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Monday, June 3, 2024

THE UKRAINIAN PROPHECY: Anti-Semitism in Ukraine, Holocaust History and Mr. Zelensky

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by Marek Yusopovitch
It is written in the Book of Ezekiel, 38:18-23, “And it shall come to pass on that day when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord G-d, that My fury shall glare out.  For in My jealousy and in the fire of My anger have I spoken saying, Surely, in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; so that the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field and all of the creeping things that creep upon the earth and all of the men that are on the earth shall feel My presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.  And I will call for a sword against him throughout all My mountains, says the Lord G-d, and every man’s sword shall be against his brother.  And I will contend him by pestilence and by blood, and I will rain down upon him, and upon his bands, and upon his many peoples, a torrential rain, and great hailstones of fire and brimstone.  Thus, I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself known in the eyes of many nations and they shall know that I am the Lord.”
In British folklore, Gog and Magog were giants destroyed by Titus.  In Xtian dogma, Gog and Magog symbolize Russia attacking Israel in Meggido and starting Armageddon when the West and Islamdom get pDonatebalance of natureulled in: WWIII.  The end of the world is believed to be a prerequisite in bringing the coming of the Messiah.  This theory was big in the ’80s during the Cold War, when the European Far Left allied themselves with the Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian Far Left, making common cause in the doctrines of Socialism and overthrowing Western civilization.  Some versions of the bible include “Rosh,” thought to be Russia, in the list of nations joining Gog, although the original Jewish bible makes no such mention.  Gog from Magog (later translated to “Gog and Magog”) is believed to be modern day Ukraine.
Josephus Flavius wrote that Gog were the Scythians.  The Scythians were a nomadic race of unknown origins, believed to be originally of Persian descendent.  They were the first riders.  Something about the connection between man and horse unleashed the yetzer hara, the evil in the hearts of man, and they became raiders.  Legend tells of Alexander building a wall to keep them out.  The Great Wall of China?  From the Mongolian nation, the Tatars carried on this tradition and raided southern Russia, the land that is now Ukraine.  The Scythians are believed to have settled along the Steppes of the Don, the Dnpier River, the Black Sea, and Lake Azov in Ukraine.  Though settled, they preserved their nomadic, equine culture, living in caravans and practicing trick riding for show and sport.  They started out as Tatar and later took in Western Slavs, keeping the distinctive asiatic grooming, the Fu Man Chu moustache and the forelock like The Misfits.  
During the 16th and 17th Centuries, Ukraine was Polish land.  It was a commonwealth of nations including the Balts, Scots, Russians, Armenians, Tatars, Western Slavs, and Ashkenazim.  The Polish nobility built a capitalistic monarchy.  They ran the Polish kingdom like a business, so there were a lot of Jews around.  After years of getting raided by Chechens and rival mountain tribes, the Cossacks became militarized.  Before there was a Karl Marx and a Joseph Stalin, the Cossack warlord Bogdan Kmlnitsky was the first agitator to divide the country into the haves and havenots.  Kmlnitsky got together the Cossacks and the Western Slavs and basically said, “We’re Russian Orthodox.  Why are we paying taxes and rent to a bunch of Polish Catholics and their Jewish bagmen?  These are our lands.  These Polishers have grown soft from the good life and they won’t see us coming or be prepared to withstand a raid.  Let’s take what’s theirs and make it ours.”  Kmlnitsky raised an army of horsemen.  The Polish capitalists didn’t see it coming.  The Cossacks rode into Poland and looted their landlords as the Bolsheviks would later do the Kulats, wiping out entire villages of unarmed Polishers and Jews along the way.  It was one of the worst genocides in history.  These were ordinary men, women, and children living the village life, not soldiers on the battlefield.  Kmlntisky’s words still ring across the Don, “If you see a Polisher, run him through.”  He was the founding father of Ukraine.
Ukraine gained recognition in large part due to Russian backing at that time, because they shared the Eastern Orthodox faith.  The Russians regimented the Cossacks into militia guards of the Steppes and later used them as calvary in the Red Army.  Passions plays depicting the Crucifixion in graphic detail sent Ukrainian Cossack blood boiling.  The admixture of mochka (vodka) created a combustible combination.  The emotional reaction the violent scenes provoked in the audience along with the religiously-sanctioned moral message to avenge their fallen martyr cause call to mind the George Floyd “fiery but peaceful protests” that rocked American cities in 2020.  Jewish villages were ransacked in the infamous pogroms.  The Russian Jews learned to fight back.  It happened at various times throughout history all over Europe, mainly in Ukraine.  The Ukrainian Cossacks rampaged so much that the Jewish elderly initially welcomed the Nazi invasion as a relief and trusted them to be whisked away to camps.
Before the rise of Socialism, European anti-Semitism was historically right wing, based on the deicide charge.  The ancestral guilt of the Crucifixion was used to play the blame game, not unlike the inherent slavery blood guilt of Critical Race Theory.  When the Romanovs became poisoned with it, they sent the Ukrainian Cossacks in to terrorize Jewish villages periodically.  It drove many Russian Jews into the arms of the Mencheviks, the followers of Trotsky, and was one of the factors leading to the Russian Revolution.  The Russian Jews later had buyer’s remorse.  The Bolsheviks lynched rabbis and priests.  This time the Jew-hatred was left wing, based on the ideas of Karl Marx: opposition to Jewish belief in G-d, Israeli nationalism, and financial success as capitalists.  Stalin’s purges of Russia were killing sprees, culminating in the Holomodor, the passive-aggressive forced starvation of 10M Ukrainians and Russian Jews.  
