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Biden Restarts Border Wall Construction

(AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio)

President Joe Biden reversed his original plan of halting the construction of a wall on the Southern border started under then-President Donald Trump, and now plans to resume construction of a section of the wall in Texas.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin tweeted:

“Fox News has confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley will *RESUME* after pressure from local residents & politicians. The Biden admin previously halted all wall construction in Jan.”

This development, which is a very small part of the wall, comes as the border crisis is worsening, with last month seeing a 20-year high of 178,622 illegal border crossers.

The Daily Wire noted Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told ICE employees last month the administration was considering closing the wall’s gaps.

The U.S. is on track to see 2 million illegal aliens on the Southern border this year. Fox News reported, for the first time Wednesday, members of the Mexican military were seen Del Rio, Texas, patrolling the shoreline on the Mexican side and detaining migrants who planned to cross the Rio Grande river, which separates Mexico and Texas.

New Yorkers Rally For Israel in Times Square


(TJVNEWS.COM) With Israel’s citizens under massive Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist rocket attacks, the Israeli-American Council (IAC), and other American Jewish groups organized across America in solidarity with Israel and its people.
Rallies were held in   New York City’s Times Square, Boston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Cleveland, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, D.C, Walnut Creek, CA, and other areas.

As the violence in Israel worsened, the IAC issued an “emergency call to action” to “Stand with Israel” and “stand up against terror.”

“We need to be there for Israel, and for our brothers and sisters, who are under brutal attack by terror organizations,” said IAC Co-founder and CEO Shoham Nicolet.

TJV NEWS was at the Times Square event and captured some of the festivities and t Israel Nitzan,  the Acting Consul General of the Consulate General of Israel in New York, speaking to the crowd and the press.

Watch Video:

A New Love Affair Begins… Between the Liberal Media and the Hawkish Liz Cheney


By: Adam Weiss


The mainstream media can’t seem to stop themselves from twisting into pretzels in an exhilarated effort to defend and elevate any familiar face who comes out against former President Donald Trump.


While this shameless glorification of any Republican who speaks out against actual conservatives has been going on for years, the new liberal love affair with Liz Cheney is one that nobody could have seen coming before Trump’s iconic descent down the golden escalator.


For over a decade, there were books, movies, and endless articles about the evils of the Cheneys. Perhaps correctly, Liz’s father has been portrayed as a hawkish nightmare with an insatiable thirst for war and destruction and oil exploitation and capitalistic evil. His daughter was referred to as the “spawn of Satan” countless times by media members.


Yet, the congresswoman has abruptly morphed into the most gushed about politician in the media — the so-called journalists’ flavor of the week. Cheney is praised and fawned over for one reason and one reason only: she is a Republican, or so she says, who opposes the America First wing of the party and voted to impeach Trump.


The devoted daughter of a man who cost thousands of lives and battered an economy with the instigation of endless wars far and wide is now suddenly a brave hero standing up to the fabricated injustices of a party.


Even with Trump out of office, everything in the media always goes back to their obsessions with our 45th president.


The Washington Post, who is notoriously quick to shut down op-ed submissions from Republicans, bestowed Cheney with a massive platform to peddle her nonsense that she is some kind of savior of the Grand Old Party. They turn obscure politicians like Rep. Adam Kinzinger into mini-celebrities because he is so outspoken against his own voter base.


They have fleeting love affairs with these traitors, writhing in excitement at anyone with a red tag beside their name who jumps on the anti-Trump pedestal when it is politically convenient.


It’s not that the media likes Cheney; of course, they do not. But they know when a useful idiot will make a good weapon in an attempt to bludgeon Trump. (For the record, Trump looks at this all from his sprawling golf course as child’s play.)


Nonetheless, the liberal media had long presented themselves as being against war and intervention, precisely what Cheney stands for. This would make this love affair bizarre if it weren’t for the fact that newsrooms across DC suddenly became foreign policy hawks overnight when Trump said he wanted to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. (Trump equals reckless, Biden equals amazing!) Hypocrisy at its finest.


In fact, one of the only times the media cheered for Trump was when he bombed Syria. It is doubtful that they wanted that to happen, but they had to put aside their supposed values and cheer instead of looking like hypocrites on the issue. After all, they had been relentlessly bashing him for being too much of a dove and being too “reckless” by wanting to bring our men and women in uniform home from this useless and costly twenty-year war.


Let’s hope this unholy romance is just a summer fling so that one of Cheney’s primary challengers can send the wretched carpetbagger packing.



Adam Weiss is the CEO of AMW PR, a New York political strategy and communications firm. His firm has represented Kimberly Guilfoyle, Jim Brown, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump Jr, Corey Lewandowski, David Bossie, Governor Haley Barbour, Steve Hilton and more.



Yang Offers Apologies for Pro-Israel Tweet After Getting Pushback from Campaign Volunteers

. Photo Credit: AP

Edited by; TJVNews.com

As hostilities continue to escalate by the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza against innocent civilians in Israel in this latest round of conflict in the Middle East, it appears that sentiments surrounding the politically charged conflict have spilled over to the New York City political scene.

On Wednesday, it was reported that New York City Democratic mayoral contender Andrew Yang issued an apology for his earlier comments in support of Israel. Critics on the left and several progressives including New York Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launched a hashtag campaign on Twitter accusing the candidate of supporting genocide by rallying behind Israel’s right to defend herself against Iranian backed Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

The tweet on Monday night by Yang that set off this firestorm of controversy amongst the radical leftists and Israel haters who work in his campaign said: “The people of NYC will always stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel who face down terrorism and persevere.” Yang also said that he  stood with “the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists.”

