-effects of the JCPOA that not involving the regional countries results in a build up of mistrust and neglect of the issues of real concern and of real effect on regional security.”

By returning to a deal which brought nothing but heightened destruction and instability to the region, the Biden administration would be abandoning old allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia — which at least has begun instituting reforms — and instead empowering a regime that remains an existential threat to the entire Middle East.

One possible repercussion of rejoining the nuclear deal is that countries in the region may find no other option than taking military action against Iran, a move that would spiral into regional war. “With an agreement or without an agreement, we will do whatever is necessary so you do not arm yourselves with nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said recently during a memorial ceremony at the Tel Hai monument in northern Israel. Israeli military chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi also recently warned:

“I instructed the army to prepare a number of operational plans in addition to the existing ones. We are taking care of these plans and will develop them during the coming year. Those who decide on carrying them out, of course, are the political leaders. But these plans have to be on the table.”

In short, the Biden administration’s attempt to revive the 2015 nuclear deal can easily turn both the region and the Biden legacy into a conflagration — as well ignite a resolute nuclear arms race throughout the Middle East.

             (Gatestone Institute)

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US foreign policy. He can be reached at [email protected]