The Ukrainian government is by far the most anti-Semitic in all of Europe.  They teach children to blame the Jews for communism because Karl Marx and many of the leading originals in the Revolution were Jewish, as were many NVKV secret police.  However, the Ukrainian government takes that fact out of context to place Jews in a false light, leaving out the part where the Russian Jewish refusenik movement led the charge against communism that ultimately led to the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall.  I’m from one of the Russian-speaking neighborhoods in the outer borroughs of New York.  There is no racial tension between Former Soviet Union immigrants in the borroughs.  The opposite is true.  Ukrainian people are fed a lot of anti-Semitic propaganda by their fascist government but they don’t necessarily believe it.  We bond over Russian culture and Turkish food and form a united front.  The “Russians” (Ukrainian immigrants) and “Russian Jews” (Ukrainian immigrants) in South Brooklyn had a little chat with Black Lives Matter when they came through demonstrating.  They said, “You can have your protest.  That’s your right.  Don’t go crazy.”  
In the early part of the last century, Ukraine erupted into a civil war.  The right wing preservationists to the north were called the White Army.   The Whites were allied with the fascists.  The southern Ukrainian rebels modelled themselves after the Cossacks.  Their army was more of a cult of personality revolving around Simyon Petlura.  Petlura was an agitator, a kind of mini Hitler cast in the mould of Kmlnitsky, inciting Ukrainians against Jews and calling for the overthrow of the government.  The Petlurists arrested an estimated 11,000 Jewish civilians and massacred them inside their prison cells.  They continued their killing spree, rioting in Jewish villages on the warpath to the Whites, as Kmlnitsky once did.  When the Red Army arrived, they overwhelmed and crushed both factions through numerical and technological superiority.
As with the incendiary passion plays, Goebbles and Reifenstahl emotionally provoked a reaction in the German audience forced to view propaganda films showing actors playing Jewish men raping blonde frauleins and shochets koshering beef.  Despite all of the Jew-hatred the imagery incited, the majority of Germans couldn’t bring themselves to murder innocent people.  Hitler knew who he could turn to.  The Ukrainian nationalists had memorialized Petlura and Kmlnitsky as heros whose legacies they celebrated annually with murder.  They were Hitler’s most enthusiastic collaborators, filling out the ranks of the SS.
The White Russians refused to pogrom for Hitler.  Lithuanians joined the occupying Nazi secret police in droves and had their Jewish neighbors arrested, never to be seen again, or they took to jumping random, unarmed Jews in the streets and beating them to death.  The Ukrainian Nazis had other methods.  They would go on “human hunts” for Polishers and Jews, a kind of real life Hunger Games that terrorized the townsfolk or their preferred method of just simply rounding up all of the Jews in town they could find and gunning them down before firing squads, as depicted in Jonathan Safran Foyer’s Everything is Illuminated.  The Ukrainian nationalists didn’t stop there.  They relocated to Poland for the opportunity–in their view–to work inside Nazi death camps as guards and executioners.  
The worst site of such a massacre was at Baba Yar in Ukraine.  The memorial that exists there today is there because of Russia.  After years of Marxian propaganda coming from the Soviets demonizing Jews as greedy capitalists, racist Zionist nationalists, superstitious religious reactionaries, spies for America with family overseas, “rootless cosmopolitans,” poisonous doctors, and enemies of the state, the Russian people grew to love Jewish culture, music, and the Yiddish theater, even when it was severely frowned on by the Communist Party.  They launched a grassroots effort to record Holocaust history at Baba Yar adamantly covered up by the Ukrainian government. 
As the great and heroic Mr. Zellensky tells it, the Ukrainian nationalists saved Russian Jews during the Holocaust and now an ungrateful Israel owes them.  That is a complete revision of history and inversion of reality.  Mr. Zellensky says a lot of things.  He claims that the monument at Baba Yar was bombed by the Russians.  Israeli journalist Rhon ben Yishai tells it different, reporting live from Ukraine on the ground.  He says it is still there.
Mr. Zellensky plays fast and loose with the truth.  The truth is that he is a Jewish neo-Nazi collaborator who owes his rise of power to the Azov Battalion.  The Azov Battalion are neo-Nazi terrorists from the seat of biblical Gog and Magog.  To hear Zellensky tell it, the war is a struggle between democracy and autocracy.  How do you think his government came to power, by popular demand?  Zellensky murdered his way to the top, using the Azov Battalion as a Ukrainian nationalist death squad ethnic cleansing Russian Ukrainians in the eastern and southern regions and eliminating the competition.  He absorbed the fascist element into the ranks of his national guard and gave them uniforms with Occultic neo-Nazi symbolism on their patches.  Mr. Zellensky, media darling of the West, is building his own Ukrainian neo-Nazi army.  Several of his top officials are out neo-Nazi followers of Adolph Hitler.  They don’t play that in Russia.  Putin is consistently tough on Russian skinheads.  The Russians celebrate their victory over the fascists in their annual holiday of the Great Patriotic War, as they call it.  We’ll see who is the war criminal when all of the facts are in.  
The possibility that Ukrainian nationalists are the Gog and Magog of the generation must be considered.  After all, the Diaspora Jews’ return to Zion was foretold and fulfilled.  Ukraine is due north of Israel, across the sea, horsemen, as it is written, and, according to Flavius, the remnant of biblical Gog.  The forecasts of Joseph, Jeremiah, and Isiah came true.  Ezekiel is recognized as a prophet.  Maybe he’s right?  Mr. Zellensky is not attacking Israel militarily, he is attacking Israel politically.  After his comments blaming his troubles on the Israelis not taking his side against Russia, Zellensky threatened Israel with revenge.  Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) agreed with him.  Mr. Zellesky is building his own international Fourth Reich through his foreign legion.  There is much talk of WWIII these days and the potential for nuclear war.  In Jewish dogma, the world ends in fire

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