As a result, Palestinian activists and others who stand in staunch opposition to Israel’s existence created the hashtag “#YangSupportsGenocide.” This is an erroneous reference to Israel purportedly oppressing its Palestinian population and is at the center of the far left’s propaganda machine.

The New York Post reported on Tuesday that pro-Hamas supporters confronted Yang while on the campaign trail while he was in Queens. The report also indicated that a local Muslim group canceled an event with Yang to in which food was to distributed to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a holiday that marks the end of the month of Ramadan.

On Wednesday, Yang offered his apologies for offending his campaign volunteers.

He said on Twitter that: “I spoke to a group of volunteers yesterday, some of whom have been with me for years. They felt that my tweet was overly simplistic in my treatment of a conflict that has a long and complex history full of tragedies.”

He added that his volunteers felt his earlier post “failed to acknowledge the pain and suffering on both sides.”

“They were, of course, correct,” Yang wrote. “I mourn for every Palestinian life taken before its time as I do for every Israeli.”

“Support of a people does not make one blind to the pain and suffering of others,” Yang added.

For her part, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned Yang’s tweet as “chest-thumping.”

On the other side of the political aisle was Texas Senator Ted Cruz who responded to Yang’s earlier tweet by posting: “Bravo to Yang for opposing the rabidly pro-Hamas & anti-Israel attacks from fellow Dems Omar & Tlaib.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) comprise the “Jihad Squad” in Congress.

Cuurently, Yang, 46, is leading the pack of Democratic hopefuls for the mayor in the June 22nd primary. Yang received name recognition upon entering the race as he threw his hat in the ring during the 2020 presidential race.


NYC Mayoral Race & Politics Update: Fallout From Times Square Shooting


By: Gary Tilzer

Last Sunday morning the Jewish Voice predicted that the Times Square shootings would interrupt and change the NYC mayoral campaign.  Our point was that most New Yorkers were not paying attention to the race, but they would connect and focus on the shooting in a symbolic place that they considered safe, which would generate media energy that would ricochet in the interruption of the mayor’s race.


Newspapers Respond to Shooting Fast


Boom, both the NY Post and NY Times used the shooting to make what looks like a long-planned strategy to endorse the candidate of their choice for Mayor

We now have a newspaper business that has been decimated by the internet; and as such have made feckless attempts to become the big players in NYC politics as they once were. (see Back to the Future Moment below) The battle for public acceptance is now between the weakened NY Times and the NY Post and the campaign consultant lobbyists who have filled the void left by the failing newspapers over the last 20 years.  Will the New Yorkers listen to the NY Times and NY Post (the Daily News is homeless) or be swayed by the talking points written by the lobbyists and distributed by most of the local media.  In order for the NY Times to win City Hall for their independent candidate–former Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia, they will not only have to get their message out but will also have to defeat the city’s machines, including the old party machines, the new lobbyists/ideological machines like the WFP, the unions and even Wall Street with the bankers who were on the NY Times’ team for decades.

If the Times endorsement shows anything, it is how isolated and clueless from a changed NYC that the Paper of Record has become.  As the NY Post and Fox’s Tucker Carlson endorse a nonconservative Adams for mayor, it should be noted that he was a leader in 100 Black Men in Law Enforcement which challenged shooting by the NYPD often.  The Times, stuck in an ideological bubble that they created seems to have missed the changes that the Post and Carlson have seen.  Even former President Obama is dismayed that there was no longer “a common baseline of fact,” with many people choosing to ignore the truth if it goes against their political beliefs.


Adams to NY Times: A Tale of Two Cities “No Fun”   

The long time NY Times editorial board member Eleanor Randolph asked about making NY fun. He responded: “You know what’s interesting, Eleanor? New York was not fun. If you are living in NYCHA, with lead paint, no heat, that wasn’t fun.”

Upon their endorsement of Eric Adams for mayor of New York City, the NY Post wrote: “From riding the rails with a badge, to serving in state government, to his current job as Brooklyn borough president, Adams has a depth of experience that would serve him well in City Hall.” Eric Adams was not shy about touting his endorsement from the conservative NY Post editorial board, even as he called himself a “real” progressive. “They don’t line up with all of my views,” he said, but he claimed they know he’s “going to keep this city affordable, clean and safe.”

The official oracle of NYC politics Jerry Skurnik says the Times made a difference in the following major elections:  In 1976 when the Times endorsed Daniel Patrick Moynihan over Bella Abzug, in 1973 when the Times got Herman Badillo into the mayoral runoff and in 1977 when the Times endorsement of Carol Bellamy was key to her winning the Council President election.  Skurnik says that the NY Times endorsement of Green over Ferrer in 2001 could have been significant but no city-wide endorsements by the Times since then has made a real difference.



The Task the NY Times faces to elect Garcia is immense.  The lack of influence the Times has had on the mayoral and other campaigns. The de Blasio funded PAC NYCLASS and run by lobbyists from the Advance Group, had more on the 2013 mayoral campaign than the Times and Daily News’ endorsement of Speaker Quinn.

The media’s fear the woke armies of the internet; their fear in connecting the city’s rising shootings prior to the Times Square shooting; to the mayor’s race is astonishing and a cancer on journalism.  NY media star Lis Smith who the Times says is forming a PAC for Yang said on Twitter last week said, “The death of local press is not overstated.”


The Day After the Shooting the Two Leading Candidates Go to Times Square

Immediately two candidates understood the importance of the shooting and held press conferences denouncing defunding the police.  Actually, Adams held two news conferences sandwiching Yang’s press conference.  Both candidates also touted their commitment to criminal justice reform.

