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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Biden’s Speech Shamefully Conflates the Israel-Hamas War to the Russia-Ukraine War

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By: Rich Berdan

Biden’s Speech on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars began by telling the world he was the first American president to travel to Israel during a war. How is this remotely relevant to the multi-regional conflicts under his watch other than preparing personal achievements to be showcased during the run-up to the 2024 campaign. One time was not enough to tout risking his life to enter a war zone. Later in his remarks, Biden made sure everyone knew he was cloaked and hunkered down in train with blacked-out windows for a 10-hour ride to Kyiv. Again, we are told that he is the first president to enter a war zone not controlled by the United States since President Lincoln. This is riveting bravery!

Certainly, Biden should be briefly acknowledged for his firm and unwavering support for Israel’s obligated right to eradicate the Hamas terrorists responsible for the brutal torture and extermination of innocent Jewish citizens. He has sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to the region to place Iran proxies on pause. Well done Mr. President but what is really going on behind the scenes with Israel?

Biden’s speech unraveled when he conflated America’s support for Israel to that of what is becoming a sideshow in far regions of Ukraine. This is not to say Russia is completely innocent in a war that one can argue NATO-creep on the borders of Russia has contributed to the tribal territories once again changing hands over the centuries.

Biden emphatically states that Hamas and Putin seek to annihilate neighboring democracy. The President is quick to peddle the democracy narrative to the American public. Hamas could care less if Israel is a democracy. The Hamas charter has the priority to kill or remove Jews and Christian supporters of Israel found under every rock and those living in a peaceful Kibbutz on 10/7.

As for Ukraine, Russia’s invasion will not have any impact on Ukraine’s democracy because it is far from being a democracy. Zelensky has suspended the main opposition party and banned parties that opposes the government’s approach to the conflict. Elections have now been suspended. Media outlets and churches are being shutdown. In contrast to what Western leaders pontificate, Zelensky is far from being the standard bearer of democracy.

Biden attempted to sway public opinion by stating that if Putin is not defeated, he will roll into Poland and the Baltic countries. There is no indication that Putin will attack the NATO alliance much less have the logistical capacity to feed his troops beyond 100 miles from their border. Later in the speech, Biden all but confirmed Russia’s limitations when he stated Putin thought he could take Kyiv in a matter of days and failed. Putin is prepared to talk but Biden is too far invested to allow Zelensky this off ramp.

Biden is correct that the state of Israel is a matter of American national security. Israel is the single true democracy in the Middle East and a leading technological and military force surrounded by a host of American foes centered at the geographical apex of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

On the other hand, the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine is of little to no national interest to America where this parcel of land has been in continual turmoil over the ages. Biden’s interest if truth be told, is to see Putin removed from power with little concern over the millions of displaced and dead Ukrainians at the cost of the American taxpayer seeing their national debt spiral out of control.

Biden finally calls out Iran for supporting Hamas and Russia; and says “we’ll continue to hold Iran accountable”. Does continue mean allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, continue to send billions of American dollars for hostages, permit Iran to skirt sanctions and sell billions of dollars of oil to China, and turn a blind eye to drones and missile launchers being shipped to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Russia. Does this sound like accountability?

Biden’s foreign policy in dealing with Iran is reminiscent of American hostages being held by Iran during the Carter Administration because they knew Carter was weak, but they so feared President Ronald Reagan’s red-blooded American resolve that they acquiesced the second he was sworn into office. Unlike President Donald Trump who had Iran’s economy on the brink with severe sanctions along with cutting off aid to Hamas, the Biden Administration has singled weakness in reversing Trump’s actions that resulted in emboldening Iran to take advantage of the capitulation.

Biden continued in his speech to Americans that the US has been working to build a better future for the Middle East through innovative projects resulting in “less rage, less grievances, less war”. How has that worked out? Cities across the Middle East are in a furious rage as they burn American flags while missiles are target American military bases in the region. The hellish tinder box was ignited across the region following Biden’s tragic debacle when he withdrew from Afghanistan early in his term. The rage we are currently witnessing is in direct contrast to Trump’s success in bringing four Arab countries into peace agreements under the Abraham Accords.

Then came Biden’s punchline across the political divide in America. He is sending to Congress an urgent budget request to fund both Ukraine and Israel that is “going to pay dividends for generations to come”. Biden has just leveraged Israel’s 9/11-like terrorist attack and their need of military weapons to Ukraine receiving billions more to prolong the inevitable Russian victory in retaining Crimea and the Donbas region.

What will Republican lawmakers do? Their hearts are with Israel in defeating this horrific terrorist proxy of Iran. This bill to be voted on will reluctantly see billions of dollars sent to the Zelensky government. Republicans face a double-edged conundrum where Biden’s dividend in an unbalanced portfolio is heavily weighted to Ukraine. Biden’s shameful scheme is an afront to the Jewish people.

Following Biden’s $100 million pledge to the Palestinians suffering under Hamas, the terrorists released two American hostages in return for what can be considered ransom that will undoubtedly be confiscated by Hamas. When asked by the press if Israel will postpone the ground campaign into Gaza to remove Hamas until more hostages are released, Biden answered, “Yes”.

What message does this send to Israel? Will the IDF wait until American hostages are separated from the Jews being held captive -some to the right and some to the left and certain death? Hamas has now sensed the politicalization of Biden’s speech and his willingness to showcase American hostages released for political gain at home in the lead up to 2024. We need to see Jewish hostages released concurrently.

Biden stated, “America’s leadership is what holds the world together”. Perhaps the president is right if only we had a leader.

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