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Bill Gates urges: ‘Tone down the rhetoric’ on China threat

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Bill Gates long has had an affinity for China and its communist rule.

Forbes only days ago revealed the Microsoft co-founder said “China’s rise” in recent years is a “huge win for the world.”

He said, at a conference, “If you ask U.S. politicians: ‘Hey, would you like the Chinese economy to shrink by 20% or grow by 20%?’ I’m afraid they would vote that ‘Yeah, let’s immiserate those people,’ not understanding that for the global economy, the invention of cancer drugs (and) the solution of climate change, we’re all in this together. We’re humans. We innovate together, and we have to change the modern industrial economy together in a pretty dramatic fashion.”

Now, Slay News reports, he’s telling America to not fret the Chinese “threat.”

In fact, he wants Americans to “tone down” their rhetoric.

He said in an interview with a German business organization there’s a need to address artificial intelligence, climate change, global threats and more.

He said the two sides should not be in conflict.

“The goals people in China and the goals the people in Europe have and the goals the people in the U.S. have, I don’t see them conflicting,” he said. “I’m for toning down the rhetoric but it’s not headed in that direction.”

He said the world needs more who have a willingness “to see a shared future” because of the issues facing the world.

And he’d like to see the Chinese Communist Party playing a larger role in “global governance,” the report said.

Gates, who with his former wife Melinda set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has a budget this year of more than $8 billion, said on that organization’s website that China is “an important strategic partner” and for a long time has been in “collaboration” with his foundation.

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It was just days ago that a report in The Nation said America’s reaction over spy balloons from China that have been shot down while crossing U.S. airspace has been “hysterical.”

And that reaction has been “just the latest indication of rising tensions between the U.S. and China.”

The publication praised Joe Biden for talking, in his State of the Union this year, about “competition,” and no “conflict.”

That report charged, “No matter how likely one thinks a war between the U.S. and China may be, the overriding goal of U.S. policy should be to prevent it from happening.”


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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

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