Despite being a longtime critic of the NYPD, Eric Adams has a strong anti-crime platform that includes restoring the anti-crime unit that was cut last year to find guns. Adams says NYPD anti-crime reforms showed responsiveness to the city’s most needy residents, including some black neighborhoods suffering the brunt of violent crime. Yang said he would ensure his plainclothes unit was populated by better-trained officers with clean records. Mr. Adams has said he would hire officers for the unit with the skills and temperament for the job. Yang said: Nothing works in our city without public safety, and for public safety, we need the police,” Mr. Yang said. The Times wrote Sunday After Times Square Shooting, Adams, and Yang Stress Support for N.Y.P.D..


The Other Candidates Stayed in Their Ideological or Campaign Consultant Bubble

At a press availability outside a church in Brooklyn, Maya Wiley, a former counsel to Mr. de Blasio who has embraced some of the defund movement’s goals, said she would invest in “trauma-informed” mental health care and summer youth employment programs.

Other moderate candidates like the former sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia and the former Citigroup executive Raymond J. McGuire, chimed in with similar themes – that public safety and strong policing need not come at the expense of criminal justice reform.

Mayoral candidate Kathryn Garcia laid out her plan for ending gun violence in New York City the day after her Times endorsement, including a proposal to increase the rebate rate on the gun buyback program from $200 to $2,000.

Ray McGuire Tweeted “The simple fact is no safety, no city.”  Read my full statement here.”

Scott Stringer Tweeted “Once again we are witness to another tragedy. Enough. We must end gun violence in our communities, get guns off our streets, and enact change to keep New Yorkers safe.


Newspapers Back to the Future Moment?

In 2009, Village Voice reporter Tom Robbins wrote in “The Mayor’s Press Pass” about the important role strong newspaper business historically played in running the city. “When this city enjoyed four fat daily newspapers, (it had over a dozen in the 1950’s) editors clamored for a strong, tough copy to fill them.  Whenever scandal-hit each one scrambled after the story.  Local TV news, which gets its morning bearings from the dailies, gleefully joined the hunt as well.  This happy combination produced many full-strength competitive media pile-on and visible shivers in City Hall,” he said.   The media pile on a single story according to Robbins produce a critical mass, which fully educated the public about an important issue.  Critical mass coverage by the newspaper he said served were “our eyes of the government, our check on political abuses, our civic alarm system.”

The Times Square shooting media pile-on has reached what Robbins called critical mass and it has brought shivers to the current mayor’s race.  Both the NY Times and NY Post reacted to the media attention produced by the shooting to endorse the candidates of their choice.

Do NY News Stands Still Have Newspaper?

Both papers are acting like there has been no disruption there has been no destruction to the successful newspaper business timeline.  The big question is will the two newspaper be able to gain the attention of the public to elect their chosen candidate? The odds against the Times are exceedingly long, 20 to 1.  The odds against the Post are not exceptionally long because Adams has a strong grassroots campaign, with machines and other candidates with proven GOTV operations in Bronx and Queens.

NY Daily News: “Most NYC You Can Get?


Years ago the NY Daily News attacked the discontinued city edition of Newsday for not being New York enough because it was put together in Long Island.  Today’s NY Daily News is put together in Chicago.

Video: NY Daily News Commercial “Most NY You Can Get” – YouTube

Professor Paul Starr, the distinguished Princeton scholar maintains that NYC lost its most important leaders because of the dying newspaper business.  Starr said NYC’s newspapers used to set the public agenda, served as the, and credibly represented themselves as symbolizing and speaking for the city.  Starr focal point of controversy maintains damage done by dying newspaper business by the digital revolution has weakened the ability of the newspapers to act as an effective agent of public accountability.

The NY Daily News Headline Got Federal Funding for the City

Professor Starr also maintains that strong newspapers provided the public a powerful means of leverage over the state, and this leverage is now at gone. If we take seriously the notion of newspapers as a fourth estate or a fourth branch of government, the end of the age of newspapers implies a change in our political system itself.  The private consultant lobbyist machine which has normalized pay to play has the major change to NY politics in the last decade.  The Assembly Speaker Silver and Majority Leader Skelos corruption conviction and the pay-to-play investigation of de Blasio all involved lobbyists consultants.

In addition to the economic damage done to NYC by the virus, the impact of the COVID-19 has suddenly exposed a vastly different NY political system and government than most New Yorkers knew of.  These changes have been happening for years to the city govt and political system in the shadows, known only to insiders, over the last two decades since the newspaper business began dying.  A leaderless NYC, mismanaged, out of control. A mayor, governor operating in their PR bubbles.  New Yorkers feeling disconnected, alienated unable to hold their elected officials accountable, leaving a city they no longer recognize.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism from the Pew Research Center project explains what happens when reporting is reduced. “The decline in newspapers in the last two decades, including gutting of circulation, editorial and reporting staffs, means: More of American life will occur in shadows. We won’t know what we won’t know.”  Pew research also said the strong newspapers business era provide most of the original coverage of public affairs. When they were financially strong, newspapers were better able not only to invest in long-term investigative projects but also to stand up against pressure from politicians and industries to suppress unfavorable stories. A financially compromised press is more likely to be ethically compromised and no longer looks for corruption in government. Professor Starr maintains that is not only the newspaper readers that do not know: Starr argues that fewer reporters do not just mean less coverage, but also a lower quality of reports, as expertise is lost, and internal checks disappear.

Is Senator Schumer Misinformed by the Press About the Left’s Threat on Him in 2022?

The Pew Center also said governmental corruption will increase with the decrease of newspaper scrutiny, especially since online news sources, when not borrowing from newspapers, are more focused on opinion from the Internet and more susceptible to bias than the print press.

Clearly, the weak NYC newspapers missed important political changes. Left-wing activists with access to funding have targeted gentrified neighborhoods, winning important races, moving NY’s government to the left.  There were no newspaper stories about AOC challenge to Queens county boss Congressman Joe Crowley in 2018, until after she won the primary.  Newspaper lightly reported in 2018 on the elections that led to the fall of the fall of the joint republican and IDC democrats control of the state senate after 7 or the 8 IDC Democrats who voted to keep the republicans in charge of the state senate lost their reelection. All of these left-wing victories have been done in heavily gentrified communities, that still only make up a fraction of the city’s population.  The Pew Research Center reports that failure of newspaper business also depresses average citizens’ engagement in state and local politics, leading to left-wing activists dominating the parties and greater political polarization.”  A quick analysis of the past 3 years of election results activists are dominating in NYC.

Today the critical role newspaper used to play with pile-on are mostly unknown reporters, they think one story on a subject informs voters.  Most of the reporters are unaware of the leadership role strong newspapers used to play in NYC.


Can Errol Louis Break the Wokeness McCarthyism That Has Destroyed Journalism? 

Errol Louis who was mentored by the late great real disrupter journalist Jack Newfield, has the ability and genius to moderate the first mayoral debate like the late Timmy Russet.  The Times Square shooting has given him the opportunity to find ask any question to find out which candidate has the ability and understanding to reduce the city’s rising crime crisis.  The city cannot afford to elect a candidate who answers beyond the talking points they are trained to use.  If the next mayor does not reduce rising crime, there will not be an economic recovery.  If they next mayor does not fix homelessness, provide more affordable housing, and improve the schools, a lot of New Yorkers will continue to suffer.

Sample Question for Louis: There is nobody in NY who does not want training and NYPD reforms to get dirty cops off the police force.  With a 200% increase in city shootings, why has candidate discussions about reducing crime has recently become the 3rd rail of politics in NYC?

“It is simply staggering to witness skyrocketing shootings, record retirement of NYC police officers (over 75% increase), along with serious problem recruiting new officers, yet candidates for Mayor are terrified to discuss this as if this is 3rd rail. Yet polls conclude that ordinary New Yorkers are worried crime.  NYC shootings spike nearly 200% this week compared to same time last year.” Sal Albanese

Israeli Arabs Attempt to ‘Lynch’ Jew, Again; Jewish Leaders Condemn Reprisal Attacks


Joel B. Pollak

A mob of Arab citizens of Israel attempted to “lynch” a Jewish man in the mixed city of Acre on Wednesday, the latest incident of growing violence between Jews and Arabs in Israel itself after Palestinians fomented violence last week.

The Times of Israel reported:

In Acre, a Jewish man aged around 30 has been seriously wounded after being pelted with rocks by Arab rioters in what has been described as a lynching. He suffered a head injury.
Meanwhile, Jewish protesters in the city march and call out “Death to Arabs.”

Over the past several weeks, during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, there had been numerous instances of Arabs attacking Jews. After Arabs rioted at the Al-Aqsa Mosque last Friday, and Israeli police responded, rioting spread.

On Sunday evening, Arab residents of several mixed Arab-Jewish towns rioted. On Monday, in Lod, after an Arab man was shot and killed, Arab rioters launched a “pogrom,” attacking Jewish synagogues and stores, forcing officials to evacuate Jewish residents to safety.

On Tuesday, there were reprisal attacks by Jews in several cities. Jewish religious and political leaders denounced the violence. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, issued a statement:

“Innocent Israeli civilians are attacked by terror organizations, the blood runs hot and our hearts are outraged, the scenes are difficult to watch. But we mustn’t be dragged to provocations and to hurting people or harming property,” he says.
He adds that the Torah does not permit one to take the law into one’s own hands. “The work of restoring order must be left to police,” he says. “We must be a light unto the nations, and not, God forbid, the opposite.”

Far-right Jewish politician Bezalel Smotrich also condemned the violence: “My Jewish brothers, stop!” he said, as quoted by the Times. “We are not like them! We mustn’t come to this violence. Self-defense in the face of terror and rioters — yes; unprovoked violence and destruction of property — under no circumstances.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly wants to send the military into Jewish-Arab cities to maintain order, but Minister of Defense Benny Gantz does not.

Running on Fumes: Gas Station Outages Soar , Prices Jump to Highest in Years


Gas stations across the South Eastern U.S. are experiencing fuel outages, according to data from GasBuddy.com.

Sixty-five percent of gas stations in North Carolina are out of gasoline, the data show, making it the hardest-hit state.

Here are the current outages reported by GasBuddy, as of 12:37 Eastern time.

  • Georgia – 42%
  • Alabama – 6%
  • Tennessee – 14%
  • South Carolina – 42%
  • North Carolina – 65%
  • Florida – 10%
  • Virginia – 42%
  • Maryland – 9%
  • Mississippi – 5%
  • West Virginia – 4%
  • Kentucky – 2%
  • Washington, D.C. – 8%

The average price of a gallon of gasoline rose above three dollars on Wednesday, according to data from AAA.

This is the first time since November of 2014 that the national average has exceeded $2.99, AAA said.

Although the run-up in national prices is being attributed to the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, which brings fuel to the East Coast, prices are highest on the West Coast.

In California, the average gallon costs $4.112, according to AAA. In Oregon, prices average $3.357. In Washington, $3.522.

On the East Coast, prices are highest in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Jersey, topping three dollars in all four states.

researched by Breitbart News 



Dov Hikind calls out NYC mayoral candidate silence about “Jewish lynchings” in NYC

photo credit Uzi Baruch

Lamenting the cynical trend of politicians equivocating the “violence on both sides,” former Democratic Brooklyn assemblyman and Jewish activist Dov Hikind took to Twitter on Wednesday to call out the city’s mayoral candidates for their conspicuous silence on anti-Jewish violence now plaguing Manhattan.

“Does anyone know if a single NYC mayoral candidate has spoken out against the repeated attempts by pro-Palestinian agitators to lynch Jews in broad daylight on Manhattan streets?” Hikind tweeted. “Oh I know, how about a statement about ‘violence on both sides’? Pathetic!”

His post included a video filmed in Manhattan of pro-Palestinian protestors, some draped in Palestinian flags and some dressed in black on bicycles, surrounding a Jewish man covered in blood who had retreated into the relative safety of a department store.

Some of the protestors in the amateur video appeared to be from Antifa, but that has not been verified.

When police showed up, the protestors initially refused to leave the scene and yelled curse words at the officers who kept telling them to “move back.”

One of the protestors tried to use a bicycle to block the police from entering the store.

Once the officers cleared the scene, the camera panned to show the obviously injured Jewish man who was wearing a white shirt caked with blood. There was also blood and what appeared to be a significant gash on his forehead.

So far, none of the city’s mayoral candidates have commented on the video or on other similar incidents of attacks on Jews that have happened in the last few days.

Israel under fire: Sgt. Omer Tabib killed by Gaza terrorists


(Arutz Sheva)- Israel suffered its first military fatality in the ongoing conflict with the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists in the Gaza Strip Wednesday when Sgt. Omer Tabib was killed by an anti-tank missile near the Gaza border.

Another soldier was seriously injured and an IDF officer was moderately injured in the attack.

Omer Tabib was 21 years old. He was a soldier in the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Brigade. His family has been notified of his death,

Seconds after the attack, dozens of mortars were fired at the scene of the incident, in an attempt to make it difficult for the medical staff who arrived to treat the wounded. Hamas’ military wing claimed responsibility for the attack.

Magen David Adom paramedic Ravit Martinez, who treated the wounded in the field under fire, said: “This was a serious incident, we reached the wounded in the field with alarms going off in the background and as the shooting continued. Those wounded suffered blast injuries and shrapnel wounds. We took care of them while taking shelter from ongoing fire. After providing urgent vital treatment on the ground, and when it was possible to escape from the missile bombardment, we evacuated the wounded to a safe place and there, with the help of an MDA doctor and other MDA forces, we transported them to the hospital.”

IDF forces and the Shin Bet today (Wednesday) retaliated by carrying out a complex and first-of-its-kind operation to assassinate four senior Hamas commanders in Gaza City and Khan Yunis.

The senior commanders are a key part of Hamas’ General Staff Forum and are considered close to the head of the military wing of the Hamas terrorist organization, Muhammad Deif.

Among those assassinated: the Gaza City Brigadier General, the head of Hamas’ cyber and missile improvement system, and the head of its production department.

Urgent Updates From Israel

Smoke rises after an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, Tuesday, May 11, 2021. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

Violence is once again spreading through Jewish-Arab towns this evening, despite the massive deployment of police and Border Police in such cities to maintain the peace. In Acre, a Jewish man aged around 30 has been seriously wounded after being pelted with rocks by Arab rioters. He suffered a head injury.

The security cabinet has approved an escalation of military strikes in Gaza, Channel 12 reports. The network says Israel is now expected to strike symbols of Hamas’s rule in Gaza, including, for instance, the terror group’s Treasury building.

The Republican National Committee releases a statement strongly supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas

President Biden says he has spoken to Israeli PM Netanyahu about the conflict in the region. Biden said: “My expectation and hope this will be closing down sooner than later. Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory.”

A young boy who was critically wounded by a rocket strike in Sderot earlier has died. Six-year-old Ido Avigal succumbed to his injuries after rocket shrapnel entered the family’s fortified room through the window. Avigal’s mother and seven-year-old sister were both hurt as well. They are currently hospitalized.

*BREAKING:* Two Palestinian terrorists were just shot dead at the Tapuach Junction while attempting to carry out a terror attack. Some reports say it was an attempting shooting attack, while others say it was an attempted car-ramming attack

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reaffirm America’s support for Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza

United Airlines, Delta and American Airlines have all temporarily suspended flights to Israel after Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport came under sustained rocket attack on Tuesday evening

*IDF SOLDIER KILLED BY HAMAS TERROR:* Hamas fired a Kornet anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) from the Gaza Strip into Israel on Wednesday morning, hitting a jeep and critically injuring four IDF soldiers near the border town of Netiv Ha’asara. One soldier passed away a short while later. The soldier was later identified as First Sergeant Omar Tabib, z”l, 21, a combat soldier in the 931st Battalion of the Nachal Brigade from Elyakim.

*BREAKING: :* Massive rocket barrage on southern and central Israel after the Al-Shorouk Tower in Gaza was destroyed by IDF airstrikes.   At least 4 injured following a rocket impact to a residential building in Sderot, 1 seriously.   Impacts reprted in Ashkelon, as well as surrounding areas.

*TRAGIC: SDEROT UPDATE:* A 6-year-old boy was killed after a rocket reportedly managed to penetrate his bomb shelter in a residential building. 6 others are injured, including a women in serious condition following a barrage of over 130 rockets fired from Gaza.

Israeli fighter jets have demolished al-Shourouk tower in Gaza City, after repeatedly warning those inside to leave.  This is the third high-rise building, containing more than 10 stories, to be destroyed by the Israel Defense Forces in this current round of fighting.

*BREAKING: NETANYAHU:* “A short while ago we assassinated senior commanders in the Hamas General Staff, including the Gaza Brigadier General and other senior terrorists. This is just the beginning.”

The NYTimes’ chronic chronology problem


 By Prof. Phyllis Chesler

Patrick Kingsley is a 32-year-old British-born journalist, educated at Eton and Cambridge in English Literature. He formerly worked for The Guardian before he became the New York Times’s bureau chief in Istanbul in 2017. He is now their bureau chief in Jerusalem, having replaced David Halbfinger.

In an earlier era, he might have been Lawrence of Arabia, in full Arab headgear and on a camel. Today, our young Lawrence is a soulful young man with sweetly tousled hair, wearing a sweater and a shirt, no tie. Cool, understated, ready to cover battlefield conditions.

Just in the last four days, Kingsley has written more than 3,000 words about Israel, most of them biased, misinformed, and as highly incendiary as the kites and rockets that Hamas has been launching into southern Israel for some time.

The headlines that accompany Kingsley’s articles, often co-authored by Isabel Kershner (and perhaps written by someone else), invariably position Israel as the aggressor and Palestinian “protesters” either as the victims or as the reactors. For example: “Israel Hits Gaza with Airstrikes as Hamas Increases Rocket Fire” and “Evictions in Jerusalem Become Focus of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

Always unclear, purposely so, is what came first. Was it the more than 200 rockets fired into southern Israel or was it the first-to-be-named but Israeli response—the airstrikes? Do Kingsley and Kershner simply fail to understand that the alleged “evictions” in Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon Ha-Tzadik are legal, under both Israeli and international law—and that this is a question of “provocative” squatters refusing to pay rent to a legal landlord? Or obey the court decision to vacate?

Or, are they malevolent, if not biased?

Once again, Kingsley describes the Israelis as “right-wing Israelis”, “right-wing Israeli Jews,” “far-right wing activists,” “Jewish far-right groups,” “far-right Israelis,” “far-right lawmakers,” and “far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben Gvir.” People are already primed to salivate, negatively, when they read the words: “right wing” and “settler.” These words, in whatever context, have already been branded as evil.

This is how Kingsley and Kershner describe Israeli Jews—seven times in this article. I suppose this is an improvement from the 15 times they described Jews in this way in their previous May 7, article.

However, they do not describe any Hamas or Palestinian Authority spokesmen as “right-wing,” “violent,” “provocative,” “stone throwing,” “potential lynchers,” “Islamists,” or as “fascists.”

In fact, the article misdescribes a video in which an Israeli driver is seen as “swerving” into a Palestinian.” Kingsley’s inference is that this was done on purpose. Guess what? This was an accident, caused by a group of Palestinians throwing rocks and stones at the driver—who, when he exited, they tried to lynch. The driver was saved by an Israeli police officer who killed no one.

Kingsley and Kershner describe J Street as a “liberal advocacy group,” which has called upon the Biden Administration to admonish the Israelis in the matter of evicting and displacing Palestinian families in East Jerusalem. They also manage to find a former Israeli general, Giora Eiland to quote; Eiland blames the Israelis for not being “careful enough,” and for “tactical failures (in) handling the tension in the city in recent days.”

Kingsley et al do not quote any dissident Palestinians. Au contraire. They quote Palestinians who describe Israel as engaged in “ethnic cleansing,” and as perpetrators of “planned expulsions,” etc. Based on Richard Landes’s, Pierre Rehov’s, and Nidra Poller’s work on Pallywood, I somehow do not believe the Palestinian videos of wounded children and dead family members. I could be wrong in this instance but somehow I doubt it.

Whether the NYT’s reporters have been misled; whether they are afraid to lose their access to Palestinian sources if they report the truth; whether they’ve been indoctrinated long ago which is why they hold these positions, is unknown to me. Whichever it is, their formula of disinformation works. Both articles are the lead stories. Today also continues for almost a full page (A10) in the hard copy, accompanied by four photographs.

Israel is always, always, the aggressor, Palestinians are always the victims. In my view, this much propaganda, day after day, month after month, year after year, constitutes incitement to genocide.

Laurel Leff covered the perfidy of the New York Times in terms of their utterly shameful and misleading coverage of the Holocaust. Will someone, someday, write a book about their coverage of the Jews, post-Holocaust, but especially their coverage of Israel in the 21st century? That might require two or more volumes.

This kind of daily anti-Israel propaganda constitutes another kind of “cancel culture” bee swarm, gathering force and speed as it continues and expands the echo chamber in which it thrives.

Prof. Phyllis Chesler is a Fellow at the Investigative Project on Terrorism and Ginsburg-Ingerman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, received the 2013 National Jewish Book Award,.authored 20 books, including Women and Madness and The New Anti-Semitism, and 4 studies about honor killing, Her latest books are An American Bride in Kabul, A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing and A Politically Incorrect Feminist.

The Jewish Voice Endorses Eric Adams for Mayor

Photo Credit: AP

From riding the subways with a cop’s badge, to serving in local government in the capacity of state senator, to his current job as Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams has a depth of knowledge and experience that would serve him well in City Hall. Adams, however, does not only possess a firm grasp on the myriad of problems facing the city, but he truly comprehends the abysmal failures of government that can lead to the destruction of peoples’ lives and futures.

Having been a New York City police officer for 22 years, retiring at the rank of captain, Adams understands how deep the crisis in this metropolis has become. He gives a bold voice to a clear, firm, and common-sense route to cleaning up our streets of rampant crime that is desperately needed to restore the city’s economic engine, including a revival of the tourism industry.

The New York Post endorsed Adams and wrote that NYC stands at the crossroads. “Will we continue to surrender our streets to homelessness, filth, crime, guns and betray our children’s’ future? The Jewish Voice agrees with the Post. Adams has the skills and the experience to do the job!

Adams’ top priority must be reversing the skyrocketing crime statistics that have shaken us to the core. He understands that the city’s economy will not rebound until crime is under control. As a former subway cop Adams understands that riders will not return when crime and homelessness are no longer a problem. As one of six children, born in Brownsville and raised in South Jamaica by a single mom who cleaned houses, Adams understands that the dramatic escalation in criminal activities has disproportionately hurt children residing in minority communities.

Adams has pledged not to defund the police but has plans to restore the NYPD plainclothes anti-crime unit that was disbanded by the department last year. His objective is to refashion it to focus on removing guns from the streets.

As a dedicated law enforcement officer, Adams was introduced to the Orthodox Jewish community through its many security patrols. From those patrols, he started to see the high level of volunteerism in the Jewish community. Adams recalled: “The Jewish community, particularly the Orthodox community, gives back.”

The New York Post endorsed Adams and wrote that NYC stands at the crossroads. “Will we continue to surrender our streets to homelessness, filth, crime, guns and betray our children’s’ future? The Jewish Voice agrees with the Post. Adams has the skills and the experience to do the job! Photo Credit: AP

The Jewish Voice believes that Eric Adams stands above the other mayoral candidates because his decades long relationships with the Orthodox Jewish community’s leadership and voters are deep and sincere in every respect. He spent decades denouncing hate and anti-Semitic incidents when others were afraid to speak out. Adams took part in a gathering of Jewish leaders six months after he became the Borough President to condemn two anti-Semitic incidents, namely a “knockout game” assault on a nine-year-old boy. He always went on the record as vociferously condemning hate crimes against Jews.

“When you have a young man in Brownsville draw a swastika on the wall, and he doesn’t know the meaning of that swastika,” Adams said, “that’s a real indicator that we have not carried out our basic education.” NYC needs a mayor that understands that our failing educational system serves as an avenue to poor performance in life for our city’s kids, not to mention that it is also highly destructive to the communities that we reside in.

The Jewish Voice’s choice for mayor not only unflinchingly speaks out against attacks on Jews, but Adams’ has the willingness to look for intrepid solutions as he labors assiduously for the creation of programs aimed at teaching children to fight “bias, bullying and hatred.” He helped fund the Anti-Defamation League’s “No Place for Hate” project that reach 16,000 students in roughly 40 Brooklyn schools back in 2019.

We need a loyal and completely steadfast friend in City Hall. Adams has a long-standing relationship with the Hasidic community having represented them for seven years in the State Senate and has proudly represented all of Brooklyn as borough president for yet another seven years. Adams’ generally moderate political stances were broadly in sync with Orthodox Jewish voters who are among the most conservative members of the Democratic coalition.

“A lot of people are just starting out in the mayor’s race. I have been moving towards this place for over 20-something years,” Adams said. “I know our city is better than what we’re seeing. We are dysfunctional, and many of those crises that we are experiencing are self-inflicted. Now, more than ever, we must have a city that’s not dysfunctional, where agencies are not inefficient, because those inefficiencies are creating.”

Adams has solid plans to bring the city’s out of control bureaucracy under control, to provide better services and save money.

Mr. Adams has said:

New York has tremendous resources, but often wastes them on programs that do not deliver the desired results or spends them in ways that do not help the New Yorkers who need services the most. I will make our City government more efficient, effective, and equal.



In crisis, the City always deals with the immediate problem and never the cause. Structural changes and smart management are necessary to create efficiency and reduce inequality across the board. In brief, I will do that by:

Closing the budget gap without affecting public services.
Instituting real-time governing.
Finding and eliminating the waste.

HERE’S HOW: We must build a single data platform for the entire City government. Believe it or not, nearly all City agencies are siloed, operating separately from one another without sharing data or metrics, often duplicating efforts, and resulting in waste, inefficiency and poor delivery of services. By combining all agency metrics onto a single platform like CompStat and using analytics to track performance in real time, we can go from a reactive management approach to being proactive and, eventually, predictive. This will improve performance and save billions of dollars while delivering far better services. We will be able to give New Yorkers a real-time score for government performance. Having one data platform for all City operations will allow us to create a continually updated public score for each agency going far beyond the often-self-congratulatory Mayor’s Management Report. That will show us where we are based relative to our goals for the year. Boston already does this with its well-regarded CityScore program.

We will launch MyCity, a single portal for all City services and benefits. All New Yorkers are entitled to receive the full support of their government. MyCity will allow users to type just one number into a secure app or Website to instantly received every service and benefit they qualify for — such as SNAP — without an abundance of paperwork. This constantly updated information will help New Yorkers protect themselves and their families.

Times Square Shooting Won’t Deter Tourism; Says an Optimistic DeBlasio

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio offered his response to the tragic Times Square shooting that took place on Saturday. Photo Credit: AP

By: Ilana Siyance

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio offered his response to the tragic Times Square shooting that took place on Saturday while offering remarks at a Monday press briefing. The Mayor deferred blame to the federal government, ordering Congress to crack down on gun control. He also denied that the incident, in which three innocent by standers were shot, would hurt tourism.

“Look, this kind of thing should not happen in our city. We need Congress to help us to stop the flow of guns into New York City,” said the mayor, who has supported defunding the police, and disbanded the NYPD’s plainclothes anti-crime unit in 2019. “We got a lot of work to do. But we know what works, and the NYPD is out there constantly making adjustments sending officers where they’re needed most,” de Blasio said at a press conference. He noted that more police officers would be deployed to protect the areas, including from the Police Department’s highly visible Critical Response Command unit.

As reported by the NY Post, on Saturday at about 5 p.m. an illegal CD peddler having a dispute with his brother wildly opened fire, shooting three people. Police and law enforcement sources said he was aiming for his brother but instead he shot the leg of a 4-year-old girl who was toy shopping with her family; a 23-year-old woman who got shot in the in the right thigh, and a 43-year-old woman was hit in the left foot. The suspect, Farrakhan Muhammad, is still on the loose. While the victims have been released from the hospital, at least one victim still has a bullet in her leg.

On Saturday the tourist area, known lovingly as the Crossroads of the World, had been filled with families and children, and had quickly turned into mayhem with people running for their lives. “How many kids have to be shot before we take this seriously…” NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said. “How many more kids do we need to be shot before we realize that bad policies have consequences.”

Asked whether the disturbing violence in the middle of the day would keep tourists from visiting the area, the mayor claimed, “I don’t think it will, honestly.” “We’re putting additional NYPD resources in the Times Square area to add an extra measure of protection,’’ de Blasio said. “In the end, people want to come to this city.”

“The city is clearly coming back” he added, taking credit for the easing of the pandemic. “Much earlier than I thought. We’re starting to see tourism already.’’

Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President and mayoral candidate, has called for the return of the Police Department’s plainclothes anti-crime unit. “I happen to disagree with him on the issue,” the mayor commented, shooting down the notion.

NYC Mayoral Hopeful Andrew Yang Attacked for Support of Israel

. Photo Credit: AP

Yang’s call to stand with Israel against Hamas attacks was met with hateful replies by progressive supporters.

By: Dan Verbin

New York City mayoral hopeful Andrew Yang’s Monday statement in support of Israel was met with a flurry of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic tweets, some from supporters now denouncing him and demanding their donations returned.

Yang was also accused of soliciting the support of a white supremacist. One user threatened to “slap (Yang) through the Internet.”

Jewish and pro-Israel replies to Yang’s statement expressed thanks for his stance, as well as shock and outrage that so many comments were hateful of Israel and Jews, and made baseless anti-Israel accusations and ignored the barrage of hundreds of Hamas rockets launched at Israel.

Yang, a Democrat who ran for president in the 2020 election, has been a frontrunner throughout the New York mayoral race.

Now that he has come out in support of Israel during a time when the Jewish State has come under attack from hundreds of Hamas rockets, many of his “Yang Gang” progressive supporters are outraged.

“I’m standing with the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists. The people of NYC will always stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel who face down terrorism and persevere,” tweeted Yang who has been endorsed by prominent local Jewish leaders, including high profile Brooklyn Jewish politicians and rabbis.

Judging by the Twitter backlash, it appears that though Yang had criticized the BDS movement, and his campaign has picked up the support of many prominent New York City Jewish leaders, his campaign has nonetheless attracted many voters who are vociferously anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.

Those supporters are now attacking Yang on Twitter, some calling him nasty names.

The StopAntisemitism.org organization thanked Andrew Yang for doing the right thing.

“Thank you Andrew Yang for standing up for what’s right–condemning Hamas terror attacks on innocent civilians. And for those that are vilifying you for this are siding with terrorism. Shocking this is what it’s come to in America 2021,” StopAntisemitism tweeted.

As of Tuesday afternoon, it was reported that the tensions in the region continue unabated. Vois Es Nais reported that after a series of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, Hamas has threatened to fire rockets at Tel Aviv should Israel continue targeting what it claims are residential areas. A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, says Israel is not open to a ceasefire yet, but maybe tomorrow. Rocket alert sirens are sounding in Tel Aviv and throughout central Israel, amid an apparent barrage from the Gaza Strip. Explosions were heard throughout the area. Hamas has officially taken responsibility for launching 130 rockets at Tel Aviv and central Israel, causing non-stop sirens.

                (Israel National News)

Large Numbers of NY Nursing Home Staffers Refuse Vaccine Against COVID-19

Some city nursing homes have over 60 percent of staffers still not vaccinated, according to state data. Photo Credit: AP

By: Hadassa Kalatizadeh

Many employees at New York nursing homes are refusing to vaccinate against COVID-19. Some city nursing homes have over 60 percent of staffers still not vaccinated, according to state data.

As reported by the NY Post, the vaccination rates for staffers at those facilities significantly lag behind the vaccination rate for vulnerable residents. This is angering some advocates who warn that the personal decision of these staffers could bring negative consequences to the nursing home residents. It could also delay the home’s ability to open back up for visits from loved ones into the homes, advocates argue. “If staffers choose not to get the vaccine, they should find another line of work,” said Vivian Zayas, founder of Voices for Seniors, whose mom, Ana Martinez, died last year after contracting COVID-19 at a Long Island nursing home. “If they want to work in a nursing home, they should get the vaccine.”

As of Sunday, merely 58 percent of workers in the 611 nursing homes in New York State had been partially or fully vaccinated. By contrast, 84 percent of residents at the homes were vaccinated, as per State Health Department data reviewed by The Post. In the five boroughs of NYC, the 167 nursing homes have just 57 percent of staffers vaccinated, also well below the 78 percent of residents vaccinated.

Of all the boroughs, Brooklyn had the lowest vaccination rates among nursing home staffers, with just 47 percent willing to get the shot, in comparison to 71 percent of residents who are inoculated. Furthermore, at some 20 city facilities, a mere 40 percent or less of staffers had been vaccinated.

Advocates worry that the low rate of staffer vaccinations will cause problems for nursing home residents. Nursing facilities could be fully or partially closed to family and visitors if even one person there tests positive for COVID-19. “The issue is the lack of preparation and education leading up to the announcement of the vaccines,” said Richard Mollot, executive director of the NY Long Term Care Community Coalition. He said the local and federal government should have done more to encourage and educating staff and residents about the benefits of getting vaccinated. “We need to have meaningful enforcement in order, coming from the state to the facility and from the CMS to the state… If your staff members are vaccinated at a higher rate, then you would have some level of herd immunity in a facility. How do you get to that rate? It requires people getting the vaccine,” Mollot added.